N)1 L3, iv— -43 SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS * CHRISTIAN RECORD * THIRTEENTH SABBATH * CONFERENCE NEWS June 10, 1964 Are They Worth It? I Dare You to Try It J. L. MASON, M.D., Director Monument Valley Mission L. C. EVANS, President, She was just an old, wrinkled, heart to Christ while working on con- Southwestern Union Conference Navajo sheepherder. She had no struction at the Mission. He left his hope, and there was so much to be Kogan and heathen parents behind Some time within the next afraid of. All of her attempts to find and asked for admission to our In- few days take some bandage peace and happiness through idol dian boarding school. After months material or a towel and blind- worship, songs, and other Indian rites of preparation he joined the church fold yourself for a period of were futile. But somehow the love of and is now preparing to be a Sev- th'rty minutes. During this time Jesus reached down into her heart, enth-day Adventist minister to his try eating your breakfast or and she was eventually baptized, and people. Was he worth it? d nner; then try clearing the became a member of the Seventh-day Tom was the son of a very big and table and doing the dishes, or Adventist Church. "Now I am happy influential medicine man. He was also work on the farm or in the office; and not afraid anymore," she says. a drunkard and a wife beater. Every- all this while blindfolded. Then Was she worth the effort to save her? one was afraid of him. Somehow our get down on your knees and He was just a poor, thin, Indian heavenly Father called him, and he thank God that your life's pro- boy looking for work to ease his responded to the call. After pro- gram is not one of darkness and hunger pains the day he came and longed study and much prayer he saw dependence on others for eye- asked for work on the new Mission the simple beauty of the Third Angel's sight. I dare you to try it! hospital bu:1-1:ng. He had trugded Message and was baptized. He was employed by the church as a mission- Only by such an experience through four miles of snow and ice ary helper and is now a licensed mis- can we know how hundreds of early in the morning to get to a Bible sionary working as a translator for a thousands of people live every study before commencing work. He, Bible worker and minister. Many of day in the year. Then we can too, was won to Christ and baptized. his own people for whom he has go to church on Sabbath, June At graduation from one of our board- labored have become Christians. His 13, 1964, and give willingly ing academies he was given honors and gladly to support the work and a scholarship to one of our col- life is a powerful witness for Christ as he brings the Gospel to his fellow of the Christian Record. This leges where he is now studying to red men. Was he worth it? offering is received only once be a medical missionary. Was he worth it? Was the sacrifice you made to give in two years. Let the size of the offering indicate our thank- Another Indian youth gave his (Continued on page 11) fulness for being able to see. Our offering will help present in Braille for the blind the won- derful truths of the Third Angel's Message. May your church set a reasonable goal for this most worthy branch of our great world work. For this offering may we give as we would if we could see Jesus standing by as we make our gift of thankfulness for our sense of sight. May we all give until we see and feel the joy of giving for those who know not the thrill of being able to see. REMEMBER CHRISTIAN RECORD OFFERING DAY — SABBATH, JUNE 13. Tom Holliday, Navajo Indian Bible instructor and interpreter, Monument Valley Mission Hospital, and Elder Ralph Snead, pastor of the church. Vol. 63 June 10, 1964 No. 23 A Challenge to Our Sabbath Schools L. C. EVANS, President, Southwestern Union First, congratulations are in order for all you have done and are doing through the various phases and departments of the Sabbath school in your church. There is much to be thankful for. We commend you Postal Address: P.O. Box 377, Keene, Texas. highly for every accomplishment. However, since information brings inspiration, the following lines bring information of which most of you Postmasters and subscribers: Please send all changes of address to: THE are unaware. RECORD, P.O. Box 377, Keene, Tex. While we live in one of the wealthiest Unions in North America, EDITOR H. W. Klaser we are at the bottom of the list in per capita giving in Sabbath school Assistant Editor_ Pauline Hubbard offerings, as revealed by these latest statistics. PER