God, grants and special VOLUME XXVI AID Eucharist and Pro-Life Stance, opportunities, p. 8 p. 4 NUMBER 3 P AGE Supreme Court and Ten 44 NO. PERMIT SAN ANGELO, TX ANGELO, SAN US POST US Collection for tsunami victims Commandments, p. 9 ORG. NONPROFIT largest in history, p. 5 MAR Radio en Español, p. 11 Diocesan Conference Day, p. 7 2005 INSIDE Rite of Election, p. 12 UESTED THE WEST REQ VICE TEXAS PO BOX 1829 BOX PO DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO SAN OF DIOCESE SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 TX ANGELO SAN NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO [email protected] • www.san-angelo-diocese.org SER ADDRESS One week after tracheotomy, pope ‘continues to improve,’ Vatican says by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Asked later if the Vatican's Holy Week Service and Easter schedule, would be changed dras- VATICAN CITY (CNS) – After a week in tically, the spokesman said the Holy Week Rome's Gemelli hospital, where he under- and Easter liturgies "are fixed." went a tracheotomy to ease breathing diffi- "The pope must decide, once he has re- culties, Pope John Paul II "continues to im- turned, the way he will participate in these prove and show progress," the Vatican ceremonies. But at the moment, nothing has spokesman said. been decided," he said. "The surgical wound is healing," spokes- Navarro-Valls said he did not think any man Joaquin Navarro-Valls told reporters changes were being made to the papal apart- March 3. The pope was hospitalized Feb. 24 ment in the Vatican in anticipation of the and underwent the tracheotomy, in which a pope's return, nor did he think special medi- Pope John Paul II blesses the faithful during a surprise appearance from the window tube is placed in the trachea through a hole cal equipment was being installed. of Gemelli hospital in Rome Feb. 27. The Vatican said the pope is continuing to recover well from a tracheotomy to relieve acute breathing problems. (CNS photo cut in the throat. "I do not think so because I have not seen from L’Osservatore Romano, Arturo Mari) The papal spokesman said the pope was special equipment even in his room at the continuing his "active collaboration" in ex- hospital. As I have said from the beginning, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the "I am happy you are here," he quoted the ercises designed to help him breathe and to the pope has not needed assisted respira- Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, pope as saying. speak. tion," he said. had told reporters March 1 that the pope The cardinal will host the August celebra- Navarro-Valls said the exercises "are not The spokesman said he expected Pope spoke to him in German and Italian and was tion of World Youth Day; the pope is sched- passive," but require effort on the part of the John Paul to appear at the window of his working on some papers the cardinal had uled to join young Catholics from around 84-year-old pope. hospital room and offer his Sunday blessing taken to the hospital for him. the world in Cologne Aug. 18-21. In addition to having resumed meetings to people outside the hospital March 6, as Further confirmation that the pope was Cardinal Meisner said, "My personal with top Vatican aides and receiving visi- he did Feb. 27, after a Vatican official fin- working came from a Vatican official who opinion is that the Holy Father can come to tors, the spokesman said the pope spends ished leading the midday Angelus prayer. said March 2 the pope was reading and ini- Cologne in August. "much time in both the morning and after- The next medical bulletin is expected tialing the papers necessary for appointing "I told the Holy Father that he does not noon" in the small chapel in the suite of March 7, he said. new bishops. have to speak in Cologne, but that his pres- rooms set aside for him on the 10th floor of The pope, Navarro-Valls said, "really A March 3 papal message to members of ence is important. The figure of the Holy Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic. wants to return to the Vatican, obviously, but the Congregation for Divine Worship and Father speaks for itself, and the presence of Navarro-Valls refused to estimate how at the same time the pope accepts the advice the Sacraments was signed "from the Gemelli the Holy Father in Cologne is very impor- long Pope John Paul would remain in the of his doctors." Polyclinic." tant," the cardinal said. hospital. "Especially because for the past three German Cardinal Joachim Meisner of On March 2, the little square outside the "There still is no precise date and I do not