7 t>. r.*amme enroi^iei*. , o^i., o n,**** 1 THE TORnANCK H'JRALL) \Viil lull 1 illic enrollnielit e.v HIP niiiM'ng program which is Coiniii!' to the col|r»_>e as i.' inatics; Dr. Aaron II. Merge!), eeedii L Hint of last Tall by '>.('•> currently being outlined for exchange teacher from Kng- per c( t. Kl Caniino Colk" > presentation during the coming land is Leslie 1,. Kdwards. wlio economics and political science; Will 0 ) M Hie fall semoitiT to- iyonr. lills UK- position of mathemn- Lawrence M. Worner, nuto ir.orr willi a registration of I * * * tics instructor Kdward L. body and fender, and I.ee nearl 11,000 and a faculty FIVK HAVK joined the facul- Krhwartn. who is teaching in Swanson, who will work in Ihe London (!xcee( ig 250. |ty as full-time instructors after for a year field of student personnel. Int i) lueed lo fellow em- i having served in part-time or i plove n instil ulo sessions Fri- substitute capacities in the OTHKH NEW instructors be- Completing the list are Har­ day. 1 new full-timp instruc- past. They are Victor Holm- ing welcomed to the campus old J. Borflcn. speech: Donald tors \ ill meet, their classes for f-ren, Russian; Ronald M. Mac- are Mrs. Ciertrude S. Minor W. Brown, photography; Mrs. HIP f si time Monday. jKinnon, political science; .John home economics: Charles M. M a r y Y. Krlckson. business; Kil ng a new position on jA. Hempton .police science; Page, life science: Mrs. Kathar­ Walter P. Foster, anthropology camp s will be Mrs. Cynthia IJohn R. Grace. English, and ine S, Rodarm. physical educa­ and sociology; Miss Aviva S. (',. I3;i lies of Los Ant'eles, who j Francis J. Carl son. auto tion; Paul B. Shepard, philoso- 1 Kamin, physical education, and will serve as coordinator of mechanics. phy: Dwann E. Veroda, mathe- I Howard L. Lynch, music. OPEN TOD AY-SUNDAY The Original Genuine OPEN EVENINGS 6.1. Issue & SUNDAYS ^__^ I'ENINSt'LA HOMES . Shown is one of nine attractive with monthly payments from $136. Homes include wall-to- ilylings at (irandvlew Rolling Hills, new development of wall carpeting, kitchen built-ins, fireplaces and ash 9 JEWEL CANNON" spurious peninsula homes priced from 824,000 and up, paneling. 'WALTHAM' Sheet .IFE'S LIKE THAT BLANKETS By FRED N""" Schools a Strong Influence in Beautiful colors in) plaid design, Standard Sales of Peninsula Area Homes size. A highly favorable schoo ed models for Grandviev situation is one of the factors Palos Verdes. behind the rapid sales pace a Shock & Water Grandview Rolling Hills, sayi Resistant, Lum­ William C. Kulow, sales direc ALL PLANS include built-ii inous Dial gas range ovens, with disli One ol lh« world' TANKER tor for three Grandview-buill Made , communities in the Palos washers in most, carpeting JACKETS in U.S.A. Verdes peninsula. The new brick fireplaces, ash paneling WOOL REG. 26c Lb. development is priced from ceramic tile, ash cabinets, slid Quilted Lining $24,000, with monthly pay ing glass doors, and landscap ments from $136. ing of front and sides. Homes are rising east ol At Grandview Palos Verdes Silver Spur Rd. in the penin­ some models arc now avail sula's north - central sector, able for occupancy in Ihe They are close to Silver Spur Country Club Unit, which ad Elementary School and ad­ joins the golf course of Palos jacent to the site of the area's Verdes Country Club. second high school, to be built in two years by the newly uni PRICED FROM $29,535, and Targtt Loai fied peninsula school district including split level stylings SHOTGUN Palos Verdes High School, they contain three and foui SHELLS opened this month, is les; bedrooms and family room BATTERIES than 10 minutes by bus. two and three baths, with uj: 17C » » * lo 2127 sq. ft. of inside space I f Eich f&rt? A£#£<&. Trades are actively consider FOR CATHOLIC school stu­ ed at this location and at West Genuine G I fie-issui "Open wide and say 'AH!'" dents, construction soon by Palos Verdes Estates, com FATIGUE the new St. Peter Alcantara munity of 80 spacious resi­ JACKETS Parish of a church and ele­ 12 Gauge Hold load ti|l«. timliriilli |ii- dences overlooking the ocean OUi I Eidj, til, H»l" !