The Effects of Branding Intangibles on Corporate Reputation. A complete value chain analysis in the case of Catalonia Television Los intangibles de la marca y su efecto en la reputación corporativa. La evaluación de toda cadena de valor de Televisión de Catalunya Orozco-Toro, J. A. y Ferré-Pavia, C.1 Recibido: 06-08-2018 – Aceptado: 30-01-2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.26441/RC18.1-2019-A6 ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on the problem of Corporate Reputation in relation to stakeholders’ perception. More precisely, how the intangible values of branding have a potential influence on the Corporate Reputation of a communication company. As fieldwork, with the aim of having contact with the complete value chain of a corporation, 463 questionnaires conducted with members from all the stakeholder groups (7) of Televisió de Catalunya–TV3 regarding La Marató de TV3 have been analyzed. La Marató action is a Corporate Social Responsibility event organized by the autonomous public television network of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain). The results allow us to identify how trust, quality, transparency and solidarity are the most important values identified in its corporate reputation. This research is relevant as it studies the role of and relationship between intangible values of branding and the perception of corporate reputation in a complete company value chain (representing all its stakeholders). Keywords: brand; communication; corporate reputation; Intangibles, Stakeholders, Value chain. RESUMEN: El presente artículo se centra en la percepción de la reputación corporativa por parte de los stakeholders de una empresa. Más concretamente, en como los intangibles de la marca tienen una influencia potencial en la reputación corporativa de una empresa de comunicación. Con el objetivo de abordar la evaluación de la cadena de valor completa, el trabajo de campo se cumplió con 463 cuestionarios respondidos por miembros de todos los grupos de stakeholders de Televisión de Catalunya (la cadena pública catalana), a propósito de una actividad de RSC organizada por ella, La Marató (maratón) de TV3. Los resultados permiten identificar como la confianza, la calidad, la transparencia y la solidaridad se configuran como los principales valores de su reputación corporativa. Esta investigación resulta relevante en tanto es representativa de toda la compañía, al tratarse de entrevistas con todos los grupos de la cadena de valor, algo metodológicamente novedoso en este campo. Palabras clave: marca; comunicación; reputación corporativa; intangibles; grupos de interés, cadena de valor. 1 Jaime Alberto Orozco-Toro es Doctor en Medios, comunicación y cultura por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Docente investigador del Grupo de Investigación Epilión en la Facultad de Publicidad de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia). [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8152-7474 Carme Ferré-Pavia es Doctora en Ciencias de la información por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Vicedecana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación y Directora del grupo Comress-Incom de la UAB. [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7258-6376 Revista de Comunicación 18 (1), 2019 111 Orozco-Toro, J. A. y Ferré-Pavia, C. 1. Introduction identity related to final consumers Intangible Values (IVs) are impor- (Shepherd et al., 2015), the relation- tant for the strategic development of a ship between corporate reputation and company and particularly for the cre- staff reputation (Waldt, 2017), and con- ation of a brand and respect for that sumers’ brand loyalty (Turan, 2017). brand. Nowadays, a brand’s IVs influ- Studies about the relationship between ence the company’s success in achieving CR, intangibles and the variety of stake- progress and performance. It has been holders are not as common, and re- demonstrated through research, such search about the connection between as the study carried out by Standard & communication companies and their Poor’s 500, that “in thirty years from stakeholders is even less common. 1975 to 2005, the contribution of the This study focuses on the IVs of a intangible assets to the total value of a communication company perceived by company increased from 17% to the all of its stakeholders. What are the 80%” (Lindemann, 2010, p. 50). most important IVs from the point of Due to their importance, previous view of the entire value chain? The research has mostly focused on defin- main objective of this study is to analyze ing the way IVs influence the value of a how the intangible values of branding brand and their impact on Corporate have a potential influence on the corpo- Reputation (CR), on stakeholders (es- rate reputation of a communication pecially final users), and on how com- company value chain. panies use IVs in strategies to improve The corporation’s cooperation was their image (Romiti et al., 2015). necessary to deal with such different Nevertheless, to