'ran pis didh nmp .JITON V3")N"j onyv OnpiN J1>3 OTDn finij? :H 71)»» (fol. 29a) WW onpiN rpa o*i?n t?in)p ,n)9N rn.V>>> ww onpiN rp:n on?n nrn£ N>n w nm nYwv o^w onpiN DON rnwy o^i vn in* HW TO DGN rn/wy ww oip ON iyspisn :nnw cm tin jhw} rurriiy nnN mV>y ww Mishnah 1: A bald spot in a vineyard1: the House of Shammai say 24 cubits2 but the House of Hillel say 16 cubits. The circumference3 of a vineyard: the House of Shammai say 16 cubits but the House of Hillel say 12 cubits. What is a bald spot in a vineyard? A vineyard that dried up in the middle; if there are less than 16 cubits one should not bring seeds there4. If there are 16 cubits, one allows it space to be tended5 and the rest one may sow. 1 Here start the rules for kilaim in vintner will want to sow these plants as a vineyard, where the rules have to be soon as possible. more strict than for fields since other Instead of interpreting man nmp as crops in a vineyard make everything "bald spot in a vineyard" one might "sanctified". For a biblical basis of the think of "agricultural area in a vine- treatment of a partially dead vineyard, yard", cf. Chapter 2, Note 150. cf. Chapter 7, Note 44. 2 The cubit used to measure A dried-up vineyard cannot be vessels can be determined from successfully replanted unless lupines Mishnah Kelim 17:11 which states that and other nitrogen-enriching plants some authorities define liquid measures grow there for a few years. The as Roman. The Roman quartarius, 136 KILAIM CHAPTER FOUR equivalent to the Jewish revi'it, is 133 Palestinian vineyard cubit 20 digits or cm3. The Yerushalmi states in Pesahim 52.6 cm, close to the standard 10:1 (fol. 37c) that the revi'it is 7V3 Babylonian cubit. cubic digits [the Babli (Pesahim 109a) 3 From the root Vm "to turn in a defines it as 10.8 cubic digits.] The circle," from which also the Biblical Yerushalmi digit is therefore the cube homonym Vina "fife." The rules of bald root of (133/7.3333)cm3 or 2.63 cm. spots at the outer edge of a vineyard Then the cubit of 24 digits is 63 cm. are given in Mishnah 2. (The corresponding Babylonian cubit 4 The rules given here apply if would be only 55.5 cm.) On the other the bald spot contains a circle of 16 hand, Rashi (Erubin 60b) defines the cubits diameter (for the House of cubit used for measuring terrain as half Hillel), i. e., if there is a point in the a pace, 2000 cubits being 1000 paces or bald spot from which the minimal one mile. If one uses the Roman mile distance to any living vine is at least 8 (1000 passus) of 1473 m, one obtains cubits. 73.7 cm for the cubit. If Rashi would 5 The space needed to tend a define the half-step as two Parisian vineyard is a path 4 cubits wide so that feet, one would obtain 65 cm, in the ox-drawn cart of the vintner may reasonable correspondence with the move there. Even though the House of Yerushalmi cubit derived earlier, but if Hillel forbid sowing if the minimal he would refer to half an aune, his width is less than eight cubits, if cubit would be 59 cm, closer to the somebody sowed illegally on a smaller Babylonian standard. patch neither the seeds nor the vines In Tosephta Kelim Baba Mezi'a 6:13, become "sanctified" as long as a R. Mei'r states that all cubits referred to minimal distance of 4 cubits is ob- in the laws of a vineyard are cubits of served everywhere (Mishnah 7:3). five hand-breadths. This makes the nn*ij7 .ainv; d-i? Nin cnsn nrn.j? "|3ni> >:n npN nrnj? naim -ION ,i>77>r!?3)3 iniN vo'li?» il.n^ OTD .iyspw irriN vnnj?® o-pn n* •)>* "P^i? oft cm v\?op nidi >ai ia iyspi:nnv> oi? o").?D JiOli? in* ^ noii? N7>2V pn .it it o'rivm i>3 ninm ya-iN)? V3 'TP HALAKHAH 1 137 von? nya-iN jpn 5 >5 in nto viw yaw ya mw won 1 tvn pTin in np? pi ? ppn? "inri ji>n yjin in ao? pi>i ."!?>?