«' iM'ti. mentary school at Crenshaw SHOTGUN SHELLS l.lloir .ilk li nil lill- Schedule of Homemaking near the intersection of Palos CloiioulMtc. Blvd. and Crest Rd. will short Verdes Dr. West and Haw BOX OF 25 CHUCKA-BOOTS en travel distances. Mary- thorne. There homes are pric­ HUNTERS SPECIALS: LOAFERS mount High School and the WORK Courses for Adults Set ed from $34,900 and are avail­ 30 CAL. NEW G.I. OXFORDS, lie. new Marymount College cam able to veterans on VA terms. METAL AMMO. BOX Homemaking courses in Students will register in pus are neaAy on the penin Immediate occupancy is offer­ basic sewing, dressmaking, and dressmaking classes at North sula. ed in some. 10-UNin.t AID KIT.,.,,..,.59 C O.I. RE-ISSUE tailoring will be offered by the High School on Tuesday eve­ Grandview Rolling Hills h 99c Torrance Evening High School also conveniently located close FIELD JACKETS ning, Sept. 19, at 7 p.m., and at Crossing the Pacific with Niw Off Ic^i Typt opening Monday evening, Sept. to the Peninsula Shopping UNSATIC COMPASS r« I 18. These courses have been South High School on Monday Center. troops of the Third Battalion Brand New Genuine U.S. Army ( designed to meet the needs of evening, Sept. 18. Tailoring Fifth Marine Regiment aboard Gunulnt U.S. Navy class will open Wednesday eve­ First unit offers a choice of the attack transport USS Breck- YEUOW HUNTING CAPS..... 98* OFFICER'S DRESS OXFORDS the individual in beginning three and four bedroom, din­ NEW DUNGAREES sewing as well as for those ning, Sept. 20, at South High Inridge, are Marines Pfc. YdlOW HUNTING HATS.......] 69 Made to tali* rough wiai. School. ing or family room homes Charles L. Brown, son of Mr. more advanced. Other homemaking classes with inside living space from Basic sewing is Intended for and Mrs. David L. Brown, 408 YELLOW HUNTING SHIRTS..,. .2" being offered are: knitting, 1432 to 1816 sq. ft., in nine W. Fiat St.; Pfc. Johnnie D. WATER REPELLENT the beginner who will be sew­ stylings designed . FIRE RETARDANI Mondays from 12 to 5 p.m., at by the archi­ Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs G.I.RMSSUEPISTOIBIITS...98 ing for the first time, or who Walteria Park; millinery, Tues­ tects for the peninsula setting. NIW has been sewing for a short J. D. Brown, 22038 Island Ave., GUN PATCHES day from 1 to 4 p.m., at Wal- Model homes are being rush­ and Pfc. Don M. Johnson, son 20 to pkg. 3 PKGS 12 It. X 22 ft. period. Dressmaking is offered leria Park; decorating your ed to completion ond Haw­ for those who have some back­ of Mr. and Mrs. Martin IT. John MULTI-PURPOSE home on Mondays from 7 to thorne Blvd., near Silver Spur, sen. 2433 W. 238th St. INSULATID ground in sewing and are now 9:30 p.m. at South High School. adjacent to the seven furnish­ COVER ready to give their attention to 7)e battalion boarded the HUNTER'S »:kinridge, Aug. 10, for BOAT COVERS custom details and finishing of TENT WIND BREAKS garments. Tailoring is intended BOAT SAFETY O'/lnawa where it will serve a DROP CLOTHS for those who have had consid­ TIP 12-month tour of duty with the CAR COVERS erable experience in sewing Third Marine Division. GROUND CLOIHS and who are now ready to go SHELTER TENTS, etc. into more advanced courses in sewing. With Slid lot Plain ind Hill Registration for basic sew­ Plilis Plus Rawhide Shot Laces. ing will be held in the class­ 13FT. DIAM., 9FT. HIOH Sizes to lit Irom T/i through 10. Waterproof Fir.proof room with the teacher at 7 Mlldawproof p.m. on Wednesday evening, Complete With Pins, Poles & Rope NEW WELLINGTON BOOTS Sept. 20, at North High School, Cost Go»'t. Appro*. 125.00 comloilcibln. Fle,,bl. and at Torrance High School Mado of heavy duly rein- Jr.il leather. Moid- G.I. Reinuc on Thursday evening, Sept. 21, forced O.D. mountain fl J 00 cloth. Hoi built-in oir M H WU COVERALLS vonii, window and tipp door. Popular for rugged Psychology of NEW, CANVAS INSULATING LINER Made to (It Into above ten! Genuine O.I. Rclliu* Personality in (OPTIONAL) Ideal lor per­ PARATROOPER BOOTS fect Insula­ A long time lavorili with i Adult Classes tion or tor ex-semcemen, lor com­ extra supply fort and rutted service. Two classes in psychology of tent. Ideal lor Held workers. _ D0 tiikirj.llihermin.itc.Niid f n(l personality development will illjht npairs. be offered this year by the 4 Lbs. Warm Filling Adult Kclucation. Torrance Eve­ ning High School. The first class will open at ... AND HERE'S ONE FOR THE LADIES! New "Solby" Torrance High School on Mon­ CLIP THIS COUPON day evening, Sept. Ifi, at 7 DON'T OVERLOAD. Two many passengers swamp COMFORT SHOES and (it a itrudj the boat. If you overload you may suddenly find your­ p.m., and the second one will High grade HINGED be held during the day, on self and your passengers in the water. workmanship. In Thursday mornings, from 9:30 rich brown WOODEN BOX to 12:30, at El Rotiro Park.
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