Partly sunny Scattered showers should % end by mid-morning today, I partly sunny skies and highs j h -inside in the 70s or 80s. Low tonight Irish Extra aro u n d 60. JM 1 _ L Friday, September 11, 1987 the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's J-Council SUB was wrong, discusses ’87 role tickets re-sold By ERIC BERGAMO By CHRIS BEDNARSKI get back will be sold to students Senior Staff Reporter News Editor on a first-come-first-serve basis today starting at 1 p.m. The Judicial Council held an The Student Union Board at the “Ticket Stub” in the organizational meeting for the com m issioner who ran the Mic­ basement of LaFortune Stu­ 1987-88 school year Thursday higan ticket lottery reserved dent Center, Salmon said. night. tickets for friends who did not Students may buy only one Judicial Coordinator Bren­ work for the SUB, Board direc­ ticket and a student ID is re­ dan Judge explained that the tor Janel Blount said Thursday. quired to make the purchase, role of the Judicial Council was Jim Hering, SUB services he added. to help students understand commissioner, was trying Blount said she did not know University rules and to run stu­ Thursday night to get the tick­ how many tickets Hering had dent and class elections in the ets back from the people he reserved or would be able to spring. reserved them for, said Tim get back. The Council is composed of Salmon, spokesman for the each hall’s judicial board SUB’s steering committee. Blount said she did not buy chairperson and an off-campus The tickets Hering gets back the two preferential tickets representative. will be re-sold to students that were reserved for her. She The Judicial Council, through today, Salmon said. said these tickets, as well as the Undergraduate Student Hering said Wednesday that those won in the lottery and not Council, also provides legal he reserved tickets for friends bought by 4 p.m . T hursday, had counsel to students who are ac­ and roommates who helped been sold to the public. cused of university offenses. him with SUB activities. At the meeting, Hering was The Council also represents the given the option of getting the accused in proceedings. At a steering committee tickets back, Salmon said. Had Judge stressed the impor­ meeting Thursday, Salmon he chosen not to get them back, tance of hall Judicial Boards in said Hering was reprimanded he would have been fired. hearing cases of students ac­ for his handling of the lottery. Winners in the lottery bought cused of hall offenses by “a He did not specify the repri­ their tickets at the ACC ticket jury of their peers.” mand. Repeated attempts to office Thursday. Council members were reach Hering were unsuccess­ Because the tickets Hering asked to take papers which out­ ful Thursday night. reserved had already been lined the judicial board proce­ By reserving tickets for bought, the SUB gave him dure. roommates and others, Blount money to buy the tickets back Judge encouraged members said, Hering “overstepped his from the people he reserved to inform students charged bounds in preferential treat­ them for, Salmon said. SUB with off-campus offenses to use Silent reflection The ObserverWen Yi m en t.” will get this money back when the pre-trial diversion program A student takes the time to visit and his family today at the Grot­ “No doubt, poor judgement the tickets are re-sold today, he offered by the St. Joseph’s a special spot on campus, theto. Students maintained a con­was used,” Salmon said.“What added. County Prosecutor’s Office. Grotto. Vigils are being held for stant vigil throughout Thursday he did was wrong.” The Council will also dis­ Father E. William Beauchamp night. Tickets that Hering is able to see TICKETS, page 3 tribute Student’s Rights Manuals to all students, Judge said. The manual describes student rights pertaining to Pope receives full-hearted greeting in U.S. hall and university offenses, car rights, room rights, and Associated Press America as he portrayed him­ those who are rising and falling was his second tour of the dishonesty. self as a supporter of human and stumbling on the journey United States. Judge requested that each MIAMI - Pope John Paul II, freedom . of life; those who are seeking Security was intense in hall representative pick up the prepared for dissent, but Said the pontiff: “ I come as and discovering, and those not Miami, and a 53-year-old con­ manuals from the Council’s of­ claiming the support of a a friend, a friend of America yet finding, the deep meaning struction worker was arrested fice this week. “silent majority” of Catholics, and of