University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-22-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-22-1915 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-22-1915." (1915). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1303 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION TmnTY-SlXTT- I YEAR lnlljf hjr VOL. tWVXVI. No. ,V! ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1915, Currier or Mull, 60o a Month, Kinglet topic 6o. either before the luw or towards its vened the commltt'e reported the bill CHAIRMAN WALSH administration," favorably and It passtl almost When Mr. Rockefeller concluded, UNITED STATES ROOSEVELT IS AUSTRIA STATE WAR Uialrmun Walsh mild; IKES Of "If ure questions ask there uiiv I DE LA that you think should not be un- - ' BARRA DENIES SPENDS ANOTHER swered, you should suite, the fact and CARRAN2A STATEMENT the commission will consider what Y GAIN HER 6IVE1MILLE6AL FIRST MOVE TO EXISTS BETWEEN should he done. I suppose your high regard for Uiw extends to all officers 1ST MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRSI charged with administration of the Paris, May 21. Krainlsco le la DAY III DAI T law?" Rara, at one time provisional presi- 0 "Yes It does," said Mr. Rockefeller. LOST PRESTIGE VERDICT; JURY IS ANTICIPATE dent of Mexico, denied today that he L C "You haven't a contempt lor of IR bad ever received a certain letter al- ficers of the luw who do not do your leged to have been addressed to lilm bidding?" May 30, 1H. by Jos Umautour, a I I YOUNG D don t undertake to direct the BY former minister of tiiuuiee or Mex JOHfi officers of the luw." DPLuICi NOW DEADLOCKED WITH ITALIANS ico. ITALIANS "Do you undertake to coerce of This letter wis given out in New ficers of the, law?" York by the Mexican bureau of "We don't undertake to net offic a Cariaui'a agency, oil ers of the luw in uny position. I hat April 2H, lust. It appeared with an- Other Members of Commission is entirely proper." Mexican, Japanese and Ger One Man Insists Court Costs Soldiers and Customs Guards other letter, said to huve been writ- Is Being Chairman Walsh then read o let ten by General I'orfirlo iax to Gen- Austria Attacked Do Not ter to Mr. Rockefeller hy I Angeles. Attempt to Conceal written man Problems Most Mo Should Be Borne Equally Are Withdrawn From Main eral Felipe- From All M. Bowers, former superintendent of Hennr. ,1e la Hurra maid the letter Sides; Rumania, - Opinion Exam- the executive department of tho CoU Their That mentous That Have Con Between Plaintiff and De- Roads Connecting Two to him is an absolute invention and Bulgaria Ex- orudo Fuel & Iron Co.. on November Senor I.lmanlour informs him no and Greece ination Is Improper, 18. 1813, which included the follow fronted This Generation, in Libel Case,' Countries, such letter ever was written. ing: fendant pected to Strike Soon, ''You will be Interested to know DECORATIONS FOR I that we have been able to secure the SPIRITED ANSWERS ARE I of all the banker of the FINANCIAL PROSPECTS COURT REFUSES TO TROOPS AND ARTILLERY SUBMARINE CREWS INVASION city who huve hud three or four in SERBIAN BY gov GIVEN THE WITNESS terviews with our little cowboy AMERICA'S ADVANTAGE RECEIVE FIRST REPORT ARE MASSED ON HILLS COMMENCES AGAIN ernor, agreeing1 to back the stale IRv MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL t EAREO WtREl and lend it all the funds nwewary W London, May 21 tf,:6.i p. m.t The maintain the militia and afford am- following statement was Issued today Millionaire Demands That He ple protection so that our mlnere Possible Alliance of All Euro- No Inkling' Is Given of Any Bridges Are Mined and Every by the admiralty: Furious Efforts of Teutonic could return to work, or give protec- Tho following decorations have Be Accorded , Same Rights tion to men who are anxious to come pean Neutrals to Back Change of Opinion by Obdu- Preparation Completed for been awarded to officers and men of Allies to Overwhelm Rus- up here from Texas, New Mexico ami the Niibmirine which, operating While on In- Stand That Are Kansas, together with some from Washington May Determine rate Republican and Judge Resisting Advance of in the i'lrdancllcs and the Sea of sian Forces Are Halted by states furl her east. Marmora, sank Turkish gunboats and Extended to Others, "Resides the hankers, the chamber Kaiser's Action, Takes Recess Until Morning, vading Force, u transport: Strong Resistance. of commerce, the real estate ex "Victoria truss. to Lieutenant change, together with a great many Commander Kdwnrd