— UKRAINE REFORMS #UkraineReforms A successful transformation in Ukraine encompassing the rule of law, pluralist democracy and a functioning market economy is an essential condition for a peaceful and prosperous future, not only in the country but also for all of Europe. For that to happen the country An initiative of: needs to go through profound reforms. The ongoing reforms in Ukraine concern measures which have far-ranging effects on the Ukrainian population. Therefore, the way these reforms are perceived by the Ukrainian Partners: public is crucial and decisive for the success or failure of the entire reform process. martenscentre.eu/events/ukraine-reforms 2014 VISITS In December 2014 under the leadership of Mikuláš Dzurinda, president of the Martens Centre, former prime minister of Slovakia and successful country Kyiv reformer, we launched the #UkraineReforms Mikuláš Dzurinda programme to bring together the expertise of senior announced the initiation of the EU decision-makers in support of the reform 2014 NOV. programme and process in Ukraine. encouraged the This transfer of experience is organised through reform process in public events, town-hall style meetings, TV debates, Ukraine by online articles and interviews held in Kyiv and other meeting inter- major Ukrainian cities. The initiative is supported by ested parties. local partners including Ukrainian NGOs Reanima- tion Package for Reforms and Stronger Together, as well as the Kyiv School of Economics. By the end of 2016 the programme presented over 20 activities, 18 high-level visits in Ukraine in 7 different cities, around 70 meetings and lectures and over 40 media interviews. Want to know more about #UkraineReforms ? Check out our website. 2015 Dnipropetrovsk Kyiv Marathon Lviv/Kyiv Andrius Kubilius Mikuláš Dzurinda Leszek Balcerow- met representa- formed a half icz provided MAY 2015 MAY FEB. 2015 tives of local APR. 2015 marathon team with expertise on the authorities, MEP Ivan Štefanec, management of businesses and MEP Dita Charan- privatisation and universities to zova and Roman the communica- discuss economic Babjak, European tion of reforms in recovery, the role Commission, to times of transition. of SMEs and the participate in the The visit included implementation of Kyiv Half Marathon. several academic the DCFTA with This initiative lectures and Ukraine. showed solidarity meetings with civil with Ukrainians for society activists the comprehensive and the media in reform process Lviv and Kyiv. ahead. Kyiv Odesa Lviv/Kyiv Ivan Mikloš Janez Janša Jan Krzysztof Bielecki shared the Slovak focused on EU lectured in major JAN. 2015 JAN. experience of integration, 2015 MAY universities in the APR. 2015 economic economic region and promoted reforms with reforms and the reforms in the sphere experts and reform of the of restructuring business repre- military sector, state-owned enter- sentatives. providing best prises and corporate practices from governance among Slovenia. businesses and policy-makers. Kyiv Kharkiv Einars Repse Mikuláš Dzurinda focused on commented on SEP. 2015 SEP. reforms in the 2015 NOV. the upcoming banking sector, reforms on tax, in a public decentralisation debate with civil and public admin- society, and istration. He met delivered several local officials, media interviews. representatives of the business community and students in Kharkiv. Kharkiv/Kyiv Kyiv Odesa/Kyiv Juhan Parts Ivan Kostov spoke on Alojz Peterle travelled addressed the topics macroeconomic to Odesa to share OCT. 2015 OCT. JUL. 2015 of anti-corruption, stabilisation and 2015 NOV. Slovenia’s success e-governance and monetary policy in story with EU integra- taxation, providing times of crisis in a tion. In Kyiv he good practices from series of meetings with discussed with Estonia. He met experts and decision- business associations government officials, makers. He also met and government civil society repre- leading think tanks to officials the DCFTA sentatives and busi- discuss the Russian and the most urgent ness associations. hybrid war. reforms for Ukraine. 2016 Kyiv/Vinnytsia Kyiv Kyiv Alexandr Vondra Andrej Plenković Dita Charanzová delivered a lecture debated on addressed the NOV. 2016 NOV. at Donetsk National JUN. 2016 EU-Ukraine topic of public MAR. 2016 University, based in relations and the administration Vinnytsia and met progress that has reforms, sharing civil society and been made in fields best practises media to discuss such as visa from Czechia and the defence sector, liberalisation, the provided an relations with NATO implementation of insight on the and Ukraine’s the DCFTA and in EU-Ukraine trade approach to the fight against relations. decommunisation. corruption. Kyiv/Odesa Ivano-Frankivsk Kyiv Simeon Djankov Ivan Štefanec Miroslav Beblavý shared the success- discussed the and Emília MAY 2016 MAY JUL. 2016 FEB. 2016 ful reform practices benefits of the Beblavá met with from several post- Deep and Compre- experts, civil communist countries hensive Free Trade society repre- including tax reforms Agreement as well sentatives and and privatisation, as the importance media to public administration