SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS MONTHLY REPORT MAY ... 1938 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS MAY, 193 6, 8.E PORT INDEX OPENING, by Superintendent Pinkley 381 CONDENSED GENERAL REPORT Travel 383 400 Flora, Fauna, and Natural 000 General. .......... 384 Phenomena . 386 100 Administrative 384 600 Protection 387 200 Maintenance, improvements, 700 Archeology, History, and and new construction .... 385 '. Pre-history •••'. • • • . 387 300 Activities of Other Agencies 900 Miscellaneous 387 in the Monuments 386 REPORTS FROM MEN IN THE FIELD Arches . .. 393 Chiricahua 395 Aztec Ruins. 400 Chiricahua CCC 398 Bandelier 438 El Morro 435 Bandelier CCC 442 Gran Quivira 399 Birds at Casa Grande 413 Mobile Unit ........... 430 Birds at Chaco Canyon 42;9 Montezuma Castle. 447 Birds at Montezuma Castle. 450-a Natural Bridges ... 434 Birds at Organ Pipe Cactus • . 415 Navajo • 404 Canyon de Chelly 422 Pipe Spring 443 Capulin Mountain . • . 433 Tonto 425 Casa Grande . 410 Tuma'cacori. ... 390 Casa Grande CCC 416 Walnut Canyon .389 Chaco Canyon .......... 426 White Sands .'417 Wupatki ............ 406 HEADQUARTERS Activities of Mechanic .... 450-d Casa Grande Visitor Records . 450-k Bird Banding .... 450-h Visitor Statistics. .'. 450-i Branch of Education 450-d Personnel Notes . 450-m THE SUPPLEMENT . Romance of Emigrant Karnes at El Morro, by Robert R. Budlong. .... 451 Volcanoes and National Monuments in the Southwest, by Charles N. Gould 458 SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS PERSONNEL HEADQUARTERS, Southwestern Monuments; Coolidge, Arizona; Frank Pinkley, superintendent; Hugh M. Miller, assistant superintendent; Parke W. Soule, chief clerk; J. H. Tovrea, assistant engineer; Dale S. King, assistant park naturalist; .Charlie.R. Steen, junior park archeologist; Matt N. Dodge, junior park naturalist; Luis A. Gastellum and Russell Landry, clerk-stenographers; Ira G. Goodwin, CCC clerk; F. E. Stone- hocker, machinist; J. L. L. Baehr, Utility man. FIELD STATIONS VISITORS, 1937 "' '-' ' ACRES 1. Arches; • 1,000; Moab, Utah; Harry Redd, Ranger • 4,520.00 2. Aztec Ruins: 14,303;Aztec,N.Mex.;T.C.Miller,cust.; James 25.88 W. Brewer, park ranger. 3. Bandelier; 14,380;Santa Fe, N. Mex.; C. G. Harkins, 26,026.20 custodian; George H. Sholly, grader operator. 4. Canyon de Chelly; 1,422; Chin Lee, Ariz.;Johnwill Faris, 83,840.00 custodian. 5. Capulin Mountain; 26,100'; Capulin,N.Mex. ;H.Farr, cust. 680.37 6. Casa Grande: 33,661;Coolidge, Ariz.;A. T. Bicknell,cust.; 472.50 Don W. Egermayer, park ranger;Jimmie Rodgers, Stremple Coyle, V Victor Scholz, Teddy Savage, James Holt, and Frank Morales, CCC guides and helpers. 7. Chaco Canyon: 8,014;Chaco Canyon,. N. Mex.; Lewis T. 21,512.37 McKinney; Homer Hastings, temporary park ranger. 8. Chiricahua: 9,228;Douglas,Ariz.;Frank L. Fish, cust. 4,480.00 . Enrollee Minton and CCC Guides Homer Bennett and . William Stone. .9. El Morro: 2,298; Ramah, N. Mex.; R. R. Budlong, cust. 240.00 10. Gila Cliff Dwellings; 250; Cliff, N. Mex.; no custodian— 160.00 11. Gran Quivira: 4,414; Gran Quivira, N.M.;G.L.Boundey,cust. 610.94 12. Hovenweep; 500; in charge of T.C.Miller,Aztec, N. Mex. 285.80 13. Montezuma- Castle: 9,813;Camp Verde, Ariz.;Earl Jackson, 520.00 custodian; Edwin C. Alberts, park ranger. 14. Natural Bridges; 740; Blanding, Utah;Zeke Johnson, cust.- 2,740.00 15. Navajo: 329; Kayenta, Arizona; John Wetherill, custodian; 360.00 William F. V. Leicht, park ranger. 16. Organ Pipe-Cactus: 5,000; Ajo, Ariz.; no custodian 330,670.00 17' Pipe Spring: 1,042; Moccasin, Ariz.; Leonard Heatoh;'cu.- 40.00 18. Rainbow Bridge: 300; Tonalea, Ariz.; no custodian 160.00 19. Saguaro: 20,000; Tucson, Arizona; no custodian 63,284.00 20. Sunset Crater: 10,000; Flagstaff, Ariz.; P. Beaubien 3,040.00 21. Tonto; 5,368;Roosevelt, Ariz.; T. Onstott, in charge 1,120.00 22. Tumacacori: 18,472;Box 2225;Tucson,Ariz.;L.Caywood,cust.- 10.00 23. Walnut Canyon; 10,772;Flagstaff, Ariz.;P.Beaubien,rang.— 960.00 24. White Sands: 91,532;Alamogordo, N. Mex.; Tom Charles, 142,987.00 25 custodian; James B. Felton, park ranger; Joe Shepperd, grader operator. 