CURRICULUM VITÆ October 1, 2020 Christopher Drew Armstrong employer University of Pittsburgh (since 2005) positions Associate Professor of History of Art & Architecture (primary appointment) Associate Professor of French & Italian (seconDary appointment) Director of Architectural StuDies (since May 2006) address Department of History of Art anD Architecture 104 Henry Clay Frick Fine Arts BuilDing University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 email [email protected] Education Columbia University, Department of Art History & Archaeology: Ph.D. (May 2003) • advisors: Robin Middleton and Barry Bergdoll • Dissertation: Progress in the Age of Navigation. The Voyage Philosophique of Julien-David Leroy University of Toronto, GraDuate Department of History of Art: M.A. (May 1994) University of Toronto, Faculty of Architecture & LanDscape Architecture: B.Arch. (May 1992) Previous University Positions Université De Nantes – Department of History of Art • Visiting Associate Professor (November-December 2015) Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Department of Architecture • Visiting Associate Professor in the History, Theory, Criticism Program (Fall 2012) University of Toronto • Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Fine Art (2004-05) • Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape & Design (2002-03) University Service | University of Pittsburgh • Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation – member of TasK Force (since 2013) • Chancellor’s Sustainability Council – member (since 2016) • Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences – member of Dean Search Committee (2016-17) • Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences – member of Tenure Council (2019) Professional Service | Society of Architectural Historians • nominated to serve as local co-chair for the 2022 annual meeting in Pittsburgh. • member of Board of Directors; chair of taskforce for developing a new strategic plan for the society (2014-2017) Armstrong | Curriculum Vitæ 1 of 18 COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS | University of Pittsburgh ACADEMIC INITIATIVE: $50,000 Chancellor’s Seed Grant for program development (2018-) • Lead Primary Investigator (with Construction Management + Facilities Management) • FunDing to create (1) a summer program in architecture for local high school stuDents; (2) graduate programs in media, sustainability and the built environment. YEAR OF THE HUMANITIES | Versailles: Space, Power, Memory (spring 2016) • Lecture series organizeD with Professor Chloé Hogg + the Carnegie Museum of Art • 10-day study abroad to Versailles with 3 graduate + 9 undergraduate students EXHIBITION: Configuring Disciplines: Fragments of an Encyclopedia • Primary Investigator anD Faculty Curator • Project awarDeD $16,000 in funDing from the Office of Research, University of Pittsburgh • Exhibition developed with Isabelle Chartier in the University Art Gallery, FricK Fine Arts BuilDing, University of Pittsburgh (September 4-October 5, 2014) • Material borroweD from: – The AnDy Warhol Museum (Pittsburgh) – The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Olivier Room (Pittsburgh) – The Carnegie Mellon University Libraries (Pittsburgh) – The Carnegie Museum of Art (Pittsburgh) – The FalK MeDical Library (University of Pittsburgh) – The FricK Fine Arts Library (University of Pittsburgh) – The Hillman Library Special Collections Department (University of Pittsburgh) – The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation (Pittsburgh) – The National MeDical Library (Washington, D.C.) • Content baseD on a joint graDuate-undergraduate seminar taught with Professor Josh Ellenbogen, spring 2014 and developed with graduate students Maria Castro, Nicole Coffineau, Rachel Di Cicco, Jennifer Donnelly, Kylynn JasinsKi, AnniKa Johnson, Isaac King, Maeva Mateos, Allison McCann, Colleen O'Reilly, and Nicole Scalissi; and undergraduate student Meghan Hipple. DIGITAL HUMANITIES: ITINERA – Imag(in)ing Travel: Integrating Networks, Exchanges, ResearcH & Art • Co-Primary Investigator (with Dr. Alison LangmeaD) anD AcaDemic Director • A digital humanities project under development with the Visual Media Workshop in the department of History of Art anD Architecture • AwarDeD $23,000 in start-up funding from the Office of the Provost, University of Pittsburgh (May 2012) PUBLICATIONS Book Julien-David Leroy and the Making of Architectural History (London: Routledge, 2011) Book Projects World Histories of Architecture: The Emergence of a New Genre in the Nineteenth Century, co- edited with Petra Brouwer (University of Amsterdam) and Martin Bressani (McGill University) • UnDer contract with the MIT Press – publication date: fall 2022 Building Networks and Identities in Ancien Régime Paris: The Académie Royale d’Architecture (1671-1793). [research in progress] Armstrong | Curriculum Vitæ 2 of 18 Journal Articles “Le comte de Maurepas et la reDécouverte de la MéDiterranée sous Louis XV.” Comptes rendus de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 157e année, n. 2, April-June 2013 (Paris: Institut de France, 2014), 819-854 “L’AcaDémie royale d’architecture, reflet de la politique de l’état en matière de signalisation maritime, 1745-1801.” Livraisons d’histoire de l’architecture 24 – Le phare et l’architecte (2ème semestre 2012), 9-32 “The Architect as Revolutionary Hero: A Monument to Julien-DaviD Leroy.