TABLE OF CONTENTS for the Special Meeting of LIGHT REGIONAL COUNCIL TUESDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 Reports for Decision: 5.1.1 Genetically Modified Crops Moratorium .............................................. 1 VISION Respecting the Past, Creating our Future. CORE PRINCIPLES Light Regional Council is guided by a focus on ‘Core Principles’ of Growth; Reform; Innovation and Discipline. AGENDA PAPERS for the Special Meeting of LIGHT REGIONAL COUNCIL in the COUNCIL CHAMBER 93 Main Street, Kapunda TUESDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 at 5:00pm Principal Office: 93 Main Street Branch Office: 12 Hanson Street Kapunda 5373 Freeling 5372 Telephone: 8525 3200 Facsimile: 8566 3262 NOTICE OF MEETING Mayor and Councillors, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 83 (2) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that Special Meeting of Council will be held in the Council Chamber, 93 Main Street, Kapunda on Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at 5.00pm A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as prescribed by Section 83 (3) of the said Act. .................................................... Per Brian Carr CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER 2020, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, 93 MAIN STREET, KAPUNDA, COMMENCING AT 5.00PM 1. PRESENT 2. OPENING 3. APOLOGIES 4. DEPUTATIONS & PRESENTATIONS 5. REPORTS FOR DECISION 5.1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 5.2 GENERAL MANAGERS, BUSINESS & FINANCE, & GOVERNANCE 5.3 GENERAL MANAGER, STRATEGY & DEVELOPMENT 5.4 GENERAL MANAGER, INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT 5.5. GENERAL MANAGER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 6. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 6.1 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE 6.2 QUESTIONS ON NOTICE 6.3 NOTICE OF MOTION 6.4 MOTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE 7. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 8. MEETINGS The next ordinary meeting of Light Regional Council will be held on Tuesday, 22 September 2020, commencing at 5:00pm in the Council Chamber, 93 Main Street, Kapunda. 9. CLOSURE Council Agenda Special Meeting of Council – Tuesday, 8 September 2020 2020/1 4. DEPUTATIONS & PRESENTATIONS 5. REPORTS FOR DECISION 5.1 GENERAL MANAGER, STRATEGY & DEVELOPMENT 5.1.1 Genetically Modified Crops Moratorium Folder ID: 74058 Appendix: 5.1A Summary of Submissions Table 5.1B Survey Summary – 7 September 2020 5.1C Written Submissions Author: Craig Doyle – General Manager, Strategy & Development Report Presenter: Craig Doyle – General Manager, Strategy & Development Executive Summary Council has conducted consultation pursuant to Section 5A of the Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004 to assist in determining whether it is to proceed with an application to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (the Minister) to remain a Genetically Modified Crop Free (GM-free) council area. This report provides Council with the outcomes of the community consultation that was conducted between 12 August 2020 and 2 September 2020 to assist Council with determining whether it will make an application to the Minister to remain a GM-free council area Council received 165 responses to its survey (160 on-line, 5 in hardcopy). The results are presented in Appendix 5.1B. It is noted that the response from the Barossa Grape and Wine Association indicates that there is a market risk to the Barossa and Australian wine industries reputation if GM crops are allowed. However, the situation for grain farmers is also compelling, in that removing GM-free status would provide a greater choice in management options, to increase potential production yields and economic return. Further, the desire expressed by several farmers to simply having the choice to use these technologies if they see the need to is also acknowledged. Given the diversity of the Council area this is a complex process. The recommendation will either be tabled at the meeting or distributed beforehand. As noted, any application must be made to the Minister by 30 September 2020. The final decision on the Moratorium remains with the Minister. Council Agenda Special Meeting of Council – Tuesday, 8 September 2020 2020/2 Budget Impact Estimated Cost: $Undetermined Future ongoing operating costs: $Nil Is this budgeted? No Recommendation To be provided separately and will either be tabled at the meeting or distributed beforehand. Reasons for the decision To enable Council to consider consultation feedback to inform whether it will apply to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (the Minister) to remain a non-GM crop area under the Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004. Council Agenda Special Meeting of Council – Tuesday, 8 September 2020 2020/3 Detailed Report Purpose This report provides Council with the outcomes of the community consultation that was conducted between 12 August 2020 and 2 September 2020 pursuant to Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004 to assist Council with determining whether it will make an application to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (the Minister) to remain a Genetically Modified Crop Free (GM-free) council area. Background At the Council meeting on 28 July 2020, Council resolved as follows: Item 14.3.1 - Genetically Modified Crops – Notice of Motion by Cr Simon Zeller Moved Cr Zeller Seconded Cr Reichstein That Council: 1. Notes the correspondence received. 