25. Wupatki; 2,080;Flagstaff,Ariz.;David Jones; in charge 35,865.00 26. Yucca Housei 400; Cortez,Colo.;T.C.Miller;Aztec,N.Mex. 9.60 Total—291,426 visitors,1937;1,132 sq. mi.; acres 724,619.96 C-JPENING ^ Superintendent Frank Pinkley, Southwestern Monuments, Coolidge, Arizona. Dear Mr. Director: It just happens that we have two transcontinental lines of rail­ road crossing our district from east to west. It also happens' that each railroad is paralleled by a transcontinental highway. The result is that as we drive the district we can keep our finger on the pulse not only of business in our own district, but in the country to the east and west of us. The other day I made a drive of 360 miles to the east in the south part of the district, and we commented on the lack of freight being moved on the transcontinental railroad that day and on the compara­ tively few number of cars we were passing. That night we asked the owner of the cabin ground, who had been in business there for several years, how business was and were bold that business was rotten. The next night we had the same reply from the owner of another cabin ground. The next day one of the fine hotels at El Paso said business was 'off. The next day, on a 420 mile drive west, we again noticed the lack of traffic both on the highway and the railroad. A few days later our monthly reports began to come in from four southwestern states. • Analyzing the figures from those monuments where we get the most accurate count, I noted a dropping off in traffic. Testing these impressions with several of the visitors at Casa Grande, where we have our headquarters, the majority response is that business is still on the down grade in the Southwest. We have had some personnel changes during the month. Jimmie Brewer has begun work at Aztec as permanent ranger. Don Egermayer has also become a permanent ranger at Casa Grande. Hastings has returned to the Chaco Canyon for the cummer season as a temporary ranger. Zeke Johnson has gone out to the Natural Bridges for the summer as resident Custodian. David Jones has gone to the Wupatki National Monument for his summer tour of duty. Further changes'will become- effective June 1, or soon there­ after, when more summer men go on duty. We received notice during the month of the transfer of Ranger James Felton to duty at Fort Jefferson, but he will not leave until the middle of June. We had 22,649 visitors stop in to see us this month, a slight in­ crease over last year, but a decided decrease from last month. We are now in a little 'between season' when the winter monuments have passed their peak and the summer monuments have not yet picked up the load, but we are not looking for a record breaking season. The visitors we have seem generally interested and we seem able to hold them so far as our records indicate. The CCC camps at Bandolier, Chiricahua, Chaco, and Casa Grande con­ tinue to operate successfully. The new camp at Flagstaff is not yet working, the Army not yet having finished the construction. We hope to get it in operation by the end of June. SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS • 381 MONTHLY REPORT FOR MA.Y, 1938, OPENING (COST.) Financially we have been very busy this past month. Our preliminary estimates having come through in very good shape, we put out the final estimates, which, as is mentioned elsewhere in this report, means, with our twenty-six monuments, a bulky paper of four or five hundred pages. W are now trying to close out the current year to the greatest good of all concerned and, for that purpose, have had a recent change in outline of work for some two hundred items. Boundary matters have not advanced much during the month. We are awaiting your action on Arches, the field work haviningg beenboon completed. Field work on Saguaro is also completed and it is nownew awaiting Washington action. The Chiricahua extension is now waiting, so farfar aass we know, for the proclamation. A small extension to Walnut Canyon is awaiting field action and we will be able to report on it within a few days. A petition seems to have been submitted during the month to the effect that we move the Organ Pipe Cactus National Mammsr.t £o the west some miles so we will not bother a cattle man who hasKE.3 50050C head-.•38.6. of ox cattle on the 300 square miles of the present monument arc;ea.. WeWe haveh-w ;not rot yet seen a copy of the petition, but will try .to investigate the matter during the coming month. June bids fair to be a busy month with us at these headquarters, as we will have the extra duties of closing out the current fiscacall yearyear andand preparing to open the new one on top of the regular pressure ofcf bbusiness •iei:-3 -ss which we always seem to have going through this office. Cordially, Frank Pinkley, Superintendent. SOUTHWESTERN MONTJMENTS 382 MONTHLY REPORT FOR IIAY, 1938. CONJDEMSED IRE PORT IN.. WHICH HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH ARE GIVEN Coolidge, Arizona, June 1, 1938. The Director, National Park Service, Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Director: The Condensed Report for the month of May, 1938, follows: May May • May •To First Travel year TRAVEL 1938 1937 1936 of M?y to date Arches 170* 100* 100* d^:S 766 Aztec Ruins 1,707 1,568 1,172 8>1'50 9,837 Bandelier 1,087 1,395 833 3,942 5,029 Canyon de Chelly 193 222 158 349 542 Capulin Mountain 1,800 1,200 1,500 4.
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