PROPOSED UPGRADE OF THE GIYANI WASTE WATER TREATMENT WORKS, GIYANI, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Phase 1 – Heritage Impact AssessMent Issue Date - 21 January 2016 Revision No. - 1 Project No. 121HIA PGS Heritage (Pty) Ltd PO Box 32542 Totiusdal 0134, T +27 12 332 5305 F: +27 86 675 8077 Reg No 2003/008940/07 Declaration of Independence The report has been coMpiled by PGS Heritage, an appointed Heritage Specialist for EnvironMental Impact Management Services (Pty) Ltd. The views stipulated in this report are purely objective and no other interests are displayed during the decision Making processes discussed in the Heritage IMpact AssessMent Process . HERITAGE CONSULTANT - PGS Heritage CONTACT PERSON - W Fourie Tel - +27 (0) 12 332 5305 Email - [email protected] SIGNATURE - ______________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT CLIENT - EnvironMental IMpact ManageMent Services (Pty) Ltd (EIMS) CONTACT PERSON - Bongani Khupe T: (011) 789-7170 E: [email protected] SIGNATURE - ______________________________ HIA – Project 3: Giyani WWTW ii Date - 21 January 2016 Document Title Proposed upgrade of the Giyani Waste Water TreatMent Works (WWTW), - Giyani, LiMpopo Province. Control Name Signature Designation Author W. Fourie Heritage Specialists/ Principal Investigator Reviewed B Khupe EIMS HIA – Project 3: Giyani WWTW iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PGS Heritage (PGS) was appointed by EnvironMental IMpact ManageMent Services (Pty) Ltd (EIMS) to undertake a Heritage IMpact AssessMent (HIA) that forMs part of the Basic Environmental IMpact Report (BAR) for the proposed upgrade of the Giyani Waste Water TreatMent Works (WWTW), Giyani, LiMpopo Province. The following section provides a suMMary of the project locality, scope, heritage resources, envisaged impacts and recoMMendations. 1 SITE NAME Giyani Waste Water TreatMent Works (WWTW), Giyani, LiMpopo Province. 2 LOCATION The Giyani WWTW (coordinates - E30.70835, S23.32537) is situated on the western outskirts of Giyani, just east of the Klein-Letaba river in the Greater Giyani Municipality of the LiMpopo Province (Figure 3). Figure 1 – Study area locality HIA – Project 3: Giyani WWTW iv 3 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The project involves the refurbishMent and upgrade of the existing Giyani Wastewater TreatMent Works (WWTW). The WWTW is currently operating at a hydraulic loading of approxiMately 6 Ml/day (6000M3/day). It is proposed that the existing works will be deMolished to create space for the proposed upgraded works of 14Ml (14000M3/day). The new works will consist of two equal activated sludge reactors, each of 7Ml capacity. The upgrade will also incorporate a new inlet works able to handle the projected inflow at the end of the 20 year planning period. After coMpletion, the teMporary activated sludge works shall be demolished, but the current biological filter plant shall be retained as a backup facility. The existing facultative ponds shall be converted to eMergency overflow daMs in order to deal Mainly with storm water ingress during rainy periods. The existing chlorination systeM will also be refurbished and upgraded. The developMent footprint will be up to 2 ha in size 4 HERITAGE RESOURCES IDENTIFIED None 5 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS ON HERITAGE RESOURCES None 6 RECOMMENDATIONS The field work coMponent of the study confirMed that no heritage resources occur within the development area and thus no iMpact is foreseen on heritage resources. This developMent will not negatively affect palaeontological heritage. If in the extreMely unlikely event, that fossils are exposed in younger alluvial deposits in the process of developMent activities, a qualified palaeontologist Must be contacted to assess the exposure for fossils so that the necessary rescue operations are iMpleMented. HIA – Project 3: Giyani WWTW v No iMpact on heritage resources is likely. However in the event of any heritage resources are uncovered SAHRA should be contacted and a qualified archaeologist appointed to evaluate the finds and Make appropriate recoMMendation on Mitigation. The overall iMpact of the developMent on heritage resources is seen as low and there is no reason why the upgrades to the Giyani WWTW cannot be approved. 