Have a Nice .Easfe1r Arrange Your Schedule Vacation and We'JII Cl\i TE i ON So You· Can Write for See You Next Quarter ·oF .MESA COLL£6f the Crite Spring Quarter :1 ·!I '-...... -------·-- ~: VOL. XVIII GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO, MARCH 9, 1951 NO. 20 I :' FINALS BEGIN AT MESA Schedules for Finals Tuesday, March 13 1Student Council AII-A ~nerican Redheads 1:30 p.m. Eng 2 Freshman English _________________ :_ ___________ _201 Killheffer Eng 2 Freshman English ______________________________202 Herr Starts Plans for HavG·. Cream of the Crop Eng 2 Freshman English 204 Iwidrich · ------ ------ ---------- ·------ Spring Ouarter Bus .12 1 Mod. Business English IL __ ______________________ l22 Johnston · 2:20 p.m. Girl Cage Players Never publicized but · extremely In . Psych 52 General Psychology _______________________203 & 204 kn9 - active, Student Council is already Mesa college was in for a won­ tion, both for the team, and the Wednesday, Ma~ch 14- starting to plan the Spring quar­ derful treat last night when the the Mesa home_court. 8:30 a.m. ter activities. famed All America Redheads en­ College Algebra ________________________________206 The 'Gold-Diggers Ball', formal Tbe Redheads are world re­ Math 11 dance n ext quarter; freshman pic­ tertained the local Mavericks on nowned for their clever basketball Math 52 Calculus ______________________________________ _2 the Meso home court. · antics and fine play, and are by College. Algebra ________________________________ 119 nic; Stocking Stomp; Senior Day; Math 1 and many other special events are Coach Jay Tolman's charges offi­ far, the best of girl basketball Sec Sci 11 Intermediate Typing ____________________________ 108 underway. · cially ended their season two weeks players' found i:r. the nation. They Bus 21 Calculating Machines _____________________. ____ _ l09A During winter quarter, this group ago against Casper, but last night's are managed by Ole Olson, who Span 2 Beginning Spanish ______________________________207 met weekly to plan parties, danc­ game was an extra added attrac- deserves a lot of credit for the Soc 44 Marriage and the FamilY---------------------- - - - 204 es, and assemblies for your enjoy­ fine show that the girls put on . Acctg 52 Principles of Accounting ___ _________ _-____________ fng ment. The rnembers are constantly throughout the season. Each girl Biol 52 Principles of Heredity ___ _______________________ _ l 18 trying to decide if the students in the lineup excels in a particular Chem 2 Gen. Inorganic Chemistry _________________ _: _____ _122 would like something' diffet'. ent, and position ,and puts on a swell show Heiny what that will be. A few Maver­ folr the fans with fine exhibitions Mavericks Will of basket shooting and passing. Hist 52 United States History---------------------------- 203 icks expressed a desire for a ·cos­ Ag 72 Farm Management ------------------------~-----211 tume ball, so the Student Council · Leading the parade was Red Ma­ 10:20 a.m. sponsored the Masquerade :Ball. son, who has been featured in more Art 82 Advertising Art ___________ ______________________ 214 They also sponsored Soiree and the newspapers and magazines perhaps Ag 2 Range Livestock Production __ ____________________2ll special production of "Gaslight." Be Mesa's Best than any other female in basket­ All of the after-the-game dances ball. She is a crqwd pleasing play­ Bus 3 Income Tax ____________________________________109 Discussion and Debate __________________________217 were giv·en b ythe organization, as . The many Mesa college students er, and gave the officials a bad Speh 52 was the mixer at the beginning of time throughout the season. Mus 20 History of Music ____________________________ ...:~ __ 213 who have "kicked in for a Mav­ the quarter. erick" will obtain a real treasure Ruby Hayes was perhaps the 1:30 p .m. The group voted to donate mon­ house of memories, as this years best rebounder on the team, and Math 12 Plane & Spherical Trig __________________________206 ey to the Wiir drphan, fund and Geologic Processes ____________________________ _2 anp.ual wm be the best published is a steller defensive player, whHe Geol .2 March of Dimes. They also helped by the school to date, asserted Myrtle Wallace was one of the Phys-52 Engineering Physics ____________________________3 Dudes and Dames with the square Miss Rozanne Brooks, head of pub- best shots on the squad, and once Sec Sci 2 Beginning Typing _______________ ______________ _108 dance festival , and IRC in bring­ licaJion.s. hit a record total of 20 baskets Fr 2 Beginning Fn~nch ____ _________________________ _207 ing Dr. Earl Swisher here for the in a single contest. She handled Living in the Home __ ________________________ ·__ l 12 . According . to Bill Monroe, rep'":. Home Ee 42 conference. The Mechau Ballad­ resentative from student council the pivot post like an All-Ameri· Chem 21 Inorganic ChEimistry ____________________________122 eers were brought to the studlents "sales have been going well, and can. Chem 51 Organic Chemistry _____________________________ l 19 through funds paid by the college and council. the quota should soon