Open Ref. Ares(2012)79776 - 24/01/2012 ANNEX B.1.1. Open Powers of attorney Declarations on support and company data Requests for confidentiality This annex contains powers of attorney, declarations on support and company data as well as requests for confidentiality. For the reasons set out hereafter, this information is limited and cannot be otherwise summarized. T:\Ma nda nten\RBI074raCeram\022__d_open\Annex_B_1 „1 „00„PoA„eíc_cover_open. docx -2- The European companies concerned have reason to believe that a complaint in their name will lead to retaliatory measures and have a disastrous effect on their production, sales and overall performance. A number of their customers are also purchasing and selling tableware that is imported from China. They have strong reasons to suspect that they will exert pressure as their suppliers probably would request them to withdraw their support from any action. Moreover, they strongiy expect that their customers will also relay the pressure from their Chinese suppliers and Chinese authorities, asking them not to support the anti-dumping investigation. Certain companies also have some activities in China and have to fear countermeasures from suppliers, customers and Chinese authorities, as witnessed in past trade cases for other products. For fear of the potential impact of possible retaliation on their business in China and elsewhere, their name needs to remain confidential. Such retaliation measures could lead to undue pressure on their commercial activities in the EU, restrictions placed on their activities in China and elsewhere and a loss of orders to customers in China and in the EU. This would frustrate the purpose of the anti-dumping investigation. Especially SME companies which usually do not have a wide range of different products, such as is the case here, would find it tremendously difficult to withstand pressure from customers etc. and they need to be protected. In light of these possible retaliatory effects, sufficient steps need be taken by the EU institutions to prevent the companies' involvement in the case becoming known. OPEN Annex B.2.1. Listing of known European producers and their associations Open -2- FEDERATION EUROPEENNE DES INDUSTRIES DE PORCELAINE ET DE FAIENCE DE TABLE ET D'ORNEMENTATION Rue de la Montagne 17- B-1000 BRUXELLES Tel. (32-2) 511 30 12 - Fax (32-2) 511 51 74) - E-mail [email protected] FEPF NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS VERBAND DER KERAMISCHEN [email protected] INDUSTRIE E.V. Postfach 16 24 ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE D - 95090 SELB CERAMICA Tel. +49-9287 8080 Rua Coronel Veiga Simão, Edificio C Fax +49-9287 70492 P-3020-053 COIMBRA http://www.keraniverbaende.de/vki/frames/i Tel.+351-39 497 600 ndex qeschirr.html Fax +351-39 497 601 inforSJkeramverband.de http://www.apicer.pt/index2.htm infotaļapicer.pt BRITISH CERAMIC CONFEDERATION Federation House FEPF DIRECT MEMBERS Station Road GB - STOKE-ON-TRENT ST4 2SA For Luxemburg Tel. +44-782 744631 VILLEROY&BOCH Fax +44-782 744102 Rue de Rollingergrund 330 http://www.ceramfed.co.uk/index files/Main L-1018 Luxembourg files/tableware%20members.htm Tel. :+352 468 211 bcc(8iceramfed.co.uk Fax:+352 469 021 infoťôiindustrie.lu CHAMBRE PROFESSIONNELLE DE LA PORCELAINE, POTERIE, FAIENCE 114, Ruela Boétie For the Czech Republic F - 75008 PARIS THUN1794a.s. Tel.