fHE AND OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY MARCH. 1950 IIKA -INITIATES! NOW YOU CAN WEAR A III{ A BADGE ORDER IT TODAY FROM THIS OFFICIAL PRICE LIST- SisLer P in ~lin ia- o r PLA l i\' 1u rc No. 0 No. I N o.2 No. 3 Bevel llorder 3.50 5.25 6.25 6.75 9.00 N ugget. Chased or E ngraved Bo rder 4.00 5.75 6.75 7.25 10.50 FULL CROWN SET J EW ELS No. 0 No. I No.2 No. 2'h No.3 Pearl Border ...... ~ 13.00 15.00 . 17.50 21.00 24.00 Pearl Uo rder, Ruby or apphire Poin ts .......... ~-------~------~--~--~- 14.00 16.25 19.00 23.00 26.00 Pearl Border, Emerald Points .... 16.00 18.00 2 1.50 26.00 30.00 Pearl Border, D ia mo nd Po ints ... 36.00 4 1. 00 5 1.50 63.00 80.00 Pearl and Sapp hire Alternating ------~~- ~~ ........... 15.00 17.50 20.75 25 .00 28.00 Pearl and Ruby Alternating --~--- 15.00 17.50 20.75 25.00 28.00 Pearl and Emerald Alternating .. 19. 00 21. 00 25.50 31. 00 36.00 Pearl and Diamond Alternating -~ .......... ~ ......... -~~ _ 59.00 67.00 85.50 I 05.00 136.00 Diamo nd and Ruby or Sap p h ire Alternating ~ ...... ~-~-~ .................. 61. 00 69.50 88.75 109.00 140.00 Diamo nd and E merald Alternating ..... _ .......... -~~~~~----- 65.00 73.00 93.50 115.00 148.00 Ruby or Sap p hire B o rd e r -~~-~----- 17.00 19.75 24.00 29.00 32.00 Ruby or Sa pphire Bo rder, D iamond Po ints -------·-- ~-~~~----~ 39.00 44.75 56.50 69.00 86.00 Diamond Bo rder ...... --------~~------- 1 05.00 119.00 153.50 189.00 248.00 Opal Settings-Add 1. 00 to p rices quoted fo r pearl settings, for alter- nating or opal points, and 2.00 for all opal border. White Cold Badges . 2.00 additional on plain bad ges { 3.00 additional on jeweled badges Platinum Settings 20.00 additional Pledge Butto n , S m a ll -------~-------.. --~ ........... -------------------- .50 ew Large Pl ed ge Bullon. ___________________________________________ _ .50 Pledge Pin, E ither Small or L a r ge ~ .......................~ ............................. .75 R ECOGN IT I ON B T TONS Gold P i, I OK --~ ---~-----· -----------~-- .. ---~ - ~--....... ~-- ...... ~ ........... ~--~-~~-- ........... ~.. · 75 Pl ain Coat o f Arms. Gold P lated ......... ~ ...... ~----~--- .. ~--....................... 1.00 Enameled Coat o f Arms, Gold Pl a t ed ---~ .............. ~ ........................ - - 1.25 Monogram, Gold Filled ........................ ~- ..· ----~---------.. -------· 1.25 Official Ring-R u by Encrusted with II K A Letters ................. - ... 34.50 Official Ring-Solid T op Mou nted w ith II K A L e tte r s ~ ................. 28.00 Si ngle Dou ble Letter Leu er Pl ain . 2.25 s 3.50 Crown Se t Pea rl .... -~ ...... ............ 6.50 I 1.50 W HIT E C OLD C AR DS , ADDIT IONAL Pl ain .. ,.~.. .. ................ ~ .......... ~ ......................... I .00 J eweled .... --~ .... ~.. 2.00 COAT OF AR IS GUARDS Miniatme, Yell ow Cold .... .. .. _ ......... 2.75 The regula tions of yo ur Fr at e rn ity require t ha t no piece of jewelry be delivered carf ize, Yellow C o l d --~- ......... ~ ............ ~ ..... 3.25 by the Officia l J ewele rs without first receiving a n Official O rder signed by your Cha pter Secretary. Th is a p p li es not o nl y to Badges, b ut to Ple dge Chains for au achmen t of guards to badge> Buttons, Re cognition Pins, a nd any jewe lry mo unted with the Pi Kappa Alpha (not illustrated) included in the prices. coat of a rms. In order to se cure prompt d Piiveri es, be sure a nd obtain your Official Orde r a t t he t ime your order is placed . 20% Federal Excise T ax must be added 'to all prices quoted plus State sales or use taxes whereve1· they are in effect. Send Today for Your Free Copy of "The Gift Parade" . Send Your Orders To Your Official Jewelers BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. Roosevelt Park, Detroit 16, Michigan 1870 AMERICA'S OLDEST FRATERNITY JEWELERS 1950 Cl ' CJ • 1ATI LTE OF 1950 N TIO 1AL CO 'VENTIO + THE etherlan cl PI a z a H otel, Cincinnati, Ohio, will be head­ quarters for the 2nd Annual Conven­ rn~ AND tio n, August 29- eptember I , I 950. T h e ~HI~tn DIAM~Nn Cincinna ti alumni, the ch apter a t the OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY University of Cincinnati, and at i\Iiami Founded at the University of Virginia, March I , 1868, by Julian Edward niversity in Oxford, Ohio, will erve Wood, Littleton Wall er T azewell, James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Southgate Taylor, Robert on Howard, and Wi li am Alexander. a hosts. Advance planning indicate ROBERT D. LYNN, EDITOR o ne of the best conventio n ever h eld . Office of Publication, 114 East Second Street, Little Rock, Ark. General Chairman D ouglas H oge Changes of address and subscriptions should be sent to Robert D. Lynn, a nd