' V ' r; y .'r. ,■ i-. ■ V ■/»» 4*' •WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 196B ■ ■ PAGE FORTY JlatttJfjHter fw ttitts 1|waEb Aterage Daily Net Press Run The Weather ^ Few the Week Ended Partly cloudy tonight, low . April 2, 1966 - *0-86; pisrtly sunny, Httle tem- Newcomers to Manchester Dakota Council, Degree of ■Bie Soiigsters of the Salvation Town Stnrtuig tOH Opens Memberghip and this area are reminded of Pocahontas, will meet tonigM at Army will sponsor a Bake Sale Voter Sestion Today pmture obBng« About Town 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall, ^ e r a Saturday at 9 a.m; at the Qta- Ugh 60-66. a "Spring ' Blossom Dinner The board of admissions Voter Canvass To Out-of-Town Youths-t * ’ 14,635 Dance" Saturday, April 23 at will be a social hour aiid re­ disl on Main St. Those wishing' is conducting a 5 to 8 p.m. Manchester—‘A City of Village Charm Hartford County Medical As­ Kano’s Restaurant, Bolton, freshments after the meeting: pickup service for baked goods A crew o< 23 workers, on Open House wUl Iw heM on sociation will have its annual may contact Miss Gladys White , voter-making session today •nie Manchester lOH June 18 at 8ri6 p.m.. in the sponsored by the Newcomer’s Monday, started a townwide tors of the Handicapped), to (Classified AdvertUing on Page *1) PRICE SEVEN CENTS mMtin? Wedneday, April 13 at of 146 Wells St., or Mrs. Frank in the town clerk’s office in high school pooE The aB_ienior MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1966 Club of the Manchester YWCA. Miss Donna Michaud, daugh­ the Municipal Building, canvass of all local registered order to create statewide in­ VOL. L X X X V , NO. 159 (TW l^NTY-POUR PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) the Statler Hilton Hotel, Hart­ Duncan of 8 Little St. instructors, who triU graduate A buffet will be served from 7 ter of Mr. and Mrs. H«»ry Mi­ voters, in order to correct the terest in its rehabilitaUon p ^ ford. The program will begin at chaud of 69 Broad St., and Miss Applicants must be at registry lists for the October into life.memberships, will be to 8:30 p.m., and dancing will least 21 years old, residents gram, has opened its 8 p.m. with the opening of the Nancy HuWard, daughter of Mr. and November, elections. honored, and a water ehow will be from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Those Tim fine arU handicraft group of Manchester for at least ship for instructors to hall of exhibits and will contin-^ and Mrs. Paul Hublard of 1« put on for the I C « students wishing dinner reservations and of the Junior Century Club will six months, and must be The canvassers, all of whom agers in ConnecUcut, and the ue through dinner. A business Ekirl St., are spending college and the guests. Cold Trail meeting will begrin at 5 p.m. Dr. further information may contact make pine cone eagles tomor- U.S. citizens. carry identlflMticms issued by word will soon go out to all The lOH tws year consisted Mrs. Eugene Ome, 438 W. Mid­ week in Bermuda and will re­ Bmest B. Howard, assisUnt ex­ , row at 8:30 p.m. at the home the registrars of voters, plan state high schools. of 82 students and 71 in s ^ c - EAST LANSING, Mich. turn home Satinday. They are Prospective instructors may Tide Was Turnings dle Tpke. of Mrs. Donald Wolff, 18 Fern- to determine whether addresses H-Bomb Recovered, ecutive vice president of the seniors at Becker Junior Col­ year will be presented by a tors Its fund for a year-round (AP)—Fou might say Jack American Medical Association wood Rd., Vernon. are correct, and to eraise from apply now, but will be acc«P‘ " lege, Worcester, Mass. nominating committee. pool and fehabiUtation facility B. Lyons, 20, cold-footed it is the main speaker. Seaman Thomas E. Muldoon the lists those namw of people ed only if they have their lUe- now totals more than 317,000, after a suspected robber. of the U.S. Naval Reserve, son who,have moved from toym. saving certificates by Sept. 1. " ^ ^ Waddell School PTA will ’The Rev. George Sweeting, Lyons, a Michigan State of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mul­ Miss Patricia Dzen of 743 N. The lOH, which conducts Friendship t«dge of Masons meet tonight at 8 in the school artist, author and pastor, will 1%e canvass will last all b r in k s lODEOTB University student, follow­ Main St. and Mrs. Lois Fam- swimming sessions in the high will be visited by John Mather doon of 12 Cedar St., left Satur­ month, and those voters who s e a l BEAX3H, Calif. — A ed the suspect for nearly worth of Ridgewood, N.J., are auditorium. Miss Ethel Robb speak