City, State Rule Grotty Cafeteria Owes Back Fees Action taken by the City Coun­ cil of Williamsburg at a meeting last Thursday compelled Crotty VOL. XXXVIII No. & COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA Brothers to pay a total of $2,375.67 MAY 24, 1949 in back license fees. The operators or tne college cafeteria have refused to pay a business license fee to the City of Sam Donahue's Band Will Play For Finals Williamsburg on the grounds that they were serving a state institu­ Sam Donahue and his youthful aggregation will invade the tion. The City Council ruled, how­ William and Mary campus June 10 and 11 for final dances, it has ever, that Crotty Brothers is not been disclosed. a state employee but a private cor­ poration and was upheld in its de­ Tickets, which cost seven dollars per couple for the dances and cision by legal opinions. The fee a concert on Saturday afternoon at 4, are on sale this week. They are for 1948 amounts to $645.09 and being handled, as has been done previously, by dorm representatives, that for 1949 to $1,730.58. sorority and fraternity presidents. Sandwiches and punch will be Following the action of the City served free at the dance. Council, state authorities also lev­ To band leader Sam Donahue ied business license fees on the Choir Album To Go goes the honor of playing the long­ cafeteria. Although the state fig­ est engagement at the Paramount ures are not available, the total On Sale This Week Theatre in New York of any new for both state and city licenses for orchestra at the theatre last year. two years amounts to over $4,000. A four-record album, made by Donahue's show went five weeks The City Council decision is es­ the William and Mary Choir and and closed only because of picture pecially pertinent at this time for recorded by Nelson Cornell Cus­ committments. It was the first the state Milk Commission is cur­ tom Records, will go on sale this time in 1948 that a new band had rently debating the question of the week, it was announced by Carl succeeded in lasting more than cafeteria's status in connection with A. Fehr, director of the choir. four weeks, and the first time in the price of cafeteria milk. Form­ The album, which costs five two months that any band at the erly, the Pleasant Walk Dairy dollars (plus 35 cents if mailed), Paramount stayed five. may be obtained by contacting charged five and one half cents for The concensus of opinion along a half pint of milk. This is the either Fehr or any member or the Broadway is that sax-player Sam price which can legally be charged the choir. The eight numbers in- IDonahue has the next big band in to state institutions. When Oak­ either Fehr or any member of the America. Local fans will get a land Dairy began to supply the lows: Alma Mater, William and chance to judge for themselves cafeteria, it maintained that Crot­ Mary Hymn, Sicut Cervus, I Won­ when Donahue. leads his crew at ty Brothers was a private corpora­ der As I Wander, A Mighty Fort­ William and Mary on June" 10 and tion and petitioned the Commis­ ress, Dry Bones, Old Man River 11. sion for an increase in price of one and Madame Jeanette. The album and a half cents. This increase was has a cover with pictures of the granted, and both Pleasant Walk campus and the choir. and Oakland have since been re­ The William and Mary Choir has College Endowments ceiving seven cents for a half pint. been featured in concerte this The decision of the Commission year in Washington, Martinsville, has been disputed by the cafeteria Staunton and Norfolk. "The choir Exceed Two Mill ions and is currently being reconsider­ has been highly praised at all of With the receipt of grants total­ ed. The action taken by both the these places, especially in Wash­ ing $9,000 from the General Edu­ city and the state in regard to ington," stated Fehr. cation Board of New York and the business licenses probably will ex­ All students interested in ob­ Richmond Area University Center, ert some influence on the decision taining albums are requested to the amount of contributions and of the Milk Commission. Sam Donahue j obtain them as soon as possible as bequests during the current ses­ there was a limited amount of al­ sion has passed the $200,000 mark. Dean Lambert Announces bums pressed. The endowment funds of the col­ lege for the first time in its history Orientation Activities Wil| Include Expected Fall Enrollments are now in excess of two million Announcing the new enrollment ROTC Unit Will Undergo dollars. of freshmen for next fall, J. Wil­ Annual Federal Inspection Tours, Open House, Ra'lly,Darice fred Lambert, dean of students, The grants noted above are for stated that over 200 women