H6752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 15, 2009 time of need. The U.S. Embassy in Rome has liferation, are threatening peace and sta- Party Talks and resume its nuclear program, provided $50,000 in emergency relief funding bility in Northeast Asia and beyond; and subsequently expelled International and President Obama has pledged to devote Whereas the North Korean leadership con- Atomic Energy Agency inspectors at the tinues to pursue its nuclear ambitions while Yongbyon facility; resources to preserving the region’s cultural up to 2,000,000 North Koreans reportedly Whereas, on April 29, 2009, North Korea an- and artistic heritage. Additionally, as part of starved to death during the late 1990s and nounced that unless the United Nations Se- the U.S. effort to support the Italian people, hundreds of thousands fled North Korea in curity Council promptly apologize for in- the U.S. Department of State and the National search of freedom and food; fringing the sovereignty of North Korea, and Italian American Foundation (NIAF) formed a Whereas, on October 18, 2004, H.R. 4011, the withdraw resolutions and decisions adopted public-private partnership to respond to the North Korean Human Rights Act, became against North Korea, it would conduct nu- educational needs of the University of Public Law 108–333, bringing attention to the clear tests and test-firings of interconti- human rights conditions in North Korea and nental ballistic missiles, and build a light L’Aquila, and will strive to help the students to provide United States support for North water reactor plant and start the techno- and other human resource needs. The stu- Korean refugees; logical development for ensuring self-produc- dents are key to the future of the region, and Whereas, on October 9, 2006, North Korea tion of nuclear fuel; the University is the economic lifeblood of the detonated a nuclear explosive device prompt- Whereas, on May 25, 2009, North Korea an- city of L’Aquila. It is therefore vital to help this ing the United Nations Security Council to nounced that it has conducted a second nu- sector recover in this time of need. adopt military and economic sanctions clear test and in successive days, North The Abruzzo earthquake is a tragedy that against North Korea through Resolution Korea has launched six short-range missiles has affected lives all over the world, the least 1718; and threatened to abrogate the July 27, 1953, Whereas, on June 30, 2008, H.R. 2642, the armistice ending the Korean War; we can do as a Congress, and as a nation, is Supplemental Appropriations Act, became Whereas, on May 29, 2009, North Korea an- to recognize those involved in this tragedy and Public Law 110–252, granting the President nounced that it would ‘‘take additional self- those who are helping Italy to rebuild. We can- the authority to waive the Glenn Amend- defense measures’’ if the United Nations Se- not withhold this honor from those victims that ment sanctions in order to facilitate North curity Council takes any further actions perished in the tragedy. As honored Members Korea’s denuclearization process and to pro- against North Korea; of Congress, we have the opportunity to en- vide heavy fuel oil energy assistance to Whereas, on June 12, 2009, the United Na- sure that proper recognition is given to those North Korea in support of the Six-Party tions Security Council unanimously adopted Talks; Resolution 1874, which condemns North involved in the earthquake. Whereas, on October 7, 2008, the North Ko- Korea in the strongest terms, and imposes I firmly believe that we must pass this legis- rean Human Rights Reauthorization Act be- stronger sanctions on North Korea by intro- lation in order to demonstrate our support of came Public Law 110–346; ducing measures to conduct cargo inspec- those people who lost their lives and those Whereas, on October 11, 2008, North Korea tions, to restrict North Korea’s Weapons of people who lost their loved ones, and I urge was removed from the United States list of Mass Destruction-related financial trans- my colleagues to do the same. state sponsors of terrorism; actions, and to strengthen the arms embar- Mr. BILIRAKIS. I yield back the bal- Whereas, on October 15, 2008, the Naval go; and ance of my time. Vessel Transfer Act became Public Law 110– Whereas in face of serious security chal- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, 429 and included provisions to upgrade the lenges on the Korean Peninsula, including Republic of Korea’s foreign military sales I also yield back the balance of my the recent North Korean hostilities towards status to that of ‘‘NATO plus three’’; the Republic of Korea, the alliance between time. Whereas, on January 30, 2009, North Korea the United States and the Republic of Korea The SPEAKER pro tempore. The announced that it would nullify all inter-Ko- remains resilient and firm, based on shared question is on the motion offered by rean agreements that are in pursuit of put- values, mutual trust, and common interests: the gentleman from American Samoa ting an end to the state of political and mili- Now, therefore, be it (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA) that the