+33-1 58 18 3040 Tovární 242 Fax +33-1 42 66 09 00 36225 NOVÁ ROLE http://www.confederationdesartsdelatable.n Czech Republic et/nos_adherents.php?secteur=129&fiche= 104 Tel. :+420 353 410 359 ppf[5iceramique.org Fax : +420 353 563 961 CONFINDUSTRIA CERAMICA http://www.thun1794hr.cz/ Settore Porcellane e Terraglie E-mail: [email protected] Viale Monte Santo 40 1-41049 SASSUOLO (Mo) Tei.+390 536 818 111 Fax +390 536 807 935 http;//www.confindustriaceramica.it/asso/as so.nsf/home T:\Ma ndanten\RBI074„Ceram\022_d\Annex„B_2_1_European_producers„open.docx Open - 2 Czech producers See following pages. French producers See following pages. German producers See following pages. Italian producers See following pages. Polish producers See following pages. Portuguese producers See following pages. Romanian producers See following pages. Spanish producers See following pages. United Kingdom See following pages. T: Wanda nten\RB! Q74„Ceram\022_d\Annex_B_2_1 _E uropea n_prod ucers_open .docx Open -1 - Czech producers THUN1794a.s. Tovární 242 36225 NOVÁ ROLE Czech RepublicTel. : +420 353 410 359 Fax : +420 353 563 961 Internet: www.thun1794hr.cz/ E-mail: [email protected] G. BENEDIKT KARLOVY VARY Hotel porcelain 1. máje 30, 360 06 Karlovy Vary, Czech republic Tei. : +420 353 406 211 (Sales Director) Fax : +420 353 406 325 Internet: http://www.hotelow-PorceIan.cz E-mail : [email protected] Český porcelán Dubí a.s. Tovární 605/17, 417 01 Dubii Tel.:+420 417 518 111 Fax:+420 417 571 968 Internet: www.cesky.porcelan.cz E-mail: [email protected] STAROROLSKY PORCELAN Moritz Zdekauer, a.s. Závodu míru 93, CZ-360 17 Karlovy Vary Tel. : +420 353 412 111 Fax:+420 353 412 453 Internet : www.starporc.cz E-mail : [email protected] T:\Ma ndanten\RBI074raCeram\022_d\Annex_B_2„1_European„prodűcers_open.docx Open French companies, not all are to are "French producers" ARTORIA adhérent 239, avenue des Casseaux 87000 LIMOGES Tél. : +33 5 55 33 48 56 Fax : +33 5 55 33 27 55 Internet : www.artoria.fr E-mail : [email protected] PORCELAINES JL COQUET adhérent Avenue de Limoges 87400 ST LEONARD DE NOBLAT Tél. : +33 5 55 56 08 28 Fax:+33 5 55 56 13 97 Internet : www.jicoauet.com/main-fr.php Emai! : contactrSlilcoquet.com DESHOULIERES Non adhérent Manufacture de Porcelaine Le Planty - BP 8 86300 CHAUVIGNY Tél. : +33 5 49 61 50 00 Fax : +33 5 49 61 50 20 Internet : www.deshouiieres.fr E-mail : infochrfgideshoulieres.com SOCIETE MEDARD DE NOBLAT Non adhérent Rue du Docteur Dourdet 87400 SAUVIAT-SUR-VIGE Tél. : +33 5 55 75 30 22 Fax : +33 5 55 75 36 66 Internet : www.medarddenoblat.com/ Email : medard^ôinnedarddenoblat.com S.A.S. Nouvelle PILLIVUYT Non adhérent Allée de la Manufacture 18500 MEHUN SUR YEVRE Tél. : +33 2 48 67 31 00 Fax:+33 2 48 57 13 00 Internet : www.pilIivuvt.fr/ Email : christian.houeKSjPillivuvt.fr T:\Mandanten\RBI074_Ceram\022_d\Annex_B_2_1_European_producers_open.docx Open - 3 - RAYNAUD ET CIE adhérent 14, ancienne route d'Aixe - BP 1122 87050 LIMOGES Tél. : +33 5 55 01 77 55 Fax : +33 5 55 01 77 60 http://www.ercuis-ravnaud.com/CATRAYNAUD/default.lasso Ernail: [email