• •••• j . • .. , • ,·· ·: 'rhc .Ldrd of fl l D.irgov1 ric Gould not find u dm·1ry l!'or J e llu tho Bour, his ndOi) Led niece Who'd spent all his ntoney On cartons of llo ney, A Si c.u.:ese cnnnon - not all in one piece A bicycle chain .l!'or a sadisrr, gar;;e And a pl&tinw:, doll \ii th ~ :::utile like a crec:.. se. "Alas!" said. the Lair·d "I ' li: nov1 very scared ! " (He tJ:::de a finn ha bit of telling the truth \/hen playing bnd;. ga:u,1on Or fishing for salmon Or v! hen he \'IClS trying to \1ork free a tooth ~ 1 hich l u.s t he \ ~c...::; do inti ) "I see trouble ' s 1ir e;ving 'I'hi:.': i s a 1uatter for (cthadoae liuth ! " il.uth ,·.etlw.done \tas a Latching c:r:ofm We ll-.i ~no < , n for her efi orts in CJ hes s in i~ ton Zoo. jhe'·d ,,edded a r [4t ··. 'l'o a one-legl_e d ba t, A leprous 6iraf1'e to a giant kangaroo. "use S'l'D" :3aid the Hear,full of glee, "She'll be her e to-night there'll be cooking to do 'l'he Jawe of l\eno1.n ,:as s oun SL.J irallinG dm.n on her t t,in-w;jine biped from .Dunba rton Yards; ::>be •·1hirleci through the sky Li ke a han.strung fly ·.ro l c:nd at sowe speed on the Laird 1 s pack of cards. "Huu y 1 " she s crea.\ed, and her hc:;,ppiness bet:•ll'.ed; "Chuck it .and follo •. , for gar;:uling retarcJ.s ! " Hotor::: rot ating 'l'a!lks eructoting The La.ird ' s private 'copter s 11 ed over the sea, .. ...... ~rossing t!ie acres ' ·' · Of fluttering breal-:cx s 1'0 sl;urklii~t; Muck nnd the .!!'air; Ides so free . ·'Se.E: ,bella, se<-) , · Your husbc:nd to be : fl. w·beelchair · rLinoceJ os eating his tea. ' " N8HO " Heaven knovTS, I'd be the last one to But Jimtil our next issue, 'there are preach intolerance." - ~noch Powell. many other interesting happenings(sic). 'rhis issue of .B'LY contains an inter­ Apart from the events listed below, view with CARAVAN and has become in there 's also 'The Mole' - Brighton's f act rather pop-orientated. But future 'underground paper'and 'Scab' produced .B'LYS vlill contain material of a more by \.Jo rthing ~vo rkshop, to read. Then varied nature. So we still need more there's 'Exspantion' for records, 'Un­ contributions. Please send poetry,ideas icorn' for books, the Combination, the letters,articles,criticism etc. to :- Film Theatre and the Rents Project to Julian Grain, 9 Stafford Road, support. Finally, the non profit-making Brighton, 5. U.O.S. Blues Society needs more members. Thur. 23 Oct 'rhe Mooche. 'rhe U.O.S. Dlues Society at Jimmy's, Steine street. Sat. 25 Oct Hard I>.i eat and Glass 11enagerie , at University. 8.30 - 12.30. Sun. 26 Oct Clouds and •rrada Horne , at Sloopy's. 8.30. Thur. 30 Oct Killing Floor. at Jimmy's. Fri. 31 Oct " HalloHeen :Oall " 11i tb Alan Price , Idle Race , Freddie l'llack. at •rop Hank Suite, 8 - 2 am. Sun. 2 Nov John Peel , JJridgi t St.John , Occasional \'lord Ensemble , l1ike Hart. at Sloopy ' s . r:;on. 3 Nov J ohn Jilayall at Dome . 7.45pru . 8/- IO/- 13/- 15/- Keef Hartley at Jimmy's. 'rhur. 6 No v Incredible String Band at Dome . 7.30pm. 5/- 7/6 10/- 12/6 15/- Sat. 8 Nov Village and JellybrJad , at Sloopy's. Sun. 9 Nov 'rhur. 13 .No v Duster Bennett at Jimmy' s . Andy Dunkley , at Sun. 16 Nov High Tide and Sloopy 's. \ved. 19 Nov t:dgar Broughton Be.ncl , Strm1bs , David Bm'l'ie , Staamhammer , He aven , J ef f Dexter , Success , Gary Farr , at Dome. 6.30 for a· t hour sho\v. 5/G B/ 6 II/6 14/6 17/6 'rhur. 20 Nov : I•'ree , at Jimmy' .J 'l'hur. 27 Nov : Juniors ~y e s , at Jimmy' s . MD ~very l"riday , at Coll·· .ge of •rechnoloGJ , 'Club 66' - 2/6. Every \'!ednesday at t h• · Hichrnond , at ' The Sound Of One Hand Clapping ' - the Co smic Sounds of t he Sun Dragon. The U. O. S. Blues