Atal Bhujal Hydrogeological Report- Taluka Malshiras District Solapur

Atal Bhujal Hydrogeological Report- Taluka Malshiras District Solapur

ATAL BHUJAL YOJANA (Atal Jal) State : Maharashtra Department: Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency. HYDROGEOLOGICAL REPORT BLOCK : Malshiras DISTRICT : Solapur YEAR : 2020 Towards partial fulfillment of requirements for Disbursement of Incentive under DLI -1 DATE OF DISCLOSURE: …25/11/2020 HYDROGEOLOGICAL REPORT (YEAR : 2019-20) STATE : Maharashtra DISTRICT : Solapur BLOCK/TALUK : Malshiras BLOCK/TALUK HQs - Malshiras A GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Geographical area (Ha) : 161148 2. No. of Gram Panchayats : 103 3. No. of towns 01 No. of villages : 114 4. 5. Population (2011) : Male Female Total 251528 234117 485645 6 Rainfall (mm) : Monsoon Non-monsoon Annual 427.38 157.12 584.50 7. River basin : Bhima 8. Major soil types : Black cotton soil B LAND USE 1. Forest area (Ha) : 6603 ha 2. Cultivable area (Ha) : 154545 3. Net sown area (Ha) : 105998 4. Gross cropped area (Ha) : 126579 C CROPPING PATTERN (As in 2019-20) 1. Major crops grown : Kharif Rabi Summer Perennial Maize Jawar Vegetable Banana Bajri Maize Pomegranate Sunflower Wheat Sugarcane Soybean Grapes D IRRIGATION FACILITIES (As in 2019-20) 1. Net irrigated area (Ha) : 55401 2. Gross irrigated area (Ha) : 76241 3. Area under irrigation (Ha) (Source- : DW BW/TW Tanks/Ponds Canals Others wise) 27700.5 27700 E GEOLOGY & HYDROGEOLOGY 1. Predominant rock type : Hard Rock 2. Major geological formations : Basalt 3. Important water-bearing formations : Weathered , Fractured, Jointed basalt 4. Status of coverage under NAQUIM Not Covered F GROUND WATER CONDITIONS 1. No. of wells used for Water Level : Open wells BW/TW/ PZ (WL) monitoring. CGWB SGWD Total CGWB SGWD Total 8 14 22 - - - 2. Monitoring mechanism (Nos.) : Manual DWLR Telemetry CGWB SGWD CGWB SGWD CGWB SGWD 8 14 - - - 3. Monitoring frequency : Agency No. of times monitored/year CGWB 4 SGWD 4 Times in one year (Jan/March/May/Sep) 4. Period of water level data : Agency Period of WL data availability (From - To) availability. From (year) To (year) CGWB 2015 2019 SGWD 2015 2019 5. Water level range (m.bgl) : Minimum/Village Maximum/Village Pre-monsoon (April-May 2019) 5.10/Malshiras 11.90/Lawang Post-monsoon (November 2019) 1.40/Bacheri 11.30/ Lawang 6. Seasonal WL fluctuation range (m) : Minimum/ Village Maximum/ Village 1.81/Dharmpuri 6.24/Jalbhavi G GROUND WATER QUALITY 1. No. of wells used for Water Quality Open Wells BW/TW/ PZ (WQ) monitoring. CGWB SGWD Total CGWB SGWD Total 8 14 22 2. Monitoring frequency Agency No. of times monitored/year CGWB 2 SGWD 2 Times in one year 3. Period of water quality data Agency Period of WQ data availability (Years) availability CGWB SGWD Last 5 Year(2015-2020) 4. Parameters analysed Agency Parameters Analyzed CGWB Temperature, pH, EC, TDS, Total Hardness, Alkalinity, Calcium, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Fluoride, Iron. SGWD