PORTUGAL TOP 50: MAP OF POWER ON THE NET Influential Politicians in Twitter March 2015 BARCELONA | BOGOTÁ | BUENOS AIRES | LIMA | LISBOA | MADRID | MÉXICO | PANAMÁ | QUITO | RÍO DE JANEIRO | SÃO PAULO | SANTIAGO DE CHILE | SANTO DOMINGO Elaborado por TOP 50 DUARTE MARQUES MAP 45 LÍDIA BULCÃO DIOGO FEIO RUI 28 49 OF POWER MOREIRA JORGE SEGURO FILIPE SANTOS MARISA MATIAS SANCHES 29 HENRIQUES 47 LUÍS VALES PEDRO 11 27 PASSOS COELHO 12 ON THE NET PAULO PEDROSO ANTÓNIO FILIPE 13 MÁRIO RUIVO 30 7 CATARINA MARTINS Influential Politicians 44 CARLOS 10 COELHO in Twitter 14 ANTÓNIO JOSÉ SEGURO JOANA PORTUGAL - March 2015 33 AMARAL DIAS MICHAEL RUI TAVARES 8 SEUFERT TOP 50 RANKING Map of Power on the DANIEL 25 MIGUEL TIAGO OLIVEIRA 3 Net - Influential Politicians in Twitter is 16 1 the result of the research work by IMAGO - LLORENTE & CUENCA to PEDRO MOTA identify, measure, and compare the SOARES 32 9 EDITE ESTRELA level of influence held by the main Por- tuguese politicians in the digital arena. ANÍBAL 15 MARIA GRAÇA CARVALHO CAVACO SILVA 26 The research conducted took as its MAP OF starting point the premise that Twitter - INFLUENCE INFLUENCE + INFLUENCE + INFLUENCE INFLUENCE - INFLUENCE is the maximum example of online in- fluence - an open space where informa- 0 25 50 75 POWER 75 50 25 0 tion is public, in which relationships are JOSÉ GUSMÃO 34 50 established and ideas spread more PEDRO SANTANA LOPES concisely and quickly than on any other 42 ADOLFO social network. MESQUITA NUNES NUNO MELO 48 24 GARCIA PEREIRA Is there any link between online pres- ANTÓNIO 31 ANA 6 ence and influence outside the Inter- PRÔA GOMES net? Should personal online assets be 41 RUI RIO explored by politicians as mechanisms JOSÉ 17 to approach their voters? These and JUNQUEIRO 4 23 LUIS MENEZES other questions are discussed in this 2 CARLOS study. 35 ZORRINHO JOSÉ LELLO 18 IMAGO – LLORENTE & CUENCA is JOÃO CARLOS GALAMBA TERESA grateful for the contribution from pro- ABREU AMORIM 43 ANJINHO fessors Rita Figueiras and Eduardo Cin- tra Torres, of the Universidade Católica 36 19 5 Portuguesa, who helped us to reflect JOSÉ RIBEIRO MARIANA on this phenomenon, its causes, and its MORTÁGUA 40 BRUNO MAÇÃES E CASTRO 22 consequences. DURÃO BARROSO CARLOS MOEDAS FOLLOWERS 21 20 39 INFLUENCE INDEX* 37 LUÍS VITAL MOREIRA JOSÉ ASSUNÇÃO 0 A 5.000 PAULO ALVES MAGALHÃES 38 CRISTAS 5.001 A 10.000 INÊS TEOTÓNIO + INFLUENCE PEREIRA INFLUENCE 46 PEDRO 10.001 A 20.000 - INFLUENCE DELGADO ALVES * The Influence Index is calculated on the basis of five dif- MAIS DE 20.001 ferent indicators: Number of Followers, Number of Retweets, Automatic Influence, Number of Mentions, and Number of Inlinks from other online assets. (see Method- ology on page 8) Elaborado por TOP 50 MAP OF POWER ON THE NET PSD 23% Influential Politicians CDS-PP 18% in Twitter PS PORTUGAL - March 2015 39% BE 12% PCP 8% RANKING: 25 MOST INFLUENTIAL POLITICIANS INFLUENCE RANKING NAME POSITION ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS INDEX 1 Rui Tavares Founder of the LIVRE party @ruitavares 14.832 73,2 2 João Galamba PS MP @Joaogalamba 15.826 72,8 3 Michael Seufert CDP-PP MP @seufert 5.328 65,2 4 Carlos Zorrinho