be reached." Butch Moore is the smallest Speh 1 Public Speaking ________________________________ 217 BiU is of a widely shared opinion, member of the squad, and. was 3:20 p.m . that · contends $4.00 is a meager particularly accurate at the free ,Eng 21 Word Studv -·-------·------·------~------------- - - 202 price to pay for such an outstand­ throw line. Other stars were Mable i Thursday, March l5 , Soiree Is Succes,s ing annual. Matlock, .Bonnie (Muscles) Gilli­ 8:30 a.m. • The week of regis,tration f.or the land, and Johnny Farley. All in • · 1 Textiles _______________________________________ 112 Home Ee 2 spring quarter will end sales. all it was a fine evening of enter­ ·Acctg 1 Introductory Accounting ________________________ 109 As Crowds Dance; Those who have purchased an an­ tainment, and Mesa· college was Mus 2 Elernentary Theory _____________________________ 213 nual -on credit will be allowed to pleased with the performance of the Redheads; and their fine lt>as. Sec Sci 22 Shorthand Theory -----------------~------------108 finish payments during the spring Sec Sci 31 Intermediate Diet. & Trans. ____________________ 107 Joe and Jane Reign qµ.arter. Social Science Survey ___ ___________ ___ __________ 203 Soc Sci 2 The big dance of Winter quarter The Maverick will be presented Biol 31 General Zoology _______________________________ 118 is over. Last 'Friday night the Me­ to students in June, and copies Eng 1 Freshman English ____________ .:_ ______________ ~ __206 sa College gymnasium was th'e f;;;;iM~san Tours are now being published according Econ 52 Principles of Econornics ________________________ 204 scene of the annual formal Soiree. 'to Miss Brooks. - Math 2 Plane Trigonometry _______________ _. __ _____ _t_ ___ 122 Couples crowded the floor to dance to the music of Armand De­ The art depavtment is to be com­ Span 52 Spanish Reading ------------------'-------------207 mended for their painstaking work Mexico Recently Lit 52 Survey of English Literature ____________________ 202 Beque and his orchestra. Intermission brought the crown­ in making this year's annual a Nick Rodriguez, former Mesa 10:20 a.m. - highly attractive piece of litera­ Lit 42 1 ing of Joe and Jane College, Don student and a charter member 'of Poetry ---- ----------------------· _____________ 2·01 Sellers and Patti Pinkerton. The ture. The layout of the year Mech Dr 2 Descriptive G,eometry ___________________________ 208 book was turned over to the de­ the El Toro Club, .has just re­ Span 62 attractive couple was called! to Span~h Conversation --------------- ---~--------207 the throne by Vice President of the partment. Attractive finger paint­ turned from an extended tour of Speh 12 Fundamentals of Speech ________________________ 217 ing, craft tinting, pen and pencil parts of Mexico. The tour was an General Sociology ______________________________204 Student Body, Jack May, and Soc 62 crowned by Student Body Presi­ sketching, scratch board and official archaelogical and biolog­ iAg 2 Range Livestock Production __ ____________ _______ 211 other techniques not familiar to dent, Keith Benedict. Keith also ical excursion under the sponsor­ 1:30 p.m_. presented the queen with one doz­ the layman were employed. Acctg 2 Introductory Accounting ___ _________________ _____ 109 en red. roses and a traditional kiss. The Maverick's hustling little ship of the University 0£ Michi1~an, 'Bus 23 Calculating Machines __________________________ 109A A large crowd attended the add girl, Donna Campbell, sold in and Rodriguez was employed as .Sec Sci 21 Shorthand Theory _____ __ _______________________ 107 da,rice in formals and beautiful excess of ' the entire budget all the Spanish interpreter for the ·Bus 42 Intro. to Bus. Management _________________ _____ 201 corsages. The crowd ·consisted of by her self. Miss Brooks explained group of fif'teen. 'Art 72 Oil Painting & Composition __________ .., _ _:: __ ______ 214 Mesa students, faculty rnembers that she should also be highly The party was <¥vided into sever• iPol Sci 2 American -Government _____ _____________________ 204 and alurnni. The dance was a big­ commended for her work. She has al groups. Nick was assigned to the 1Sci 2 Physical Science Survey ________ ___________________ 2 ~er success than ever. before. Danc­ sold in excess of $1,200 of advertis­ group headed . by Dr. John T. !Lit 32 World Literature ______________________ _________ 122 ing lasted from 8:30 until 12:30 ing-not a small task. The adver­ Greenbank, a graduate of the Uni-· 'Mech Dr 1 Engineering l)rawing ___________________________208 and the crowd stayed until the very tisihg will also command an impor­ versity of Michigan· and one of the iChem 62 Quantitative Analysis _______________________ ____ 119 last strain of music left the gyrn. tant part of the Maverick. few outstanding authorities on 3:20 p.m. fresh water fish. Also in this par­ ;Math 22 Engineering Problems _______________ ___________ 208 ty were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Knoch · Art 2 Freehand Drawing _________________-::.:_ ._ ___________ 214 from Gra:,;id Junction, and Dr.
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