Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 81, pp. 7515-7519, December 1984 Genetics Interspecific DNA transformation in Drosophila (Drosophila melanogaster/Drosophila simulans/rosy gene/P element/transposable element) NANCY J. SCAVARDA AND DANIEL L. HARTL Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110 Communicated by Peter H. Raven, August 7, 1984 ABSTRACT A DNA fragment that includes the wild-type (4). Use of an average rate of synonymous substitutions in rosy (ry+) gene of Drosophila melanogaster has been intro- coding regions of 5.1 + 0.3 x 10-9 per nucleotide site per yr duced by microinjection into the germ line of the reproductive- (9, 10) results in an estimated time since separation of 4.1 + ly isolated species Drosophila simulans and incorporated into 0.2 million yr, but analogous estimates based on rates of nu- the D. simulans genome. Transformation was mediated by the cleotide substitution in intervening sequences range from 3.8 transposable element P, which occurs in the genome of most to 6.8 million yr. These estimates are uncertain because av- natural populations ofD. melanogaster but not in D. simulans. erage rates of substitution in other organisms may have little Rubin and Spradling [Rubin, G. M. & Spradling, A. C. relevance to insects, and because evolutionary change in the (1982) Science 218, 348-353] have previously shown that the gene coding for alcohol dehydrogenase may be atypical. ry' DNA fragment, which is flanked by recognition sequences Although D. melanogaster and D. simulans are reproduc- of P element, can transform the germ line ofD. melanogaster. tively isolated, the species can be hybridized. Indeed, D. Successful transformation in D. simulans indicates that the P simulans was first recognized as a group of strains that pro- element continues to function as a transposable element in the duced nearly unisexual progeny in crosses with D. melano- D. simulans genome. Moreover, the ry' gene ofD. melanogas- gaster (11). However, interspecific mating is difficult to ter functions in the genome of D. simulans to produce normal achieve even under laboratory conditions, and most of the eye color, despite the estimated 1 to 5 million yr of reproduc- hybrids that survive are of the same sex as their D. melano- tive isolation since the evolutionary divergence of these species. gaster parent (11, 12). Interspecific hybrids usually have re- Interspecific DNA transformation provides a useful method duced viability, and they are invariably sterile (13, 14). The for the study of genetic differences affecting gene expression cross of triploid D. melanogaster with heavily irradiated D. among related but reproductively isolated species. simulans results in offspring having various combinations of chromosomes from the parental species, but virtually all of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (1830) and Drosophila the hybrids are sterile (15). simulans Sturtevant (1929) are sibling species in the subge- The sterility of the hybrids between D. melanogaster and nus Sophophora, which together with six other described D. simulans and their reduced viability undoubtedly results species form the melanogaster species subgroup. The pres- in part from the fixation of genetic differences between the ent biogeographical distribution of the subgroup implies that species that accompanied the process of speciation 1-5 mil- it almost certainly originated and diversified in Africa (1, 2). lion yr ago and in part from genetic differences that have D. melanogaster and D. simulans are morphologically near- accumulated since that time. To study genetic differences ly indistinguishable except for the male genitalia, and their between related but reproductively isolated species, it would only major karyotypic difference is in a large inversion in the be useful to have a method for transferring individual genes right arm of the third chromosome (3). Both species are cos- between them. As Muller and Pontecorvo pointed out long mopolitan in distribution and often exist sympatrically, but ago (15), "the genetic analysis of species differences is of they are completely isolated reproductively. especial interest in precisely those cases where the sterility The time elapsed since the evolutionary separation of D. or inviability of the hybrids between the species stands in the melanogaster and D. simulans is very uncertain. One esti- way of such analysis." mate (4) is based on a comparison of the genetic distance A method of DNA-mediated transformation of germ cells between the species in terms of electrophoretically detected of D. melanogaster has recently been developed that uses enzyme differences (5, 6) and the rate at which genetic dis- the transposase enzyme of a transposable element (P ele- tance has accumulated in the planitibia subgroup of Hawai- ment) to catalyze the transposition of a genetically engi- ian drosophilids, which is known because of the exceptional- neered element consisting of the DNA sequence of interest