UNCLASSIFIE coPY-7-OF S 4,, DECLASSIFIED JANUARY 24, 1975 AtER 1EVIEW BT TUREN J. G01N, TDIECTOR, OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY, AID/W December 1957 Roo1i- 56~ITS INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADMINISTRATIO Washington, D.C. K 1iering VanB ,s!drk UNCLASSIFIED IAnl::oy USASIFIED REPORT ON THE CIVIL POLICE FORCES OF THE UNION OFBnRMA by A.E. KIEBERLING, Public Safety Division, ICA ROBERT BOWLING, Consultant, ICA JANES PATTERSON, t. Col., Department of Defense RUFUS Z. SMITH, Department of State November-December 1957 1101 A88 Fif '4 TBMLO IFED TABLE OF CONTENTS .ame Chapter I INTRODUCTION........ ............. 0..0............. ...... 1 ft ,-s,---- - .'0 rn. ±... -- .10 .020... fl....±.. Ao *Physica teato oos ootoeCouo . .. ooooooooooocecooooooo..o 1. General 0 0............................................. 2o Mountains 0 00006...... &0.. .000.000000 ..0...00.000 0*000.0000 3.* Rivers. .... 0.000.0000... 4. Climate. .oosooooco.oooooooeoo.oooocooeoo .oooooo 0. 2 2' B. Communicati ons 00ooo0o0o.o 00o.o.oo.oooo000.0.0a0ooo 0 0. 000 2 1. External........ 0............................... ... 00 2. Inter a ,o ..oooo .o.. o .o...o .. o .oo...o..o.co..o.... 3 3. Railwaysecoo..o.. c.c .... o...oo0.00o.000 c0.0c0ooo 0o o 3 40 Inland Water Transport.... .............. *0 ....... 00 3 C. The People of Burma..................... 0 ................. 4 1. General.o.oco..oo....c .. oo ..o e..o.. .....oo .o .o.o.o..o 4 2. Kachins.............................................. 3. The Burmese Tai (Shan).................................. 4 4. Karens........................... 00.........00 00 00. 0. 5 5. Chinso.. oo. o 0o...... oo..ono0o.. o.. ***. *. *.. *********0 $, '5 6. N gas.....******. *.. ....*.o* . 0000000000* ..... 000 00 00 0 5 D. The Period of British Rule................... 6 6.......... 0 . 5 Burma's International Orienbation................ ........ 6 F.G. The Internal Security T5roblem.............................. 8 G. The Tk'oblem for the Police... ... ............... 0 9 H. Economic Aspects of the Internal Security Problem....... 91 T. Attitude of the Government Toward the Problem.............. 12 J. Resume'of Request for American Assistance.................. 14 K., Burmese Attitude Encountered by the Survey Team in Burma... 15 Chapter II - BURMA TOLIECE - SUID4RY....o.............. .......... 17 Chapter III - 00NCLUSIONS........................................ 20 Chapter IV - RECOMMENDATIONS.... 0 ................ .................. 25 Chapter V - PROPOSED BURMA PUBLIC SAFETY TROGRAiL. .. .... ..... ..... 28 Chanter VI - HISTORY OF THE BURMA POLICEO.......... 31 A. The British Occupation ....... ............ .... ..... ... .. ... 31 B. Japanese Occupation o...... ................. 0 31 - 1 ­ lNCMSAMS G. Btitish-Military and Civil Administration. .. ... .. ... ... .. 32 D. Under Independence.......................... ............. 0 . 32 Chapter VII - CIVIL'TOLICE.;......................... .. 0...0... 34 A. Police Organization........................ ... .. ... ... .... 34 CHART - Organization-Burma Tolice............... .... .... .. .. 36 B. Personnel........................................... 40 C. Functions of Sanior Police Officers ........0 0 ..... 44 D. Equipment... ..... ........................ ....... 44 1. Statement of Equipment In Use/In Hand by the Civil Police..0.0.............................. 44 - 2. Stateinent of Equipment to be Trocured Under Fo e Year law and Order Plan by Civil Police............. 000000000 46 E. The CID...O... ... ................. I............... ... 0.000.00 47 1. Administration Bureau.. ........................ 000000000 47 * .2. Railway Police Bureau..... 00................ 00000000. 3. Crime Bureau.... .......... 0...................0..0..0...0 47 CHART - Criminal Investigation Department.............. ......... W48 CHART - Organization Chart - Crime Section............. ..... > 49 CHART - Organization Chart -Railway Police.....o...... 50 00000 CHART - Organization Chart - Scientific Section........ 0.. 51 ..... 0 CHART - Organization Chart - Administration Section.... 0.. 52 00000 4. Scientific Bureau.............................. 000 53 ... 0.0 - a. The Fingerprint Files...... 0 ..... 0 ....... 000 53 b. Criminal Records................. ......... 0.0. 00000 54 c. Detective Schoolt.0.. ..................... 54 F. CID-Equipment.............. ...................... 54 1. Forensic Science Laboratory - Equipment Now in Use...... 54 2. Forensic Science Laboratory - Equipment Requirements. 55 3. Tathological Laboratory - Equipment Requirements......... 55 4. Serology Laboratory - Equipment Requirements ............0 56 5. Technological laboratory - Equipment Requirements.... .0 56 6. Photographic Section - Equipment Now in Use............. 56 7. Photographic Section - Equipment Requirements...6...... 