Heat Processing Equipment Paweł Wyrzykowski CEO Thank you for your interest in SECO/WARWICK. We are an integrated global company providing heat transfer equipment and services with exceptional quality and value. SECO/WARWICK is a complete solution supplier, providing initial support services, design, manufacturing, system installation, start up and operator training. Our company is committed to continu- global engineered products manufactured ously advancing our technology, improving and serviced locally. We look forward to work- our products, reducing our costs and satisfy- ing with you to develop system solutions for ing our customers. Our strategy is to provide your company. 2 content Research & Development 6 Vacuum Furnaces 8 Controlled Atmosphere Brazing 12 Atmosphere Heat Treatment Furnaces and Systems 16 Aluminium Process Technology 22 Vacuum Metallurgical Equipment 26 Control Systems 30 Spare Parts, Service and Modernization 32 content 3 SSECO/WARWICKECO/WARWICK willwill pursuepursue marketmarket leadershipleadership byby beingbeing anan innovative,innovative, ccus-us- ttomeromer ffocusedocused ggloballobal ccompanyompany ddeliveringelivering hheateat ttransferransfer eequipmentquipment aandnd sserviceservices wwithith eexceptionalxceptional qualityquality andand value.value. OurOur missionmission isis toto ccreatereate vval-al- uuee forfor ourour customerscustomers byby ooffff eeringring tthemhem ttailor-madeailor-made ssolutionsolutions wwhichhich mmakeake tthemhem hhighlyighly ccompetitiveompetitive iinn ttheirheir iindustries.ndustries. SECO/WARWICK has proven thousands Our experts are at your disposal to solve of times its commitment to high quality prod- any problems you may have with existing pro- ucts that provide a superior performance to cess and are ready to set up new technologies our customers. We have always placed a great at your facility. We are one of very few com- emphasis to deliver state of the art equip- panies, that can provide our customers with a ment and innovative technology. Our Global complete range of the heat treating equipment Research and Development Center, equipped and technologies, as well. With facilities in the with industrial furnaces gives you an edge over USA, Europe, India and China we can produce the competition by delivering new, effi cient equipment in the key strategic locations that and environment friendly technologies. provides the best total value to our customers in terms of price and delivery. Having the plants in major world industrial hubs, we can follow your global expansion with proven, reliable equipment. Local service and spare parts sup- port will assure smooth operation of the plant giving you a peace of mind. 4 introduction SSECO/WARWICKECO/WARWICK GroupGroup offoff eersrs ccom-om- pplexlex ccustomerustomer sserviceervice iinn ssupplyupply ooff vvarietyariety eequipmentquipment aandnd sservices:ervices: Standard and special furnaces built according to customer requirements Supply of equipment with technology Supply of associated equipment Installation and commissioning „Turn-key solutions” Performance in European and American standards Compatibility with NADCAP system and world- wide aviation norms Service Support Technical and Technology Training Trials and research in industrial and laboratory conditions Analysis and simulations Co-operation with specialized technological and scientific centers TTypesypes ofof industriesindustries aandnd sscientificientifi c fi eelds:lds: Aviation Automotive Machine Tool Medical Electronic Energy Nuclear Special Metallurgy Foundry Wind Power Agricultural Commercial Heat Treatment Centers introduction 5 RResearchesearch & DDevelopmentevelopment 6 research & development SSECO/WARWICKECO/WARWICK RR&D&D tteameam pperformserforms tthehe ccompany’sompany’s currentcurrent andand strategicstrategic ttasksasks wwithinithin rresearchesearch aandnd ttechnologyechnology ddevelopmentevelopment ooff hheateat ttreatmentreatment eequip-quip- mment.ent. IIt’st’s aactivitiesctivities aarere ffocusedocused oonn mmodernodern ttechnologiesechnologies aandnd eequipmentquipment fforor ttheirheir iimplementationmplementation tthathat eensuresnsures qquality,uality, eeffiffi cciency,iency, eeffff eectivenessctiveness aandnd ccostost rreduction,eduction, whilewhile mmaintainingaintaining tthehe hhighestighest llevelevel ooff nnaturalatural eenvironmentnvironment ppro-ro- ttectionection ((greengreen ttechnology).echnology). R&D is equipped with industrial size heat Results of tests and research are verifi ed treatment equipment which is used for techni- in a laboratory, which is equipped with high- cal research and technological tests. R&D team tech devices for quality and quantity analyses also conducts technological cycles and tests and metallographic