MAY 6, 1948 BISHOP KARL BLOCK OF CALIFORNIA FROM A PO R TR A IT............... The Church and Social Service Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches T he Cathedral of S t . J ohn For Christ and His Church Christ Church Cathedral the Divine Main and Church Sts., Hartford, Conn. N ew York City E d ito ria l B oard: Roscoe T. Foust, E d ito r; Sunday Services: 8, 9:30, 10:05, 11 A.M., Sundays: 8, 9, 11, Holy Communion; 10, William B.- Spofford, Managing Editor; H ugh 8 P.M . Morning Prayer; 4, Evening Prayer; Ser­ D. McCandless, John M. Mulligan, William B. W eekdays: Holy Communion — Monday mons 11 and 4. I __ , _ Spofford Jr., Sydney A. Temple Jr., Joseph H. and Thursday, 9 A.M.; Tuesday. Friday and Weekdays: 7:30, 8 (also 9:15 Holy Days Titus, Andrew M. Van Dyke, William M. Saturday, 8 A.M. ; Wednesday, 7 :00 and and 10, W ednesdays). Holy-Com m union; 9, Weber, Hal M. Wells, Walter N. Welsh. 11-00 A.M. Noonday Service, daily 12:15 Morning Prayer; 5, Evening Prayer. Open P.M . daily 7 A.M. to'6 P.M._________ Grace Church, New York Christ Church Cambridge Broadway at 10th St. C ontributing E d it o r s: Frederick C. Grant, Rev. Louis W. Pitt, D.D., Rector Book Editor. F. O. Ayres Jr., L. W. Barton, Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector Daily: 12:30 except Mondays and Satur- D H Brown Jr., Adelaide Case, Angus Dun, R ev. Frederic B. Kellogg, Chaplain days. BSajfff' R. S. M. Emrich, T. P. Ferris,. J. F. Fletcher, Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and Sundays: 8, 10 and 11 A.M . and 4:30 John Gass, C. K. Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, G. C. 11:15 A.M. „ P.M . Graham, G. if Hiller, A. C. Lichtenberger, W eekdays: W ed. 8 and 11 A.M. Thurs., Thursdays and Holy Days: Holy Com­ T. R. Ludlow, C. S. Martin, R. C. Miller,- 7:30 A.M . munion 11:45 A.M. E. L. Parsons, J. A. Paul, Rose Phelps, Paul Roberts, W. K. Russell, V. D. Scudder, W. M. T he Heavenly Rest, New York Sharp, M. H. Shepherd Jr., W. B. Sperry, Trinity Church Fifth Avenue at 90th Street C. W. Sprouse, J. M. Suter, S. E. Sweet. M iami . Rev. Henry Darlington, D.D. Sundays: Holy Communion, 8 and 10 Rev. G, Irvin e H iller, S.T .D ., Rector A.M.; Morning Service and Sermon, 11 Sunday Services 8. 9:30, 11 A.M. A.M . - i T h e W it n e s s is published weekly from Septem­ Thursdays and Holy Days: Holy Com­ ber 15th to June 15th inclusive, with the ex­ munion, 11 A.M. ception of the first week in January, and semi­ monthly from June 15th to September 15th by Trinity Cathedral St. Bartholomew’s Church the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on behalf Military Park, Newark, N. J. New York of the Witness Advisory Board, Bishop Lane W. The Very Rev. A rth u r C. Lichtenberger, Park Avenue and 51st Street Barton, Chairman. Dean Rev. Geo. Pauli T. Sargent, D.D., Rector Services 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30 (All Saints’ 11:00 A.M. Morning Service and Ser­ ★ Chapel, 24 Rector S t.), 11 and 4:30 P.M. mon. W eekdays: Holy Communion Wednesday Weekdays: Holy Communion Wednesday The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in bun­ and Holy Days, 12:00 noon, Friday 8 A.M. at 8:00 A.M. dles for sale in parishes the magazine sells for Intercessions Thursday, Friday, 12:10; Thursdays and Saints’ Days at 10:30 10c a copy, we will bill quarterly at 7c a copy. Organ Recital Tuesday, 12:10. A.M . Entered as Second Class Matter, March 6, 1939, The Cathedral is open daily for Prayer. The Church is open daily for prayer. at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. St. P aul’s Church St. J ames’ Church Montecito and Bay Place Madison Ave. at 71st St., New York O ak la nd, C a lifo r n ia The Rev. Arthur L. Kinsolving, D.D., Rector Rev. Calvin Barkow, D.D., Rector 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. M AY 6, 1948 Sundavs: 8 A.M ., Holy Communion; 11 9:30 A.M. Church School. A.M., Church School; 11 A.M., Morning 11:00 A.M. Morning Service and Sermon. Vol. X X X I No. 13 Prayer and Sermon. 4:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and Sermon. Wednesdays: 10 A.M., Holy Communion; -Wed., 7:45 A.M .. T hurs., 12 Noon Holy 10:45, Rector’s Study Class. Communion. Clergy Notes T he Church of the Advent St. T homas’ Church, New York Indianapolis Fifth Avenue and 53rd Street fm ‘ Meridian St. at 33rd St. Rev. Roelif H. Brooks, S.T.D., Rector ANKER, HERMAN, formerly curate at The Rev. Laman H. Bruner, B.D., Rector Christ Church, Indianapolis,Ind., is now Sunday Services: 7:30 A.M. Holy Com­ Sun. 8, 11. 