Eastern Coalfields Limited Office of the General Manager, Mugma Area, P.O. Mugma, Dist. Dhanbad. Ref. No. ECL/GM/MA/CE/2013/721 Dated : 01.01.2014 SHORT TENDER NOTICE (NIT) Sealed tenders in two parts (part-I & part-II) on percentage basis from eligible, reputed, bonafide, competent and resourceful contractors having required qualification and suitable experience in work of similar nature in Govt./Public sector /joint sector enterprises (Managed jointly by Govt. and private sector) for the following jobs to be done under C.S.R. at Mugma Area. Sl. Name of work Est. Cost. Earnest Cost of Time of No. Money Tender comple- Paper tion 1. Providing and fixing GI pipeline for water supply at Rs. 1,55,409.20 Rs.1560/- Rs.113/- 01(One) Amdangal village near month Chapapur Colliery 2. Providing and fixing GI Rs. 2,05,418.65 Rs.2,060/- Rs.282/- 01(One) pipeline at Jhilingtar Tola, month Ramkanali village near Chapapur Colliery 3 Proving/laying of GI pipeline 01(One) from VT pump to Kuhuka Rs. 3,88,944.40 Rs.3890/- Rs.282/- month village for supply of water near Hariajam Colliery 4 Proving & laying pipeline 01(One) from Mugma More Barrack to Rs. 2,70,340.30 Rs.2710/- Rs.282/- month Muchipara and Kalimati Colony for supply of water near Mandman Colliery 1 .a) Issue of Tender documents: Begin on 03.01.2014 to 09.01.2014 on working days except on Saturday, Sunday ands holidays from 9.30 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. Tender papers may be obtained from the Office of the, General Manager, Mugma Area (Civil Engg. Dept) on the above mentioned date & time. b) No tender document/paper will be issued or received by post. 2. Date & Time of Submission of Tender: 11.01.2014 from 9.30 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. at the Office of General Manager, Mugma Area (Civil Engg. Deptt.) 3. Date & Time of opening of Tender: 13.01.2014 at 11:00 A.M. at the Office of the General Manager , Mugma Area(Civil Deptt). If the Office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the tender as specified the tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time & venue. 4. Tenderers are required to deposit the requisite amount of Earnest Money as indicated against the Work in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Eastern Coalfields Limited Area-VIII” on any nationalized Bank payable at Chirkunda/ Asansol preferably on State Bank of India and the same should be submitted in a separate sealed cover super scribed ‘EARNEST MONEY’. The tenderer can also make deposit of Earnest Money/initial security deposit by Way of direct deposit in the current account – Finance Department of Mugma Area with SBI, Chirkunda/ Asansol, after obtaining Challan/pay-in-slip from Cash department of Mugma Area following Requisite departmental formalities . 5. EARNEST MONEY. No tender shall be considered unless accompany by required Earnest Money. 6. Tenders will be received in two parts i.e. part-I & part-II each in separate sealed covers besides the third cover containing ‘Earnest –Money’ super scribing the name of the work and the part of tender paper it contains . part-I contain I.T., PAN No. documents in support of fulfillment of eligibility criteria, status of the Firm showing type of formation (proprietor, partnership limited company/any other type) etc. and part-II shall contain price bid only. All the three covers of part-I, part-II & Earnest Money are to be put under another cover fully sealed while submitting the tender superscrbing on it NIT No., Name of work, Name & address of the tenderers and clearly mentioned that/this sealed cover contains part-I, part-II & Earnest Money cover for the particular work. Contd….2. :- 2 -: 7. a) Eligibility Criteria:- The intending tenderer must have in its name as a prime contractor Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending on 31.12.2013 should be either of the following:- i) Three similar completed works each costing not less than 40% of the respective estimated cost. Or ii) Two similar completed works each costing not less than 50% of the respective estimated cost. Or iii) One similar completed work costing not less than 80% of the respective estimated cost. Similar Nature Means : Any water supply pipe line works. In case the bidder is not a prime Contractor but Sub. Contractor the bidders experience as Sub-Contractor will be taken into account . if the contract in support of qualification is a Sub- Contract in compliance with the provision of such sub-contractor in the original contract awarded to prime contractor . Regarding finalization of above experience criteria for specified case of works commenced before the above period and completed during the said period of 7(seven) years, till value of work executed during this period will be considered. b) Average annual financial turnover of Civil works during last 3 years ending on 31st march 2013 should be at least 30% of the estimated cost. Fulfillment of eligibility of 7(a) & (b) are to be supported with documentary evidence in the form of certified copy of work order , completion certificate, payment certificate/vouchers/RF indicating the period of work for which payment has been made. 8. Only such bidders who meet the above referred eligibility criteria and fulfill other requirements As per NIT & Tender documents has to submit the certificate copy of the following documents. i) Vat Registration , ii) Service Tax Registration, iii) I.T.