CAPITA SABBATH SCHOOL OFFERINGS Official organ of the Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh - day Ad- Per Week Per Week Per Memb. Per Memb. ventists. Published by the College Press, Keene, Texas. North Pacific .452 1 Canadian .331 6 Communication or copy not originating Pacific .412 2 Central .322 7 in a local conference of the Southwestern Atlantic .374 3 Southern .316 8 Union should be addressed to the South- Columbia .353 4 Northern .313 9 western Union Conference of Seventh- Lake .348 5 Southwestern .296 10 day Adventists, P.O. Box 400, Richardson, Av. .367 Texas. ALL COPY, SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS AND CORRE- I'm sure we have drifted into this position not because we are poverty SPONDENCE from church members in stricken, but being unaware of what others are doing to help finish the the Southwestern Union should be ad- God-given task assigned to all of us, we have not faced honestly as indi- dressed to the LOCAL CONFERENCE OFFICE. viduals — as Sabbath school classes — as Sabbath schools as a whole — the question, "Are we doing our best to finish the task God has assigned Published weekly (fifty issues a year, us? — the gospel to all the world in THIS generation." omitting weeks of June 1 and December To every district leader — every church and every Sabbath school in 25) by the College Press, Keene, Texas, the Southwestern Union the figures presented in this article are presented for the Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Price, two dollars as a challenge. One simple approach, if followed through, could easily a year. Entered as second-class matter change our position from the bottom to the top of the list. This is it. October 24, 1902, at the Post Office, Keene, Texas, under Act of Congress of If every Sabbath school superintendent will solicit the pastor's aid in March 3, 1879. encouraging every Sabbath school class to set a much higher dollar objective as a class goal, many Sabbath school classes would gladly double or treble their present giving when the burden of finishing the CONFERENCE DIRECTORY work is properly presented to them as a challenge. SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE 600 South Central Expressway, Sometimes there are people in our churches who fear the local church (P.O. Box 400), program might be jeopardized if more emphasis is placed in giving to RICHARDSON, TEXAS President L. C. Evans missions. Just the opposite will take place. Notice the following quotation Secretary-Treasurer H. W. Klaser from Vol. 6, p. 27: Auditor L. Cook Education _R. A. Nesmith "The home missionary work will be farther advanced in every way H. H. E. S W. E. Speyer H.M., S. S., and Radio-TV____ A. R. Mazat when a more self-denying, self-sacrificing spirit is manifested for the Pub. Rela., ASI H. W. Klaser Publishing Secretary J T. Welch prosperity of foreign missions; for the prosperity of the home work Y.P.M.V., Religious Liberty, depends largely, under God, upon the reflex influence of the evangelical Temperance_________E. Frank Sherrill work done in countries afar off." LOCAL CONFERENCE The truthfulness of this statement has been proved over and over DI RECTORY again. Churches have increased their Sabbath school offerings from ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA—O. D. Wright, $35.00 to $115.00 a Sabbath, and the members were so happy and felt so President; P. I. Nosworthy, Secretary- treasurer; (P. 0. Box 5548) 333 South- jubilant about it that church expense offering rose from $120.00 to over field Rd., Shreveport, La. $300.00 on the same Sabbath with no special appeal for local expense. OKLAHOMA — W. A. Dessain, Presi_ dent; W. B. Robinson, Secretary-treas- This I have seen in church after church. I can't explain it. Neither urer; (P. 0. Box 628) 525 N. W. 13th can I explain how our income will buy more after we have given a St., Oklahoma City, Okla. faithful tithe to the cause of God, but we all know from experience it is true. SOUTHWEST REGION — V. L. Roberts, President, Secretary-treasurer; (P. 0. May our God help us to realize that our lives consist not in the things Box 6289) 1900 S. Boulevard, Dallas, Tex. we possess, but instead, our true and real possession is found in possessing TEXAS — B. E. Leach, President; C. W. Skantz, Secretary-treasurer; 2838 Him who gave all on Calvary's cross that we might live eternally with Hemphill Street, Fort Worth, Texas. Him. With Jesus abiding in our hearts, it will be only a privilege and a TEXICO — G.
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