TNSTT'TtJ'T'TONAL FR,AMEWORK FOn. CYGI.l:.-:>NE DT SAST"l.:R MA.NAG-EMF:NT I N nANG f.A'I)ESH D11, ROWSHIIN IIInllllllllllllllllllllllnil #87aOO", 'l'IlI<S,I:> :>UIlM1TTED TO 'fllro: D~:PAl<'I'Ml~NTOF UlmllN AN]) ll.F:G'lONAI, PI.ANN.ING IN PARTIAl, ~'ULFJl,I,MF.NT OF TIl~: RRQU[RF.M~:N'I'FOR 'I'll!': J)F:GRr:~:OF MASTER 1 N lmllllN AN[) RF.G'JONAI, FLANN rNG MIIY, 1994 [lEf'AR'l'MRNT OF UlUlIIN ANll RRGJONII[, P(,IINNING, BANGI,f,IlESH IJNTVRRSTTY 01" ~:NGJNF:r:ltlNG liND TF.CllNOLOllY, llHAKA. -,, II. • J:(. 36~.34,," i 'J 9'4 n\1-- 'nm:lltl I\.CCF:I"fANCF: FORM INSTI'l'U'I'IONi\L FRAMEWORKFOR CYCLONR DISASnlR MI\.NAV~~MEN'l'.1.1'1 BANGl,lI.1JIWH '" 011. ROWSHi\.N 'l'lIESIS APPROVE)) AS '1'0 Tim STYLI> AND CON'j'ENl' BY _<faa,,,,rl~-j.-c!o---- CIIIURMAN 01' THE COMMIT'ff:P. 11IL SI\.RW/l;V~IIi\N I, '0,-/'7£( ( SUPE:RVlSOR} l\HflOCIA'l'E PRoHmSOR l)E['AR'l'~mN'r OF' IJRIlAN AND RBGIONi\L PLi\NNINU, DUET, IJ!li\KII. A{~C,j --'::-0--- -----.~-------.------ MEMB/';R ~1H. A,JMl\.L II. AIlMlo.D HEAD, lJBPAR'l'Mt':N'[' OF UJWlIN AND lj JU;UIONAL PI.ANNING, JIm:'!', DI1!\KJ\. ---~~--------- MEMIJP:R mt. W.J\. MOIIJ'!' .1 ASSOCIATE PROFF:SSOR 'I IlRPI\R'J'MBN'l' OF URBAN AND -11: REGiONAL PLl\NN1NG, BUET, ml1lK1\. -----~ .._-------------- MEMBER ])R. S.l. KHAN r~XTERNi\L CHiHRMJ\N GRlIM llANGLA flIlNGS,llll. , 211./1 ELEPHANT ROAD, lJIJAKh. • lJEPARTHEN'l' OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Bl\.NGLADElJlJ IJNIVERSrry OF r,;NGJNEERING AND 'I'ECHNOLOGY,• DHAKA III • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1'hj" 1'e50".1'"h paper ent..i U eel "Inr;ti tu Li anal Framewurk for eye lone Di5<1ster Man'lgement in {IilJl<jladeGh" loa5 boeD prepared in pin (,ial fuJ1fillmcnt of L1w c1cgr"e of Master's in Urban anu Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of EllqillC'oring anu Technology, Dhaka, lJanglaclesiJ. First of ,,11, I would like to th,l"k Dr. SarWiJ[ Juhan, A550(~iate Professor, Department o[ Urban awl RogiOllal Planning, whose <!onstant s"pervision "lid iJJspirat.ioll helped me to ~drry out this resoarch work and rJeyelop my an"lytil'al faculty. I dm thankful tD Lhe Unit8[1 NatiollS Ccntpr [Ol Region'll Development (Nagoya, ,Japan) for prQvjdilllj me wH.h tile linanci"J Cl5sistance to carry Ollt tile rcsearch work. Thanks iI,e also due to Dr. S.I. Kh"n, fO('mel Environmentil.l Pldnner, lINCRDdnd Chairmiln, Gram lJang.1il,for his valuablp COlliments at di(rereut stages of ULe work. I ilm alsu thankful Lu Mr. Ajm,,] Il"yaL Ahmad, 1l",,,1, Department of Urban and Reg.innill Planning, DUP.'