(Permanent Account No.), iv) Audited Balance Sheet of three years. v) Status details of the Firm, copy of Affidavit in case of individual copy of the partnership deed/Memorandum of association and Article of association in case of Limited Company. vi) Declaration for not banning/delisting by any Govt./Quasi Govt. agencies of PSUs with details. vii) Affidavit as per Performa enclosed with Part-I document. 9. All such documents shall be attested and authenticated before submission and original Shall be produced for verification as & when required. 10. Mare issuance of tender paper will not make a party eligible for opening of Part-II tender. The date of opening of Part-II shall be notified separately only to the qualified bidders of Part-I. 11. For opening of Part-II tender. The date of opening of Part-II shall be notified separately only to the qualified bidders of Part-I . 12. The contractor/contractors shall make necessary payments of the Provident Fund for the workmen employed by him for the work as per the laws prevailing under provisions of CMPF and Allied Schemes and Miscellaneous provisions Act-1948 or Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act-1952 as the case may be and will have to recover statutory dues and deposit the same along with employer’s contributions (contractor’s share) to the respective CMPF/EPF Offices and to submit statutory returns under intimation to principle employer. 13. The contractor shall pay minimum wages as per the minimum prescribed by the Govt. under the minimum wages Act 1948 (II of 1940) or the minimum wages prescribed by the CIL which ever is higher for mines related works (as applicable) and for other works as per minimum wages prescribed by Central / State Govt. as well as medical facilities in the colliery dispensary on payment. Payment of wages to the contractor workers are to be made only through Bank by the contractor. The contractor shall prepare wage sheet for his / their employees in triplicate copy of which shall be regularly submitted to the personnel deptt. Respect of all payment to his / their employees will complete & absolute. The company (ECL) has no liability what so ever in the regard and shall be fully indemnified by the contractor against any claim arising of any non- payment short payment/ dispute / award. Contd….3. :- 3 -: 14. The validity period of the tenders shall be 4(Four) months from the date of opening of price bid of revised price bid, if any, other details may be obtained from the tender document. 15. ECL would not be liable for any compensation due to stoppage/change in scope of work due to local disturbance, change in Govt. Policy, law and any other of Judiciary, obstruction of delay by any out side elements/agency. 16. The bidder should furnish complete Bank details mentioning Bank A/c No. , Name of Bank & Name of Branch with postal address of the Bank & IFSC or MICR No. of 9 digit. 17. No documents will be received / considered by the Tender committee for the purpose of evaluation of the tender after the scheduled date and time of dropping of the tender. No further correspondence will be made regarding any lacking document neither any further opportunity will be provided for submission of the document(s) after the deadline. However, clarification, if necessary may be asked by the Management. 18. No conditional tender will be accepted. The contractor should submit a declaration that no relative of him/ them in an employee of ECL. 19. Other details may be obtained from the detailed tender notice. 20. Group insurance in favour of the persons engaged for the work being done in the mines by the contractor shall be taken by him and payment of premium for insurance is the responsibility of the contractor & however the contractor will pay the insurance premium and there after CIL would reimburse subsequently. ECL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. The tenderers should visit the site of work before offering their tenders.
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