7 AUTHOR/S AND DATE Wouter Fourie Date: 21 January 2016 Accredited Professional Archaeologist (ASAPA) Accredited Professional Heritage Practitioner (APHP) Jessica Angel (Archival research) Marko Hutten (Field assessment) Accredited Professional Archaeologist (ASAPA) Accredited Professional Archaeologist (ASAPA) HIA – Project 3: Giyani WWTW vi The heritage iMpact assessMent report has been coMpiled taking into account the NEMA EnvironMental IMpact AssessMent regulations (GNR 982) appendix 6 requirements for specialist reports as indicated in the table below. NEMA Regs (2014) - Appendix 6 Relevant section in report Details of the specialist who prepared the report Page i of Report – Contact details and company The expertise of that person to coMpile a specialist report including a curriculuM vitae Section 1.2 – refer to Appendix B A declaration that the person is independent in a forM as May be specified by the coMpetent authority Page 2 of the report An indication of the scope of, and the purpose for which, the report was prepared Section 1.1 The date and season of the site investigation and the relevance of the season to the outcoMe of the assessMent Section 5 A description of the Methodology adopted in preparing the report or carrying out the specialised process Section 3.1 The specific identified sensitivity of the site related to the activity and its associated structures and infrastructure Section 5.1 An identification of any areas to be avoided, including buffers Section 5.1 A Map superiMposing the activity including the associated structures and infrastructure on the environMental sensitivities of the site including areas to be avoided, including buffers; Section 2.3, 5.1 A description of any assumptions Made and any uncertainties or gaps in knowledge; Section 1.3 A description of the findings and potential iMplications of such findings on the iMpact of the proposed activity, including identified alternatives, on the environMent Section 6.1 Any Mitigation Measures for inclusion in the EMPr Section 7 Any conditions for inclusion in the environmental authorisation Section 7 Any Monitoring requireMents for inclusion in the EMPr or environMental authorisation NA A reasoned opinion as to whether the proposed activity or Section 7 portions thereof should be authorised and If the opinion is that the proposed activity or portions thereof should be authorised, any avoidance, ManageMent and Mitigation measures that should be included in the EMPr, and where applicable, the closure plan A description of any consultation process that was undertaken Not applicable. A public consultation process was during the course of carrying out the study handled as part of the EIA and EMP process. Not applicable. To date not coMMents regarding A sumMary and copies if any comMents that were received during heritage resources that require input from a any consultation process specialist have been raised. Any other inforMation requested by the competent authority. Not applicable. HIA – Project 3: Giyani WWTW vii CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 SITE NAME IV 2 LOCATION IV 3 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT V 4 HERITAGE RESOURCES IDENTIFIED V 5 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS ON HERITAGE RESOURCES V 6 RECOMMENDATIONS V 7 AUTHOR/S AND DATE VI REPORT 1 INTRODUCTION 10 1.1 Scope of the Study 10 1.2 Specialist Qualifications 10 1.3 Assumptions and LiMitations 2 1.4 Legislative Context 2 1.5 TerMinology and Abbreviations 3 2 TECHNICAL DETAILS OF THE PROJECT 8 2.1 Site Location 8 2.2 Project Motivation 8 2.3 Site Description 9 3 ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 10 3.1 Methodology for Assessing Heritage Site Significance 10 3.2 Methodology for IMpact AssessMent 12 3.2.1 DeterMination of EnvironMental Risk 12 3.2.2 Impact Prioritisation 15 4 ARCHIVAL AND DESKTOP RESEARCH FINDINGS 17 4.1 Archival findings 17 4.1.1 Previous Studies 17 4.1.2 Archaeological & Historical Sequence 21 5 FIELD WORK FINDINGS 24 6 IMPACT ASSESSMENT 25 HIA – Project 3: Giyani WWTW viii 6.1 Status Quo and “No Go” option 25 6.1.1 Status Quo 25 6.1.2 “No go” Option 25 6.2 Project IMpact 25 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 26 7.1 General 27 8 PREPARERS 27 9 REFERENCES 27 List of Appendices A Legislative RequireMents – TerMinology and AssessMent Criteria B Project team CV’s List of Figures Figure 1 – Study area locality ................................................................................................................ iv Figure 2 - Human and Cultural Time line in Africa (Morris, 2009). ........................................................ 7 Figure 3 – Study area locality ................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 4 - Proposed upgrade (upgrade area in red) ............................................................................... 9 Figure 5 – View of evaporation ponds on site ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 6 – View of infrastructure on site ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 7 – View of additional evaporation ponds ................................................................................ 10 Figure 8 – Tracklog of field assessment ................................................................................................ 25 HIA – Project
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