Stanley and Act- 1ST MORN, MO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRSI of business men, have been ing Lieutenant Reginald ljiwrence. the best SPECIAL CORRISRONDSNCt TO MORNINSI JOURNAL) !Y MORNtNO JOURNAL EPICAL LEAEEO WIREI V MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WtREl Washington, May 21. Frequent urging the governor to tuke steps to "DI.'tinmilBljed service medal, to llf MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LIASSO WIREI Washington, May 21 Three of the Hyrucuse, X. Y., May 21. The Jury Rreticla. Italy, May 21 (via Rails, every London, May 21 (lU:f.5 p. m.) A John-D- . drive these vicious mutators out of member of the crew.'' sharp clashes between Rock- greatest international questions that In the trial of William Rumen' suit 8:32 p. m.lTlie Auslrlnus evidently state of war now virtually exists be- efeller, the state. Another mighty power has that a state of war between Jr., and Chairman Walsh op- have ever faced the United States are for libel against Theodore Roosevelt consider I orcst I lrc lit North. tween Italy and her former allies. boon rounded up in behalf of the was tonight, once the dual monarchy and Italy already marked today's scsdons of the indus- together of to to a head shortly. The deadlocked after Washington, Muy 21. ,To forest Austria and Germany, although no erators by the withering due tfome having a ver- exists. The Ausirlans have with- trial relations "commission with Mr. the most Im- relurned conditional tiros ure burning ut tin north end of'"rt,"ii has yet been mnde. lour of the editors of administration of Woodrow Wilson nf. dict in favor the former president, drawn iheir troops and customs Rockefeller again on stand, tes-- portant newspapers in Denver. Pu- - of Tongas national forest, Alaska inn Ausirlans are strengthening their the tcr a period of watchful waiting and which Supreme Court Justice Wil- guurds from the frontier at 1'onte frontier posts and all navigation ser- . , i Wulsonburg, threatening to destroy the homes of tifvinu iihniit ..,! it i.,n in i ho i ,.!,u !i . eblo. Trinidad. Colorado liam S. Cuffaeto end lodlone, ufUi' destroy- laljer places, J t Andrews refused to receive. sittlcts and menacing a heavy stand vice In the Adriatic hu been sus- oo mem- - Springs and other of the , The ver- ing the bridges, the telegraph mid tel- coni neius. .Aitnougn two I c uu;n, .vt-irs- uuipiut1, condition which made the to pended Indicating thut th clash is in p .'I ai lur i.t ephone lines and the electric light ap- of government timber, according bers of the commission had protested J governor hobnobs with culmination of the most delicate que. dict an Improper one, was that the a telegram received today by the for- not far off. The Itulian scnute today 'Still the. trifling court costs and disburse- paratus, other bridges cm the fron- against what they regarded as Hays, Lawson, McLennan and the have In the country est service. Troop, from Fort Se- endorsed the action of tho chamber of thej tions that arisen ments should be divided between the tier have been mined. From Route deputies giantlng government ex- hostile attitude, of the yes- - rest of gang and cither refuse or ,n pass ward have been recalled from ma- the chairman the generations. two principals in the action, Caffaro and Lodroue two roads traordinary powers In the event of begs more to bring "t"1 ! neuvers to help the foresters in terday, Mr. Walsh throughout the for time The German ciuestion. the Chinese-t- o Jury would be h Id over over the frontier and serve for war, country an end or to amply protect the That the lighting the flames. for which the whole day put the witness through u grilling, to! Japanese agreement and the Mexican until Monday, should it fail to lliid u by Italy and Autria. uppcurs '.o be enthusluslk. examination, time after time mousing; in bringing in outsiders proper by tomorrow, was con- On the neighboring mountains, Aus- piucctt of who have left J tangle all are drawing to a head. If verdict Sorilun Rcglii Offensive. him to expressions of resentment. take the those sidered improbable by attorneys con- trian artillery can be seen. engaged In these j administration wins victories in Simultaneously with the anticipated Mr. Rockefeller demanded that lie! the stilts and those the nected with case. we j the ZEPPELINS advent Ituly Into war, be accorded rights given wit- murderous assaults whom refuse these diplomatic fields, or manages to si sm of the Serbia's other any Held l p I'V Republican.
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