2. Pursuant to Section 5A(2) of the Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004, will seek the views of its community, including but not limited to persons engaged in primary production activities and food processing or manufacturing activities, regarding whether or not such an application should be made. 3. Will conduct public consultation to be guided by Council’s public consultation policy. 4. Provide a report about the findings of the public consultation to the earliest possible Council meeting for further consideration. CARRIED Separately, an application must be made to the Minister by 30 September 2020. The final decision on the Moratorium remains with the Minister. History • 26 May 2020 – Item 11.4 – Genetically Modified Crops in South Australia • 28 July 2020 – Item 13.3.1 - Genetically Modified Crops Moratorium Discussion/Analysis As per the Council’s Consultation Policy, community consultation included: • Advertisements placed in the editions of ‘The Leader’ and ‘The Bunyip’ on 12 August 2020; • 52 letters to businesses understood to be involved in primary production activities and food processing or manufacturing activities; • Distribution of a link to Council’s website on this matter to 1460 email addresses obtained from the Australian Business Register. Council Agenda Special Meeting of Council – Tuesday, 8 September 2020 2020/4 In each instance, the public were invited to complete an on-line survey with respect to the Genetically Modified Crops Moratorium. An option to complete a hard copy of the survey was also made available at Council’s Kapunda Office and at the Freeling Library. Council’s survey was based upon one used by other councils to provide general consistency in the consultation undertaken with our community and interested parties with respect to this matter. The survey enabled any interested persons and organisation to identify their interest and position about the Light Regional Council area being kept GM-free. Individuals and organisations also made written submissions to Council, including: • Mr. Graham Brookman, The Food Forest – 4 August 2020 and 13 August 2020 • Grain Producers SA – 13 August 2020 • Ms. Janis Stewart – 14 August 2020 • Mr. Malcolm Bubner – 16 August 2020 • Barossa Grape and Wine Association – 18 August 2020 • Ms. Monika Quattrocchi, Monika’s Organics – 20 August 2020 • Ms. Julie Newman – 22 August 2020 • Mr. Jim Carreker, The Louise Barossa Valley – 24 August 2020 • Viterra – 1 September 2020 These are listed in the Summary of Submissions Table (Appendix 5.1A) and attached. All previous submissions have also been collated as part of the consultation and are included in both the Summary of Submissions Table and submissions in Appendix 5.1B. Neighbouring Councils The Adelaide Plains Council resolved not to make an application to the Minister for Adelaide Plains to be declared a GM-free area and did not provide comment as part of our consultation process. The Barossa Council has authorised staff to apply to the Minister to remain a GM-free council area, with the trade and marketing impacts in its application to be based around the industry responses that it received. The Town of Gawler has not settled its position and may yet petition the Minister to designate the Town of Gawler as a GM-free area. Council Agenda Special Meeting of Council – Tuesday, 8 September 2020 2020/5 The Mid Murray Council is also considering this matter at a meeting on 8 September 2020. From a review of the related agenda report, the Mid Murray community responses show 48% supporting GM crops, 40% not supporting GM crops and 12% undecided. Also, for Mid Murray Council, 60% of its primary producer’s support GM crops, 30% do not and 10% are undecided. In terms of other council areas featuring wine regions: • The City of Onkaparinga is considering making an application to the Minister; • Alexandrina Council (and the District Council of Yankalilla) are both considering making an application; • Wattle Range Council (Coonawarra) is also considering this matter at a meeting on 8 September 2020 and the agenda recommendation is that council does not make an application to remain GM-free. • Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council chose not to proceed with consultation and will not be making an application. Survey Council
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