THE q-DIFFERENCE NOETHER PROBLEM FOR COMPLEX REFLECTION GROUPS AND QUANTUM OGZ ALGEBRAS JONAS T. HARTWIG Abstract. For any complex reflection group G = G(m,p,n), we prove that the G- invariants of the division ring of fractions of the n:th tensor power of the quantum plane is a quantum Weyl field and give explicit parameters for this quantum Weyl field. This shows that the q-Difference Noether Problem has a positive solution for such groups, generalizing previous work by Futorny and the author [10]. Moreover, the new result is simultaneously a q-deformation of the classical commutative case, and of the Weyl algebra case recently obtained by Eshmatov et al. [8]. Secondly, we introduce a new family of algebras called quantum OGZ algebras. They are natural quantizations of the OGZ algebras introduced by Mazorchuk [18] originating in the classical Gelfand-Tsetlin formulas. Special cases of quantum OGZ algebras include the quantized enveloping algebra of gln and quantized Heisenberg algebras. We show that any quantum OGZ algebra can be naturally realized as a Galois ring in the sense of Futorny-Ovsienko [11], with symmetry group being a direct product of complex reflection groups G(m,p,rk). Finally, using these results we prove that the quantum OGZ algebras satisfy the quan- tum Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture by explicitly computing their division ring of fractions. Contents 1. Introduction and Summary of Main Results 2 1.1. The q-Difference Noether Problem 2 1.2. Quantum OGZ Algebras 3 1.3. The Quantum Gelfand-Kirillov Conjecture 4 2. The q-Difference Noether Problem for Complex Reflection Groups 4 3. Quantum OGZ Algebras and their Galois Ring Realization 7 3.1. Galois Rings 7 3.2. Definition of Quantum OGZ Algebras 7 arXiv:1512.09234v2 [math.QA] 17 Jun 2016 3.3. Examples 9 m,p 3.4. Galois Ring Realization of Uq (r) 10 m,p 4. The Quantum Gelfand-Kirillov Conjecture for Uq (r) 11 5. Open Problem 13 References 13 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 17B37; Secondary 16K40, 16S35. Key words and phrases. quantum Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture, non-commutative invariant theory, quan- tum group, Gelfand-Tsetlin basis, Galois ring. 1 THE q-DIFFERENCE NOETHER PROBLEM FOR COMPLEX REFLECTION GROUPS... 2 1. Introduction and Summary of Main Results In this paper, m is a positive integer, F is a field of characteristic zero containing a primitive m:th root of unity, q ∈ F \ {0} is an element which is not a root of unity, N is the set of positive integers and Ja, bK = [a, b] ∩ Z. By “algebra” we mean “unital associative F-algebra”, and ⊗ = ⊗F. The division ring of fractions of an Ore domain A is denoted by Frac A. 1.1. The q-Difference Noether Problem. Let G be a finite group, acting linearly on an F-vector space V . Then G acts on the symmetric algebra on V , hence on its field of fractions L. If {x1,x2,...,xn} is a basis for V , then L = F(x1,x2,...,xn). Noether’s Problem asks if the subfield LG, consisting of all elements fixed by G, is a purely transcendental field extension of F. In other words, is LG is isomorphic to a field of rational functions F(y1,y2,...,yN ) for some N? In fact, if this is true, then necessarily N = n, see e.g. [13, Prop. 3.1]. If G is a complex reflection group and V its defining reflection representation (assuming m is large enough so that F contains the necessary roots of unity), the answer to Noether’s Problem is affirmative, by virtue of the Chevalley-Shephard-Todd theorem [26] stating a G fortiori that the algebra of G-invariant polynomials, F[x1,x2,...,xn] , is a polynomial algebra over F. On the other hand, if V is the direct product of d > 1 copies of the reflection repre- sentation of a complex reflection group G, then the G-invariant polynomials on V do not form a polynomial algebra. This follows from Molien’s formula for the Poincar´eseries of the invariant subalgebra (see e.g. [27, Ex. 1]). Nevertheless, by a theorem of Miyata [23, Rem. 3], Noether’s Problem has a positive solution in this case: it suffices to observe that V contains a faithful G-submodule for which the conclusion holds (namely any one of the d copies of the reflection representation). The special case of G = Sn, the symmetric group, was established earlier by Mattuck [17]; see also [6] for an explicit construction. As an example, for d = 