Temperature, pH, EC, TDS, Total Hardness, Alkalinity, Calcium, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Fluoride, Iron. 5. Known ground water quality issues, Salinity/Fluoride/Arsenic/ Iron/Nitrate/Others (Pl. if any specify)No issue H. GROUND WATER RESOURCES 1. Latest assessment year 2016-17 2. Assessment Unit Taluk/ 3. Annual extractable GW resource (ha.m) 19488.00 ham 4. Current annual GW extraction (ha.m) 19743.91 ham 5. Net GW availability for future use (ha.m) 1997.01 6. Stage of GW extraction (%) 101.31 7. Category of block/taluk/(2017) Semi-Critical 8. Category of block/taluk/ in previous 2013 2011 2009 2004 assessments October I WATER-RELATED SCHEMES 1. Schemes with a bearing on ground water, being implemented in the block / taluk. Centrally Sponsored /Central Sector i) PMKSY Schemes ii) Atal Solar Schemes iii) MGNREGA iv) State Schemes i) Jalyukt shivar ii) NRDWP iii) Farm pond on demand iv) J GROUND WATER RELATED ISSUES 1. Ground water related issues of the block/ i) Issues related to GW availability : Seasonal water availability of water in wells. ii) Issues related to GW quality : NO iii) Other issues if any. : NO TABLE-01 BASIC DATA OF WATER LEVEL (WL)/WATER QUALITY (WQ) WELLS LOCATIONS STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT-SOLAPUR, TALUKA-MALSHIRAS Sl. No Well No. Village Name Long. Lat. Agency Typewellof point (m.agl) point Purpose of Monitoring Aquifer tapped Aquifer Diameter (m) Depth (m.bgl)Depth (DW/BW/TW/PZ) monitoring (WL / Height of measuringHeightof WQ / WL & WQ) DWLR/ Telemetry) Reduced Level Reduced (m.amsl) mechanism (Manual/ 1 W173855074580501 Bacheri 74.9568333 17.6438940 DW VAB 1 9 5.9 WL Manual SGWD 2 W175620074403001 Dharmpuri 74.6747429 17.9446089 DW VAB 0.7 7.9 3.2 WL Manual SGWD 3 W175555074484501 Foundshiras 74.8126380 17.9325605 DW VAB 0.6 10.8 4 WL Manual SGWD 4 W175240074400501 Gursale 74.6934417 17.9589248 DW VAB 0.7 8.2 8.7 WL Manual SGWD 5 W174515074505001 Jalbhavi 74.8473551 17.7535634 DW VAB 0.6 8.7 5.9 WL Manual SGWD 6 W175430074454001 Karunde 74.6588630 17.8995340 DW VAB 0.8 14.6 7.7 WL Manual SGWD 7 W174930074503001 Khudus 74.9747893 17.8230195 DW VAB 0.5 5.2 3.8 WL Manual SGWD 8 W175215074382001 Kothale 74.6386163 17.8724966 DW VAB 0 10.6 7 WL Manual SGWD 9 W175300075073501 Lawang 75.1263027 17.8864601 DW VAB 0.8 12.8 7 WL Manual SGWD 10 W174503075071001 Malkhambi 75.1194444 17.7508333 DW VAB 0.75 5.9 3.5 WL Manual SGWD 11 W175150074544001 Malshiras 74.9073881 17.8637548 DW VAB 0.8 10.1 4.5 WL Manual SGWD 12 W174100074580201 Piliv 74.9660912 17.6789567 DW VAB 0.9 10.1 4.5 WL Manual SGWD 13 W174212075051201 Tandulwadi 75.0854891 17.7060216 DW VAB 1.2 6.8 6.1 WL Manual SGWD 14 W174640074553001 Tarangfal 74.9236830 17.7769220 DW VAB 1 8.2 3.2 WL Manual SGWD TABLE-01-Continued Sl. No Well No. Village Name Long. Lat. (m.agl) Agency Typeofwell Diameter(m) Depth (m.bgl) Depth Aquifer tapped Aquifer WQ /WLWQ) & WQ (DW/BW/TW/PZ) Reduced Level Reduced (m.amsl) Monitoringmechanism Heightmeasuringof point (Manual/DWLR/Telemetry) Purposemonitoringof /(WL 1 W174055074580101 Piliv 74.9669 17.6819 DW 765.62 VB 9.7 WL & WQ Manual CGWB 2 W174140075023001 Salmukh 75.0417 17.6944 DW 523.21 VB 8.05 WL & WQ Manual CGWB 3 W174800075030001 Velapur 75.05 17.8 DW 494.54 VB 10 WL & WQ Manual CGWB 4 W175200074540001 Malsiras 74.9 17.8667 DW 529.88 VB 13 WL & WQ Manual CGWB 5 W175335074442001 Natepute-1 74.7389 17.8931 DW 549 VB 9 WL & WQ Manual CGWB 6 W175400074453001 Natepute 74.7583 17.9 DW 531.21 VB 5.95 WL & WQ Manual CGWB 7 W175600074410001 Dharmpuri 74.6833 17.9333 DW 543.52 VB 9 WL & WQ Manual CGWB 8 W175753075081501 Sangam 75.1375 17.9647 DW 483 VB 7.6 WL & WQ Manual CGWB TABLE-02 WATER LEVEL (WL) DATA OF MONITORING WELLS-SGWD STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT-SOLAPUR, TALUKA-MALSHIRAS Sr.No. Well ID Well Type Village May-15 Oct-15 May-16 Oct-16 May-17 Oct-17 May-18 Oct-18 May-19 Oct-19 1 W173855074580501 DW Bacheri 7.7 4.1 6.9 4.6 7.6 1.1 4.2 6.5 8.1 1.4 2 W175620074403001 DW Dharmpuri 5.8 5.3 7.9 5.1 5.8 4.3 5.6 5.4 6.8 4.9 3 W175555074484501 DW Foundshiras 8.6 5.7 8.6 2.4 10.5 4.7 8.9 8.1 10 4.1 4 W175240074400501 DW Gursale 4.7 4 5.7 2.3 5.1 1.4 3.9 6.1 7.5 2.7 5 W174515074505001 DW Jalbhavi 7.7 4.3 7.9 0.6 8.6 1.1 8.2 6.1 8.7 6.15 6 W175430074454001 DW Karunde 10.8 8.6 10.8 4.3 10.85 3 10.8 10.85 10.8 4.85 7 W174930074503001 DW Khudus 4.6 4.2 4.9 2.9 3.9 2.3 4.6 3.65 5.2 2.7 8 W175215074382001 DW Kothale 10.1 7.1 10.1 7.5 10.4 5.2 10.55 8.2 10.55 5.9 9 W175300075073501 DW Lawang 10.8 7.25 11 4.9 10.2 3.8 9 7.9 11.9 5.8 10 W174503075071001 DW Malkhambi 5.6 8.5 2.5 3.35 2.7 3.1 2.1 5.7 2.3 11 W175150074544001 DW Malshiras 4.7 3.7 5.1 1.5 4.9 3.1 4.6 3.8 5.1 2.9 12 W174100074580201 DW Piliv 6 4.4 7.8 3.9 7.3 3 5.7 6.5 8.5 5.8 13 W174212075051201 DW Tandulwadi 5.4 4.5 5.5 2.4 4.8 1 5.4 3.8 7.2 3.1 14 W174640074553001 DW Tarangfal 6.4 4.6 7.8 1.9 5 1.6 3.8 3.3 7.5 4.9 TABLE-02-Continued WATER LEVEL (WL) DATA OF MONITORING WELLS-CGWB STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT-SOLAPUR, TALUKA-MALSHIRAS Sr.No. Well ID Well Type Village May-15 Nov-15 May-16 Nov-16 May-17 Nov-17 May-18 Nov-18 May-19 Nov-19 1 W174055074580101 DW Piliv 5.95 5.3 7.53 2.1 8.05 2.6 5.92 7 8.45 1.34 2 W174140075023001 DW Salmukh 2.49 2.53 2.61 2.05 3.87 0.9 2.43 2.92 4.1 0.52 3 W174800075030001 DW Velapur 4.98 5.9 5.95 2.2 4.87 2.8 8.91 9.8 8.15 4.43 4 W175200074540001 DW Malsiras 5.75 6 6 3.15 6.87 2.5 5.69 5.5 12.99 1.14 5 W175335074442001 DW Natepute-1 4.85 3.6 5.3 2 8.3 3.1 4.12 3.9 5.25 2.67 6 W175400074453001 DW Natepute 7 W175600074410001 DW Dharmpuri 5.35 6.12 7.5 2.5 6.97 5.4 5.05 6 8.99 4.42 8 W175753075081501 DW Sangam 4.15 TABLE-03- Continued WATER QUALITY (WQ) DATA OF MONITORING STATIONS-SGWD STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT-SOLAPUR, TALUKA-MALSHIRAS Sr.

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