PS MEP @czorrinho 16.824 62 CONCLUSIONS 5 Durão Barroso Former Chairman of the EC @JMDBarroso 137.114 59,4 Politicians like Rui Tavares (#1), Joana Amaral Dias 6 Ana Gomes PS MEP @AnaGomesMEP 6.405 52,6 (#9), Daniel Oliveira (#15) and Garcia Pereira 7 Paulo Pedroso Former PS MP @paulopedroso 20.980 52,6 (#24), who are not currently active in the Assembly 8 Edite Estrela PS MEP @editeestrela 17.161 47,2 of the Republic, choose digital platforms to convey 9 Joana Amaral Dias No aliation @joanamaraldias 2.049 47,2 their views and ideologies; 10 Catarina Martins MP and spokeswoman for BE @catarina_mart 7.606 46,4 Even after leaving, temporarily or permanently, their 11 Marisa Matias BE MEP @mmatias_ 2.045 45 positions in their parties, a number of politicians 12 Filipe S. Henriques Member of the LIVRE party @fhenriques 2.876 44,8 continue to use the digital arena to convey their 13 P. Passos Coelho First Minister @passoscoelho 14.064 43,6 views and ideas, such as Durão Barroso (#5) and 14 Carlos Coelho PSD MEP @CarlosCoelhoPE 4.634 43 Paulo Pedroso (#7); 15 Daniel Oliveira Former BE MEP @danielolivalx 10.103 41,4 16 A. Cavaco Silva President of the Republic @prcavacosilva 6.750 41,4 Perhaps due to the "regionalisation" that is inherent 17 José Junqueiro PS MP @josejunqueiro 4.362 38 to their political positions, the chairpersons of 18 Carlos A. Amorim PSD MP @cabreuamorim 4.315 37 municipal chambers do not yet tend to opt for online assets as a way to approach their voters; 19 Mariana Mortágua BE MP @MRMortagua 834 37 20 Vital Moreira PS MEP @vitalmoreira09 1.198 36,8 The top 25 ranking positions are held by 9 21 José Magalhães PS MP @zmaglh 5.326 36,4 Portuguese politicians that hold or used to hold a 22 Carlos Moedas European Union Commissioner @Moedas 3.790 36,4 position in Europe. Entry in the European political 23 Luis Menezes Former PSD MP @luismenezes1980 4.614 35,8 arena seems to simulate the activation of 24 Garcia Pereira Founder of MRPP @Garcia_Pereira 3.779 35,4 politicians' online presence. 25 Miguel Tiago PCP MP @migueltiago 2.617 34,4 Elaborado por TOP 50 MAP OF POWER THE MOST INFLUENTIAL POLITICIANS GOVERNMENT PSD INFLUENCE INFLUENCE ON THE NET RANKING NAME ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS INDEX RANKING NAME ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS INDEX 13 P. Passos Coelho @passoscoelho 14.064 43,6 13 P. Passos Coelho @passoscoelho 14.064 43,6 32 P. Mota Soares @pedromotasoares 4.654 30,2 14 Carlos Coelho @CarlosCoelhoPE 4.634 43 Influential Politicians 39 Assunção Cristas @ACristas 3.123 27,4 18 Carlos A. Amorim @cabreuamorim 4.315 37 40 Bruno Maçães @macaesbruno 1.106 27,2 26 M.ª Graça Carvalho @mgracacarvalho 972 33,6 in Twitter 42 A. Mesquita Nunes @Adolfo_MN 1.567 26 31 António Prôa @antonioproa 1.704 30,6 54 J. Aguiar Branco @aguiarbranco 1.013 18,2 40 Bruno Maçães @macaesbruno 1.106 27,2 57 Emídio Guerreiro @EmidioG 1.053 17,8 45 Duarte Marques @DuarteMarques 3.132 23 PORTUGAL - March 2015 69 J. Moreira da Silva @jmoreiradasilva 124 12,4 49 Lídia Bulcão @lidiabulcao 776 20,4 72 A. Pires de Lima NPC* 0 12 54 J. Aguiar Branco @aguiarbranco 1.013 18,2 74 Paulo Portas NPC* 0 12 55 