this day there has been groups in the value chain, in order to very little research that allows us to un- have access to sensitive information, cover the way IVs influence CR within such as clients’ contact details or suppli- the entire value chain of a single corpo- ers’ addresses. ration. Most studies about CR have fo- The case being studied is La Marató, cused on customers, employees, and which is organized by Televisió de executives. This research therefore fo- Catalunya (TV3), the autonomous pub- cuses on the way IVs influence CR per- lic television channel of Catalonia ception, taking in account the stake- (Spain). The channel is a reference in holders’ attitudes. pluralism of information (Consell de Some studies trying to analyze the l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, 2018), con- links between brand and stakeholders stantly audited by public institutions. In have focused on elements such as value March 2018, GFK2 concluded a punc- creation for stockholders (Millares- tuation of 96% for the news channel’s Marcelo et al., 2014), values and brand credibility. Being a public TV station, 2 GFK is a market studies company (see at https://www.gfk.com/es/). 112 Revista de Comunicación 18 (1), 2019 The Effects of Branding Intangibles on Corporate Reputation. A complete value chain analysis in the case of Catalonia Television (111-134) the responsibility of the corporate ac- tle research has focused on La Marató tions is emphasised, and the ethical action (Requena and Bañón, 2016). compromises are important to create Another principal aspect to take in confidence and good reputation in tele- account is the cultural identity of vision companies (Morales-Blanco and Catalan society, an autonomous region Fuente-Cobo, 2018). in Spain with national feelings present TV3’s La Marató (hereafter, LM) It is in television products (Tubella, 1992; a fundraising event for medical re- Castelló and O’Donnell, 2009). The search. was the first TV marathon (tele- Catalan case could therefore be suitable thon) in Spain. It has been held every for observing values involved in CSR single year, without interruption, since actions (Orozco-Toro and Ferré-Pavia, 1992. This long service time makes it 2017). From a social and cultural per- the kind of event that gives a company spective, some previous studies ap- recognition among all its stakeholders, proached to telethons (Perry, 1985; since it has been involving Catalan soci- Smit, 2003; Longmore, 2005; ety for 27 years. Throughout the peri- Charlesworth, 2016). od 1992–2015, 7 million people have been involved in its activities, more 2. Theoretical framework than 151 million euros have been raised and 6,500 researchers from leading in- 2.1. Corporate Reputation stitutions have been funded (Fundació CR is not a new concept among com- La Marató de TV3, 2016). In the panies, although the biggest improve- December 2014 event, for instance, ments in terms of research and develop- which was dedicated to cardiovascular ment analysis have taken place in the last diseases, more than 11 million euros few years. Larkin (2003), confirms this were raised, and the program was when he highlights that “the academic watched by more than 400,000 people, research is still in its infancy” (p. 40). representing an audience share of Although it is possible that CR was 19.5% (Fundació La Marató de TV3, not previously assigned the value that it 2015). The LM devoted to cancer holds today, intangibles –assets that (December 2012) was the one that benefit the company– are very impor- raised the most funds: more than 12 tant because “the brand is the visible tip million euros. of the iceberg […] but the reputation Telethons and CSR have been stud- remains hidden watching alert under ied by different authors, who point out the surface” (Hannington, 2006, p. 37). that “a national telethon can serve as an Moreover, CR is not more important important communication tool for dis- simply because it has become a funda- seminating pro-social values (e.g., char- mental part of IVs, but also because of itable giving) to the wider population” the links it has with identity, image and (Silverman et al., 1984 in Jin and Kim, brand. It is even considered “the miss- 2014, p. 257-258). On the contrary, lit- ing link between business and ethics” Revista de Comunicación 18 (1), 2019 113 Orozco-Toro, J. A. y Ferré-Pavia, C. (Jackson, 2004, p. 86). Some of the have given their own definitions for this most important authors related to CR concept (Table 1). Table 1. Definitions of CR in chronological order Author Definition Fombrun (1996, p. 57) “Perceptions held by people inside and outside a company”. Larkin (2003, p. 1) “It implies a value judgment about the attributes of a company and is usually established over time”. Fombrun and Van Riel “It is a mirror that reflects a company’s relative success at convincing (2004, p. 20) upstream, downstream, and diagonal stakeholders about the current and future validity of its strategic direction”.
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