E810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2010 Hagenbeck also developed an integration be- a passion for the arts and politics, and he had RECOGNIZING REVEREND DAVID tween Army applied problem sets and West a lifelong mission to make the world a better EVERSON DAY Point research and intellectual capital, drawing place. from across West Point to stand up the Na- Mr. Palevsky, the son of Jewish Polish im- HON. RON PAUL tional Military Academy of Afghanistan and migrants, was born and raised in Chicago dur- OF TEXAS graduate the first class into the Afghan Army ing the Great Depression. His mother was a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 2009. homemaker and his father worked as a house Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Madam Speaker, LTG Hagenbeck com- painter; neither spoke much English. During manded West Point while our Nation was at World War II, he served as an electronics offi- Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, on May 16, war. And it is well known within military circles cer in the Army Air Forces. Following his serv- 2010, Galveston, Texas will celebrate Rev- that field commanders competed to bring his ice, he studied math and philosophy at the erend David Everson Day in honor of Rev- graduating cadets into their units. This is testi- University of Chicago, where he earned a erend Everson’s eleven years of service as mony both to the quality of the graduates and bachelor’s degree in 1948. Mr. Palevsky be- the pastor of the First Union Baptist Church. I to LTG Hagenbeck’s exemplary leadership as came a titan in the computer industry as a am pleased to join the First Union Baptist con- the 57th Superintendent of West Point. founding member of Intel Corp. He used his gregation, and all the people of Galveston, in On behalf of the Board of Visitors to West vast wealth to finance political campaigns, celebrating Reverend Everson’s 11 years of Point, I thank General Hagenbeck for his serv- build notable art collections, help finance films service. ice. And on a personal note, let me take this and help save troubled publications like Roll- First Union Baptist has had numerous opportunity to formally congratulate Buster and ing Stone Magazine. achievements under Reverend Everson’s lead- West Point’s 1970 speed football team for Mr. Palevsky first became active in politics ership. For example, First Union Baptist’s Hall thoroughly stomping me and my fellow Prince- in the 1960s by supporting Tom Braden, a Chapel was repaired and adapted to serve as ton teammates. That memorable whipping newspaper publisher, for California’s lieutenant a computer school and resource center for cost me a dollar a point on a bet with my fa- governor. He became active in the anti-war youth and adult literacy. Reverend Everson ther, MG Robert C. Marshall, a 1942 West movement and served as a leader in Business also led efforts to repair the church parson- Point grad. Executives Move for Vietnam Peace. His ac- age. In the aftermath of Hurricane Ike; Reverend tivism against the war led to his efforts in sup- f Everson worked tirelessly to meet the imme- port of Robert Kennedy’s 1968 presidential diate spiritual needs of the First Union Baptist PERSONAL EXPLANATION campaign. He met George McGovern at the congregation while ensuring that First Union notorious Chicago Democratic National Con- Baptist could resume its schedule of regular vention and became an early supporter. He is HON. KAY GRANGER weekly services and ancillary activities as credited with helping elect the first African- OF TEXAS soon as possible. Reverend Everson contin- American mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ued to demonstrate exceptional commitment who held office for twenty years. Mr. Tuesday, May 11, 2010 to his parish while leading the efforts to repair Palevsky’s bipartisan advocacy of campaign fi- the damage the church suffered during Hurri- Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, on rollcall nance reform is evidence that he prioritized cane Ike. No. 242, I was absent from the House. policy over politics. Reverend Everson has contributed greatly Had I been present, I would have voted Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join to both the church, and the entire Galveston ‘‘no.’’ me in honor and remembrance of Alex community, by being there for all who need a Palevsky, whose innovative mind and pas- f friend, comforter, and spiritual counselor. Rev- sionate heart led not only to great accomplish- erend Everson not only cares for those in his TO CONGRATULATE ROY WELCH ment in America’s technical industries, but congregation, he is always seeking to bring ON HIS FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY also led to great contributions in art and poli- new people into the First Union Baptist con- tics. I offer my condolences to his wife, Jodie gregation. The people of First Union Baptist, HON. HEATH SHULER Evans; to his daughter, Madeleine; to