SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL South Lakeland House, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4UQ www.southlakeland.gov.uk You are requested to attend a meeting of the Council on Tuesday, 23 February 2010, at 6.30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, South Lakeland House, Kendal Note – A drop-in session is being held between 5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. in the Kendal Town Council Chamber on Shared Services with Eden District Council. For those who wish to attend, Prayers will be said in the District Council Chamber at 6.20 p.m. Membership Councillors James Airey Kath Atkinson Rosie Ballantyne-Smith Alan Baverstock Roger Bingham Norman Bishop-Rowe Jonathan Brook (Chairman) Jane Carson Stephen Coleman Stan Collins Brian Cooper Jackie Cooper Joss Curwen Colin Davies Julie Dawson Sheila Eccles Sylvia Emmott (Vice-Chairman) Clare Feeney-Johnson Clive Graham Brenda Gray Anne Hall Tom Harvey Colin Hodgson Frank Hodson Chris Hogg Brendan Jameson Janette Jenkinson Pru Jupe Kevin Lancaster Sonia Lawson Clive Leal Paul Little Ian McPherson Gwen Murfin Maureen Nicholson Vivienne Rees Jamie Samson Andy Shine Hilary Stephenson Jo Stephenson Ian Stewart Peter Thornton David Vatcher Graham Vincent Bill Wearing Brian Wilkinson David Williams Mark Wilson Mary Wilson Brenda Woof Peter Woof 15 February 2010 Debbie Storr, Corporate Director (Monitoring Officer) For all enquiries, please contact:- Committee Administrator: Chris Woods Telephone: 01539 733333 Ext.7440 e-mail: [email protected] 1 2 AGENDA Apologies : Roll Call Page Nos. PART I 1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Any member of the public who wishes to ask a question, make representations or present a deputation or petition at this meeting should apply to do so before the commencement of the meeting. Information on how to make the application can be obtained by viewing the Council’s Website www.southlakeland.gov.uk or by contacting the Democratic and Member Services Manager on 01539 717440. (1) Questions To receive any questions which have been received from members of the public. (2) Deputations and Petitions To receive any deputations or petitions which have been received from members of the public. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members of personal and prejudicial interests in respect of items on this Agenda. If a Member requires advice on any item involving a possible declaration of interest which could affect his/her ability to speak and/or vote, he/she is advised to contact the Monitoring Officer at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 3. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 – EXCLUDED ITEMS To consider whether the items, if any, in Part II of the Agenda should be considered in the presence of the press and public. 4. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive announcements by the Chairman. 5. 2010/11 REVENUE BUDGET - FIVE YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAMME (the 2010/11 Budget and Fees and Charges Books are enclosed with this Agenda) To consider:- (1) The recommendations from Cabinet to determine the Council’s 5 - 14 General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Budgets for 2010/11, including Fees and Charges, to confirm Parish Precepts for the year and to approve the Capital Programme. (2) Proposals from the Leader of the Opposition for an Alternative 15 - 18 Budget. (3) 2010/11 Revenue Budget: Chief Finance Officers’ Advice on the 19 - 22 Robustness of Estimates and the Adequacy of Reserves To consider professional advice on the soundness of the Council’s estimates and its financial position. 6. 2010/11 BUDGET - COUNCIL TAX SETTING 23 - 34 To set the District Council Tax, and the Combined District and Parish Council taxes for the Area for the financial year commencing on 1 April 2010. 3 7. CORPORATE FINANCIAL MONITORING (OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2009) 35 - 48 To consider the Corporate Monitoring Report for the third quarter of the financial year 2009/10. 8. CORPORATE PLAN 2010 - 2013 49 - 62 To approve and adopt the Corporate Plan 2010-2013. 9. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2010/11 63 - 102 To approve the Workforce Development Plan 2010/11 10. EDEN AND SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCILS’ SHARED SERVICES 103 - 174 MANAGEMENT/DELIVERY ALLIANCE To consider the outline business case for a shared services management/delivery alliance between Eden District Council and South Lakeland District Council. 11. MINUTES OF MEETINGS To receive Chairmen’s comments (if any notified) in respect of the minutes of Committee meetings held between 23 November 2009 and 22 January 2010. If Members wish to raise questions with regard to any minutes of the Regulatory or Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings held since the Agenda was issued for the last Council meeting, then notice should be provided in line with Rule 10 of the Council Procedural Rules (page 85 of the Constitution). 