This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. http://books.google.com “E UCHB m. MMW JAeAbm SUPPLEMENT TO POST OFFICE GUIDE. J a n u a r y , 1 9 2 1 . S o l d a t a l l P o s t O f fi c e s ; a n d t o b e p u r c h a s e d a l s o t h r o u g h a n y B o o k s e l l e r o r d i r e c t l y f r o m H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE a t I m p e r i a l H o u s e , K i n g s w a y , L o n d o n , “ 1 . 0 . 2 , a n d 2 8 , A b i n g d o n S t r e e t , L o n d o n , S.W. 1 ; 3 7 , P e t e r S t r e e t , Manchester; 1 , S t . A n d r e w ' s C r e s c e n t , C a r d i fl ; 2 3 , F o r t h S t r e e t , E d i n b u r g h ; o r f r o m E. P o x s o x m ' , L t d . , 1 1 6 , G r a f t o n S t r e e t , D u b l i n . P r i c e 3 d . N e t . P o s t f r e e i n t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m , 4 d . T h e G u i d e p u b l i s h e d i n J u l y , I 9 2 0 . w h e r e n o t m o d i f i e d ‘ b y t h i s Supplement. c o n t i n u e s i n f o r c e . i: NOTICE. The minimum postage at the Newspaper Rate is now One Penny. See page 4. The revised Inland Telegram rates are given on page 9. For the way to address letters for delivery In the London districts, see page 50 of“ the July Guide. A list of streets and places showing initials of Postal District and Number of office of Delivery can be purchased through any Post Ofi'ice, through any Bookseller, or of the Branches and Agencies of H.M. Stationery Oflice (see cover), price 4d. EARLY POSTING. LETTERS SHOULD BE POSTED AS EARLY IN THE DAY as possible.‘ In many rural districts there is only one delivery, and letters for such districts, unless posted in time for early evening mails, cannot be delivered until the second day after posting. DELIVERY OF TELEGRAMS. The attention of senders and addressees of tele grams is drawn to the arrangements described at pages 88 and 89 of the July Guide for the delivery of telegrams by telephone. IMPERIAL CABLE. A State-owned cable is now working to Canada. Telegrams for Canada, British West Indies or Austral asia. may be sent by this route (“VIA IMPERIAL") if handed in at a. Post Office. For rates, see Tables of Charges for Foreign and Colonial Telegrams (pages 742—768 of the July Guide). The Post Oflice Guide (price Is.) and the periodical Supplement can be purchased at any Post Oifice, thpough any bookseller, or from the Branches and Agency of H.M. Stationery Office shown on the cover. A plicstions for advertisement space should be addressed to Sell'a iimited, 163, Fleet Street, London, 13.0. 4. All communications relating to the text of the Guide should be addressed to “The Secretary, General Post Oflice, 13.0.1," and should be marked outside “ Post Oflice Guide." SUPPLEMENT TO POST OFFICE GUIDE Amending Post Office Guide, No, 24.4., published in July, 1920. January, 1921. :______; ______;_:L_l_\_i___ 177;:,_:__:.:i_r__r: figmfl gems? .mswwfi: E522? in filmmmsmrismmtt .- n'mwmmmnrm' smnmmpgmmn B savanna bnmmm‘mnlu, mnrnmlnlnln Bn‘mmmmnm m Mnnmrnmm usnrwhnrwanJMn‘nmnnnm mnmnmnmnwmunlnrnwmmmm mmnnrnMnxnm WWHMUHMUEHWHMBM WGWUBWWH _ wwaflss7hlnuuw7ssmnmn “156789m7 1 m C uzhs \_I_U2n.4 WC-_1_1_IIMMA;JIE u FFFIHJ Hnimsififi ,sMTWTFs ,sMTWTRs .sMTwrFq: .SMTWTFS. WsMTwrFs sMTWTFsW _ _ _ I LIMITED, U_ _l_1_1_|_l_1_ __|__1_.‘_\t. .M_‘.,_-_.._ _ __ _i_s_i__|_.\<nl_I_‘ _ _ 3;. IL i 1. anan I C ,wfiulmfiiwnnw mimwifi n . minnmnth nwnnnwmwwm.mn.nmth Sons, wmgfinn summarmmm B flames? Hmwflmmfi v. nlmhmwmmn assassins 8.8. Rnwwqwmm,Lhnummmnnmhmmwnwmm MWMMmmnmm Lfiwumwmnwnmwnmwwnww AND Alfiaiawinirmin'w mmmnsrsem w .Rssmn‘mn . Asfllssmwm wflhnsihrrfl w. s1aawnm Mines? is lifiir? 1 Mini? _ _ Tz 9153; Sun‘s will} CLowns EMTWTFSV 'sMTWTFs_N5MTWTFs 2 EMTWTFs ,sMTWTFs "usMTWTFs D H€i fl ‘Cljli A lit J WWW Dd, QM- _1_|_1_MOI_J\D 9 I l_|_:_‘_,w\!_§iffl nnfimmmm nm‘n‘n‘m _\_ mfinmnlnm‘nmw S'ruiroun 'n‘nmmwvfiwm 1 vimmifTFC WILLIAM El; 192°. Mm"th “imminmfi smmmmmfi Ammnfimmémmmfisw“inwsmmms “mum.th n! simmers "MWHWHM 99mins.“ S'rnns'r. Whine o sunfish” ummfismsu u T234KsHs mismunnnnwwsvaamnn,TTrHsWflaw m_svasmun J sszHHmin, _ _ _l234 n _ _ _l_hh TFWM. _ _|234|5 ban fifilgwlaawfl :1_ NZUHH mgr; £4 Pam-ran sMTWTFs EMTWTFS sMTWTFs : FMTWTFSA FEMTWTFm. EMTWTFs Ii _ _ _ _ .7 Ms; E _R. ii. iii liwnttQt WEMWF. REEL C _ MMfiflflflp-nimifllmmfiwLL flmdrfifiwmfimn final». _\_r_ EW5%\W%BW_ Lumen vvfififlinwmxlw v“ Rninmrmnn‘fi . mnmmmmfiafimmmmwwm R wnmwmmn . mmxsn‘na Bnnmmilmnm A'nmmmnmn smumnmwn immme M M @wflmwmnm M wwnmmmmflmnunmwmp Msolo‘twlowumlww_fi455_louslm. WWm-llflflooflwvm M rtrw45878.T/56189WH N _M_‘|_l_h‘2|_‘.., E _i_h_llsnfi C WEN M ‘_ _ _ _ _ _|M _‘.