PROTOCOL ISU Challenger Series competition Finlandia Trophy Espoo 2016 October 6-9, 2016 PROTOCOL 21 st FINLANDIA TROPHY part of the Challenger Series Competitions October 6-9, 2016 organizer Finnish Figure Skating Association authorized by International Skating Union place Metro Areena, Espoo, Finland INTERNATIONAL SKATING UNION Council President Jan Dijkema NED 1st Vice President SS Tron Espeli NOR 2nd Vice President FS Alexander Lakernik RUS Members FS Junko Hiramatsu JPN Patricia St. Peter U.S.A Marie Lundmark FIN Benoit Lavoie CAN Maria Teresa Samaranch ESP SS Yang Yang CHN Jae Youl Kim KOR Stoytcho G. Stoytchev BUL Roland E. Maillard SUI Sergio Anesi ITA Director General Fredi Schmid SUI ISU FS Sports Directors Charles Z Cyr USA Krisztina Regöczy HUN ISU SS Sports Director Hugo Herrnhof ITA Technical Committees Single & Pair Skating Chairperson Fabio Bianhetti ITA Members Susan Lynch AUS Yukiko Okabe JPN Rita Zonnekeyn BEL Appointed Skater Patrick Meier SUI Appointed Coach David P Kirby U.SsA Ice Dance Chairperson Halina Gordon-Poltorak POL Members Shawn Rettstatt U.S.A Alla Shekhovtsova RUS Hilary Selby GBR Appointed Skater Sylwia Nowak-Trebacka POL Appointed Coach Maurizio Margaglio ITA Synchronized Skating Chairperson Christopher Buchanan GBR Members Mika Saarelainen FIN Petra Tyrbo SWE Lois Long U.S.A. Appointed Skater Helena Ericson SWE Appointed Coach Cathy Dalton CAN FINNISH FIGURE SKATING ASSOCIATION President Laura Raitio Vice Presidents Anne-Mari Jussila Mika Saarelainen Members Kirsi Greis Jaana Juhola Janne Korhonen Laura Lauri Marie Lundmark Irja Simola General Secretary Outi Wuorenheimo FINLANDIA TROPHY 2015 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Members Chairman Irja Simola Secretary General Outi Wuorenheimo Competition Director Sanna Eklund Competition Director Tiina Kivisaari Competition Secretary Minna Fernelius Competition Secretary Mirva Lopez Technical Director Seppo Vickholm Media Laura Kankainen Worlds 2017 Anu Husu-Peltonen OTHER KEY PERSONS Accreditation Annika Grönholm Calculation and Officials Anne Fagerström Competition office Sirkka Kiilamo & team Competition office hotel Heli Mende Announcers Paula Luopio-Lemetyinen, Taija Laakso Practice Rink Ulla Maija Haimi Media Mila Kajas-Virtanen, Minna Kontulainen and team Music and opening on ice Hanna Laitinen & teams Senior adviser Ritva Kokko Senior adviser Sinikka Kuusniemi Medical Janne Makkonen & team Transportation Kari Sirviö & team Officials' host Anu Sormunen & team Copying service Päivi Soikkeli & team Skate sharpening ProSharp Award ceremonies Lotta Janhunen & Team Flower children Laura Paasonen Decorations Margit Sjöroos Sewer Riikka Paasonen VIP Guests Lena Hedström TIME SCHEDULE Wednesday 18:30 Referee and Technical Controller meeting October 5 19:00 Judges draw and meeting & Technical Panel meeting Pairs and Ladies 20:00 Draw Pairs and Ladies Thursday 17:35 Pairs Short Program October 6 19:35 Ladies Short Program Friday 17:05 Pairs Free Skating October 7 19:25 Ladies Free Skating Ice Dance miniseminar Draws Men, Ice Dance and SyS Saturday 14:00 Men's Short Program October 8 16:55 Ice Dance Short Dance 19:00 Synchronized Skating Short Program Sunday 12:30 Men's Free Skating October 9 15:55 Ice Dance Free Dance EVENT OFFICIALS REPRESENTING THE INTERNATIONAL