Mobile Unit of lack of funds wording 1 Tuberculosis Stocklen. Offer X-Rays HAILS PASSAGE OF , TV appropriation, besides main­ Chest X-Ray X-Rays 12,000 j taining a division, will provide aid X-Ray Tract Group Elects to state and local governments It For Workers 1 More than 12.000 Akronites have will make possible the loaning of Unit Will Move been examined for tuberculosis by ^5? a*. • asslst locaI governments Booked Solid (the Summit county mobile X-ray T.B.C0NTI with their Anti-Tuberculosis pro­ At Columbiav Thorpe Head unit since it started touring in grams and provide some financial To E. Akron April, it was revealed today. aid for projects which can't find BARBERTON—Employes o¥ the \For A Month" | John A. Thorpe, Jr., president I The unit, which has visited • Dr. Stocklcn Calls It Land money elsewhere. Dr. Stocklen Columbia Chemical division of the THE MOBILE X-ray unit of the ! of Thorpe Construction Co., was schools, businesses and housing 1 hopes that in Cleveland it will pro­ Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. and Summit County Tuberculosis and elected president of the Summit projects, will move to Hillwood mark in War on Disease vide help for the setting up of a members of t%ir families over Health association will visit East I County Tuberculosis association at | Homes next week. X-ray exams clinic system which is being devel­ 15 years of age* may have free Akron Friday and Saturday, Mrs, KfV""* 1,a»»™ «™S the seventh annual meeting will be held from 12:30 to 8:30 oped here. A building at 6330 Lo- complete chest X-rays at the plant lp. m. Tuesday and Thursday, and Avenue is being renovated in [Thursday and Friday, it was an­ Donald Held," executive secretary, EpuSbV"* »" •*»'<«*»« . Wednesday night at the Woman's BY JOSEPHINE ROBERTSON nounced Saturday by companv City club. '9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday and j News of the passage by Con ere preparation for a clinic there, and announced. Th. mobile unit was to N, „ I Wednesday. hoped that a similar clinic can officials. *™"sr Ita LMremelt Casta,,, . *£__ He succeeds Howard L. Hyde, J of an appropriation bill for $1C, et up on the East Side In a Chest X-ray examinations will Co | general counsel foe Goodyear Tire This week, 354 residents In 000,000 for tuberculosis control, has The mobile unit of.the Summit be made available to the public at d... p' It tai&y- 0n Wednes- Wilbeth-Arlfngton Homes were ( wl & Rubber Co. Oalr Alexander | been received here with much The next step in the drive to 'County Tuberculosis and Health no charge. They will be taken in the ,'• "_ » *« the Seiberling I was named first vice president; X-rayed. One thousand persons satisfaction by Joseph B. Stocklen, association win be at the north fire station park at the Junction of were examined recently at Eliza­ county tuberculosis controller and conquor tuberculosis will be to Mde of the employment office from Latex Co. from 6:10 a m to4 ' Leslie P. Hardy, second vice presi­ beth park and-North Howard st arouse the interest of the state and E. Exchange and Market sis. le.T ^""""I" «' Columbia Chem- . dent, and Noel Michel), third vice by representatives of the Anti- it to a sense of responsibility |* to 10:16 p. m. Thursday, and o, are Panned from j to {president. The mobile unit is jointly sponsor- r Tubcrculosis League, who were in­ from 6 a. m. to 2:80 p. m. Friday. The unit's appearance in that R Th i ed by the Summit County Tuber­ strumental in obtaining its passage. the program. Dr. Stocklen is X-ray facilities are available to district is being sponsored by the , ,„ tif..0 2;™ ™« '«' «nd 6:30 I Mrs. C. A. Albright will be the j culosis and Health association, i The bill now needs only the chairman of a committee of the L.famUies during those hours East Akron Merchants association. Th. 3» P-m. Friday. new secretary. Carl E. Elwell re- I city health department and Edwin j president's .signature to make it ef­ Ohio Public Health Association The X-rays will be read aL the- Store employes have been invited ,hree downtown department mains treasurer and Mrs. James I Shaw sanatorium. fective. Dr. Stocklen called it s which is preparing a survey of Edwin Shaw sanatorium and are to have their examinations made store. „m K, ,,„„, l0 '_;"*?