THE Does the movement MILITANT need internal democracy? by Ernest Mandel Published in the interests of the Working People Vol. 33 - No. 34 Friday, August 22, 1969 Price 15c pages 6-7 Czechs mark anniversa• ry of invasion - page 3 Burning tank on Prague street demonstrated resistance of Czechoslovak people to Soviet-led invasion one year ago. New York ant1war• rally disrupted by ultra lefts -page 4 Photo by Shelly Ramsdell Photo by Joel Aber Photo by Lew Pepper Aug. 9 marchers on New York's Gls lead New York demonstration. IDtralefts occupy rally platform in Seventh Avenue. Central Park. Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, Aug. 22, 1969 • SDSers tell it like it IS THE MILITANT Editor: HARRY RING Business Manager: BEVERLY SCOTT Joining the YSA Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, Arming with Militants Letters "frolll N.Y. 10003. Phone 533·6414. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: domestic, $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By first class mail: domestic and Canada $10.50; all other countries, $15.00. Air printed matter: domestic .. Right on and Canada, $15.00; Latin America, $24.00; Europe, $28.00; Africa, Australia, for the struggle our read_ers Asia (including USSR), $33.00. Write for sealed air postage rates. Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily represent The Militant's views. These are ex­ pressed in editorials. Worcester, Mass. This column Is an open Clarks Summit, Pa. This past year I was chair­ forum for all viewpoints on As an SDS member and Voi.33-No.36 Friday, Aug. 22, 1969 man of the Clark University subjecls of genetal Interest to our reader$. Please keep your chairman of the Mansfield SDS. I will be active this year letters brief. Where neeessary (Pennsylvania) State College The closing news date for this issue was Aug. 15. and may be an officer. How­ they wW be.abridged.Writers' SDS chapter, I have been es­ ever, the main reason I bring initials will be used~ names pecially impressed with the An editorial--------..., this up is that I would like being·. withheld unless author­ coverage your paper has a catalog of SW P- YSA pam­ ization Is given for usee, given to the recent SDS and phlets and books that we can United Front Against Fas­ democracy in the movement sell at our literature tables. Also, I would like information cism conferences, as well as about ordering Militants in bulk to sell. the antiwar conference in The use of force as a substitute for free, democratic discus­ Thirdly, I'd like to comment about The Militant. It's im­ Cleveland. sion between opposing tendencies within the radical move· proved 100 percent in the past year. However, the one sug­ ment has sharply escalated in recent months. gestion I would like to offer is that The Militant should be­ While I was unable to make Progressive Labor has attempted on at least two occasions come less of a newspaper written for people already in the the Chicago and Oakland con­ to physically prevent the Revolutionary Youth Movement movement. There should be more articles such as Hansen's ferences, I was at Cleveland. ( RYM) faction of SDS from holding meetings. on the moon (Aug. 1 issue) and much more than one-third There I was able to witness The RYM faction physically attacked PLers for leafleting of a page on the trade unions. In general, there should be numerous "confrontations" at the Black Panther Party conference in Oakland. more articles that attempt to build a class consciousness and debates between YSAers The Black Panther Party at that same conference attacked instead of articles that confirm the class consciousness; for and some of the SDS-RYM PLers, members of the Independent Socialist Club (ISC ), the latter, there are theoretical magazines, internal bulletins, "leadership." I am only sorry and members of Spartacist for handing out their leaflets etc. that more rank-and-file SDS­ in public streets. The articles on SDS, PL and the Black Panther Party United ers could not have been pres­ SDS (RYM) and Youth Against War and Fascism (YAWF) Front Against Fascism have been excellent, and I plan to ent to see and hear the debate. have stormed the platform and tried to take over the micro­ use them in the fall in order to get our SDS chapter to dis­ phone on at least two recent occasions at radical meetings­ sociate itself from the petit-bourgeois RYM or the Stalinist PL. Next month I register to the Student Mobilization Committee national conference in Whether individuals in the chapter decide to join YSA or vote and intend to register Cleveland on July 6, and the Aug. 9 antiwar rally of the the chapter as a whole decides to remain autonomous and Socialist Workers. I have also New York Fifth Avenue Peace Parade Committee. unaffiliated