ly well understood geological history ofthe Hawaiian Islands flanked by the recognition sequences of P element (16-20). (7). This estimate is 0.8 + 0.2 million yr, but the estimate is We have investigated whether this system of intraspecific of uncertain validity because it is based on the rate ofgenetic transformation can successfully catalyze interspecific trans- divergence in a distantly related subgroup of species, which formation between D. melanogaster and D. simulans. The may have evolved at an unusually rapid rate because of the result is that interspecific transformation does occur, which island habitat; it is also uncertain because substantial genetic implies that the P element also functions as a transposable divergence occurs among local populations of D. melano- element when present in the germ cells of D. simulans. This gaster (8). Much greater times since separation are estimated the for from of differences in nucleotide sequence be- finding has implications regarding potential transpos- comparison able elements such as the P element to be disseminated tween the D. melanogaster and D. simulans gene coding for the alcohol dehydrogenase and the average rate of nucleotide across interspecific reproductive barriers. Moreover, substitution that occurs among genes in other organisms method of interspecific gene transfer will be ofgeneral use in whose evolutionary history is known from the fossil record studies of the molecular biology and evolution of gene regu- lation in related but reproductively isolated species of Dro- The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge sophila. payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. Abbreviation: kb, kilobase(s). 7515 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 7516 Genetics: Scavarda and Hartl Proc. Natl. Acad ScL USA 81 (1984) MATERIALS AND METHODS pH 8.0). After extraction with phenol and with chloroform/ isoamyl alcohol (25:1), the DNA was precipitated as de- Recovery of a rosy (ry) Mutation in D. simulans. A strain of scribed above and resuspended in 20 dul of buffer A. D. simulans carrying a vermilion (v) mutation was provided Restriction endonuclease digests were carried out accord- by Victoria Finnerty. Males of this strain were subjected to ing to supplier's instructions with 20 units of enzyme in a mutagenesis with ethyl methanesulfonate (21) prior to mat- final vol of 50 td. Samples were subjected to overnight elec- ing with v females. Approximately 300 F1 offspring from trophoresis at 40 V in 0.7% agarose gels in 40 mM Tris ace- treated males were mated individually with v females, and tate/2 mM EDTA, pH 8.0, and were stained with ethidium the F2 offspring were sib-mated. The resulting F3 progeny bromide. were screened for orange-eyed flies (the v ry double mutant DNA Hybridization. Transfer of DNA to nitrocellulose fil- has orange eyes), and two putative ry mutants were recov- ters (Schleicher & Schuell BA85) and hybridization at 650C ered. One of these was identified as a ry mutation because it was carried out as described (25). Fragments used as probes failed to complement a known ry mutation in interspecific were isolated by a modification of the glass powder method hybrids with D. melanogaster. The mutation was also found (26) and nick-translated with [a-32P]dATP (New England to lack xanthine dehydrogenase activity, the gene product of Nuclear) to a specific activity of >108 (27). ry. The v ry strain was freed of the v mutation by crossing dpm//ig with wild-type D. simulans followed by inbreeding to reex- RESULTS tract the ry mutation. The resulting strain was designated iso-1, and the ry mutation in this strain was designated ry83. Identification of ry Mutation in D. simuians. Fig. 1 shows a Protein Electrophoresis. Extracts of individual flies were protein electrophoresis polyacrylamide gel stained for xan- subjected to electrophoresis in 7% polyacrylamide gels with thine dehydrogenase, the gene product of the ry locus. The 40 mM Tris glycine buffer (pH 8.3) at 150 V for 4.5 hr. Gels indicated lanes contain protein extracts of ry0 [a D. mela- were stained for xanthine dehydrogenase in 100 mM nogaster strain carrying a deletion of part of the ry locus (17)], wild-type D. simulans, the D. simulans strain iso-1, and Tris HCl, pH 7.1/0.7 uM phenazine methosulfate/5 u.M wild-type D. melanogaster. Based on the absence of detect- NAD+/2 ,tM nitro blue tetrazolium/7 uM hypoxanthine. able xanthine dehydrogenase activity in the iso-1 strain and Transformation. Transformation mediated by the P ele- the inability of the mutation in this strain to complement a ment was carried out as described by Rubin and Spradling known ry mutation in interspecific hybrids with D. melano- (16, 17). The injected DNA solution contained plasmid Car- gaster, we conclude that the mutation in iso-1 is in the ry negie-20 (300 jig/ml), which carries a 7.2-kilobase (kb) frag- locus, and we designate the mutation as ryi83.
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