\_VCP2H M“ JVWEHF. 5M WTFs, fiSMTWTFsSnsMTWTFs ~“NMTWTFSN YMTWTFSAS 5MTWTFs 3 UST OF CONTENTS. INLAND POST! Newspapers . 00 co . Prohibited Articles . Express Delivery Service . .. Conveyance of Single Post Letters by Railvvay .. .. .. .. FOREIGN AND COLONIAL POST; Letters .. .. .. .. .. .. Cinematograph Films and other Articles of Celluloid . Parcels .. .. Prohibited Articles Undelivered Postal Packets Insurance .. .. Compensation Air Mail Services.. Express Service Cash on Delivery . Letters and Parcels to H.M. Forces. Inland Telegrams .. .. Foreign and Colonial Telegrams Badiotelegrams . Inland Telegraph Money Orders .. .. Foreign and Colonial Money Orders .. .. 7) 7! ,, Telegraph Money Orders .. Postal Orders . Sale of Postage Stamps, Envelopes, and Wrappers Insurance Stamps . Licences TABLES. INLAND SERVICE. List of Provincial Offices for Postal, Telegraph, ' and Telephone Business . .. Arrangements as to Posting in London :— l’osting for Sunday Night Mails London Post Offices .. .. .. .. Principal London Streets, with nearest Oflice for Postal and Telegraph Money Order Business Immediate Life Annuities 4 FOREIGN AND COLONIAL SERVICE. General Post: Rates of Postage, Despatch of Mails, and. Conditions of Service .. .. .. 56 Latest Times of Posting in London.. .. ..58-59 Parcel Post: Rates of Postage, Despatch of Mails, and Conditions of Service .. .. 60 Foreign and Colonial Money Orders .. 66 Cash on Delivery Service .. .. .. 70 Foreign and Colonial Telegrams. Charges .. 70 Radiotelegrams. Charges . 72 INDEX .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83 INLAND POST. (Page 13-) NEWSPAPERS. Cancel the first paragraph and substitute the following :— The prepaid rate of postage on copies of publications registered for transmission at the Inland Newspaper Rate, including any supplements thereto, is one penny for every copy not exceeding 6 oz. in weight, with a further charge of one halfpenny for every additional 6 oz. or fraction of 6 oz. (Page 18.) PROHIBITED ARTICLES Add to the prohibitions under paragraphs (a‘)—(r71): Any advertise ment, circular, or coupon of any ready-money football betting business at home or abroad. (Page 30.) EXPRESS DELIVERY SERVICES. Line 1. Delete “ three," substilule “ four." Add :* Service Iv. ~By Special Messenger after transmission by Telephone. For full particulars see page 107 of the P.O. Guide. (Page 31.) Telephoning Express Letters. Cancel paragraph. (Page 39.) CONVEYANCE OF SINGLE POST LETTERS BY RAILWAY. f Iiine 4. Delele " Railway Fee of 3d." Substitute “ liailway Fee 0 4 ." Line 7. Delete “ a fee of 3d.” Substitute “ a fee of 4d." (Page 41.) Line 3. Drlrfc “ The railway fee of 3d." Subalituic “ The rail way fee of 4d." FOREIGN IAND COLONIAL POST. (Page 52.) - LETTERS. The last sentence of {he first paragraph should be ammulerl to read: “ For the letter rate to H.M. Ships of War and H.M. Troops serving abroad,” are pages 83—84 of the July Guide, and pages 7-9 of this upplement. (Page 56,) Inscrlfollowing paragraph at the foot of the page :-— CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS AND OTHER ARTICLES OF CELLULOID. Cinematograph Films and other celluloid articles intended for transmission to any place abroad by letter or printed papers post must be enclosed in tin boxes either placed in a strong outer wooden box or wrapped in some stout material which is not a good conductor of best (0.9., cardboard or brown paper strengthened by linen thread. A wrapping of ordinary brown paper, being apt to tear, is not suficient). (Page 63.) PARCELS. ' Customs Duty and Charges on Delivery. Last paragraph. Delete: “the Union of South Africa or the United States of America," substitute: “or the Union of South Africa." (Page 64.) Packing and Sealing. Cancel paragraphs 3 and 4. Substitute :~ Celluloid must be well packed in a tin case enclosed in a strong wooden box» This applies also to cinematograph films. Any other article composed wholly or partly of celluloid must be enclosed in a strong wooden box.
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