remains to be seen. applied for YSA membership. The attempted use of force to settle differences within the Hasta la victoria siempre! radical movement entails a very serious danger to the move­ E. B. P. George Dolph ment as a whole. Such violence serves only the interests of the ruling class, which stands to gain the most by seeing its opponents devour each other in internecine warfare. Divide Answers CP smear of Stapleton campaign and rule is as old as oppression itself. Second, it provides every agent and provocateur with the Los Angeles, Calif. cusing the Communist League of bring all the troops home now, perfect climate in which to operate, sowing even greater dis­ In the July 17 issue of the Daily receiving help from Gaullist of­ for black control of the black sention, creating conditions for ever more violent actions. World appears an article "Ultras, ficers in its petition drive to get community (as opposed to token­ When violence becomes the norm for dealing with political Trots out to defeat Stokes." The on the ballot. "The signature cam­ ism in city hall), and the need article attempts to link up the rev­ paign [of Stapleton] was con­ to organize a revolutionary party disagreement within the movement, it only helps to justify, olutionary socialist campaign of ducted without a headquarters in to prepare for the American rev­ in the eyes of the masses, the violent methods which the Syd Stapleton and James Harris the city, with little publicity and olution-only interfere with the ruling class uses against us. with the right-wing racist cam­ evidently a small force. Whereas "practical work" of electing Stokes Third, the ruling class uses such violence to discredit the paign of Republican Ralph Perk the election board is usually and defeating the "forces of reac­ radical movement, to reinforce prejudices and lies about us. who is running in the current abrupt with minority parties when tion." Once physical attacks begin, their inevitable tendency is Cleveland mayoralty race against inadequate signatures are filed, After all, the CP implies, the to escalate. The violence becomes more extreme and the incumbent Democrat Carl Stokes. it was most indulgent in assuring accomplishments of the Stokes ad­ damage to the movement grows qualitatively. Only a move­ The article is reminiscent of the the qualifications of this 'indepen­ ministration are really terrific, French CP's smear campaign of dent' candidate." Is this supposed overriding all other considera­ ment united and firm in its condemnation of the introduction Daniel Cohn-Bendit, the "Ger­ to mean that Stapleton is an agent tions for people who want to of such methods borrowed from the ruling class can stop man." What is the significance of of the election board? If it is change society. According to the the plague from decimating the forces of the radical move­ "Stapleton-23 years old and six supposed to mean this, why Daily World: "The Stokes admin­ ment. months a Clevelander-won a doesn't the article come right out istration has made some progress Every tendency, organization or group within the working­ place on the ballot. .."?Does this and say it? in the past 20 months. This can class, socialist or antiwar movement has the right to hold mean that somehow Stapleton is Last of all, the article says that be observed, first, in the ghettos. its own meetings free from disruption, to distribute leaflets, a foreigner to the great city of "Stapleton and his Trotskyite An area which was totally neglec­ sell literature and spread ideas. Cleveland? Is there some sinister party have singled out Stokes ted is now partly cleaned up ..." It is the elitist ideology of the ruling class that claims the significance to a "Trotskyite can­ for their main attack." Any ob­ The article is an example of right to prevent the masses from hearing or reading certain didate" being 23 years old that jective observer would have to what Karl Marx was talking only readers of the Daily World agree that a correct interpretation about when he said, "... In this viewpoints, to prevent certain tendencies from holding meetings. will appreciate? of this statement would be that the connection [the nomination of can­ The rulers depend on lies and distortions to maintain their The article also reminds one CP can see no further than Stokes didates against the bourgeois privileged positions. The oppressed need to know and under­ of the CP' s attempt to piscredit in the election, and any "irrele­ democrats] they [the workers] stand the full truth to end their oppression. Alain Krivine's campaign by ac- vanf' issues-like a campaign to should not permit themselves to It is in their interests that ideas be freely expressed.
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