A monthly guide to your community library, its programs and services Issue No. 217, March 2007 Tax help Music Council welcomes flutist Dora Seres Continuing on Tuesdays through April 10, trained volunteers from the AARP Hungarian flutist Dora Ser- will be available to assist seniors with es won the 2005 Young Concert the preparation of their tax returns. Artists International Auditions in Bring last year’s return. No appoint- New York. She was also awarded ment necessary; no fee. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m the Summis Auspiciis Prize, The Alexander Kasza-Kasser Prize, the Orchestra New England Soloist Prize, the Fredericksburg Festival Library board position of the Arts Prize and the Usedom To be considered for a 5-year term on (Germany) Music Festival Prize. the Library Board of Trustees, you must The library’s Music Advisory be at least 18 years old, a Port Washing- Council hosts Ms. Seres on Sun- ton resident, and be able to attend meet- day, March 18 at 3 p.m. She’ll play ings at least twice each month with ad- classical compositions from Mo- ditional committee meetings as required. zart, Bartok and Poulenc Nominating petitions for this volunteer The Young Concert Artists position are available at the Administra- Series presented Ms. Seres’ re- tion Office Monday through Friday be- cital debuts at Carnegie’s Zankel tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and must be Hall and at the Kennedy Center submitted by Monday, March 12. in Washington, D.C. In March 2006, Ms. Seres performed Vi- valdi’s Concerto for Two Flutes “Per eco” with Paula Robison at Citizenship Classes the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Free Citizenship Preparation Classes She gave recitals and educational will be offered on Saturdays, March 24 residencies last season in Florida, and March 31 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Virginia and Nebraska. This program is made possible by a Ms. Seres was named the generous grant from the Friends of the “Best Hungarian Classical Musi- Library. Contact Peggy O’Hanlon at cian” by Gramophone in 2005. She 883-4400, Ext. 147 to register. won the 2003 Young Concert Art- continued on page 7 Yearbooks needed Are you willing to donate your local yearbooks to our Long Island Collec- tion? Copies of Schreiber High School yearbooks are needed (particularly the FOL luncheon 1980s editions). We also need Sousa and Weber junior high yearbooks. Call the update Reference Desk at 883-4400, Ext. 111, or e-mail us at [email protected] The Friends of the Library is thrilled to announce the authors for its annual Book & Author Lun- Library teams up with cheon on Friday, May 11 at the George Washington Manor — Schreiber club Alice Hoffman and David Nasaw. Schreiber High School’s Environmental Alice Hoffman’s nineteenth Club has placed a plastic bag dispenser novel, Skylight Confessions, is about in the lobby of the library as part of a three generations of a family recycling program. To recycle your ink haunted by love. Alice Hoffman cartridges or old cell phones, take a has been called “. .one of contem- pre-addressed, pre-paid plastic bag, porary American literature’s most place your ink cartridge or cell phone satisfying and thoughtful practitio- into it, then just drop it in any mail box. ners,” by The Los Angeles Times. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. says “David Nasaw’s Andrew Carnegie is a fine and fascinating Latino Festival tale by a master biographer. Pro- Save the Date! Don’t miss this vibrant, fessor Nasaw brilliantly illumi- colorful and unique celebration on Sat- nates Carnegie’s mad gathering of urday, April 28. More information in riches and then giving a great for- Port Washington resident and Music Advisory Council member Jane Murphy next month’s issue. is our Topical Tuesday guest on March 13 at 7:30 p.m. She will read from tune away.” and discuss her memoir Sugar on Snow, Memoir of a Northern New York See next month’s issue for State Farm Kid. complete information. A message from the Board of Trustees Building on our reputation tance, options for new retirees and through Friday between 9 a.m. As evidenced by the activity orienting new immigrants to the and 5 p.m. and must be submitted throughout the building, the Port community. We have already be- by Monday, March 12. Washington Public Library is a vi- gun to implement many aspects of Audiobooks on brant and vital institution. Our this plan and we are especially Important dates goal is to build on our reputation grateful to the Port Washington Li- I hope that you will review your computer and ensure support for the library brary Foundation and the Friends the budget in next month’s news- in years to come. The library of the Port Washington Public Li- letter, and attend our budget hear- If you “listen” to books, you’ll Board and administration are in brary for their assistance. ing on March 21 and our budget love eAudiobooks! You can down- the midst of reviewing data col- We want to assure you that information meeting on March 28. load titles right to your computer or lected over the past year and the Board pays close attention to Both begin at 7:30 p.m. The Bud- portable audio device. To get implementing a new strategic plan every expenditure, and that we get Vote and Trustee Election started, simply click on the Down- for the next five years. As we work have a system of checks and bal- takes place on Tuesday, April 10, loadable Audiobooks icon on the on this and other day-to-day ances in place to make sure that from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Anyone may library’s homepage. Log on, browse projects, first and foremost at this every dollar goes to the appropri- vote who is at least 18 years old, and download titles. eAudiobooks time of year is the preparation of ate expense. We are increasingly a U.S. citizen, and a resident of work on any computer or portable our annual operating budget. aware that we represent the tax- the school district for at least 30 device that supports Windows Me- days. Applications for absentee Our commitment to you payer, and every effort has been dia-based service (iPods are not made to keep the tax rate as low ballots are available at the compatible). The library Board of Trust- library’s administration office ees is committed to maintaining as possible. You can download up to 10 Monday through Friday between titles at a time from the 1000 popu- our facility with the programs and Board vacancy 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., at the Informa- services the community has come This year there is one seat lar fiction and non-fiction titles in- tion Desk in the Reading Room or cluding the Bible, book club favor- to expect, and to responding to the for the position of Library Trustee. online at www.pwpl.org. new needs that you have identified. Library trustees serve five-year ites and many of the classics used We truly believe that your for school assignments. About 30 A committee of community resi- terms. To be considered for this investment in the library is one of dents, library board and staff volunteer position, you must be at titles are added each month. The the most worthwhile you’ll make, entire Pimsleur Language Instruc- worked together on a five-year least 18 years old, a Port Washing- and we’re hopeful that you’ll show plan that outlines some exciting ton resident, and be able to attend tion Series is also available. The us the same level of commitment series provides instruction in En- new directions for the Library. meetings at least once or twice as you have in previous years. Important themes include the con- each month with additional com- glish for 38 different foreign lan- tinuing importance of technology mittee meetings as required. Nomi- guages, and instruction in 13 dif- making library resources avail- nating petitions are available at the Julie Geller, president, Library ferent foreign languages for learn- able from home, job search assis- Administration Office Monday Board of Trustees ing to speak English. Do you have a library Library Budget Vote card? & Trustee Election Take advantage of all the li- The library’s award-winning brary has to offer. If you don’t al- monthly newsletter and calendar ready have a library card, apply of events is mailed free of charge today — in person or online to every address in Port Washing- Tuesday, April 10 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (www.pwpl.org, and click on “get ton. It provides program listings March 21 / Budget Hearing & Board Meeting a library card”). and short articles (like the one The Port Washington Public you’re reading now) about what’s March 28 / Budget Information Meeting Library has something for every- happening at the library. one. Beyond the traditional refer- For further information, log Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Hagedorn Meeting Room ence services, books and book on to our website 24 hours a day clubs, we offer programs and ser- at www.pwpl.org or, better yet, stop vices for all ages and interests. by. You’ll be impressed with all Our state of the art meeting room your library has to offer. and computer center are always in use, as is our popular media ser- vices department. Our special collections and services are varied, and the library is a WiFi “Hot Spot,” providing free Internet access to users of laptops and handheld devices capable of receiving wireless signals.
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