REPORT ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENT IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES A Bimonthly Publication of the Foundation for Middle East Peac e Volum e 21 N umber 2 March-April 2011 ISRAEL’S FATEFUL CHOICE—“IRON WALL” OR ACCOMMODATION By Geoffrey Aronson security arrangements that protect Israel Shalom added, “The time has come to whilst respecting Palestinian sovereignty resume construction in practice.” The diplomatic effort to end Israel’s by ending the occupation; a fair, realistic Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz assert - occupation and establish a Palestinian and agreed solution for refugees; and ed, “The freeze is over; we must resume state is in free fall. The U.S. veto in Jerusalem as the capital of both states.” building,” and Diaspora Affairs and February of a UN Security Council res - Hague called on the Quartet and the Informa tion Minister Yuli Edelstein olution supporting a settlement freeze— United States to embrace these princi - said, “it is unthinkable that a Likud gov - the signature element of the Barack ples. ernment, of all governments, should not Obama administration’s policy—marked build in the settlement blocs.” The Let Them Call It A State an ignominious end to its initiative. YESHA settler council is planning to Having failed to win a settlement freeze There are two views in the govern - use these statements in a campaign and now focused on the extraordinary ment of Prime Minister Benjamin whose goal is to pressure Netanyahu to developments throughout the Arab Netanyahu about Israel’s next move. continue building. world, Washington has apparently Proponents of the “Iron Wall” option “They Shoot, We Build” exhausted its ability to direct the Israel- argue that there is no need to do any - Palestine diplomatic process. Even so, as thing except more of the same—to build Despite international commitments Washington’s UN vote demonstrated, and settle in the face of consistent but to the contrary, in March Israel “legal - Obama is not prepared to empower an ever-ineffective international opposition ized” the creation of scores of new set - international coalition that is plainly fed and implacable but equally ineffective tlement “outposts” constructed since up with Israel’s continuing settlement Arab resistance—and to trust in the 1996, officially recognizing and approv - drive. future. ing those built on “state lands.” Adop - Others are trying to fill the leader - As Deputy Prime Minister Moshe tion of this standard would enable unre - ship vacuum. The Palestinian Authority Ya’alon explained in a March 3 inter - stricted settlement on all parts of the has despaired of Obama’s effectiveness view in the magazine Besheva , West Bank that Israel has unilaterally and is looking ever more intently to “Our intention is to leave the situa - designated as state land, which amounts September, when it threatens it will tion as it is: autonomous management to more than 50 percent of the territory. make Palestine’s case to the United of civil affairs, and if they want to call it Almost 1,000 new apartments have Nations for recognition as a sovereign a state, let them call it that. If they want been approved for construction in the state within the June 1967 lines. Some to call it an empire, by all means. We East Jerusalem settlement neighborhood EU countries are suggesting that now is intend to keep what exists now and let of Gilo. Thirteen new settlement dwel - the time for Europe to step out of them call it whatever they want. Our lings have been approved in East Jerusa - Washington’s shadow and put a peace approach is steadfastness, development, lem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, plan on the table. construction, strengthening and so on. where the eviction of 20 Palestinian “The deadline is September,” British This is our approach and this is what we families to make way for settlers is also Foreign Secretary William Hague said do as a government.” proceeding. A new road to the East on March 31. “The UK, France and “Construction must be resumed Jerusalem settlement of Har Homa has Germany have set out our views on immediately,” said Minister of Trans - been approved. In the neighborhood of what those principles should be. Two por tation Yisrael Katz soon after the Ras al Amud, fourteen dwellings were states for two peoples based on: 1967 U.S. veto. Deputy Prime Minister and borders with equivalent land swaps, Regional Development Minister Silvan FATEFUL CHOICE , continued on page 6 TO OUR READERS FOUNDATION FOR MIDDLE EAST PEACE The Obama administration, wary of fur - demonstrated by their demand for Palestin - ther conflict with the government of ian unity, which prompted a new effort by Merle Thorpe, Jr. Benjamin Netanyahu and its American President Mahmoud Abbas to reconcile Founder supporters, appears to have retreated from with Hamas. Israel views the uncertain (1917–1994) active Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy follow - outcome of the Arab uprisings as another ing its