protected] REVOL PORCELAINE S.A. adhérent 3, rue Hector Revol -26240 SAINT UZE Tél. : +33 4 75 03 99 99 Fax : +33 4 75 03 28 63 Internet : www.revol-groupe.fr Email : contactť5irevol-porcelaine.fr ROYAL LIMOGES SARL adhérent 28, rue Donzelot - 87000 LIMOGES Tél. : +33 5 55 33 27 37 Fax : +33 5 55 32 09 40 Internet : www.roval-limoqes.fr/boutique us/liste rayons.cfm?code Ig-jq us Email : [email protected] PORCELAINES BERNARDAUD Non adhérent 27, avenue Albert Thomas 87000 LIMOGES Tél. :+335 55 10 55 50 Fax:+335 55 10 55 55 Internet : www.bernardaud.fr/ PORCELAINES HAVILAND Non adhérent 25, rue lebon 87280 LIMOGES Tél : +33 5 55 04 73 00 Fax : +33 5 55 04 73 20 Internet : www.haviland.fr/ E-niail : accueilťgíhaviíand.fr, PORCELAINES LAPLAGNE Non adhérent 24 rue Galliéni 87000 LIMOGES Tél. :+33 5 55 77 53 12 Fax : +33 5 55 79 05 78 T:\Mandanien\RBi074_Ceram\022_d\Annex_B„2_1„European_producers_open.docx Open - 4 - Internet: http://laplagne-porceĮaĮne.com E-Mail : porcelaine.laplagneťôlwanadoo.fr PORCELAINES MERIGOUS Non adhérent Rue Marthe Dutheil 87220 FEYTIAT Tél. : +33 5 55 30 23 67 Fax : +33 5 55 30 83 46 www.merigous.fr T:\Wlandanten\RBI074_Ceram\022_d\Annex_B__2m1„Eurapean_producers_open.docx Open - 5 - German producers Erste Bayreuther Porzellanfabrik ''Walküre" Siegm. Paul Meyer GmbH Gravenreutherstraße 5 95445 Bayreuth Tel.:+49 92178930-0 Fax: +49 921 78930 880 Internet: www.waikuere.de E-Mail: [email protected] KAHLA/Thüringen Porzellan GmbH Christian-Eckardt-Straße 38 07768 Kahla Tel.: +49 36424 790 Fax: +49 36424 22301 Internet: www.kahlaporzellan.com E-Mail: infotgfehlaporzellan.com Könitz Porzellan GmbH Bahnhofstraße 2 07336 Könitz Tel.: +49 36732 344-0 Fax: +49 36732 22335 Internet: www.muq-companv.com E-Mail: [email protected] Porzellanfabriken Christian Seitmann GmbH Christian-Seltmann-Straße 59-67 92637 Weiden Tel.: +49 961 204-0 Fax:+49 961204-116 Internet: www.seltmann-weiden.com E-Mail: Service(5ìseltmann.com Porzellanfabrik Heinrich Winterling GmbH & Co. KG Am Bahnhof 1 95168 Marktleuthen Tel.:+49 9285 1276-77 Fax: +49 9285 6734 Internet: www.heinrich-winterling-marktleuthen.de E-Mail: kontaktgãjheinrich-winterJinq-marktleuthen.de T:\Ma ndaníen\RBI074_Ceram\022_d\Annex_B„2_1_European„producers_-open.docx Open - 6 - Villeroy & Boch AG Saaruferstraße 66693 Mettlach Tel.:+49 6864 81-0 Tel. Faiencerie: +49 6864 81-1476 Internet: www.villerov-boch.com E-Mail: [email protected] Arzberg-Porzellan GmbH Fabrikweg 41 95706 Schirnding Tel.: +49 9233 403-0 Fax:+49 9233 403-122 Internet: www.skv-arzberg.com E-Mail: info^arzberg-porzellan.de BHS tabletop AG Ludwigsmühle 1 95100 Selb Tel.:+49 9287 73-0 Fax Personalabtlg.: +49 9287 73-1114 Internet: www.bhs-tabletop.de E-Mail: info(5ìbhs-tabletop.de Dibbern GmbH Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 1 22941 Bargteheide Germany Fax: +49 (45) 32 28 51 55 www.dibbern.de [email protected] Porzellanfabrik Altenkunstadt Karl Nehmzow GmbH Langheimer Straße 51 96264 Altenkunstadt Tel.:+49 9572 884 Fax:+49 9572 2124 Internet: http://www.altenkunstadt-porzeHan.de/ E-Mail: [email protected] KPM Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin GmbH Wegelystraße 1 10623 Berlin
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