WIN2019 The 27th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos. Sunday 02 June 2019 - Saturday 08 June 2019 Bari Book of Abstracts Contents On the interpretation of astrophysical neutrinos ....................... 1 Final results of the CUPID-0 Phase I experiment ....................... 1 The SHiP experiment at CERN ................................. 2 Results from the CUORE experiment ............................. 2 Study of TeV neutrinos in the FASER experiment at the LHC ................ 3 Physics prospects of JUNO ................................... 3 Study of tau-neutrino production at the CERN SPS ..................... 4 Design and Status of the JUNO Experiment .......................... 4 Probing New Physics with Germanium Detectors having sub-keV Sensitivity . 5 The Belle II experiment: early physics and prospect ..................... 5 Directional Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Emulsion ................... 6 Global fit to νµ disappearance data with sterile neutrinos .................. 6 Measurement of the neutron capture cross section on argon with ACED . 7 Status of the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay with GERDA ........... 7 Status of investigations of neutrino properties with the vGEN spectrometer at Kalinin Nu- clear Power Plant ...................................... 8 Relic neutrinos: clustering and consequences for direct detection ............. 8 The ENUBET project ...................................... 9 Atmospheric neutrino spectrum reconstruction with JUNO . 10 Dark Matter searches with Neutrino Telescopes ....................... 10 Lepton flavour mixing in gauged SO(3) ............................ 11 + + Precision study of inclusive B¯ ! Xd` ` decays ...................... 11 ESSnuSB project ......................................... 11 Four new lepton-mixing textures ............................... 12 iii The PTOLEMY experiment, a path from a dream to a challenging project . 12 The JUNO Large PMT Readout Electronics .......................... 13 Electroweak Interaction in SU(2)X U(1) Left-Right Symmetrical Model . 13 Decay tunnel instrumentation for the ENUBET neutrino beam . 14 Recent physics results from DarkSide-50 ........................... 14 Sterile neutrino searches with the ICARUS detector ..................... 15 Measurement of pp-chain Solar Neutrinos with Borexino . 15 CONUS - Detecting elastic neutrino nucleus scattering in the fully coherent regime with reactor neutrinos ...................................... 16 The NEXT experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay searches . 16 The ANNIE experiment ..................................... 17 Harvesting the data from the COHERENT experiment ................... 17 The MicroBooNE Experiment ................................. 18 Status of the MicroBooNE Low-energy Excess Search .................... 18 Recent Cross-section Measurements from MicroBooNE ................... 19 Detector Physics with MicroBooNE .............................. 19 Exploring light sterile neutrinos at LBL experiments .................... 19 Search for physics beyond the Standard Model in the decays of neutral B mesons with ATLAS ............................................ 20 ORCA sensitivity to neutrino decay .............................. 20 Science and Status of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) . 21 General neutrino interactions from an effective field theory perspective . 21 Latest results on rare Kaon decays from the NA48/2 experiment at CERN . 22 Latest results from NA62 .................................... 22 Heavy Flavor Spectroscopy at CMS .............................. 22 Search for tau->3mu decays at CMS .............................. 23 Jet fragmentation in J/Psi mesons ............................... 23 Upsilon production vs charged particles multiplicity ..................... 24 Prompt D(*) production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV . 24 Cuckoo’s eggs in neutron stars: can LIGO hear chirps from the dark sector? . 24 Lensing of fast radio bursts: future constraints on primordial black hole density with an extended mass function and a new probe of exotic compact fermion/ boson stars . 25 Low-Energy Cosmic-ray Measurements with HEPD ..................... 25 EXOTIC SEARCHES AT THE NA62 EXPERIMENT AT CERN . 26 Measurements of CPV in b and c decays at LHCb ...................... 26 B-flavour anomalies in b->sll and b->clnu transitions at LHCb . 27 SNO+, from water to scintillator ................................ 27 The minimal inverse Type III See-saw Models ........................ 27 Sterile Neutrinos with Altered Dispersion Relations as an Explanation for the MiniBooNE, LSND, Gallium and Reactor Anomalies .......................... 28 First model independent results from DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 . 