Paulo Mota Pinto @paulomotapinto 1.360 18,2 *NPC: Não possui conta de Twitter PS CDS-PP INFLUENCE INFLUENCE RANKING NAME ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS INDEX RANKING NAME ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS INDEX 2 João Galamba @Joaogalamba 15.826 72,8 3 Michael Seufert @seufert 5.328 65,2 4 Carlos Zorrinho @czorrinho 16.824 62 28 Diogo Feio @diogo_feio 2.772 31,8 6 Ana Gomes @AnaGomesMEP 6.405 52,6 32 P. Mota Soares @pedromotasoares 4.654 30,2 8 Edite Estrela @editeestrela 17.161 47,2 36 J. Ribeiro e Castro @ribeiroecastro 3.380 29,2 17 José junqueiro @josejunqueiro 4.362 38 38 Inês Teotónio Pereira @inestp 143 28,4 20 Vital Moreira @vitalmoreira09 1.198 36,8 39 Assunção Cristas @ACristas 3.123 27,4 21 José Magalhães @zmaglh 5.326 36,4 42 A. Mesquita Nunes @Adolfo_MN 1.567 26 27 Jorge Seguro Sanches @JorgeSeguro 5.759 33 43 Teresa Anjinho @anjinho74 113 23,8 35 José Lello @joselello 3.965 29,4 48 Nuno Melo @NunoMeloCDS 221 20,6 CONCLUSIONS 37 Luis Paulo Alves @luispalves 463 28,6 59 Helder Amaral @helderamaralcds 737 16,8 Of the leaders of the main Portuguese parties, only Catarina Martins (#10) and Passos Coelho (#13) appear in this ranking; BE PCP The main members of the ruling party do not make INFLUENCE INFLUENCE use of Twitter to communicate with their voters. RANKING NAME ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS INDEX RANKING NAME ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS INDEX Only Bruno Maçães (#40) and Adolfo Mesquita Nunes (#42) are active on Twitter on a regular basis; 10 Catarina Martins @catarina_mart 7.606 45 25 Miguel Tiago @migueltiago 2.617 34,4 11 Marisa Matias @mmatias_ 2.045 45 30 António Filipe @AntonioFilipe 9.676 31 Most influential politicians concentrate in the oppo- 19 Mariana Mortágua @MRMortagua 834 37 76 João Oliveira @joao_g_oliveira 452 10 sition parties; 50 José Gusmão @joseggusmao 1.745 20 85 Jerónimo de Sousa NPC* 0 8 Even though it has the same number of influential 53 Pedro Filipe Soares @PedroFgSoares 863 18,4 *NPC: Não possui conta de Twitter politicians in the TOP50 (14), PS has a much higher 66 Helena Pinto @HelenaPinto 1.241 14 quality/quantity ratio than that of PSD. THE "REPRESENTATION CRISIS" INCLUDES A LACK OF INTEREST IN SOCIAL MEDIA Eduardo Cintra Torres Assistant Professor - Universidade Católica Portuguesa Most politicians seem not to have understood or by Manuel Castells), how can politicians justify that they assumed yet that, in a democracy, politics is communica- do not communicate with citizens who can be reached tion, and thus communication must take place among in seconds via Twitter or Facebook? citizens. Twitter is one of the new meeting points for the There are certainly limits to mass self-communication on Portuguese, exceeding and often replacing other forms the part of the elected powers, in order to prevent a of physical association or meeting. populist conception. There is a prevalence of "secrecy" The study shows that political parties rely on other (its positive side is the internal political process of insti- forms of communication, or not even that.
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