DIRECTORY. J SUSSEX. NEW GROOMBRJDGE. :;gg patched 9-45 a.m. West Grinstead, near station, 2 Wall Letter Boxes.-Champions gate, cleared at 8.30 & miles distant, is the nearest money order office. II.Io a.m. & 5.40 p.m. week days only; Partridge Telegraph office open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; sundays, Green station, cleared at ro a.m. & 12.15 & 6 p.m. 8.3o to 10 6.m week days only; Littleworth, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & Post & !M. 0. Office, West Grinstead, near railway sta­ 1.15 p.m. week days only tion.-Stephen. Tidey, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive Post Pillar Box, Park Minster, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & from Horsham at 7.40 & 10.45 a. m. & 6 p.m.; dis­ 2.30 p.m. week days only patched at 8.45 & n.5o a.m. & I2.25, 4-45 & 6.5 p.m. .Public Elementary Schools. week days only. The telegraph office is at West Dial Post (mixed), erected in I 864, for I20 children ; Grinstead; also at the railW<ay station, which is open Mrs. 'Harriet Napper, mistress on sundays at train times Joles:field (mixed), erected in 1872, & enl•arged in I914, Post, M. 0. & T. Office, P·artridge Green.-John Harris, for 232 children ; iPercy OartoiJ., master sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Brighton at 7.20 • a.m. & 12-45 & 4·45 p.m.; dispatched at 1o.r5 & St. Joseph's Orphanage, for 220 boys. The Sisters of • II-45 a.m. & 3.15 & 6.45 p.m. week days only. Tele­ St. Dominic's priory are the teachers graph office at station also Railway Stations. Post Office, Dial Post.-Mrs. Emily Field, sub-post­ West -Grinstead, Waiter Stevenson, station ~ster mistress. Letters through Horsham arrive at 8 a.m. Partridge Green, Charles Belsham, station master & 4-55 p.m.; dispatched 9 a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; no Conveyance.-Ernest Hale's omnibus meets the train at sun day delivery. Ashington is the nearest money West Grin stead, & runs to Cowfold order office, 2! miles distant, & West Grinstead the Oarriei;. --John Stenning, from Partridge Green to nearest telegraph office Brighton, tues. & fri WEST GRINSTEAD. Sherlock Adeline Lucy (Mrs.), Burrell Greenfield Waiter, farmer·, Lancasters Arms P.H Gum brill .A.lbert Emest, blacksmith PRIVATE RESIDENTS. • Bradney John, The Lodge Short Henry, farmer, Woodman's frm Harris John, post office, & stationer Browngreaves Capt. Lewis E. Four Short Louis, farmer, Pothill Heasman George, boot repairer Paddocks Stepney Horace, grocer, The Bar Heath GilbertW.insur. agt.Spring cot Campion Rev. Frederick Henry M.A. Stevens Joseph, farmer, Church farm Hillman Waiter, farmer, Homelands (rector), Rectory Swain Francis, frmr. Cecilworth farm Hoadley John, farmer Cazenove John Mark, Belmoredean Swain John, farmer Ing Leslie Cecil, farmer, Bines farm Gaisford Misses, Danefold Tidcy Stephen, Frederick & Herbert, J effery William, builder Glubb Miss, Oak:fields grocers, Post office, Railway statiQn Kempshall Edwin, brick & tile maker Hornung John Peter J.P. West Gl'in- \V ebb J esse, farmer, F oster'.s farm Kensett David, grocer, tea dealer & stead park Wells Frederick, farmer, Haven beer retailer & agent for Smithers' Johnson Leonard, Capite \Vest Grinstead Friendly Society celebrated ales in cask & bottle­ Measures Rev. Robert (Catholic) (George Thomas Laker, sec)_ for private trade Thvnne Miss, Westlands Kensett Fredk. brick & tile maker • PARTRIDGE GREEN. Kensett Philip, horse dealer COMMERCIAL. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Knowles Harry, Station hotel Batchelor William Ernest, farmer, Aldis William R. The Cottage, Joles- Land Minnie (Miss), laundress Tuckman'a field Common Lillyw hite Stephen, greengrocer. Boniface John, farmer, Griffens Davies George Jas. Windmill house Littleworth Burgess Geo. Henry, grocer, Dial Post Frank Robt. John J.P. Joles:field ho Mansbridge .A.lfd. Jas. boot & ·shoe ma Crawley & Horsham Foxhounds (Lt.