his and all of Galveston, are certainly lucky to OF NORTH CAROLINA sons, Nicholas, Alexander, Jonathan and Mat- have such a dedicated man as Reverend thew; to his stepson, Jan; to his sister, Helen; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Everson in their community. I, therefore, join to his four grandchildren; and to his extended Tuesday, May 11, 2010 the congregation of First Union Baptist Church family members and many friends. and all of the people of Galveston in cele- Mr. SHULER. Madam Speaker, I rise today f to congratulate Roy Welch on his 50th birth- brating Reverend David Everson Day. day. Born with Down Syndrome in 1960 in my HONORING THE CITY OF TERRELL f home town of Bryson City, North Carolina, the IN RECOGNITION OF THE LIFE OF doctors told his parents he would not live long HON. JEB HENSARLING CAPTAIN KYLE A. COMFORT enough to take him home from the hospital. OF TEXAS Fifty years later, Mr. Welch is a standing testa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MIKE ROGERS ment to the importance of faith, strength, and Tuesday, May 11, 2010 OF ALABAMA the desire to live a fulfilling and fruitful life. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues today Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Speaker, today I to rise with me in recognizing the incredible would like to recognize the community and city Tuesday, May 11, 2010 story of Roy Welch, and the inspiration he has leaders of Terrell, Texas. Terrell has been rec- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, provided to all of Western North Carolina. I ognized in the state and by national publica- I would like to request the House’s attention urge my colleagues to join me in celebrating tions for planning excellence and innovative, today to recognize the life of a proud Amer- the courage, character, and vitality of Mr. sustainable city planning. ican hero, Captain Kyle A. Comfort. Welch. Kaufman County is not only one of the fast- Captain Comfort, of Jacksonville, Alabama, f est growing counties in the State of Texas, but died in Afghanistan on May 8, 2010, in service also the entire country. In 2008, U.S. Census to our Nation. He is survived by his wife Kath- IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF data showed a 44% increase in the county’s erine Brooke Comfort, their daughter Kinleigh MAX PALEVSKY population from 2000. The City of Terrell is Ann and his mother Ellen Comfort. currently home to about 18,952 people, but is Like all those who have paid the ultimate HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH expected to be home to over 50,000 new resi- sacrifice in this conflict, words cannot express OF OHIO dents by 2025. the sense of sadness we have for his family, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would like to recognize Mayor Hal Rich- and the gratitude our country feels for his ards and the city council, as well as Terrell service. Captain Comfort died serving the Tuesday, May 11, 2010 City Manager Torry Edwards and the city staff, United States and the entire cause of liberty, Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise for their efforts and contributions to ensure on a mission to bring stability to a troubled re- today in honor and remembrance of Max Kaufman County residents will have a commu- gion and liberty to a formerly oppressed peo- Palevsky, a kind man who was devoted to his nity that is equipped to handle the growth in ple. He was a true patriot for serving our Na- family and friends. He had an innovative spirit, the years to come. tion, and he will be missed. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 Sep 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E11MY0.REC E11MY0 mmaher on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 11, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E811 We will forever hold him closely in our HONORING THE 250TH ANNIVER- in introducing this bipartisan extension of the hearts, and remember his sacrifice and that of SARY OF BERNARDS TOWNSHIP Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act. It is his family as a remembrance of his bravery abundantly clear that we need tougher and a and willingness to serve. Thank you, Madam HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN more robust application of sanctions on Speaker, for the House’s remembrance on this OF NEW JERSEY Burma, and we need to start soon because mournful day. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Burmese regime continues to commit Tuesday, May 11, 2010 crimes against humanity and war crimes f against its people. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Madam Speaker, I IN RECOGNITION OF GILLS ON- rise today to honor Bernards Township, in Many of us in this Congress, as well as IONS’ GRAND CONCEPTOR Somerset County, New Jersey, which is cele- credible human rights organizations, have AWARD brating its 250th Anniversary in 2010.
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