1838 tONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATp March 11 H. R. 3859. A bill for the relief of Jose Commerce and National Association of Man­ the Journal of the proceedings of Mon­ Zavala-Rivera; to the Committee on the ufacturers, the New Jersey State Chamber day, March 9, 1953, be dispensed with. Judiciary. · of Commerce, and others, a similar declara­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ By Mr. BURLESON: tion of policy and since prices depend upon H. R. 3860. A bill conferring jurisdiction wages, that similar suggestions be made to out objection-- upon the United States District Court for the the major labor organizations, such as the Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, reserv­ Northern District of -Texas, Abilene division, American Federation of Labor and the Con­ ing the right to object, rule III of the to hear, determine, and render judgment gress of Industrial Organizations; to the Standing Rules of the Senate reads as upon certain claims of Yetta Mae Slayton; Committee on Banking and Currency. follows: to the Committee on the Judiciary. 80. By the SPEAKER: Petition of R. G. Roberts, of Seattle, Wash., and others, rela­ The Presiding Officer having taken the H. R. 3861. A bill for the relief of Fumiko chair, and a quorum being present, the tive to the present financial and taxation Nakane; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Journal of the preceding day shall be read, By Mr. CELLER: systems of the Government and enclosing a proposed bill entitled "Financial Emancipa­ and any mistake made in the entries cor­ H. R. 3862. A bil'. for the relief of Alek­ rected. The reading of the Journal shall tion Act"; to the Committee on Ways and sander, Sala, Boris, and Anna Ejdelman; to not be suspended unless by unanimous con­ the Committee on the Judiciary. Means. 81. Also, petition of William I. Barnholth, sent; and when any motion shall be made By Mr. DAWSON of Utah: to amend or correct the same, it shall be H. R. 3863. A bill for the relief of Theodore Akron, Ohio, urging official .action by Con­ gress, admitting Ohio into the Union as of deemed a privileged question, and proceeded G. Passalis; to the Committee on the Judi­ with until disposed of. ciary. March 1, 1803; to the Committee on Interior By Mr. D'EWART: and Insular Affairs. Last Friday, when the Unanimous H. R. 3864._ A bill authorizing the issuance 82. Also, petition of Nicholas J. Curtis, Consent Calendar was before the Sen­ of a patent in fee to Mrs. Susie Leider; to Paterson, N. J., petitioning consideration of ate, I asked for the courtesy of having the Committee on Interior and Insular his resolution with reference to Nicholas J. Mairs. Curtis, Petitioner-Memorialist, vs. Phillip a bill go over until the next calendar day, By Mr. FULTON: Forman, U. S. district judge of New Jersey, so that I could have an opportunity to H. R. 3865. A bill for the relief of John Main Division at Trenton, N. J.; and Guy L. study the bill. The explanation given George Fient-Geigy; to the Committee on the Fake, U. S. district judge of New Jersey with respect .to it was bemuddled and Judiciary. (cited as retired), Newark, N.J., under House befuddled, and when the explanation By Mr. HOLTZMAN: of Representatives Rules XXII; X: L. R. Act, was finished, I could not make heads or H. R. 3866. A bill for the relief of Cosima S. 996. Namely, motion for leave to deposit tails out of the bill. Damiano Campanelli; to the Committee on brief or memorial with the Sergeant-at-Arms or Acting Secretary of the House of Repre­ Notice was served on me that if I did the Judiciary. not let the bill be passed on the call of By Mr. JARMAN: sentatives; to the Committee on House H . R. 3867. A bill for the relief of Mary Administration. the calendar, a motion would be made Thalia Wommack Webb; to the Committee 83. Also, petition of S. Sgt. and Mrs. R. D. to consider it. on the Judiciary. Bagaley, Jr., and others, of Braintree, Essex, Mr. TAFT. Mr. President, a point of By Mrs. KELLY of New York: England, petitioning consideration of their order. H . R. 3868. A bill for the relief of Selda resolution with reference to a bill now pend­ Mr. MORSE. I am reserving the Bukinski; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ing in Congress to cut subsistence pay of right to object, in order that I may make H. R. 3869. A bill for the relief of Gilbert United States servicemen overseas; to the Committee on Armed Services. my explanation with respect to · the Elkanah Richards, Adelaide Gertrude Rich­ parliamentary course of action I am ards, and Anthony Gilbert Richards; to the taking . Committee on the Judiciary. •• ..... •• By Mr. KEOGH: Mr. President, notice was served on H. R. 3870. A bill for the relief of Carlo SENATE me that a motion to consider the bill Erbetta; to the Committee on the Judiciary. would i>e made under the rules of the By Mr. KING of California: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11,1953 Senate. I know that traditionally in H. R. 3871. A bill for the relief of Constan- the Senate, in a situation such as that, • tine N. Perkins; to the 'committee on Armed The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown ·courtesy has been extended to Members Services. Harris, D. D., offered the following to have the time necessary in which to By Mr. MEADER: prayer: study the bill. H. R . 