February 18 veto of the UN Security reason to avoid new peace efforts. On the Philip C. Wilcox, Jr. Council Resolution condemning Israeli set - contrary, more forthcoming policies would President tlements in the occupied territories. The help ease Israel’s isolation and provide a Geoffrey Aronson administration’s decision to leave the next basis for better relations with its neighbors Director, Research and round to Netanyahu by inviting an Israeli as they adapt to a new era. Publica tions, Editor, Report on peace proposal—rather than offering an One promising development is the Israeli Settlement in the Occupied American plan as the Foundation for Israeli Peace Initiative (IPI), which has Territories Middle East Peace and many others have received endorsements from many retired Nitzan Goldberger urged—suggests it is not ready for heavy Israeli military, security, and intelligence Waseem Mardini diplomatic lifting. Washington is back to leaders. Like the Geneva Accord, the IPI Editorial Assistants conflict management, as the situation on draws on decades of work by Israelis and the ground deteriorates, multiple crises Palestinians and offers serious proposals on Marc Mason Intern continue to erupt in the Middle East, and all final status issues. It responds positively U.S. influence wanes. to the historic 2002 Arab League Peace IN MEMORIAM The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has not Initiative, which neither Israeli nor the Peter A. Gubser been a factor in the Arab uprisings, but the United States has endorsed. The IPI is an (1941–2010) protests, and in some cases, the greater impressive Israeli response to an urgent cri - DIRECTORS freedom that has resulted, could generate sis. The United States should support it, even more hostile attitudes toward Israel if even if it is unwilling to offer an American Landrum R. Bolling it continues to reject a genuine two-state vision for peace. Calvin H. Cobb, Jr. peace. The protests are already stirring James J. Cromwell activism among Palestinian youth, as Stephen Hartwell Richard S.T. Marsh —————— N —————— Richard W. Murphy Jean C. Newsom Gail Pressberg William B. Quandt Nicholas A. Veliotes The Foundation, a non-profit I.R.C. 501(c)(3) organization, supports peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians through mutual recognition and a nego tiated division of historic Pales tine. It publishes the bi-monthly Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories . Copyright © 2011 Sign up to receive the Report by e-mail, to be notified of events in Wash ing ton, D.C., and more. Visit us at www.fmep.org. 2 O Report on Israeli Settlement March-April 2011 March-April 2011 Report on Israeli Settlement O 3 SETTLEMENT TIME LINE November 7 The Samaria Settlers Com - mit tee condemns a letter signed by artists and other cultural figures calling on per - formers to boycott a new cultural center in the Ariel settlement. The committee claims the signatories are extremists and that they should be the ones boycotted. (Israel Radio) November 8 During a visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washing - ton, the Israeli government approves plans for 800 new homes in the Ariel settlement and more than 1,000 settlement units else - where in the West Bank and Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz ) November 10 Moshe Zar, a settler and member of the Jewish Underground, which plotted to destroy the Haram al-Sharif in the 1980s, files a lawsuit with the Magis - any Knesset decision to withdraw from terri - parties send a letter to Netanyahu calling for trates Court in Jerusalem calling for the tory under Israeli sovereignty. The law Israeli sovereignty to be extended immedi - evacuation of hundreds of residents of the applies to the Golan Heights and East Jeru - ately to the Ariel settlement. The letter, in Barkan settlement or $3.6 million in com - salem, which Israel has unilaterally annexed. response to the call for performers to boycott pensation. Zar had purchased a plot of land (Israel Radio) a new theater in Ariel, states, “The extremist voices that view Ariel as a settlement in a from a Palestinian in the village of Sarata in November 23 Israeli police evacuate 16 foreign land and in occupied territory have the 1980s, but the World Zionist Organiza - Palestinians from their home in the Jabal to be stopped by a statement of principle by tion allocated the parcel to the Barkan coop - Mukabar neighborhood of East Jerusalem. the government of Israel, establishing that erative society, which built 90 housing units The house was purchased by the Wohl Ariel is an inseparable part of the sovereign there. (Israel Radio) Investment Group, which some have accused State of Israel.” ( Israel HaYom ) November 15 Residents of Salem village, of acquiring Palestinian-owned property for near Nablus, claim that settlers from Elon the Elad Association, a pro-settlement non- Settlers set fire to 10 dunans of olive trees Moreh had torched 200 of their olive trees.
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