> a 6ini VPl? pi.Jp Halakhah 1: "A bald spot in a vineyard." Rebbi Johanan said that the rules for a bald spot in a vineyard and a dried-up vineyard7 are the same. A bald spot is cleared in its middle, a dried-up vineyard is cleared on all four sides8. Rebbi Yose said, this applies to a large vineyard but if it comes from the plants of a small vineyard9, the rules of a bald spot in a vineyard do not apply. Also, we have stated10: "What is a bald spot in a vineyard? A vineyard that dried up in its middle but enough for a vineyard remained, whether it be from all four sides, or from three, or from two opposite sides." How is that? Five rows of seven each11, one took out one row of vineyard12, that leaves four vineyards and three intervals. One takes out another one, that leaves three vineyards and two intervals. One takes out another one, that leaves two vineyards and one interval. 5 R. Eliahu Fulda and R. S. Venice and Leyden: pin. Lieberman want to read '3 pas "in the 7 The rules of the dried spot are form of a x" instead of '3 .pana R. explained in Mishnah 5:1. Eliahu Wilna deletes pais and also 8 The dry spot reaches the border takes '3 as the name of the Greek letter of the vineyard at 1, 2, 3, or 4 sides. X- However, if one continues to take 9 As explained in Mishnah 4:6, a out x-shaped groups of vines, one will minimal vineyard is formed by two not diminish the number of intervals. It rows, one with two, the other one with will be seen later that vines planted in three vines in two parallel rows. A the shape of a x never form a vineyard. small vineyard here is one of which a 6 Reading of the Rome ms. Most circle of 16 cubits diameter has been older commentators emend the text to cleared and no two minimal vineyards this reading since two parallel rows are still standing. generate only one space between them. 10 A similar statement is Tosephta 138 KILAIM CHAPTER FOUR Kilaim 3:1: "What is a bald spot in a not recognized by the dictionaries) is vineyard? A vineyard that dried up in not quite a vineyard. It is a row of five its middle but four or five vines vines which according to the Mishnah remained, whether it be from all four do not form a vineyard for the House sides, or from three, or from two of Hillel, but will form one if the vines opposite sides." [R. Saul Lieberman has are drawn on a trellis as explained in an ingenious explanation to harmonize Mishnah 6:1 and at the end of the Mishnah, Tosephta, and Yerushalmi, Halakhah, Note 22. In our case, one (noiUiBD xnsoin, p. 621) which, however, takes out one row, given in the figure contradicts both the definition of nmp as o. Then one takes out two more man (loc. cit., a few lines earlier) and minimal vineyards (see Note 9), the fact that in all sources of the indicated by c and e. The vines left Tosephta the numerals are spelled out standing are indicated by x. One and not abbreviated. Similarly, R. cannot do a similar construction with Moses Margalit presents an extremely less than a 5-by-7 vineyard. The elegant solution but it seems distance between two vines usually is contradicted by Rebbi Johanan in the four cubits; then between first and last next paragraph.] row the empty space is a required 16 11 The commentators want to cubits. change "7" into "5" but this is not warranted. The large vineyard of five rows of seven vines each contains 35 x c c e e e vines. A minimal vineyard has five x c c c e c x vines. If three minimal vineyards are X o 0 O 0 0 X removed, 20 vines remain along the X X X X X X X edges. fig. 4-1 12 013 is a vineyard, pais (a word inyoB n^n^i onpw n>a .iniN iJi)>V>£ ->m tori? Vinno Jin -»ON .V3")*! on\py toa-pro on'yy .yr-jN! onvpy m-prv) rn\uy \yyi inyon n^njp -mv isnna rpriyi o-on ^inp "pa'pto Jva oni^n-ini n>3 D~i?n l^rim .rnvpy D>rivp ^n tpi^ rpriyi rnyy HALAKHAH 1 139 JI>N .DON rn/yy tpJW D>i>piN rpii DON ni.^v WW DnpiN WEW N>RIVI ^ RNTYY O>RIVJ RYMJFC JIÌON IDE *MO'JQ Jim ^ DDiOV'i JT>17 Cahana said, they made it like the start of its planting. The House of Shammai say, 24 at the start of planting, 24 at its destruction13. Rebbi Johanan said, the House of Shammai are more restrictive in its destruction than at the start of its planting. At the start of its planting 16, at its destruction 24.
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