28 Lepton Flavour Universality in B Decays and Other Recent Results at Belle . 29 Precision measurement of the time variation of cosmic rays fluxes measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS ............................. 29 Neutrinoless-double beta decay and its potential to investigate neutrino properties . 30 Towards understanding the origin of cosmic electrons and positrons: precision measure- ments of e+ and e- fluxes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on theISS . 30 Hyper-Kamiokande ....................................... 31 GAPS: Searching for Dark Matter using Antinuclei in Cosmic Rays . 31 The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility: goals, design and performances . 32 Precision measurement of the Energy Dependence of Primary and Secondary Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station . 32 Recent results on the search for eV sterile neutrinos with the STEREO experiment . 33 The Recoil Directionality (ReD) Experiment ......................... 34 Oscillation Physics with KM3NeT-ORCA ........................... 34 Leptogenesis and low-energy CP violation in a type-II-dominated left-right seesaw model 34 Recent results from the DAMPE experiment ......................... 35 Dalitz plot analyses of three body charmonium decays and study of Υ(1S) radiative dacays in BaBa ............................................ 35 Measurement of hadronic cross sections with the BABAR detector . 36 Neutrino astronomy with the Antares detector and perspectives for KM3NeT-ARCA . 36 Direct dark matter search with the XENON1T experiment . 37 First measurement of the neutron-argon cross section between 100 and 800 MeV . 37 The upgrade of the T2K Near Detector ND280 ........................ 38 Search for forbidden decays of the D0 meson and observation of D0 ! K−π+e+e− . 39 Recent T2K Neutrino Oscillation Results ........................... 39 T2K latest results on neutrino-nucleus cross sections .................... 40 Search for heavy neutrinos with the ATLAS detector .................... 40 Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS Detector ....................... 41 Combined Higgs boson measurements at the ATLAS experiment . 41 Higgs boson couplings to quarks at the ATLAS experiment . 41 Search for Higgs boson pair production with ATLAS .................... 42 Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons and R-parity violating and long-lived signatures with the ATLAS detector . 42 Searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector . 42 QUBIC: Exploring the primordial Universe with the QU Bolometric Interferometer . 43 The Dark Matter Programme of the Cherenkov Telescope Array . 43 The SABRE Proof of Principle ................................. 44 Far-Field Monitoring of Reactor Antineutrinos for Nonproliferation . 44 Status and performance of the Advanced Virgo detector . 45 A multi-PMT photodetector system for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment . 45 Recent BESIII results ...................................... 46 Recent progress on the charmonium and XYZ states at BESIII . 47 Status and prospects of charged lepton flavor violation searches with the MEG-II experi- ment ............................................. 47 Weak Decays of Doubly Heavy Baryons ........................... 47 Results from NOvA ....................................... 48 Recent results from EXO-200 experiment ........................... 48 The Pierre Auger Observatory and Multi-Messenger Physics . 49 Progress on Muon Ionization Cooling Demonstration with MICE . 49 Neutrino masses generated through new physics at the TeV scale . 50 Observation of two excited B+c states and measurement of the B+c(2S) mass in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV with CMS .................................. 50 The JEM-EUSO program to study Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Space . 51 Measurements of Higgs boson properties at CMS ...................... 51 Searches for an extended Higgs boson sector at CMS .................... 52 Implications of chiral symmetry on positive parity heavy-light meson spectroscopy . 52 Semileptonic and leptonic B decay results from early Belle II data . 52 Searches for Lepton Flavour Violating decays at LHCb ................... 53 New physics in Kaon ...................................... 53 CP violation in the charm sector within the Standard Model and beyond . 53 Disentangling Higgs and Electroweak sectors at Future Leptonic Colliders . 54 Final State Interactions, SU(3) and CP asymmetries in D → PP decays . 54 Probing a four flavor vis-a-vis three flavor neutrino mixing for ultrahigh energy neutrino signals at a 1 km2 detector ................................. 55 Flavour anomalies before and after Moriond 2019: new emerging scenarios. 55 A nonlinear analysis of Gravitational
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