of promoting a promote anti- reform and lustration business friendly corruption legislation as solu- environment in reforms. tions for Ukraine. Ukraine. EXPERTS In order to implement reforms, Senior European policy-makers that have you need several ingredients: a already taken part in expert visits within deep economic crisis, a good the programme: team in the government, and a set of political priorities for the reform process. Ukraine already has the first two. Now, it is time to get your priorities straight. Andrius Kubilius Member of the Lithuanian Parliament Former prime minister of Lithuania Partial reforms are even worse The key to success for Ukraine is than no reforms at all. The more a combination of domestic radical, deeper and complex the reforms and a clear vision to join reforms are, the better for the EU. Macroeconomic stabili- Ukraine. sation and fiscal consolidation are essential. Ivan Mikloš Chief economic advisor to the prime minister of Ukraine Mikuláš Dzurinda Former minister of finance of Slovakia President of the Martens Centre Former prime minister of Slovakia Ukraine needs radical reforms to allow for economic competition, including a clear separation of state and business. Only dema- gogues and populists can reject the effectiveness of liberal reforms. Judging from the Slovenian experience, it is much easier to Leszek Balcerowicz build up institutions from scratch, Advisor to the president of Ukraine rather than trying to change Former deputy prime minister and finance people who are comfortable with minister of Poland, former president of keeping the existing system and the National Bank of Poland status quo. #UkraineReforms programme brings oblique.agency together the expertise of senior EU Janez Janša decision-makers in support of the reform President of the Slovenian Democratic Party process in Ukraine. Design by Design by Former prime minister of Slovenia Transition is always a painful process, but Ukraine needs to continue its political reforms. Their success will depend on reaching a public consensus on the steps to be taken. Jan Krzysztof Bielecki Reforms are only done success- Chairman of the partners board at EY Poland fully in the times when it is Former prime minister and minister impossible not to do them. for European integration of Poland Having a crisis is the best time for reforms. Ivan Kostov Director of the Risk Analysis and Management Centre Former prime minister and minister of finance of Bulgaria It is factors like the highly-qualified workforce, the unique geographic location, natural resources, and big domestic markets that allow us to think positively about the future of Ukraine. Juhan Parts Member of the Estonian Parliament There are four things that a Former prime minister and minister of nation needs to be successful: to economy and communication of Estonia be able to learn, to innovate, to promote free enterprise, and the rule of law. Einars Repše Former prime minister of Latvia When undergoing radical tax reforms Ukraine needs to ensure alternative sources of public When you do reforms, you need revenues. Initially privatisation to convince the people that they can serve this purpose. will gain in the long run. Simeon Djankov Alojz Peterle Lecturer at LSE Member of the European Parliament Former deputy prime minister and Former deputy prime minister and former minister of finance of Bulgaria minister of foreign affairs of Slovenia Initiator of the 'Doing Business' report at the World Bank Decommunisation is in essence about empowering the middle class in the country. It is this one third of society who act as the true agents of change. Alexandr Vondra Director of the Prague Centre for Transatlantic Relations Stable currency and a visa free at the CEVRO Institute College in Prague regime with the EU are key for Former deputy prime minister for European Affairs good business in Ukraine. and minister of defence of the Czech Republic. Ivan Štefanec Member of the European Parliament Former member of the Slovak Parliament The credibility and sustainability of reforms in Ukraine is key for In countries suffering from the EU-integration process of the endemic corruption, like Ukraine, country. three pillars are needed to fight it: laws, institutions and people. Andrej Plenković Prime Minister of Croatia Former Member of the European Parliament Miroslav Beblavý Member of the Slovak Parliament Senior research fellow at Centre for European Policy Studies Public policies to decrease corruption in Ukraine must be adopted by the Parliament and then implemented by the Public A healthy business environment is Administration. Conditionality necessary to maximise Ukraine’s and clear rules set by the EU play trade potential. an important role. Dita Charanzová Emília Beblavá Member of the European Parliament Director of Faculty of Social and Economic Science Former diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign at Comenius University in Bratislava Affairs of the Czech Republic Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Transparency International Slovakia.
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