research. according to customers’ requirements, and op- erations within development of new technolo- R&D works directly with several national gies and optimization of processes. key research centers, which signifi cantly ex- pands the range of testing possibilities and re- search methods including computer-support- ed simulations of processes and outcomes. Heat treatment center Laboratory equipment research & development 7 VVacuumacuum FFurnacesurnaces 8 vacuum furnaces SSECO/WARWICK’sECO/WARWICK’s eexperiencexperience iinn bbuildinguilding vvacuumacuum hheateat ttreatmentreatment ffurnacesurnaces ddatesates bbackack ttoo tthehe 11970’s970’s wwhenhen vvacuumacuum ttechnologyechnology aappearedppeared iinn tthehe aaircraft,ircraft, aautomotive,utomotive, ddefense,efense, mmetalworking,etalworking, mmedical,edical, nnuclearuclear aandnd ttoolmakingoolmaking iindus-ndus- ttries,ries, aass wwellell aass iinn tthehe sscientificientifi c rresearchesearch ssector.ector. AAlwayslways a ddynamicallyynamically ddevelop-evelop- iingng company,company, SECO/WARWICKSECO/WARWICK iiss aactivective oonn tthehe wworldorld mmarketarket aandnd hhasas placedplaced ooverver 500500 completecomplete vacuumvacuum ffurnaceurnace ssystemsystems iinn ooverver 4400 countriescountries inin thethe pastpast 2200 yyears.ears. TThehe kknowledgenowledge aandnd eexperiencexperience wwee hhaveave aacquiredcquired iiss eenoughnough ttoo mmeeteet tthehe mmostost sstringenttringent rrequirementsequirements ooff tthehe wworld’sorld’s mmostost wwell-knownell-known ccompaniesompanies aandnd thethe mostmost cchallenginghallenging ttechnologicalechnological aandnd technicaltechnical tasks.tasks. TThehe SSECO/WAR-ECO/WAR- WWICKICK ssuccessuccess sstory,tory, wwhichhich iiss bborneorne ooutut bbyy tthehe ttestimonialsestimonials ooff oourur rrenownedenowned ccustomers,ustomers, hhasas mmadeade tthehe ccompanyompany a wworldorld lleadereader iinn tthehe mmanufacturinganufacturing ooff vvacuumacuum hheateat ttreatmentreatment eequipment.quipment. The key developmental directions for vacuum furnaces are the cutting edge ecologi- cal and thermo-chemical technologies behind vacuum carburizing and nitriding (LPC, LPN) and high performance gas hardening systems (HPGQ). SECO/WARWICK off ers two unique low vacuum carburizing technologies FineCarb® and high temperature carburizing PreNitLPC®. Standard – radial type heating Together with our SimVac simulation program, and dynamic quenching SECO/WARWICK technologies provide precise and effi cient carburizing that is faster and more cost eff ective. Developments in gas high pres- sure quench furnace (HPGQ) technology, which is close to that of oil quenching, enable an ever wider range of steels and larger production loads to be hardened eff ectively. Axial system vacuum furnaces 9 UUniquenique featuresfeatures ooff vvacuumacuum ffurnaces:urnaces: A dynamic and efficient heating system, ensur- ing precise temperature control and perfect temperature distribution in the workspace zone Effective convection heating at low tempera- tures Effective and uniform gas quenching in a closed system with surrounding nozzle distribution Even and efficient oil quenching, thanks to the specially designed oil diffuser and variable Furnace with horizontal loading speed agitators Fast load transfer to the quenching chamber AApplicationpplication ttechnology:echnology: Bright hardening and tempering Solution heat treatment High Pressure Gas Quench (HPGQ) and oil quenching Brazing and high temperature brazing Furnace with vertical loading Low Pressure Carburizing (LPC) FineCarb® and PreNitLPC® Gas Nitriding ZeroFlow® and Low Pressure Nitriding (LPN) Degassing Vacuum sintering (WC, MIM, ceramic, etc.) and SinterHIP PAC-Slurry coating, Chemical Vapour Deposi- tion (CVD), Fluoride Ion Cleaning (FIC) Diffusion bonding High vacuum 10-5/10-6 mbar Graphitization and graphite materials purifica- tion process Retort vacuum purge furnace 10 vacuum furnaces RRangeange ofof furnacesfurnaces aandnd ttheirheir technicaltechnical parameters:parameters: Single-, double- and multi-chamber for batch Radial-type standard dynamic quenching and mass production (360o) and axial system Furnaces with horizontal and vertical loading Ability to build a radial/axial flow pattern in one configurations furnace, as required for programming direc- Load mass from 50 to 5,000 kg tional cooling Graphite, ceramic or metal shield insulation with Integrated Power Control System installed in vacuum level of 10-2 - 10-7 mbar HPGQ furnaces (high power factor) Operating temperatures up to 2500oC One and multi-stage pumping systems, build Temperature uniformity within ±5oC to ±3oC based on oil and dry pumps Oil quenching double-chamber
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