E2870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 2, 2009 SPECIAL OLYMPICS MASSACHU- awareness initiative started on December 1, pions! They collected an impressive overall SETTS AND MR. DON DOWD 1988 with the purpose of raising money, in- record of 76–5–2. This was a historic accom- creasing awareness, fighting prejudice, and plishment because it was the first sports title HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY improving education on HIV/AIDS topics. The ever in the school’s history. OF RHODE ISLAND World AIDS Day theme for 2009 is ‘‘Universal Coach Jim Fish did a tremendous job lead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Access and Human Rights,’’ serving as an im- ing the team and bringing them together as a portant reminder that HIV/AIDS has not gone cohesive unit to accomplish a common goal— Wednesday, December 2, 2009 away, and that there are many things still to winning a state title. I commend all the assist- Mr. KENNEDY. Madam Speaker, today I be done. ant coaches, support staff, teachers, parents rise to commend Special Olympics, Massa- According to the United Nations Joint Pro- and fans in the community for their help and chusetts and longtime friend Donald J. Dowd. gramme on HIV/AIDS, there are 33.4 million making this a season to remember. Both Special Olympics, Massachusetts and cases of HIV/AIDS worldwide. Approximately However, the road to the state finals at Kel- Mr. Dowd have been fixtures in New England 1.1 million of these cases are in the United logg Arena in Battle Creek was anything but a and wonderful contributors to the people and States, according to the Centers for Disease walk in the park. Despite graduating eight culture of our region. Control and Prevention, and there are more players from the 2008 squad, the Lady Bron- As my colleagues know, Special Olympics than 50,000 new HIV/AIDS infections reported cos rolled through the regular season winning provides year-round sports training, athletic each year in America. Sadly, minority commu- the Tri-Valley East Conference Title. Nonethe- competition and other related programming for nities face the brunt of its reach. African Amer- less, the Lady Broncos did hit a slight speed athletes with intellectual disabilities. ican are the most affected, representing half of bump when they fell to Bloomfield Hills Mar- This organization founded by my Aunt Eu- the total 1.1 million cases in the United States. ian. But in all fairness, I must state that nice Kennedy Shriver in 1968, contributes to Blacks are 8 times more likely to have AIDS Bloomfield did go on to win the Class A State the physical, social, and psychological devel- than their White counterparts. The racial dis- Title. Now some teams might have taken this opment of people with intellectual disabilities. parities are clear, with HIV being the main defeat as a negative experience, but not the It is a global force for change with over 2.5 cause of death for both Black men and Lady Broncos. They learned from this loss and million athletes participating world wide rep- women between the ages of 25 to 44. It is of rebounded to attain a number one ranking for resenting over 140 countries. utmost importance that we take action and most of the season. North Branch realized the conference cham- In Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Special stand together to stop this pandemic from pionship brought them just a step closer to Olympics does amazing things for the people spreading further. their ultimate goal so the team once again of New England. Special Olympics Massachu- Congress has played its part in trying to pulled up their sleeves, laced up their shoes setts also offers Unified Sports, an initiative stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic. I applaud the that combines approximately equal numbers of and got back to work. House for passing the Ryan White HIV/AIDS The Lady Broncos continued their memo- Special Olympics athletes and athletes without Treatment Extension Act. The Ryan White intellectual disabilities, called Partners, on rable quest as they picked additional trophies program has been serving people with AIDS for the school’s display case winning the dis- sports teams for training and competition. and HIV for nearly two decades. It provides One of Special Olympics’ greatest sup- trict title and regional title and an eventual care, treatment, and support services to nearly spot in the state quarterfinals. porters has been Donald Dowd, or Don as I half a million people—most of whom are low- affectionately call him. He worked for and vol- Here the team faced-off against a feisty income. This bill increases the authorization Cadillac Team. The Lady Broncos proved their unteered for my Father in the Other Body for level for each part of the Ryan White program over 40 years, as well as for my uncles. He tenacity and resilience as they beat Cadillac in by 5 percent a year for the next four years, four