hi commiLLee are aCL ively at work Executive Secretary, 1294 Union Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Both old and ma king preparatio ns for yo ur attend­ new addresses should be given. Life subscription 10 for those initiated ance. Mark your calendar now, and before Sept. I , 1927. Per yea r, $2. Alumni rate, per yea r, I. spend a delightful vacatio n at the ' a­ Articles and photographs for TH E SH IELD A 'D D I A~ I O N D are cordially invited ·and should be addressed tO THE SHIELD AND DIAM OND, 1294 Union Ave., tio na! Conventio n . Memphis 4, Tennessee. The Leader hip Training chool for Cha pter Officer wi ll be held o n the Volwne LIX, No. 3 MARCH, 1950 ca mpus of M iami University at O xford, Ohio. Dr. W alter A. Zaugg, a m ember THE SH IELD AND DI AMOND is published four times a year at 11 4 East Second St., Little Rock, of the facul ty at Bowli ng Green Uni­ Ark., in September, December, March and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered as second class matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., under Act of versity, Bowling Green, Ohio, will March 3, 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section serve as director. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 1918. --f!K A - - "Pi Ka ppa Alpha's growth and suc­ cess undoubtedly came largely from the CONTENTS manner of men who la id well her foun­ + Features dati o ns. T hey not only enunciated the great principles which ha ve been the ITKA R ose Bowl.____________ _____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 lifeblood of the fraternity, but et a splendid example for the tho usa nd who All-ITKA Football T eam ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 4 have a ttempted to fo ll ow in their foot­ C incinnati 1950 National Convention Site _______________ ---------------- ---------------- 6 step . They lived, they loved , they San ngelo H o nors B. 0. Wood ______ ______ ____ ----------------------------------------- _____________ 9 served, and they died Pi Kappa Alphas in the cherished sense of the m y tic Fesler B u i Id 1\if en ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l 0 words." - Freeman I-1. I-I art, at ion a! Waldorf- Mr. Football Out W est..___________________________________________________________________ 14 Histori an, HJ<A Fraternity H o nors Gold en Members ________________________________ ________ )6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 --- fl i; A -- Yeager Elected .I.C. Treasurer _______________________________________ ______ ---------------- 34 ASS OCI TED PRES CAR RIES CORRECT ION + Departments + AN Associated Pre s dis­ patch o ut of \1\fashington Thanksgiving Precio us Packages----------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------ 25 week-e nd r e p or t e cl tha t "Alexander Goodman, a m ember of Pi Ka ppa Al­ Chapter E tern a 1----------------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------- 2 3, 3 1 pha," spo nsored a resolution calling for Penna nen tl y Pin ned ------------------·-----------------------------------------------------·------------------ 25, 44 the elimination of all member hip re­ 1 ew Initiates----------------------- ---·-------------·------------------------------------------------------------ ·15 strictio ns b y fraternities belo nging to the 'ational Interfraternity Conference. Director Y-------------------------------------------------------------·--------------·-----------------·------------- 46 ' "'e regret that this eli patch was ca r­ ried througho ut the country co nta ining this error. Cover A t o ur request, A ociated Pre s sen t a fo ll ow-u p dispatch calling attention to • COACH LYN N 0. WAL­ + D ELTA-M uC h a pt e r at the fact that 1\"lr. Alexander Goodman DORF pha-Chi) and Coach W esley Mississ ippi outhern College, H atties­ i execu tive secretary of Ph i Alpha Fra­ Fe ley (A lpha-Rho) fa ce each other in burg, Mis issipp i, was chartered D ecem­ ternity which has its ational Office a t Baltimo re, far yland. The correcti o n friendly comba t in the 1950 R ose Bowl ber 10, 1950. Local fraternitie at i .Yay ne U ni versity, Detro it, Michiga n ; further stated that the resolu tio n did classic football game. Indiana University, Bloomingto n , l nd.; not necessa ri ly re present the polici es of --DK A -- and Drake Un iversity, D es Moines, l a., the Pi Ka ppa Alpha Fraternity. nfor­ received charters as D el ta-N u, D elta­ tunately, m an y of the pa pers that car­ Memorial Certifica tes are being sent to Xi, and Delta-Omicro n o n Fe bruary ri ed the original eli patch did not carry the next-of-kin of o ur Pi I appa Alpha 4, 11 , and 25, resp ectivel y.
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