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 66 (September 2007), 316-339 [peer reviewed] “Myth anD the New Science: Vico, Tiepolo, anD the Language of the Optimates.” The Art Bulletin 87 (December 2005), 643-663 [peer revieweD] • An abriDgeD version appears in the anthology: Dixon, Susan M. eD., Italian Baroque Art, 1600-1750 (LonDon: BlacKwell, 2008), 230-250 “Espaces et la longue durée: Leroy et l’histoire de l’architecture.” Livraisons d’histoire de l’architecture 10 (June 2005), 9-19 “Projets inéDits pour une Ecole de Navigation à la Malmaison, an VIII.” Bulletin de la Société des amis de Malmaison 34 (2000), 108-125 “Qui Transtulit Sustinet: William Burges, Francis Kimball anD the Architecture of HartforD’s Trinity College.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 59 (June 2000), 194-215 [peer revieweD] Book Chapters “BuilDing the Beaux-Arts in the Steel City: The Construction of Pittsburgh’s RoDef Shalom Synagogue, 1906-07,” in Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Construction History (forthcoming summer 2021) “L’Enseignement d’Antoine Desgodetz : standardisation et typologie en architecture,” in Les Nouveaux savoirs de l’architecte moderne: Antoine Desgodets, entre théorie et pratique, eD. Robert Carvais (forthcoming) “A GlobalizeD French MeDiterranean,” in The Routledge Handbook of Globalization and Archaeology, eD. Tamar HoDos (London: Routledge, 2017), 687-703 Chapters on “The Paris AcaDémie royale d’architecture,” “The Petit Trianon,” “The Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux,” and “Claude-Nicolas Ledoux and the Barrières De Paris.” In A Companion to Architectural Theory and Practice, Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, vol. 2, Companion to Architecture in the Age of Enlightenment, general eDitor Harry F. Mallgrave (London: Wiley BlacKwell, 2017) “French Architectural Thought anD the Idea of Greece.” In A Companion to Greek Architecture, ed. Margaret M. Miles (LonDon: BlacKwells, 2016), 487-508. “Sainte-Geneviève et l’histoire De l’église à coupole.” In Actes of conference on Jacques- Germain Soufflot ou l’architecture régénérée (1713-1780), (Paris: Picard, 2015), 57-74. Chapters on “Le site de 1789 à 1848,” anD “Quarante et un projets et leurs auteurs” (with Olivier Liardet).” In Notre-Dame de La Treille, in the series La Grâce d’une cathédrale (Strasbourg: La Nuée bleue, 2014). Armstrong | Curriculum Vitæ 3 of 18 Book Chapters – continued IntroDuction for reprint of Pierre-Henri Gélis-DiDot anD ThéoDore Lambert, Paris Mansions & Apartments 1893. Façades, Floor Plans & Architectural Details (1893; New York: Dover, 2011) “Des ‘Hommes Illustres’ aux ‘Artistes célèbres’, La GranDe Galerie du Louvre au XIXe siècle: une histoire parlante de l’art.” In Le culte des grands hommes 1750-1850, eD. Thomas W. Gaehtgens and Gregor Wedekind (Paris: Maison Des sciences De l‘homme, 2009), 505-534 “Il faut ruiner un palais.... Fragmentation anD Human Nature in Leroy’s Les Ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grèce.” In Fragmentation. Architecture and the Unfinished. Essays Presented to Robin Middleton, eD. Barry BergDoll and Werner Oechslin (London: Thames & HuDson, 2006), 183-196 “Ledoux, Leroy et le soi dans le livre d’architecture au XVIIIe siècle.” In Claude Nicolas Ledoux et le livre d’architecture en Français. Etienne Louis Boullée l’utopie et la poésie de l’art, eD. Daniel Rabreau (Paris: Monum, 2006), 190-197 “De la théorie des proportions à l’expérience des sensations: l’Essai sur la Théorie de l’Architecture de Julien-DaviD Leroy, 1770.” In Claude Nicolas Ledoux et le livre d’architecture en Français. Étienne Louis Boullée l’utopie et la poésie de l’art, eD. Daniel Rabreau (Paris: Monum, 2006), 160-277 “Travel anD Experience in the MeDiterranean of Louis XV.” In Rethinking the Mediterranean, ed. William V. Harris (OxforD: OxforD University Press, 2005), 235-267 “Treason to Art; an insult to England; a dishonor to France: Les «Ecclésiologists» d’outre Manche et le concours pour l’église de Notre-Dame De la Treille” [anD] “William Burges, un imagier au service d’un nouvel art chrétien” [and] “George Edmund Street, la mesure classique dans le gothique.” In Notre-Dame de la Treille. Du rêve à la réalité: Histoire de la cathédrale de Lille,
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