Society at Jimmys a t one t i me or another in a group r e cently staged a concert featuring called t he Wi lde Fllwers, which i s Caravan. I went along t o hear t hem where the So f t Machi ne came from . As play, but l)ef or e they went 0n I spoke the member s of the JIOW Soft Lla chinc to their l ead guita:r:ist, Pye Hastings . l e ft to form the Soft JVia chine, we we r e I first asked a1::ou t forthcoming tours. thei r r epl acement s into the Wi l de l"lo­ w.e r .s . '_r h ~n tho Wilde F l owers split U1) P . H. : Th e only tour· tha, t I know elf entir e l y~ Bu t a fter a period of about that ' s absolute l y certa in :is a tour of si x mon t hs we a ll decided to ~e t tog­ .Ho l l and , Germ any and Be l gium wit h t he e ther again. 'l'he four of us took a ·Soft rliachi ne, who were ove r t here a hous(~ in \'irn i t s t abl e ,\vher e . we lived f ­ littl e whUe ago' and they were asked or al)out six months just playing t og­ vr.ho t hey' d like for t heir "J3 " group e thr a nd j amm ing a round. 'I'hcn we decid­ and they said ·1 Carave.n' 'because we 1 r e ed it wa s about time we s t a rte d t o gr:-) t o. iJ great buddi es actua lly. We ' re still s om ethinG done . So vre started tbrov1ing hopi ng to go t o America l)ut it 1 s t he the music around , certa in veopl e become age- old thing allout a group these days, i nter ested and an album c8J!le out alrno­ ever nince we 1 ve lJeen form ed, people s t imm ediat e l;v from MGlVl . So we were l a­ 11 1 unched on the album whicb is c:x tremel;y have 'been saying 1 You re ,jus t r i ght for .America. 11 However t o actually· get good l uck. there you need to haVE; thr e E: l'lo. I hits Since then we 1 ve been mainl y play- and God kno·us v1hat elae. Bu t jt appear s :Lng . gigs around the country , and d~ing t hough tha t we will have a t our soon, t h ings like a t e l evision spot fo~ ~he within the next cbc months , we hope , · German :Surov-i s ion. Other than thct t -- · . -- fll0 0 but t hi s sort of t hin,rc is uncertai n . we 1 re jus t trying t o build up a - Jhen we ' re.p l ayin ~ i n Paris soon in wing . Becau se the a ve rage wa-:(' a gr~up the big f e stiva l t he re" It; s for j a zz starts is -by doing the circul t s an · 'fher1 -tbey ha'- t uilding up a follow~ng. - ~ and progressive groups vii t h the Soft 1 lVia chi.ne , Pink FlCD.yd·, c·aravan a nd Yes ve a hit record or an all)um thcc -t \,~e ­ Gmongst the British groups e;o ing over. lling well. We did a r a ther hard d Lltlg i n a ~ a y becau se we we r e l aunch e on ' d + D. J.: Could you t e ll us the group ' s the r e cord. They put t he re co~ ou. hist orY arid musical background ? and sai d. , "'rhis i s very good , and vr e had to live up to it. We ho·pe t~e s~~ ­ P. R. : I had a very musi cal father , h e orld a lbum will be r e ce ived a loc b e e~ ­ · · wa8 the organis t in ·Aber deen Ca thedr a l. er, be cause we ' ve s i nc e played to a I . can't r emember exactly becau se he lot of peopl e v1ho hadn ' t heard of us dl ed when I was about four or five . 0r t he albQm be fore . llut I inherited a bit of his mu s icc;J. l t c.. l ent. Other than that I think I 1 ve D.J . : I s the second L. P. coming i n the jus t l earnt through lis t ening to ot her 11ear future ? people a ll the time . ,, Tl1e f,'r oup began about one and a half P .H. : We ' ve got the first tvro track8 to two year s ago in Whi t stable, Kent . d•lwn , but vve -'might change them a b?_t . We we r e a ll friends, having a ll played Ore ' s ca lled "Vihy" or "And I wi sll _[ VJ8.S s tone d " and the other ' S ca.JJ.t?cl 11 L\ighth Clipping.
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