3872. A bill for the relief of Vera Hsi yen Wang Liu; to the Committee on the . Our Father God, we thank Thee for If the rules of the Senate are to be Judiciary. blue days and fair, and for eyes to see applied on a technical basis, as was done By Mr. PATTEN: and for hearts to feel the wonders of this on Friday, so far as I am concerned, H . R. 3873. A bill for the relief of settlers our Father's world. As before our eyes they will continue to be so applied. I on the International Strip at Nogales, Ariz.; winter graves change to springtime gar­ object to the request made by the sen­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. · dens, all nature speaks 'to us of stirring ator from Ohio [Mr. TAFT]. By Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania: Mr. TAFT. I may say that after the H. R. 3874. A bill for the relief of Roberto life and of the barren earth being re­ born to haunting loveliness. Already reading and correction of the Journal­ Johnson; to the Committee on the Judiciary. if any correc.tion is called for-have been By Mr. TABER: bushes afire with Thee seem to whisper H. R. 3875. A bill for the relief of Peter secrets that our dull souls are too dense concluded, the only business befo.re the Wei Ting Yu; to the Committee on the to comprehend. · Senate today will be the business of the Judiciary. Fill us, we pray Thee, with fresh faith, morning hour followed by Senate bill By Mr. TEAGUE: a triumphant confidence in Thy final 697, Calendar No. 70, to provide for a H. R. 3876. A bill for the relief of Martha victory over the hearts of men. May we Delegate for the District of Columbia; Schnauffer; to the · Committee on the and then the Executive Calendar. Judiciary. face these baffling days with the glad as­ By Miss THOMPSON of Michigan: surance that no weapon that has been Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ H. R. 3877. A bill for the relief of Pu Lun formed can prevail against Thy eternal dent, will the Senator from Ohio yield? Chien and Helens. Chien; to the Committee purpose. From the selfish schemes of Mr. TAFT. I yield. on the Judiciary. cruel and stubborn men, we turn sure Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Can the dis­ and content to a resistless force that will tinguished majority leader give us any at last burn away every barrier to information as to what he plans to have PETITIONS, ETC. brotherhood; and to Thee, our God, who Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions the Senate consider on Friday? will not fail nor be discouraged until, on Mr. TAFT. I think it may be neces­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk a cross deep rooted in Thine own heart, and referred as follows: Thou dost lift a willful world to the ra­ sary to have the Senate meet tomorrow 79. By Mr. CANFIELD: Resolutions of the diance of Thy love and light. We ask for a brief period, or as long as the Sen­ Greater Paterson Chamber of Commerce, it in the ever-blessed name of that One ate wishes to stay, in order to receive a Paterson, N. J., that notwithstanding the who is the light of the world. Amen. message with respect to a reorganiza­ discontinuance of price controls, there be tion plan. There will be nothing more no increases in the price of its products than routine business considered on where possible, and that reductions be made THE JOURNAL where warranted, and that there be recom­ either Thursday or Friday. mended to the major organizations of indus.. Mr. TAFT. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The try, such as the United States Chamber of unanimous consent that the reading of clerk will proceed to rea~ the Journal. 1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1839 The legislative clerk read the Journal ing and Currency was authorized to hold "Whereas the State of South Dakota is de­ of the proceedings of Monday, March 9, a hearing this afternoon during the ses­ pendent upon agriculture and the livestock 1953.
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