all Americans: Cat­ of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit after he was found carrying a Council representatives were launched his second U.S. tour holics, Orthodox, Protestants of happiness’.” gun and knife at Tamiami also asked to sign up for five Thursday as “a friend of and Jews, people of every reli­ Many in the exuberant wel­ Park, where the pope will committees: publicity, Du Lac America and all Americans.” gion, and all men and women com ing crowd of 4,500 held up celebrate Mass on Friday. review, rector relations, stu­ President Reagan, who had of good will.” yellow-and-white papal flags to Police said they did not believe dent’s rights, and judicial come from Washington to wel­ “I come as a friend of the flap in a breeze which blew the the incident was related to the review board selection. come the pontiff on a clear, 90- poor and the sick and dying; pontiff’s white skullcap off his papal visit. degree afternoon, made a those who are struggling with head. The pope did not kiss the see COUNCIL, page 5 pointed reference to Central the problems of each day; ground on this visit, because it see POPE, page 7 Police doing ‘best job they can’ to fight crime By ERIC BERGAMO officers who break up their Cottrell said that there have robbers, the police have in­ will not be continued, Cottrell Senior Staff Reporter parties. been three “strongarm” rob­ creased the number of added. The directed patrols “I know students don’t beries involving Notre Dame “directed” patrols in the will continue in the area to South Bend police are doing realize those things that we neighborhood, he said. The of­ “see what they come up “the best job they can” in are doing for them,” he said. The ficers are assigned to patrol w ith.” protecting off-campus stu­ Although there have been a Northeast a specific area at a specific Being unaware of the sur­ dents from crime, according number of robberies and as­ Neighborhood tim e. roundings is a main reason to South Bend Police Captain saults this year, the situation Last weekend four officers, why students fall victim to Patrick Cottrell. is not as bad as other years, Part 2 of a posing as students, were sent muggers, Cottrell noted. Stu­ “We’re out there to protect Cottrell noted. The police are three-part series out as decoys in the neighbor­ dents should be alert to the them whether they know it or doing all they can to ap­ hood. The detail had some things around them. not,” Cottrell said. prehend the perpetrators. and Saint Mary’s students. success, Cottrell noted, but Students should not walk “Any time we have some­ Cottrell was unaware of any “nobody tried to rob them.” alone or in pairs in high-crime Most students are not cog­ one get robbed. .we want to progress being made on the Because the undercover areas during early morning nizant of the work the police do something about that as cases. detail takes officers away see CRIME, page 6 do and only look at them as quickly as possible,” he said. To thwart would-be- from their regular beats, it Friday, September 11,1987 page 2 The Observer In Brief What if townies turned Mister Rogers,host of one of the tables on the students? longest-running children’s televsion shows, says he’s departing his neighborhood for Mos­ “Hey, toss me another &*ing bottle of cow so he and a Soviet counterpart “can build wine,” someone yells. Mark a little bridge in behalf of children.” Fred It’s 3 a.m. and you’re in your dormroom Rogers is scheduled to leave Sept. 13 for a trying to fall asleep. But you can’t. Pankowski 12-day visit in Russia to appear on “Good Ever since those townies moved in next door Night, Little Ones.” “Children all over the to your room, sleeping has been nearly M anaging Editor world need to know they can be loved just as impossible. they are,” Rogers said in Pittsburgh, where It happens almost every weekday night. The his daily program is entering its 20th season townies invite their off-campus friends to on the Public Broadcasting System. their dorm parties. At least 100 show up every night. They play loud music - Big Band music, for God’s sake. Ed McMahon must go on trial in a civil “Notre Dame is such a $£%&-hole,” one lawsuit alleging he was part of a multimillion- townie says to another. “I can’t wait to get dollar land fraud scheme when he acted as a out of here.” £ spokesman for the developers. McMahon, a You never do get to sleep that night. Los Angeles resident who is best known as The next morning, you get up and go out­ Johnny Carson’s sidekick on NBC-TV’s side.
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