William B. Cornell AMV Sales & Consultation LLC 5439 Leeway Dallas TX 75236 Ph: 800-283-1146/972-283-1128 Fax: 972-283-5547 [email protected] www.amvsales.com Hartman Cards Music/Entertainment Catalog April 2012 Following is a distillation of catalogs and catalog pages from Hartman Cards focusing on their music and entertainment related products. Hartman Cards have no minimum order To view the entire selection of products offered by Hartman Cards go to: http://www.hartmancards.com/ Contact me if any questions or if you wish to order… Will Cornell PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com BOOK CATALOGUE FLAME TREE PUBLISHING 2011–2012 PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com 1 NEW TITLE: POPULAR CULTURE RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 2012 Rihanna: Bad Girl by Michael Heatley is one of the first in an exciting series of unofficial biographies celebrating some of the most popular and influential celebrities – stars who are constantly talked about and whose every new release, life event or opinion is awaited with baited breath by legions of fans. In the Top Ten on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, with millions of followers, Rihanna is adored by a huge online community. Princess RiRi has soared to the heights of stardom, every year rocking a hot new look as she works the audience with sizzling style and awesome sounds. She breaks records left, right and centre, with 20 million album sales under her belt and the youngest artist in the Billboard chart’s history to achieve 10 number-one singles. If you love RiRi then you gotta get Rihanna: Bad Girl – the ultimate celebration of this girl’s talent, beauty and wow-factor, with brilliant pics and inspirational words – a must-have for all fans. SPECIFICATIONS ISBN: 978 0 85775 275 8 Format: Hardcover, 128pp Tps: 231 x 203 mm Looking for a label$43,99,7,9/0/30=100?,?01,8 $0.:=/492>49B34.3%3,B9,=?0=:=;:;@7,=7D69:B9,> ,D+3,>-0.:80?30;=0>4/09?,>B077,>4?>"';:9 UKRP: £9.99 B4?90>>49230=;0=1:=8,9.0?30,..7,480/=,;;0=<@4.67D :110=0/30=,=0.:=/492.:9?=,.?:9?30>;:?%30,1?0=B,=/> Word count: 10,000 >0?:@??:.:770.?8,?0=4,7>1:=30=/0-@?,7-@8.:B=4?492 8:>?:14?>?=,.6> 0,9B3470#:90$0;7,D0A09?@,77D B,>=070,>0/:9 ,D &30>49270?@=90/:@??:-0 Illustrations: 60 ,2=0,?;40.0:18@>4.,>4?B,>7,-070/:90:1?30 >@880=>3:??0>?5,8>49'% Rights: Worldwide .340A492>@..0>>B4?3#:90$0;7,D$43,99,;@?30= 3:;0>?:=0;0,??30>,80,??,49809?:930=14=>?,7-@8 @>4.:1?30%@9B34.3B,>>.30/@70/?:-07,@9.30/:9 Imprint: Flame Tree @2@>? )4?3?=,.6>10,?@=492-:?370;3,9? ,9 ) "#!% ,9/(D-E,=?074?B:@7/>@=07D;=:A4/0>:80>0=4:@>30,? ?:-@=904?30==,/4:>?,?4:9>:=.7@->?3=:@23:@??30 '#% "& .:@9?=D=0,8:=9:/=0,830=/0-@?,7-@87,?0=:9 =0.:=/0/-D$?:=0.04A0:7/49'%,9/#7,?49@849 #"""!"" # >0A0=,7:?30=.:@9?=40>%30B,>>::9?3034237D,9?4.4;,?0/ ,.??3,?B09%?01,94?,;;0/30=?::;0930=?:@= %" $ "!"!%'% &34>>@..0>>B,>=07,D0/-D$43,99,>>:;3:8:=0>0? ?4?70/4=7460 0?3,?B,>:@?49;=47 :97D0423? %' ! 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Followed by millions on Twitter, she is a musical trailblazer, fashion icon and influential figure. With fab pics and inspirational words this is a must-have for all fans. See pages 54–56 “I am focused on the Fe a r l e s s C r e a t i v i t y work. I am constantly Lady Gaga, ;-3;&7'362&73&22* 8*+&2.