[', Dhaka, Dr. M.A. ~lohit, A[lsociilte Professor, and Mrs. R"zia S. Ahmad, Assistant Prof"ssor of the Silme depal-tment for their kind af'[li"t"""e dnd mot.iv,ltioTl to compJpte this research >lork. I also WqJ'-"SS my grilt.1 tude to Dr. Ainu" Nishat, Pro[c,,(;or, lJepartm8llL of Watf>r ReSOULC"" Eng.in"erillg, SUET. Dllaka, for his val"alJlE' commr>nts. 1 thankfully rememher Mr. Harun-al-Rilshid, Deputy Director, Mr. Asauduzzaman, n<,vpJopmellt Officr>r, KlJtubdla and ~Jr. i\tJdlJ.l ll"q, Development Officer, Cilakaria of Cyclonp !'repa,'C,ll1css Programme lor their enormous help <luring my fi"ld !iurvey. It would lJave ueen very diffi<'ll.lt for me to carry Ollt. my [i"ld slJrvey in the coastill area if I had not rec<'iverl their cu~operation and ilSS.lstance. I express my grati l:ude 'Lo Mr. f>yed Ahmed and Mr. Martin Gill h"m from thE' I),i"""ter ~Jandgement FlUl;eilu (DMB) for their ildvice rpgarding the trend of inGtitu~.io"ill development at th" qoveI"nment level and also for helpinq me Idth sevc'ral rlOClJments lela'Lcd with this study. 111 1 am thankful to Mr. Iqbal Shaila and ~Jr. Piuimol Kumar Roy from the Associatiun ot Development Agenc.tes of fJangl"rl",,,h (AIJAIJ)for i111 the support and advice they gave me from til" beginnjng of this resear-dl work. I am also thankful to thE' authQr.ity for a.1.1ow,Lngme to use tile library. Lastly, J w"nl: to 'l:hank Mr. A. Majed amI Mr. M.A. Baten for typing the contenL and tile computer firm" CARES" for their service. Fjn,l.11y I wanL to thallk Mr. Anwar-Karim for- trw labourious job he hils done for pr"p"ring Lhe graphics anr1 uverall designing of this repurt. DIL ROloIllHAN j -"'•.' . ABSTRACT The repeated occurrence of d",Vil5~5tiJlg natur,'] ,,,,lamitlE)s has become a major con"ern for the poli(~.v maken:: ancl pJ "fl"ers. Tho impact of such phetlOmena arc ext.ens",ve anu the recovery pl"OCeSS is lengthy. Cyclone is one of the major disast.ers uccuring in Ball\lladesh. The present study attempts to deal wi.th the institutional aspect of cyeIon" disast.Pl" managoment, The main objectivf's of the stud~' were (j) to understand the n"ture of functional co-ordination among the national, regional ilnd 10"al level government, ""mi.-qovernment and non~(jovernment agencies in cyclone disaster milllagemenl, (ill to invesligate the ,,,,lure of institutional support available at the \Jrar;sroots level ill ,nJar-eneSS gcncration, w~r"in<J diGGemin,ltjoll "nd evacuatjon, (iii) to inveGtigate the lIiLtur-e01 pooplo'G per""pLioll and rCGpom'e to forementionE'd .iSSIIPSam] finally, (iv) to propose an inGtitution,,1 fr"mework which '>'nuld facilitate more effi"j"nL management of "yclolle disaGV,r in('orpar~~.iIlY tJeople'G particip"tioll. The questionn"ire Slit V,JY for the st.uc1y",,"s conducted in twa Thana (Kutubdi" "nd C1wkaria) unclE'TCox's Bazar cliGtr.ict. Two sets of questionll"ire were prepared for t.his survey, ono for the households and the ol:llel oue for tho institut.joIls "resent in the are,~ which are involved with variouG stage~ of cyclune disaster manag"'ment. The househollls were ChO£:C'1lfromtwo WUTS"Laffectod areas of thr"e unions under e1Jch or the forement.ioned TIJ1Jna. In total 300 houselJOld~ were GUJ:'veyedunder ~y~tematic random s"mpliny process. The two GetG of 'luestionnaire helped in identify,ing tile problems encounter",d by the restJonllent G during di fferent stageG of the cyclone. It has boon learned thilt people's geuer"l awarcncc;s