12. EXECUTIVE REPORTS, DECISIONS AND CABINET QUESTION TIME 175 - 200 To receive the Executive Report from the Leader and to deal with any questions to the Leader and/or Portfolio Holders on any topic which is within the jurisdiction or influence of the Council, and is relevant to their Portfolio. Any Member who poses a question will be entitled to one supplementary question on the same topic. Members are encouraged to give Portfolio Holders 24 hours’ notice of questions. If no notice is received, then the Portfolio Holder can reserve the right to give a written answer. Where notice of questions has been given, these will be taken first. Where a Member wishes to ask more than one question, please submit questions in order of priority. If more than one Member sends in a question, these will be taken in alphabetical order of Members’ names. The question time will be limited to 30 minutes. 13. QUESTIONS To deal with any questions under Paragraph 10 of the Council’s Rules of Procedure, of which due notice has been given and/or the Chairman allows as a matter of urgent business. PART II Private Section (exempt reasons under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, specified by way of paragraph number) There are no items in this part of the Agenda. 4 SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL Council Date of Meeting: 23 February 2010 Part I Portfolio Holder: Andy Shine Report From: Assistant Director (Resources) & S151 Agenda 5(1) Officer Item No: Report Author: Sue Hill, Corporate Finance Manager Helen Smith, Strategic Finance Manager Report Title: 2010/11 Revenue Budget and Five Year Capital programme Summary This report provides a summary of the Council’s revised revenue budget for 2009/10 and original for 2010/11, with updated projections to 2014/15. Cabinet is has recommended a General Fund Budget of £15,047,100 for 2010/11, equivalent to a 3% increase in Council Tax. A balanced budget has been made possible through the review of the organisation’s structure which has enabled the Council to look at how it delivers its Corporate Plan priorities in a more cost effective way focused on community needs. The Revenue and Capital Budget proposals have been considered by the various Overview and Scrutiny Committees during this budgeting period. Consultations have taken place with the public, key business rate payers, partners and other stakeholders. Further changes which may arise during the period between the distribution of this report and the Council meeting on the 23 February will be reported verbally or by way of an Addendum. Recommendations Council is recommended to: A) Consider this report in conjunction with the accompanying reports from the Chief Finance Officer on the robustness of estimates and the adequacy of financial reserves and the report from the Leader of the Opposition setting out proposals for an alternative budget B) Note that the Cabinet has considered and taken into account comments from appropriate Committees before making its recommendations in respect of the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Budgets and the Capital Programme C) In respect of the General Fund and subject to giving consideration to the results of the recent consultation with business ratepayers, approve the proposals of Cabinet that it: 1. Adopts a General Fund Budget for 2010/11 of £15,047,100, to include (i) The 2009/10 Revised Budget and the 2010/11 Estimates for the ongoing costs of existing service provision as contained in the summary estimates at Annexes A to D of the Budget Book. (ii) Budget reductions and adjustments as listed in Annex B of the Budget Book. (iii) Revenue service development proposals were submitted totalling £990,450 as set out in Annex B(ii) and (iii) of the Budget Book; £396,100 of these proposals have been provided for in the budget. 5 (iv) The review and rationalisation of reserves as summarised at paragraph 10 of this report (v) The contributions to and from reserves as set out in Table 1b and Table 1c of the Budget Book (vi) The use of £659,400 from the Working Balance to assist in funding the 2009/10 Budget and the contribution of £91,100 to the Working Balance from the 2010/11 Budget (vii) A minimum working balance of £1,200,000 for General Fund services for 2010/11 (viii) The resulting 3.0% increase in the Council Tax for District services. 2. Approves the Fees and Charges Book for 2010/11. D) Approve the Collection Fund Estimates, Parish Council precepts and Parish Council Taxes as set out in Tables 2 and 3 of the 2010/11 Summary Budget Book. The Police and County elements are currently included as proposed but not approved at the time of writing this report. Any change will be updated and reported to the Council on the 23 February. E) In respect of the Housing Revenue Account: (i) Note the decisions of the Cabinet relating to the Housing Revenue Account Estimates (ii) Note the 2009/10 Revised and 2010/11 Budgets for the Housing Revenue Account (Annex E of the Budget Book).
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