*61&2388&32 creating. I am a busy &6(- .2%32/*67*;%36/7-3;*)&78632, 4&77.32.2197.(7.2(*7-*;&7&0.880* -*97*)837.2,&032, girl. I live and breathe 97.2,-*61.2.40&78.(8&4*6*(36)*683.(-&*0&(/732&2) =2).&94*6B7-.87!-*6*;&7&073&43.28.2-*6(-.0)-33) my work. I love what ;-*6*7-*8962*)837392)74*6+361*)'=!-*300.2, 832*7 &2)!-**&80*7=&,*+3967-*-&)8&9,-8-*67*0+8340&= I do. I believe in the 4.&23'=*&6$-*27-*;&7&8**2&,*67-*4*22*)-*6+.678 732,&2)40&=*).2+63283+49'0.(+368-*+.6788.1*)96.2,&2 message. There’s no 34*21.(2.,-87&8*;%36/B7.88*62)88-*&,*3+ 7*:*28**27-*;&732*3+8;*28=4*340*.28-*;360)83,&.2 stopping. I didn’t create *&60=&)1.77.32838-*0.:*&:.7463,6&1&88-*!.7(- (-3303+8-*687&8%"463:.2,-*67*0+&7&71&6832* the fame, the fame &,&B7197.((&6**6;&778&68*)8-639,-&4*6+361&2(*.2 8-*3;*6&78 .)*(09'7(*2*7!-*6*7-*+392)-*67*0+ created me.” &132,7.2,*67;-3;638*8-*7&1*78=0*3+732,7$&28.2, 8386=731*8-.2,).++*6*28&2)92.59*7-*)*(.)*)83)3 La d y G ag a 731*8-.2,463:3(&8.:*.28-*197.(7(*2*'='*.2,&2 *<-.'.8.32.788-*&86.(&04*6+361*6 SPECIFICATIONS $-*27-*;&7 &,&7.,2*)&)*&0;.8-*+&1 *(36)7'98;&7)6344*)8-6**1328-70&8*6%*87-*).)2B8 0*8-*646*1&896*).7&443.281*283:*68-63;-*6 -*;36/*) ISBN: 978 0 85775 276 5 Word count: 10,000 32&;&=83'9.0)-*6+&2'&7*'=4*6+361.2,&803(&07-3;7 :*289&00=-*6920./*0=3278&,*78=0*74&6/*)8-*.28*6*783+ Format: Hardcover, 128pp Illustrations: 60 28*67(34*B7463)9(*6.11=3:.2*;-33++*6*)-*6&0&'*0 &2)4&682*6*)-*6;.8-/32 Tps: 231 x 203mm Rights: Worldwide %! $% %! $% 25 UKRP: £9.99 Imprint: Flame Tree eBOOK Eminem: Survivor, is an unofficial biography by Michael Heatley COMING of one of music’s anti-heroes. All those in awe of the formidable Marshall Mathers need to buy this ultimate celebration of the skill and See pages 54–56 grit of one man, with inspirational words and photographs. moody ge nius To call Eminem ()0(/0?3,6)3)3#/22%#44/!$%'2%%"54 e )4?3,!2'%,9).!##52!4%%24!).,9-).%-7!34(%&)2347()4% 2!00%23).#%4(%%!34)%/934/'!2.%2"/4(3!,%3!.$#2)4)#!, 2%30%#4"54()3)-0!#4%8#%%$%$4()3#/.&).).'$)34).#4)/. “Personally, I just think .3(%%26%2"!,3+),,3-).%-7!3/.%/&4(%'2%!4%343 /&()3'%.%2!4)/.;2!0)$&,5)$$%84%2/53!.$5.02%$)#4!",% rap music is the best !3#!0!",%/&05,,).'/&&,/.'&/2-.!22!4)6%!3(%7!3 $%,)6%2).'!7)4(%2).'!3)$%;!.$4(!.+34/()3-%.4/22 thing out there, period. 2%(%(!$-53)#4/-!4#( 4()#+-53#5,!2,//034(!4 %6/+%$4(%4%22/2!.$0!2!./)!-?3-53)##/.*52%$ If you look at my deck in my .$4/"%#%24!).!'2%!4$%!,/&4(%#/.42/6%239-).%- car radio, you’re always #/524%$#!-%4(2/5'().(/7()36)/,%.4&!.4!3)!3/&4%. $)2%#4%$!4()3-/4(%2/2()37)&%).4%247).%$7)4(&,)'(43/& going to find a hip-hop !"352$)494(!4!00%!,%$4/,)34%.%234//9/5.'4/!"3/2"4(% 039#(/$2!-!3-).%-%80,/2%$/.()3()4!,"5-3The Slim tape; that’s all I buy, Shady !.$The Marshall Mathers )4(()43>9!-% 3?!.$>(%%!,,)-(!$9?(%25,%$4(%!)27!6%3"54)4 that’s all I live, that’s 7!3.?4,/.'"%&/2%3/-%$%42!#4/23!#+./7,%$'%$()3$%04( (%,0%$).0!24"93).',%3,)+%4(%-/52.&5,>4!.?72)44%.&2/- all I listen to, that’s 4(%0%230%#4)6%/&!./"3%33%$&!.
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