about various issu8s relat<"c1 with cyclone is lacking which result .in widespread uon-re£:(lon"e to the institutiunal support. Besides this, lack of well organis",d jn"ti l,u'tion1Jl support alGo caused geneT~l disbelief in cyclone warningG and Jlon-ev""",,tion ill 1991. The grave memory of this "YO'jone rlr~milti"i111y challyecl people'£: attitude towaJ:'ds in~titutjon"l 5upport which h'a~ relatively strength",ned or improved after the devastaLion o[ 1991 cyclone. , On the basis of tile findings from the inGt.itutjon~l survey, tile 1 problems that are encoulltel"ed by v"r ious local levc!l ilwt i tutj 011" at diffeJ:'ent stages of cy"lone di~a~ter Jn1JIl1Jejementarecategori.sed I, • ~' . , into following five' groups: organJsationaJ, [in"",,1.Lll, legal, inlrastructural and c:ocial or peop,le oLif'nteo. ~lajorJty of the .identitied problemc: and their c:uggesteClsolut.ions at.e org<lniRationJ ill nature whieh indicate that organisational strengtJH'ning is f',,,,,,,,ti,,l [ur a uetter cyclone cl1saster managemont GYGtem. The mOGtfrequf'"tly 1.rlf'nt1.fif'Ciprohlp,"s "onfront'pd by llle I.JIesently invol vcd ins ti tut ions are lack of co-onJi"a l:jon, traj lled man-powpr and training rnatorialG, planning offort at tho higher level and Infraslrilctural facility. C:ons,ideriny lile prolJlBms aml t1leir solutions identifiod by the general population and th" .instil.ul.:iolls, and after reviewIng the preGclJt trend of institutionil] d"v"lopm"nt ilt t.he governm""t "nd non-government 1"v",15, a new inst.it.llt.ional set.llp has been proposed which iR p("imilriJy baspd upon the "xisting admin.l.Rtratjve structur" but g("ildually develops in tprms of inRt,itulio"al componenl anrl Functional co-ordinat.ion. The iuslll'ullolliil [ldmewur]( dS (ll'u(lusel1leaches .its (iual slaye o( developmeul tilt uw,)J,three phases. A SJWIt term appruad, is pI uposed allhe first s'taye. Nu miljor change is brulIgh1: in the institui.;onil] (l'amewurJ, Lll lhis st"ge exceptinq lhe ",-ealian o( disaster management commitlees at various aclminis'tralive urders. The Sf'corJd phase is il1,mti(ied dS a mid 'term approiiLll, wl,ere some new oomponents are added ill U,e iliSliLuLionill framewurk at the national level. These new components will of culIrse be replica'led at t.hf' lower levols of admini,;tralive hierarohy lhruu<jl, tI,e disaster malJagementcUlllITIillees. 'I'lle f,ina.l stage ,iRdps.ignat."d as il long tcrm il)l)lro"oh wh,i"h wiLl bo able 'tu <lvail lhe lJ"Jlefils o( lhe [latio"al Jnfril5trlJct.uraJ and propoGod institutional development. At this stage, emphas.is is g.iven on "nopting il llew approach in providing shelter facilily lo lhe vlI.lnerab.le p"opJ". 11. model re<,JardiJl\J proper warning Ciissomination and planned evacuation ha,:,been develuped provided tllat )lropORf'd inst. __it.utional setup of t,he finai Gtage is pruperly implemented <'Ind shelter Lwility is ade'luatf'Jy im)11:ovcda,:,per plan alld 1-'rop05als.
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