hard fought sets. Next North Branch was was responsible for coordinating the opening making important investments in care and of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library matched up against Delton Kellogg. But unfor- treatment services to ensure the highest qual- tunately for Kellogg, it just was not in the and has served as a member of the John F. ity of life for HIV/AIDS patients, while also cards for them to win on this Saturday be- Kennedy Library Foundation Board since its funding prevention and outreach programs. I cause destiny was on the side of the Lady inception, helping to found the Friends of the have myself introduced H.R. 1964, The Na- Broncos. There was nothing Kellogg could do Kennedy Library. tional Black Clergy for the Elimination of HIV/ He is a lifelong resident of Springfield, Mas- on the court to prevent North Branch from AIDS Act of 2009, which seeks funds for the raising the championship trophy in glorious tri- sachusetts, began his career in public service prevention, testing, education, treatment and umph. The Lady Broncos were determined to as President Kennedy’s Assistant Regional Di- care of HIV/AIDS. finish what they had started since the first rector of the U.S. Postal Service for the six Although great efforts have been made to practice of the season. And through all the New England States, and was a political advi- fight HIV/AIDS, much is left to be done by sweat, injuries and difficult training sessions, sor to U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy. I am both, the government and citizens. World the Lady Broncos saw their dreams come to proud to call him a friend and thank him for AIDS Awareness Day is about prevention, fruition as they were crowned the Michigan his dedication to my family, to Special Olym- education, and increasing awareness of this Volleyball Class B State Champs! pics, to our region and to our country. pandemic that is affecting millions around the Teamwork, dedication and friendship all f globe. This day will bring to many the edu- helped deliver this first-ever championship in PERSONAL EXPLANATION cation necessary to create the awareness nec- the schools sports history. The entire North essary to prevent HIV/AIDS, as well as give Branch community and Lapeer County should us a moment to recognize and remember take pride in what these young women accom- HON. NEIL ABERCROMBIE those who have suffered from this disease. plished. OF HAWAII f I certainly share that pride and want to offer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my congratulations to everyone who contrib- Wednesday, December 2, 2009 HONORING THE RESOLVE AND uted to this team effort. First starting with the TEAMWORK OF THE NORTH Mr. ABERCROMBIE. Madam Speaker, I re- co-captains Kara Stuewer and Jordan Fish BRANCH HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY gret that I missed rollcall vote No. 902–904 and team members—Katie Smillie, Danika GIRLS VOLLEYBALL TEAM and vote No. 911–913. Had I been present, I Racknor, Taylor Wiegele, Layne Molosky, would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on all rollcall votes. Samantha Garza, Hailey Smillie, Catherine Brusie, Laura Johnson, Macaela Deshetsky, f HON. CANDICE S. MILLER OF MICHIGAN Shanel Johnstone, Katie Owens, Stephanie HONORING WORLD AIDS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marsh, and Angela Root. You all should be AWARENESS DAY extremely proud of this achievement. Wednesday, December 2, 2009 In addition, I must mention that not only HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Madam Speaker, were these young women champions on the OF NEW YORK I rise today to acknowledge the hard work, de- court but in the classroom as well. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES termination and teamwork displayed by the volleyball team compiled an outstanding 3.49 2009 North Branch Varsity Girls Volleyball GPA and achieved an all-state academic rec- Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Team. These young women endured a gruel- ognition. Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today ing 83 match season and in the end came out My hat also goes off to Head Coach Jim to recognize World AIDS Awareness Day. This on top as the Class B Michigan State Cham- Fish—Assistant Coaches Curt June, Chris VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:48 Dec 03, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02DE8.021 E02DEPT1 TJAMES on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS December 2, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2871 Schlaud, Marian Somerville, and Sue Fish— they pursued their careers, Herman as one of OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL Athletic Trainers Mike Kohler and Brian Curtis the first black firefighters in Baltimore and DEBT and Team Managers Jacqueline Ken and Ali Marjorie at Westinghouse.
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