_ W. Rabe, representative director. I (landmark in the tuberculosis con­ Ohio's needs in the tuberculosis pro­ confidential. Reports will he sent Friday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. next mono,. It win be at the A Mrs. Donald Held was reappointed trol program because *<*- was the gram for presentation to the state directly to the individual. The service also will be available O-M Co., Sept. 8-ioT a„d c. 3. executive secretary. first federal approprii'' .on ever legislature. Saturday from 9 a.m. to fl p.m. Zmls£:.C°-.s''t-n-a- mom.it I made specifically fo>- that j 'rpose.l will be In Macedonia for the town- ' APPOINTED to three-year I—It will mean the reations.of nl .nip homecoming Saturday, Sept. I term' ,ii trustee's were Amos jaiBision for, tuberculosis control in' OPERATING cost of the mobile 6, from 1 to 10 p. ro. V Bnglebeck. Fred Newman and the United States Public Health) |untt financed by the annual sale Russell Richmond. David Alex­ X-Ray Unit - | Service, and probably a na Jon-wfdel of Christmas seals. One X-ray can The examinations arc o-spon- be taken every 20 seconds, Mrs. sored by the city health depart- l ander will serve the unexpired L drive against the disease, similar I U1 niL c ' term of the late Fred Clemmer. lo Held said. Children under 15 years ,«.£ ~, ?; Pdnty Tubercu­ Tour Is Set " [ the one against venereal dis­ of age cannot be accommodated. He lt Seven trustees renamed for j eases, Dr. Stocklen said. In the' lar - ov * U, association and three years are Mrs. Catherine I Federal housing projects in the past there has been a tuberculosis A report on each picture' is Jwiwin Shaw sanatorium. DoUw, Thomas A. Ferns, Lynn H. Akron district are scheduled for section of the public health serv­ mailed to the individual later Holcomb, Mrs. James W. Babe, ice, headed by Dr. Herman mile-' Frank T. Tucker, Mrs. F, B. Van ivislta by the Summit County {Tuberculosis association mobile ,boe, which has done splendid work Houten and Hardy. I(but has hpen handicapped because J At the Wednesday dinner. Dr. pC-ray unit during the first two J. T, Villain, head of Edwin Shaw' [Weeks in July. sanatorium, reported 94 tubercu­ The unit, which has just com-. losis deaths of Summit county resi­ pleted surveys of the Akron and] U Schedules* dents" last year. Barberton schools, will visit, the He pointed out that all the' Ardella homes projects on Kelly) X-Ray Survey I deaths were of persons.over 19 av„ for three days starting Mon­ years In age, with the exception of day, June 30. An X-ray survey of University | two babies. "Tuberculosis Is no I South Arlington area is sched­ of Akron students will be made longer a children's disease. Adults \ uled July 7-10, and Hillwood Homes March 8 by the Summit County' have become the problem," he de- j -on Arlington st, from July 14-16. Tuberculosis association, it was i Glared. Time schedules alternate. Each Iannounced today. j The sanatorium head also re­ [Monday the unit is open from Technicians of the National X- ported that all tuberculosis stir-1 12:30 until 8:30 p. m., and on [y Surveys, assisted by clinic Tuesdays from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. irses and clerical staff, will make gery Is now being done In Akron.! le tuberculosis examinations from Patients were formerly sent clse- 30 a. m. to 3 p. m. in Crouse jwhora for treatment. gymnasium. ' Women's league Association members - voted to service committer - with Helen change the name of tha group to Zook, 1202 Riverside av.', as chair­ the Summit County Tuberculosis man will conduct registration. and Health association. .The Christmas Seal X-ray unit A movie on tuberculosis »;ill be , IN HER ANNUAL REPORT, (will stop at the .American Hardl shown In the student toung, at 11 Mrs. Held said that the 1916, a. m. Wednesday, Mrs. Donald ["Rubber Co: to give tuberculosis ex-' Held, association secretary, an­ Christmas seal sale was the high­ emulations to employes .Monday nounced. est in history of the annual cam­ [ana Tuesday. The mobile'uhit la paign. Contributions totaled sponsored by the city health de­ V $66,825. partment, county tuberculosis as­ J James G. Stone, director of pro­ sociation and Edwin Shaw sana- gram development for the Na­ ! tional Tuberculosis association, was _ torium. guest speaker Wednesday. He I urged that "communities provide [ facilities for routine checking of I patients for tuberculosis by hos- HELP TUBERCULOSIS FICHT ; pitals and practicing physicians." The Sangamon club, a women's organization which Is - celebrating its 21st birthday anniversary this year, has given a $100 check to the Summit County Tuberculosis and "Health association. Miss Ethel Black, left above, of 429 Windsor av., presents the gift to Mrs. D. D. Held, executive secretary of the association. Miss Black is president of Sangamon; Mrs. Sadie1 •••_*•__•• | Bratcher, vice-president; Mrs. Anna May Love_, secretary ; and ^^^^^^^^ • •I g[ JSffi paw ____H__k, |HB iff HI MisBratchers Pear,l vice-presidentWashington, treasurer; Mrs.
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