House tary confrontations and abrogate the agree- Resolved, That it is the sense of the House suspend the rules and agree to the reso- ments on the Sea Demarcation Line, known of Representatives that— lution, H. Res. 430, as amended. as the ‘‘Northern Limit Line’’; (1) North Korea should immediately stop Whereas, on February 3, 2009, President The question was taken. any hostile rhetoric and activity towards the Barack Obama stated, in a call with the Re- Republic of Korea and engage in mutual dia- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the public of Korea’s President Lee Myung-bak, logue to enhance inter-Korean relations; opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being that recent events underscore the need for (2) North Korea should fully implement the in the affirmative, the ayes have it. the United States and the Republic of Korea Six-Party joint statement of September 19, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, to work together even more closely to 2005, verifiably abandon all of its nuclear on that I demand the yeas and nays. achieve complete and verifiable weapons and existing nuclear programs, and The yeas and nays were ordered. denuclearization of North Korea; return to the Non-Proliferation Treaty at an The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas, on February 10, 2009, Secretary of early date; ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the State Hillary Clinton stated that North (3) North Korea should comply with United Korea must understand that all of the coun- Nations Security Council Resolutions 1718 of Chair’s prior announcement, further tries in East Asia have made it clear that proceedings on this motion will be 2006 and 1874 of 2009; North Korea’s recent behavior is viewed as (4) the United States remains committed postponed. unacceptable; to the promotion of inter-Korean dialogue f Whereas, on February 20, 2009, Secretary of and cooperation; and State Hillary Clinton stated, in a joint press b 1430 (5) the strategic importance of the strong conference with the Republic of Korea’s For- alliance between the United States and the CALLING ON NORTH KOREA TO eign Minister Yu Myung-hwan, that the Republic of Korea, in promoting peace and END HOSTILE RHETORIC AND United States and the Republic of Korea prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in ACTIVITY TOWARD SOUTH maintain a joint resolve to bring about the Northeast Asia, should be recognized. complete and verifiable denuclearization of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- KOREA North Korea through the Six-Party Talks Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, and that North Korea is not going to get a ant to the rule, the gentleman from I move to suspend the rules and agree different relationship with the United States American Samoa (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA) and the gentleman from Florida (Mr. to the resolution (H. Res. 309) express- while insulting and refusing dialogue with BILIRAKIS) each will control 20 min- ing the sense of the House of Rep- the Republic of Korea; Whereas for more than a year, North Korea utes. resentatives that North Korea should has refused proposals from the Republic of The Chair recognizes the gentleman immediately stop any hostile rhetoric Korea for mutual dialogue and also has re- from American Samoa. and activity towards the Republic of fused to fully implement the Six-Party Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, Korea and engage in mutual dialogue agreements on denuclearization; I yield myself such time as I may con- to enhance inter-Korean relations, as Whereas, on April 5, 2009, North Korea sume. amended. launched a missile in clear violation of Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support The Clerk read the title of the resolu- United Nations Security Council Resolution of this resolution expressing the sense 1718 prompting a statement by President tion. of the House of Representatives that The text of the resolution is as fol- Obama condemning the launch; Whereas, on April 13, 2009, the United Na- North Korea should immediately stop lows: tions Security Council adopted a Presi- its hostile activities and instead return H. RES. 309 dential Statement condemning the launch; to dialogue. Whereas North Korea’s nuclear tests and Whereas, on April 14, 2009, North Korea de- Mr. Speaker, as I said earlier of my missile activities, and their suspected pro- clared that it would withdraw from the Six- strong support of H. Res. 309, it is a VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:14 Jun 16, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JN7.039 H15JNPT1 erowe on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE June 15, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6753 thoughtful, timely, and relevant reso- reinforce a message President Obama friend and Homeland Security ranking lution offered by my dear friend and and Secretary of State Clinton both member, PETER KING, to show soli- colleague, the gentleman from New underscored regarding the strength of darity with our South Korean allies in York (Mr.
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