· Gates Mrs. The Rosary Men's Institute (Percy Garton, sec) Col. Charles Bulkeley Godman, Green John, The Poplars Mitchell George, Green Man P.H. & master; Rd. Kingsland, huntsman) Green Miss, Westl<ands assistant overseer for pa.rishes of Douch Hy. farmer, New House farm Johnson Rev. Jn. Hy. B.A." Copyhold West Grinstead, Shermanbury &. Duncanson Elizabeth (Mrs.), apart- Parker Charles Ashurst & collector of taxes for ments, Hobhearne Sendall Charles, J oles.field Common parishes of West Grinstead, Cow­ Field Emily (Mrs.), grocer, & post Stapleton Miss, May:field fold & · Shermanbury,Jolesfield Corn office, Dial Post Stevens Samuel Needs, J oles:field Mitchell Waiter, butcher & farmer Finch Frederick, farmer, Dial Post Waters Major Frank,Monastry cottage Partridge Green Cricket Club (John Freeman Arthur, grocer, Dial Post W. Burdfield, sec) 1 Goacher Edward, farmer, Olothals COMMERCIAL. Partridge Green Water Co. Limited Goddard Fredk. blacksmith, Dial Post Adams Frederick, grocer & baker Peacock J ames, coal dealer Golds John, Crown inn, Dial Post Alderton George W. farmer Pierce 'Dhos. saddler & harness maker Greenfield Alfred, Tabby Cat hotel Brownings William, gardener to St. St. Hugh's Monastery (see Cowfold) Hayco:x Edwin, grocer, Worthing road Dominic's priory, Jolesficld Sayers Edwin, carpenter Heath R. Jas. farmer, Hob shorts frm Burdfield John, carpenter Snelling Barton, beer ret. Littleworth Hedger James, farmer, Rookcross Castledine Jsph. vet. surgn. Fern cot Snodgrass Peter, frmr. Posbrooks frm Hillman Waiter, farmer, Smallham Chester John George, poultry farmer Stenning John William (Mrs.), apart- Kingsland Richard, · huntsman to Dollar John Herrington, farmer ments, Ivydene Crawley & Horsham foxhounds, The Duke ~.\yshford, farmer, Moat farm Stenning John, carrier Kennels Floyd Wm. Pierce, frmr. S<Jper's frm Stevens Edmund John, farmer, Needs Laker Albert, farmer, Wincaves Fo,ter Robert. Frederick, farmer, farm, J olesfield Maple Frederick, farmer, Sherw.ood's Goreland's farm TidBy Jesse, coal merchant :Medland Wm. Hy. farmer, Dial Post Francis Arthur,fruiterer & greengrocr TidPy Stephen, Frederick & Herbert, Muggridge Hy. frmr. Perrylands frm Francis Arthur (Mrs.), apartments millers St. Dominic's Priory (Miss Catherine Gates Geo. Arth. farmer, Lloyts farm Trower Sarah (Miss), apartments Nolan. lady superior) Goacher George, farmer, Joles Village Hall (Percy Garton, sec) St. Mary's Orphanage for Boys (Rev. Gow John, faxmer, Joles:field Woolven Geo. frmr. Brookwood farm Robert Measures, supt) Green & Son, drapers Worsfold William John, cycle agent NEW GROOM.'ERIDGE is an ecclesiastical parish, of the rector of Withyham, and held since 1910 by the formed in Aug. 1886, from the ancient parish of Withy­ Rev. Herbert Charles Foster, of .St. Edmund Hall, ham, and has a station on the London, Brighton and Oxford, and hon. canon of Gloucester Cathedral. Here South Coast railway, 36 miles from London, 10; east is a Wesleyan chapel. Auction sales of fat store stock, from East Grinstead and 3 south-west from Tunbridge implements &c. are held every :alternate Monday in each Wells, in the Northern division of the county, Hartfield month at the stock yard. Earl De La Warr is lord of hundred, petty sessional division, union and county the manor and principal landowner. The area is Boo court district of East Grinstead, rape of Pevensey, and acres, and population in 1911 was 792. in the rural deanery of East Grinstead, archdeaconry of Verger, Jesse Hudson. Lewes and diocese of Chichester. The church of St. Thomus, built in 1884, and consecrated in I886, is of Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephone Call Office, Groom­ stone, in the Early iEnglish style: a brass has been placed bridge.___;Percival Clement Holden, sub-postmaster. in the church to the Rev. Thomas F. R. Read, rector of Letters through Tunbridge Wells arrive 5.30 & 11.45 Withyham, 1865-91: a stained glass window was erected a.m. & 5-55 p.m.; sundays, 5.30 a.m. ; dispatched at, in I9I5 to the memory of the late Rev. E. H. Board­ 9.10 a.m. & I.40, 8.I5 & 9.Io p.m.; sundays,8.15 p.m man: there are 200 sittings. The register dates from Wall Letter Boxes.-RaHway station, cleared at g. Io the year 1886. The living is a vicarage, constituted in a.m. & 1.20, 7.50 & g.2o p.m. ; sundays, 7-45 p.m.; 1886, net yearly value [2oo, with residence, in the gift Corsley farm, cleared at 8.50 a.m. & I. 15 & 7 ·45 .
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