t. inntapolt� outual AFfERNOON EDITION TUESDAY SEPT:EMBER5,1911 PRICE U ELLIOT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL QPENED University _Hos'pitals; An ecOnomic DEDICATE HOSPITAL of the State," and Dr. Richard aIding MINNEAPOLIS DAY BIPLANE FALLS on "Th� Training School for NurSl!S of IN RAIN OR SHINE· University of Minnesota." DRAWS GOOD CROWD AT STATE FAIR Cornerstone is Laid. UnfilVorable Weather Holds Down University Offi�ia]s in �eremonies Aviator Escapes Injury in Acci­ On the way from the library building to the Early Attendance, but More for Elliot Memorial and Insti­ I�.. spilal the guests witnessed the ceremony dent Which Wrecks Machine the cornerstone of the new institute Come Later, tute of Anatomy. -One Successful Flight ,n,!elm l. Washington avenue southeast . : ATTENDANCE FIGURES streets. President. Vincent laid Rains caused no change in thc plans of the co"n.",'o'". I 1909 ........ " . 80 072 Unable to control his machine in a shifting University medical faculty for the dedication ceremony the proceded to the Monday, . .... , 1910 ........ " ........ 73,647 wind and with a defective ,engine Frank Qf Elliot Memorial hospit.aJ. and the ceremony President Vincent unveiled the Monday, 1911 Coffyn, a Wright aviator, today fell 100 feet was scheduled to take place regardless of and delivered the keys to the Monday, (paid admis- ... " ........ " ..... 14,609 in front of the state fair grandstand. His weather conditions. The committee on endent. Dr. L. B. Baldl·tin. The sions) . ... 1910 . " ... 31,422 machine was wrecked, but he was uninjured. arrangements lanned to have the ceremony 1�ln"jic.'1faculty and regenls then escorted the Tuesday, noon, .... p 1911 . " 22,500 Coffyn's fall came after he tried to dllplicate in front of the library building and chapel on in an inspection of the building. Tuesday, noon, ...... the feat of his teammate, Howard Gill, who the old campus. In case of rain the spectators Elliol Memorial Hospital is situated at 115 braved the wind and rain yeslerday in a wOlfld simply go inside the chapel. and Church Streets. It contains successful flight. Two ceremonies were to be combined, was erected in honor of Or. Adolphus Minneapolis day brought a rush of visitors The Wright avaiator today rose 100 feet President George Edgar Vincent of the wife, Mary Elliot. Or. Elliot was to . the state fair today about noon, when i1bove the tracks directly in front of the University of Minnesota was to fay Ihe physician. He died in crowd!! began pouring into the gates. grandstand. He tried to go higher, but his cornerstone of the new institute of anatomy . He had expressed a Prospects were not encouraging early in the engine began to skip. The crowds in the stand al Washington avenu_1! SE and Church street re before his death of leaving an day, but an improvement in the weather and near the track realized tht something was as the guests went from the old campus to to the university, and his wish indica.tions started a big increase in wrong with the engine and when the engine the hospital for a formal inspection. }vas carried out by his wife. The amount of allendance. Indications were for a much stopped entirely they believed that the Members 01 the university faculty, the bequest was SI20,000. Minnesota added 540,000 S44,000 beller record than yesterday, when the paid machine would fall like a plummet. Coffyn, legislators, state officers and hundreds of for building purposes and for 14,609. WilS' S42,OOO admissions were however, realizing that his machine invited guest gathereq at the campus before equipment. A site valued at was ELLIOT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 38 Rural Minne�ota has furnished practically missing fire, had decided to try to glide to 2 p.m. for the ceremony. Many had received , given by 'citizens of Minneapolis. their .all the attendance at the f.lir u to today. the earth and had shut off his power. formal invitations, while the public had been ilames appear on one of the bronze tablets p DEDICATION PROGRAM Whole families come together and spend the machine the in pnveiled yesterday. The started for earlh a informally invited. day from the time that the gates Me opened They are: William H. DUllwoody, Mahala graceful curve, but the tail shifted in some � until· the police hustle them away at night. Elliot Memor.ial Hospital, the cenlral and main building of the university hospital group, was iske PilIsbur)', Thomas H. Shevlin, Alfred way and it fell almost in a straight line. The Dean Wesbrook Presides. 2 They visit everything s)'stematicall)', \'iew iI dedicated today at p.rn. with a public ceremony on the university campus, in (ront of the 'iske PillSbury, Sumner T. McKnight, machine came down in pool of water, e\'erylhing intelligently and after ha\'ing crashing the tail and breaking the small parts. Dean E. F. Wesbrook of the college of library building. The dedication ceremony was followed by an inspection of the hospital.' . 