SKATING UNION (ISU) Pairs Referee Ms. Margaret Worsfold GBR Technical Controller Ms. Hely Abbondati FIN Technical Specialist Mr. Troy Goldstein U.S.A Assistant Technical Specialist Mr. Simon Briggs GBR Data Operator Mr. Peter Levin SWE Video Operator Ms. Anne Fagerström FIN Ladies Referee Ms. Leena Laaksonen FIN Technical Controller Ms. Yukiko Okabe JPN Technical Specialist Ms. Olga Baranova FIN Assistant Technical Specialist Mr. Troy Goldstein U.S.A Data Operator Ms. Anne Fagerström FIN Video Operator Mr. Juha Rättö FIN Men Referee Ms. Margaret Worsfold GBR Technical Controller Ms. Hely Abbondati FIN Technical Specialist Mr. Andrejs Brovenko LAT Assistant Technical Specialist Mr. Alexander Kuznetsov RUS Data Operator Mr. Peter Levin SWE Video Operator Ms. Anne Fagerström FIN Ice Dance Referee Mr. Mika Saarelainen FIN Technical Controller Ms. Halina Gordon-Poltorak POL Technical Specialist Mr. György Elek HUN Assistant Technical Specialist Ms. Francesca Fermi ITA Data Operator Ms. Anne Fagerström FIN Video Operator Mr. Peter Levin SWE Participating Members Ice Men Ladies Pairs Dance 1 AUS Australia 1 2 BEL Belgium 1 1 3 CAN Canada 1 1 1 4 CZE Czech Republic 1 5 DEN Denmark 1 6 EST Estonia 2 1 7 FIN Finland 1 3 2 8 GER Germany 1 1 2 9 GBR Great Britain 2 10 ISR Israel 2 1 11 ITA Italy 1 1 12 JPN Japan 1 1 1 13 LTU Lithuania 1 14 POL Poland 1 15 RUS Russia 3 2 1 2 16 SLO Slovenia 1 17 ESP Spain 1 18 SWE Sweden 1 1 19 SUI Switzerland 1 2 20 USA United States of America 1 1 2 1 Total 16 19 9 10 Nations 20 12 14 6 8 Finlandia Trophy Espoo 2016 PAIRS Espoo Metro Areena 06 loka 2016 Short Program 07 loka 2016 Free Skating Size of Skating Area : 30m*60m Ice Conditions : very good Number of Entries : 10 Number of Participants : 9 Entry Withdrawn : Vera BAZAROVA / Andrei DEPUTAT RUS Short Program Duration : 2:40 +- 10 Sec. Segment Factor : 1,00 Program Component Factors Skating Skills 0.80 Transitions 0.80 Performance 0.80 Composition 0.80 Interpretation of the Music 0.80 Free Skating Duration : 4:30 +- 10 Sec. Segment Factor : 1,00 Program Components Factors Skating Skills 1.60 Transitions 1.60 Performance 1.60 Composition 1.60 Interpretation of the Music 1.60 Finlandia Trophy Espoo 2016 PANEL OF JUDGES PAIRS Officials Technical Controller Ms. Hely ABBONDATI ISU Technical Specialist Mr. Troy GOLDSTEIN ISU Assistant Technical Specialist Mr. Simon BRIGGS ISU Judges Referee Ms. Margaret WORSFOLD ISU Judge No.1 Mr. Peter RANKIN AUS Judge No.2 Mr. Roger GLENN USA Judge No.3 Ms. Cynthia BENSON CAN Judge No.4 Ms. Olga KOZHEMIAKINA RUS Judge No.5 Ms. Ulla FAIG GER Judge No.6 Ms. Mona JONSSON SWE Judge No.7 Ms. Saara EHALT FIN Judge No.8 Ms. Donatella LEONELLI SUI Data/Replay Operator Data Operator Mr. Peter LEVIN ISU Replay Operator Ms. Anne FAGERSTRÖM ISU printed at: 5.10.2016 19:49:51 photo: © Sari Niskanen Meagan DUHAMEL / Eric RADFORD CAN Kristina ASTAKHOVA / Alexei ROGONOV RUS Mari VARTMANN / Ruben BLOMMAERT GER Finlandia Trophy Espoo 2016 RESULTS PAIRS FINAL RESULT Pl. Name Nation Total SP FS Score 1 Meagan DUHAMEL / Eric RADFORD CAN 197,78 1 1 2 Kristina ASTAKHOVA / Alexei ROGONOV RUS 169,10 2 2 3 Mari VARTMANN / Ruben BLOMMAERT GER 164,91 3 3 4 Ashley CAIN / Timothy LEDUC USA 158,63 6 4 5 Tarah KAYNE / Danny O'SHEA USA 158,11 4 5 6 Ekaterina ALEXANDROVSKAYA / Harley WINDSOR