57 8. Fingerprint Section - Equipment Now in Use..-............. 57 9. Fingerprint Section - Equipment Now in Use 0 ­........ 57 10. Motor Transport Now in Use in CID and Railways .......... 57 11. Motor Transport Requirements - CID, Crime, Scientific Bureaus and Railways.................. ................. 58 12. Other Equipment Requirennnts............................. 58 G. Special'Branch. ............................................. 58 1. Duties and Responsibilities........................... 58 11 ­ U IItw 2. Organization..........0 0 0 0 ., ,,....0 0 0 .. o 4000000.00.00 59 MHART- Organization-Special Branch............ 60 3. :ersonnel.........................0 ....... 0000000 00 000 61 4. Records..................................... ... 0.0.0 .000 61 3.. Reporting.. ................................. 0-..0... 000 61 6. Communications............. ................ ... 0... ... 4 62 7.. 'Training....... .................... ....... 0000000 0..0 62 B. Special Branch - Equipment, ........... o....0o0 0000000 00 000 62 1. Wireless and Monitoring - Equipment in Use.. 0. .0.... 0. 62 2. 'Wireless and Monitoring - Equipment Requirements....... 62 3. Technical Aid to Investigation - Equipment in Use....... 63 4. Technical Aid to Investigation - Equipment Requirements. '63 5,. Photographic - Equipment in Use....................... 63 6. Photographic - Equipment Requirements..................... 64 7. Transport - Equipment in Use.......................... 64 8. 15ansport - Equipment Requirements.................... 64 9. MXiscellenaous - Equipment Requirements.o.. oo.....o.. 64 1. Rangoon Tolice....... 0 000.... 0000 00 0000 00 000 00000 00 0 00 6 6 64 1. Authority and Jurisdiction....... ........ 0 ...........0 64 2. Strength and Distribution ................... ........... 65 3. Duties and Responsibilities........................... 65 4. Organization............................................ 66 5. Equipment .............. 0 ..........0 . .................... 68 Chapte VIII - THE UNION MILITARY POLICE............... .......... oa. 70 -A. Mission.... ............................... 0000000 .. 0 000000 71 Organization .............. 06...............00.0000 ... 0.00.00 0 71 C. Operations........... ....................0 0 0.00000 00..0.0 71 CHART Organization of Union Military Police.. .. 0...0 72 0000000000 ,CHART -Organization Chart - UMP Headquarters 0. 0 00a 0 0 0 ... 00. 73 0000000000 CHART Organization - UM0 Area Headquarters.... 000080 74 CHRT Organization Chart - UMP Training Battalion... 000 00..0.0 75 CHART Organization Chart - UMP Signal Battalion...... 000000 76 000 gHART Organization Chart - UMP Transport Battalion.. 000000 77 ... CHART Organization Chart - TMP Infantry Battalion... .0....0 78 .D. 0Communications,......... 0 .. 0 ...... 0 .......... 79 E. logistic.... ... 00 00.00 000000. 000000 0 0 00 000 000 000 79 0 0 0 0 000 060 0 LHART - UMP Communications-W/T Diagram..'..'......*..... 80 0000 0 ' '. Training............ .. .......0 0 ................... 82 -iii IlAShi fRan 0. Personnel ., 0 .ooo.0 0000..0000.0.000o000.oo.o0non00oo0coon 82 CHART - Unfion'Military Police Training Depot Establishment - Personnel ............. ............. 0.....0....0...... ... 83 LART - Orgaiization Chart - WFTraining Depot ........0 ....... 0 84 CHART - Authorized Strength of Union Military Police ­ NOo-Techniti ooooe00000000000.....o*00.00000 85 CHART - Authorized Strength of Union Military Police - Technicians - and Totals............................. 86 CHART - TIMP - Monthly Pay and Allowances... .............. 87 H. Futute Plans.................................... ........o a 88 I. Union Military Police - Equipment......................... 88 1. Union Military Police - Equipment in Use............... 88 2. Union MilitaryPolice - Equipment to be Procured Under the Por Year Law and- Order Ilan....................... APEDIT E r- Statement of Equipment to be Tfocured nder Four Year Law and Order Tlan by Rangoon Police........................... 91 IMvAS M -iv ­ CHAPTER I - INTRODDTION* A. PHYSICAL FEATUES OF THE COUTRY 16 General0 Bma occupies one of the most fertile parts of Southeast Asia and has an aea of about 2619000 square miles. It is larger than Texas. Beginning in the far south, within 10 degrees of the equator, Burma stretches to the north for 1,200 miles; from east to west its breadth is half as gr~at. Its. coastline includes the whole eastern shore of the Bay of Bengal, and on the east and north rugged moumtains and hills separate it from its neighbors. Birma has approximately 19000 miles of border with Thailand, 150 miles withL aosg,.1,000 miles with Communist China, and aiother 1,000 miles of common frontier with India and Pakistan. 2. Mountains,. On
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