Saturday a t '7:30 p.m. at Before Viet Crisis day ' for a two-week training school pool from September to Chapter, Order of DeMolay, at will speak on the testing pro­ a meeting of Greater Hartford are not contact^ by May 1 are chemical plant here extracts one mile, barefoot, in 30- cruise aboard the destroyer spending a 10-day vacation in June, wiH hold its last class its mee^ng tomorrow night in gram In the Manchester School Youth for Christ at Batchelder requested to tjje.r^datrors iodine from waste oll-fleld degree weather. Intact, Undamaged USS Coates, which will visit Miami, Fla. They are students session or May 29, and will SAIGON, South Viet ooiiapse of a regime. If Ky Nam at the moment, things are the Masonic- Temple at 7:30. System. The school band will School, 757 New Britain Ave., of voters office in the Munic­ brines. , , Lyons was studying in Puerto Rico during Easter at Chamberlayne Junior Col­ open it to the public. Nam (AP)—^Viet Nam’s should fall, the situation -will not brightest on the battlefield. The DeMolay degree wiU be play. A slate of officers for next Hartford. ipal Building./; Not since the bloody battle of his room over a drogstore weekend. lege, Boston, Mass. latest government crisis be quite so serious this time un­ presented. less anti-American sentiment the la Drang Valley last No­ when he heard glass shatter erupted just as senior being fanned by the Buddhists vember have Viet Cong or and saw someone leaving the store. American military officials gets out of hand. North Vietnamese regiments Tw o M onth, felt the tide of battle had During all past crises, the taken on U.S. forces for a toe to Lyons didn’t bother to begun to turn in their fa­ Vietnamese generals and prov­ toe battle of any duration. grab his shoes, he just fol­ ^ iMiigrftii OPEN THURSDAY vor. ince chiefs virtually ignored the U.S. intelligence has vastly- lowed the man until he Quest Ends WE ALSO "If things cemtinue tq, go as war as they jockeyed for politi­ improved, and the Communists’ found a spot from which he RENT ALL n ig h t s ^ILL 9 P.M*^ they have In the field, we’re in,” cal position. Lesser officials sat ability to mass large numbers could call police. A 19-year- In Success TYPES one U.S. officer said, summing on their hands awaiting the out­ of troops safely for an attack old suspect was arrested. up the feeling of -the American come. has skidded proportionately. OF FORMAL MADRID (AP) — An command. Now American troops are The infusion of 228,000 Ameri- ^ -m t - WEAR The al'Ued troops have tSken bearing the bnmt of the war, American H-bomb missing can and allied troops in the €TA)S a since the crash of a U.S. HOUSE REGULAR the initiaUve from the Viet Cong and U.S. operations presumably coimtry lifted the morale of gov­ f and North Vietnamese troops. would continue at their present ernment troops. They are nuclear bomber Jan. 17, has 2O70 OFF - 1SS Massive American firepower, or possibly at a higher pace. fighting -with a new determina­ been recovered intact and constant bombing and relentless •The crisis has hurt the Viet­ tion. But many of the old prob­ CRCC Place undamaged from the Medi­ pressure on Communist strong­ namese military effort already. lems — poor officers, lack-*of terranean off S p a i n’s holds haVe produced impressive If it worsens, the Vietnamese coordination, slipshod tactics — Not Revealed southeast coast, it was of­ k HALE results. effort -will slide proportionately. remain in many units. ficially announced today. Some senior sources concede But if the poliUcal situation is The bomb, which -was lost (See Page Three) the picture 'Isn’t quite as bright the blackest cloud over Viet By Gengras when a B82 bomber and a tank­ Misses! Juniors! aa the dally announcements er plane collided over Palo- make it ai>pear. ' NEW HAVEN (AP)— mares Bee^^h, was recovered by Two of the most quoted statis­ E. Clayton Gengras won’t a U.S. naval task force which Men’s Famous Name tics are enemy bodies counted State Hike Trimmed commit himself on the had been searching the sea Womens! and the number of Viet Cong depths for more than twe defectors. One senior official question of whether the fi months. New Models zald he automatically cuts body Connecticut Republican Smart Spring eoimt figures in half. Another Medicare W ill Affect Citizens Committee has to The bomb was located in 2,600 •SAVE Bays the current rate of more be included in the unified feet of water about five miles than 2,000 defectors a month party he insists upon as a offshore on March 16 by the midget sub Alvin.
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