and William and Mary's ROTC unit the continued support of the For the first time since pre-war man, Leonard Silverman, Roy more than 200 men have already will have its annual federal in­ Hampton Roads Area Studies, un­ days, an orientation program, Slezak, John Stevens, Hi Ward- been accepted. The total number spection, conducted by four of­ der the direction of Dr. C. F. which will be held September 19- well, B=:.l Watson and Bill Wilber. of new students entering the col­ ficers representing the Department Marsh, professor of economics; the Institute of the Theatre under the 25, on a large scale for both men The entire orientation program lege in September, including of the' Army, tomorrow, Colonel 7 and women will be conducted. will be directed jointly toy Dr. freshmen and transfers, will be Giles R. Carpenter, professor of direction of Miss Althea Hunt, as- sociate professor of fine arts; and Along with regular features of Katharine R. Jeffers, dean of wo­ about 275 women and between 300 military science and tactics, has men, and John E. Hocutt, dean of and 350 men. announced. for the faculty researches, of Dr. freshman week, there will foe a Carl Bridebaugh, director of the Saturday night mixer dance and men. The officers will compare the - Institute of Early American His­ possibly a picnic. Barrett, Jeffer­ Sorority rushing will be held state of training and efficiency in tory and Culture in Williamsburg; son and Chandler will hold open NOTICE! next semester from November the local artillery unit with that Dr. Charles L. Quit'tmeyer, asso­ houses, and a football rally will 27 through December 4, Yvonne of other colleges in the country ciate professor of business admin­ be included among the social ac­ Flat Hat business office will be Hickey, president of the Pan having units 'of the same type. istration, and Thomas Thorne, as­ tivities of the week. open Friday 1-3 p. m., to receive Hellenic Council, „ announced Last year's inspection, the first sociate professor of fine arts. A general orientation meeting any due payments for advertising today. for William and Mary, resulted in will open the list of events, at or subscriptions. an "excellent" rating. which time members of the ad­ ministration will be introduced. Senior Week End Program Group tours of the campus will be Friday, June 10—Class Day conducted, and student leaders will 1 p. m.—Senior Luncheon and be introduced at another meeting. Vice-Admiral Hall Will Del iver Address Class Exercises, Williamsburg Most of the various campus activi­ Lodge. ; ties will foe explained by upper- Saturday, June 11—Alumni Day classmen who are active partici­ 8:30 a. m. — Registration of pants in them. The Honor Council At Commencement Exercises On June 12 Alumni, The Brafferton. 10:30 a. m.^-Meeting of Alpha will familiarize the incoming stu­ By Shirley Spain ing for the projected invasion of dents with the Honor System. of Virginia, Phi Beta Kappa, Vice-Admiral John Lesslie Hall, Japan. On September 2, 1945, the Apollo Room. The men who will participate in Jr., will deliver the commence­ surrender day, he landed elements 1 p: m.—-Class Reunion lunch­ the orientation program are Lou ment address-Sunday, June 12, at of the Eleventh Army Corps at eons. Bailey, Richard Canham, Ralph 5:30 p. m. in front of the Wren Yokahama. 4-4:45 p. m.—Concert, College Chinn, Chet Giermak, Hugh Hay- Building. yard. nie, Bob Holley, Sam Lindsay, Bill Commanded Amphibious Forces At this time he will be honored 6 p. m.—President's reception to Low, Dick' Mattox, Bob Rawlings, with* the first Doctor of Laws de­ He then became commander of Dick Scofield, Ed Ward, Don Ash- Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet, guests of the members of the gree conferred by the college this graduating class, Phi Beta by, Ed Brown, Bud Bridges, Hugh year. and served in that capacity until DeSarhper, Pete Dewirt, Randy June, 1946, when he was appointed Kappa Hall. A native of Williamsburg and Sunday, June 12—Commencement Elliott, Don Fields, Al Fitzgerald, graduate of both William and commandant of the Fourteenth Bennett Freeman, Bud Grady, Bill Naval District, Pearl Harbor, and Day Mary and th'e United States Naval 10:45 a. m.—Baccalaureate Ex­ Harper, Dave Klinger, George Academy, Admiral Hall establish­ of the Hawaiian Sea Frontier. Lyon, Mark McCormack, Unkie Recently Admiral Hall has been ercises, front of Wren Build­ ed a brilliant record during the ing. McKean, Chris Moe, J. P. Morgan, past war. He saw action in both named commandant of the^Armed Bob Myers, Bill Nixon, Bernie the European and Pacific Theaters Forces Staff College in Norfolk.
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