AUS 147,02 5 6 7 Minerva Fabienne HASE / Nolan SEEGERT GER 127,55 7 8 8 Alexandra HERBRIKOVA / Nicolas ROULET SUI 117,36 8 7 9 Ioulia CHTCHETININA / Noah SCHERER SUI 104,32 9 9 Ms. Margaret WORSFOLD ISU Ms. Hely ABBONDATI ISU Referee Technical Controller Printed: 7.10.2016 19:04:10 Finlandia Trophy Espoo 2016 RESULTS PAIRS SHORT PROGRAM Pl. Name Nation Total Segment Score 1 Meagan DUHAMEL / Eric RADFORD CAN 66.49 2 Kristina ASTAKHOVA / Alexei ROGONOV RUS 57.26 3 Mari VARTMANN / Ruben BLOMMAERT GER 56.58 4 Tarah KAYNE / Danny O'SHEA USA 54.65 5 Ekaterina ALEXANDROVSKAYA / Harley WINDSOR AUS 54.54 6 Ashley CAIN / Timothy LEDUC USA 54.26 7 Minerva Fabienne HASE / Nolan SEEGERT GER 50.28 8 Alexandra HERBRIKOVA / Nicolas ROULET SUI 38.84 9 Ioulia CHTCHETININA / Noah SCHERER SUI 33.61 Printed: 6.10.2016 22:22:27 PAIRS RESULT DETAILS SHORT PROGRAM Total Total Tot. Prog. Deduct. Segment Element Comp. Pl. Name Nation SS TR PE CO IN Score Score Score * = + + - 1 Meagan DUHAMEL / Eric RADFORD CAN 66.49 34.57 32.92 8.38 7.92 8.17 8.42 8.25 1.00 2 Kristina ASTAKHOVA / Alexei ROGONOV RUS 57.26 29.26 29.00 7.33 7.00 7.17 7.42 7.33 1.00 3 Mari VARTMANN / Ruben BLOMMAERT GER 56.58 30.74 25.84 6.58 6.17 6.50 6.63 6.42 0.00 4 Tarah KAYNE / Danny O'SHEA USA 54.65 30.45 26.20 6.63 6.46 6.25 6.88 6.54 2.00 5 Ekaterina ALEXANDROVSKAYA / Harley WINDSOR AUS 54.54 31.27 23.27 6.17 5.54 5.88 5.88 5.63 0.00 6 Ashley CAIN / Timothy LEDUC USA 54.26 29.89 25.37 6.29 6.00 6.46 6.50 6.46 1.00 7 Minerva Fabienne HASE / Nolan SEEGERT GER 50.28 27.68 22.60 5.75 5.38 5.88 5.71 5.54 0.00 8 Alexandra HERBRIKOVA / Nicolas ROULET SUI 38.84 21.41 19.43 4.92 4.67 4.79 5.08 4.83 2.00 9 Ioulia CHTCHETININA / Noah SCHERER SUI 33.61 16.84 17.77 4.63 4.38 4.21 4.67 4.33 1.00 SS = Skating Skills TR = Transitions PE = Performance CO = Composition IN = Interpretation of the Music * = factored score Printed: 6.10.2016 22:22:36 Finlandia Trophy Espoo 2016 PAIRS SHORT PROGRAM JUDGES DETAILS PER SKATER Starting Total Total Total Total Rank Name Nation Number Segment Element Program Component Deductions Score Score Score (factored) 1 Meagan DUHAMEL / Eric RADFORD CAN 5 66.49 34.57 32.92 1.00 Executed Base Scores of # GOE J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 Ref Elements Info Value Panel 1 3Tw3 6.20 1.40 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 7.60 2 1Lz* * 0.00 0.00 - -- - - - - - 0.00 3 5ALi4 7.50 1.40 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 8.90 4 3ATh 7.70 -3.00 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 4.70 5 FCCoSp4 3.50 1.00 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 4.50 6 StSq3 3.30 0.67 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3.97 7 BiDs4 3.50 1.40 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 4.90 31.70 34.57 Program Components Factor Skating Skills 0.80 7.50 8.00 8.50 8.50 8.25 8.50 8.75 8.50 8.38 Transitions 0.80 7.25 7.50 8.50 8.25 7.75 7.75 8.00 8.25 7.92 Performance 0.80 7.25 7.50 8.50 8.50 7.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.17 Composition 0.80 7.50 8.25 8.75 8.25 8.25 8.50 8.50 8.75 8.42 Interpretation of the Music 0.80 7.50 8.00 8.50 8.50 7.75 8.75 8.25 8.50 8.25 Judges Total Program Component Score (factored) 32.92 Deductions Falls: -1.00
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