days he has been able to hold his regular Cologne was able to visit the pope March 2 main entrance of the hospital was the scene want to give a probable date given the fact meetings" with his top aides and "follow the at the hospital. of what the Italian news agency ANSA de- that it could change positively or nega- activities of the Holy See," the pope accepts "His voice was much stronger than I had scribed as a "choir competition" between tively," he said. his hospitalization because "he is able to expected," the cardinal told reporters gath- young people from Poland, from the Asked whether it would be before Easter, fulfill his ministry and he is doing so," he ered in the makeshift pressroom in the hos- Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, March 27, he said, "It is possible." said. pital atrium. see “POPE” page eleven BISHOP PFEIFER Easter Should be a way of Life La Pascua debe ser una manera de Vida (The Resurrected Life) (La Vida Resucitadal) by Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI por el Obispo Miguel Pfeifer, OMI The resurrection of Christ on that first Easter has given a whole, new beautiful meaning La resurrección de Cristo en la primera Pascua ha dado toda una nueva y bella significa- to life. As followers of Christ, we are Easter people, as we share already in the resurrection ción a la vida. Como Seguidores de Cristo somos gente de Pascua, como ya compartimos en of Christ. la resurrección de Cristo. The life of resurrection gives us an opportunity for an intimate expe- La vida de la resurrección nos da una oportunidad para una experien- rience of joyful communion with God, and with everything God has cia intima de comunión alegre con Dios, y con todo lo que ha hecho made. We stand in ecstatic wonder at the incredible beauty of God, and in Dios. Admiramos con asombro la increíble belleza de Dios, y en Dios God we marvel at the whole of God’s creation. maravillamos toda la creación de Dios. Because Christ rose from the dead, it is our belief that one day our Porque Cristo resucito- de la muerte, es nuestra creencia que un día bodies, too, will rise from the dead, and be forever joined to our souls in nuestros cuerpos, también, resucitaran de la muerte, y ser eternamente Heaven. But already we have a foretaste of the resurrection in this life. juntos a nuestras almas en el Cielo. Pero ya tenemos una participación en Because of our baptism, and the celebration of the other Sacraments, we la resurrección en esta vida. Por nuestro bautismo, y la celebración de share in an intimate way in the great Easter mystery of Christ’s resurrec- otros Sacramentos, compartimos en una manera intima en el gran miste- tion. rio de la Pascua de la resurrección de Cristo. Christ wants us to be Easter people every day of the year, and Easter Cristo quiere que seamos gente de Pascua cada día del año, y la Pascua should be a constant way of life. Easter makes a difference in our lives if debe ser una parte constante de vida. La Pascua hace una diferencia en we choose to be different, and if we choose to do the hard work necessary nuestras vidas si escogimos ser diferentes, y si escogimos ser el necesario to make the necessary changes happen in our lives. Easter changes us if Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI trabajo duro para ser los cambios necesarios en nuestras vidas. La Pascua we choose to cooperate with the risen Savior, who is about the business of nos puede cambiar si escogemos cooperar con el Salvador resucitado, making all things new, bit by bit. Easter should be a way of life, every day of our life, and quien hace todas las cosas nuevas, poquito por poquito. La Pascua debe ser una manera de reminds us that Christ’s renewing grace makes us brand new over and over again. Easter is vida, cada día de nuestras vidas, y nos recuerda que la gracia renovada de Cristo nos hace a way of life if we live out its power in the small choices we make day by day. Easter makes nuevos una y otra vez. La Pascua es una manera de la vida si vivimos su poder en las a difference if we keep on, persevering with patience and prayer, even when it seems that selecciones que hacemos día tras día. La Pascua hace una diferencia si nosotros seguimos, nothing is happening. perseverando con paciencia y oración, hasta cuando que parezca que nada esté pasando. In the Gospels, the message of the risen Savior is “peace.” It is this Easter peace that En los Evangelios, el mensaje del Salvador Resucitado es la “paz.” Es esta paz de la Christ offers us to help us overcome our anxieties and our fears.
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