'homas B, janney, Oliver C. Wyman, George of $155,000, $115,000,. seen the entin! show, have added much to Coff)'n still kept his seat and was unhurt. medicine had been chosen to preside at the The hospital was ,erected at.a cost The memorial fund' consisted of . Partridge, Charles S. Pillsbury, John S. , given by Mrs. Mary H. Elliot, widow. of Dr. A. F. Elliot, and her son-in-law, Walt�r j. Tr�sk, their store of information. It is this class of The accident leaves only one available ceremony, and Preside'lt Vincent was to be Pillsbury, the Rand estate, L. S. Gillette, , $40,000 � visitors thai is most in evidence toda) . machine on the grounds, but Coffyn hoped t he prinCipal speaker. After a brief of Los Angeles; Cal. The legislature added to the gift. .Elbert Carpenter"c. A. Bovey, W. A: jones, . Ordinarily on a bright sunshiny day they are to repair his machine before the fair closes. introductory'by Dr. Wesbrook, Rev. j. M. Dr. Elliot was a r.ioneer physician of Minneapolis, but moved to California. fie died at.Los F. W. Clifford, C. j. Martin, E. Mapes, j. S. 1902, become partiall)' obscured by the throngs from the Although Minnesota zephyrs and Cleary pastor 01 the Church of the Angeles in eaving·a large eslate. His Minneapolis real estate h.oldings had l!ell, R. M. Bennett, E. J. Carpenter, C. C. cities. Minnesota rain were easily o\'ercome by incarnation, was to give the invocation and valuable. He was always interested in the University of Minnesota,' and in 1903 Mrs. Elliot Webb,. P. D. Boutell, Thomas Voegeli, Henry proposed to give the memori"a!. It was accepted by die regents and was the first building to C. C. Howard Gill in a Wright biplane at the state Dr. j. E. Moore, chairman of the faculty Voegeli,. H. Ganglehoff, T. B. Lindsay, Oldest Pioneer Is There. be erected on the new calflpus. The dedication program follows: W. fair yesterda)', Minnesota mud gave the committee on hospitals, wa� to tell the : D. Velie, L. Harris, Michael Schibsby, S. Eli Pettijohn came to the fair today and was Introductory 'remarks the dean, Dr. F. F. Wesbrool<, presiding. S. Boston avaitor all kinds of trouble. When he history of the Elliot Memorial hospital and Thorpe, M. L. Rothschild, David,Simon, welcomed wherever he went. Mr. Pettijohn IyI. _ • got clear of the mud, several inches deep 011 . ive a brief sketch of the life of Dr. A. F.Elliot, Invocation, Rev. Father James Cleary. L.S. Donaldson, C. W. �ardn�r, J.W. Cullen . 1841, g J. has lived in Minnesota since seventy well the "The History of {he Hospital Movement," Dr. E Moore, chairman of- the committee on the race track, all went and machine for whon the hospital was named and whose '. , • , years in all, and longer than any otner person hospitals. performed without a hilch, but on the mud heirs gave the fund that 'made it the Only Hospital System. not born in the state. Mr. Pettijohn has seen Address, "Unveiling the Memorial Tablets and Delivering the Keys of the Hospital to the it balked. possession of the university. every state fair held in the twin cities, and Superintendent." President George Edgar Vincent: Before his first flight, Gill started gaily President Vincent was to follow with the \ V�en �he con'templated s}'stem of fifty )'ears ago he was active in arranging the . 10 "The Status of the Present Hospital and Outpatient Service," Dr. L. B. Baldwin, . I$: down the track, pushed by his helpe;rs, dedicatory address, and at the close wa:; ' bmldlllgs com'pJeted - and members oLihe shows. Isuperintendenl of the university hospitals. \\'illiam Burns and Henry Hoefle, and the give the keys of the hospital to the. tJ. �. medical faculty think it will be.within a few Arthur Johnson of the Washburn home, "The Endowment of the Elliot Memorial Hospital,"'Frank Elliot. engine started as if ii meant business. TIltm superintel1.dent, Dr. L. B. Baldwin. Dr. years - the University of Minnesota will hav Minneapolis, and a company of twenty one the mud got in its-wo rk. At every revolution Bafdwin had al'first. planned to respond to a uniq�e addition to her medica!" (Qlleg�. the grounds orphaned boys came to early. of the big paddles, the wheels under the skids Ihe president's address, but decided later Jo Accordlllg to Dr. Richard aIding Beard, she Every lad was as brighl and cheerful as a neiv of the machine dug a deeper rut in the track. reserve his address until he conducted the Site C!lst$42,000, from now on except for living apartments for will have the only system of university dollar, and plainly anticipated a day of plea­ The two men pushed manfully.
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