4. Daily 8:30 H C ; Thurs. rector of Christ Church. Streator. Illinois. ! munion; 9:30 A.M. Church School; 11 A.M. 11 HC., Daily ei ^pt Sat. 12:10. BOES, CHARLES P., formerly curate at Morning Prayer and Sermon. St. Paul’s, Oakland, Cal., is now rector of » T he Church of the Ascension St. Peter’s, Redwood City, Cal. Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street, New York Christ Church The Rev. Roscoe Thornton Foust, Rector BRACE, WILLIAM S., rector, of Trinity,. Nashville, Tennessee ' Sundays: 8 A.M. Holy Communion. Edgefield, S. C. becomes rector of Grace Rev. Payton Randolph Williams Church, Waycross, Ga., May 15th. 11 A.M. Morning Prayer, Sermon. 7:30 A.M.—Holy Communion. 8 P.M. Evening Song and Sermon; Serv­ CORDES, DEITRICK B., formerly rector of 9:30 and 11 A.M .— Church School. ice of M usic (.1st Sun. in m onth). St. Andrew’s, Larenceville, Va., became as­ 11 A.M.—Morning Service and Sermon. Daily: Holy Communion, 8 A.M. Tues., sociate rector of St. Paul’s, Richmond, Va., 6 P.M.—Young People’s Meetings. Thurs., Sat.; .11 A.M. Mon., Wed., Fri. M ay 1. Thursdays and Saints’ Days—Holy Com­ 5:30 Vespers, Tues. through Friday. munion, 10 A.M . This church is open all day and all JOHNSON, .ED.WIN W. M.. formerly rector night. ________________________ ______ -of'St. ‘Andrew’s, Clearfield, Pa., is nOw rector of St. M ary’s, Denton, Md. Church of St. Michael & St. George St. Louis, Missouri St. Paul’s Cathedral KADEY, KENNETH, assistant at the As­ Buffalo, New York The Rev. J. Francis Sant, Rector Shelton Square cension, Buffalo, N. Y., was ordained priest by Bishop Davis. The R ev. C. George Widdifield The Very Rev. Edward R. Welles, Minister of Education M .A ., Dean LEVY, FRANK L., formerly in charge of Sunday: 8, 9:30, 11 A.M.; 8 P.M. Sunday Services: 8, 9:30 and 11. St. Matthias’, Summerton, S. C., is now Canterbury Club, 5:30 twice monthly. Daily: 12:05 noon—Holy Communion. rector of St. John’s, Aberdeen, Miss. Tuesday: 7:30 A.M.—Holy Communion. Wednesday: 11:00 A.M. — Holy Com­ MacKIE, NELSON- W., formerly vicar of Christ Church in P hiladelphia munion. St. Barnabas’, Apponaug, R, I. is now rector Second Street above Market of St. Alban’s, Centerdale, R. I. Cathedral of Democracy I St. Luke’s Church Founded 1695 Atlanta, Georgia MARTIN, JUNIUS J., rector of the Holy Rev. E. Felix Kloman, S.T.D., Rector 435 Peachtree Street Apostles’, St. Louis, will become rector of Sunday Services: 9:30 and 11 A.M. The Rev. J. Milton Richardson, Rector All Saints’, Brookline, Mass., June 1. Church School: 10:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion. W eekdays: W ed. noon and 12:30. PIERCE, HALL, retired as- vicar of St. S aints’ D ays: 12 Noon. 10:45 A.M. Sunday School. Bartholomew’s, Los Angeles, April 30. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. This Church is Open Every Day 6:00 P.M. Young People’s Meetings. PRIEST, BENJAMIN R., has announced his resignation as rector of St. Michael and All Calvary Church Angels’, Cincinnati, effective sometime this T he Church of the Epiphany Shady & Walnut Aves. summer. Pittsburgh 1317 G Street, N. W . ROBERT, FRANK, formerly vicar of St. The Rev. Lauriston L. Scaife, S.T.D., Rector Washington, D. C. Andrew’s Lomita Park, Cal., is now curate Sundays: 8, 9:30, 11:00 and 8:00. Charles W. Sheerin, Rector at St. Francis’ Church, San Francisco. Holy Communion—Daily at 8 A.M. Sunday: 8 and 11 A.M.; 8 P.M. SCOTT, THOMAS, formerly rector of the Fridays at 7:30 A.M. Daily: 12:05. Good Shepherd, Belmont, Cal., is-now rector Holy Days and Fridays 10:30 A.M. Thursdays: 11:00 and 12:05. of Grace Church, Martinez, Cal. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. VOL. XXXI. No. 13 VUe WITNESS May 6, 1948 For Christ and His Church 111. Office, 6140Editorial Cottage Office, Grove 135 Avenue, Liberty Chicago Street, New37, York 6, N. Y.Publication Presiding Bishop was asked to ap­ Church Institute For Negroes point a committee to confer with a committee of the Institute and to re­ Investigated By Council port at the October meeting of the Council.
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