2, Miyata’s result gives an isomorphism G F(x1,x2,...,xn; y1,y2,...,yn) ≃ F(x1,x2,...,xn; y1,y2,...,yn), (1.1) where G is acting diagonally, e.g. if G is the symmetric group, then σ(xi) = xσ(i) and σ(yi)= yσ(i). Non-commutative rational invariant theory (see e.g. [7, Ch. 5]) involves the study of division rings and their subrings of invariants under groups of automorphisms. The first main result of the present paper is a non-commutative analog of (1.1). Let Fq[x,y] be the quantum plane, defined as the algebra with generators x,y and defining relation yx = qxy. The complex reflection group G(m,p,n) where p,n ∈ N and p|m, acts naturally on the n:th tensor power of the quantum plane (see Section 2 for details), hence on the associated division ring of fractions. Theorem 1.1. For any m,p,n ∈ N, p|m there is an isomorphism of F-algebras ⊗n G(m,p,n) ⊗(n−1) Frac F [x,y] ≃ Frac F m/p [x,y] ⊗ F m [x,y] . (1.2) q q q THE q-DIFFERENCE NOETHER PROBLEM FOR COMPLEX REFLECTION GROUPS... 3 Remark 1.2. The special case of Theorem 1.1 when G(m,p,n) is a Weyl group of classical type was proved in [10]. Remark 1.3. The isomorphism (1.2) is a q-deformation (1.1) for G = G(m,p,n). q F Remark 1.4. Let A1( ) denote the quantum Weyl algebra, defined as the algebra with q F generators x,y and defining relation yx − qxy = 1. It is easy to prove that A1( ) and Fq[x,y] have isomorphic division rings of fractions. Therefore, the quantum plane may be replaced by the quantum Weyl algebra in (1.2), which yields G(m,p,n) m/p m Frac Aq(F)⊗n ≃ Frac Aq (F) ⊗ Aq (F)⊗(n−1) . (1.3) 1 1 1 Let A1(F) denote the Weyl algebra with generators x,y and defining relation yx − xy = 1. Then the isomorphism (1.3) can be thought of as a q-deformation of the isomorphism G(m,p,n) Frac A (F)⊗n ≃ Frac A (F)⊗n, (1.4) 1 1 which was established recently by Eshmatov et al. [8, Thm. 1(a)], in fact with G(m,p,n) replaced by an arbitrary finite complex reflection group. In the quantum case it is unclear how to define an action of an exceptional complex reflection group on a tensor power of the quantum plane, see Problem 5.1 at the end of this paper. 1.2. Quantum OGZ Algebras. The matrix elements in the Gelfand-Tsetlin bases for finite-dimensional irreducible gln-modules [12][24] give rise to an embedding of the envelop- M ing algebra U(gln) into the G-invariants of a skew group algebra L ∗ where L is a field of rational functions, M is a free abelian group acting by additive shifts on L, and G is the direct product of symmetric groups S1 × S2 ×···× Sn. The notion of a Galois ring [11] is an axiomatization of this situation. In [18], Mazorchuk used a faithful generic Gelfand-Tsetlin U(gln)-module (see [19]) as the starting point for a generalization of U(gln). The resulting family of algebras are called n Orthogonal Gelfand-Zetlin (OGZ) Algebras, denoted U(r), where r = (r1, r2, . , rn) ∈ N is the signature. Intuitively, rk is the number of boxes in the k:th row of a Gelfand-Tsetlin type tableaux. Taking r = (1, 2,...,n) one recovers an algebra isomorphic to U(gln). There are also OGZ algebras of type BD, defined in [20, Sec. 8]. Quantum analogs of the Gelfand-Tsetlin bases were constructed in [28] and of Gelfand- Tsetlin modules in [22]. Thus, it is natural to ask for a quantum analog of OGZ algebras. This idea was briefly mentioned as a possibility in [21, Rem. 3.7], but no algebras were defined. In Section 3.2 we propose a definition of quantum OGZ algebras (of type A). We denote m,p 2 them by Uq (r) where (m,p) ∈ N , p|m and r is as before. The integers m and p are related to the choice of notion of q-number and also to the parameters of a complex reflection group. Following [18], we define these algebras as algebras of operators acting on an infinite-dimensional vector space. We motivate our definition by an informal process of quantization that we describe. A new feature is the necessity to include a certain prefactor not present in the classical case, to ensure that the formulas have the correct symmetry. THE q-DIFFERENCE NOETHER PROBLEM FOR COMPLEX REFLECTION GROUPS... 4 We also give examples including Uq(gln) and quantized Heisenberg algebras, which show that this definition is sensible. Our second main theorem is Theorem 3.9, in which we prove that quantum OGZ algebras are examples of Galois rings.
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