INDEX RERUM ET NOMINUM ANTIQUORUM For nomina antiqua see also index locorum potiorum. The numbers again refer to the location in the footnotes (abbreviated n, e.g. 47n156 means p. 47 note 156), in the complementary notes (abbreviated en, e.g. 129cn225 means p. 129 complementary note 225), and in the text (just the page number). The cross-references in the notes may also be of some help. Aelius Donatus see Donatus Archimedes 6n13, 13, 24, 24n81, Aelius Theon 56n185, 122cn5 37n127, 40, 41,41nl37, 43, 44,45- Aetius 47n156, 129cn225 8,45n148,48n158,48n159,53, atnov tlj~ £mypacplj~ see 53n177, 62n206,92, 103, 103n349, isagogical questions (title) 103n353, 113, 115, 115n382, 116, Albinus 12, 71, 72n250 117 Alcinous 99, 99n337, 107n364, Archytas of Tarentum 119n397 111, 112, 114, 120n400 Aristaeus mathematicus 10, Alexander of Aphrodisias 11n31, 21, 64 23n79, 107n364, 108n365, 111-2, Aristarchus of Samos 14 111-2n374, 112n375, 114, 126cn89 Aristotle 4nl0, 12, 13n39, 33n118, Alexander of Lycopolis on 34, 43,46,47, 47nl56, 48, 52, Demiurge 108, 108n365 56n185, 66n226, 67n227, 67n228, Alexander Polyhistor 1 02n343 68n229, 82n290,83n295,86-7,95, 0./..oyov see line(s) 103n353, 109, 111, 112n375, 114, Ammonius Hermiae 13, 20, 115-6, 118, 119, 123cn11, 124- 21n68,43,43n143,45,48,56,88, 5cn67, 131cn357 88n313,92, 129cn260, 130cn308 Aristoxeneans 73n255 avayvrocrt~, avaytvcOOKElV, see arithmetic 9n25, 19, 22, 24n80, reading (study) 29, 57, 61nl96, 79, 82-91, 83n295, an-Nayrizi see Anaritius 118, 120n403 an-Nadim see at N arithmology 19, 90 ava/..oy{a see proportion arrangement see isagogical ques- analysis 9-14, 9n26, 10n27, 11n34, tions 16, 36n122, 62-3, 62n204, 62n207, &ppT]tOV see line(s) 64n218, 64n219, 65, 123cn26 apxaiot see ancients avanaA.tv /..ucn~ 123cn26 amiq>Eta see isagogical questions Anaritius 25n84, 26, 26n90, (unclarity) 125cn77, 126cn89 Asclepius of Tralles 20, 88-9 ancients 1n3, 20-1, 22, 23, 23n76, astrolabe 88n313, 129cn260 30, 42, 51, 86-7, 117-9, 117n389, astrology 1, 15, 68n229, 71-5, 119n396 7ln246, 72n251, 76n261, 78-9, 96- ante opus/ in ipso opere 61, 79 8 Anthemius of Trailes 31 Astronomer, Great 17-20, 17n50, Antiphon the Sophist 46 18n54,90 Apollinarius mathematicus 15 Astronomer, Little 16-20, 17n50, Apollonius of Perga 3n8, 7, 7n19, 17n51, 18n54 9n26, 10, 10n27, 10n29, 11, 13, acrtpOVOJ.lOU!J.EVa 20n66 13n39, 21, 24, 24n81, 32,33n117, astronomy 1, lnl, 1n3, 2, 6, 14- 36-40, 36nl22, 37nl27, 38nl28, 20, 18n54, 20n66, 22,23n79, 39n131, 39n132, 40-3, 41n137, 24n80, 29, 54, 63, 65-71, 66n223, 41n139, 44,47, 48, 62, 64, 65,92, 66n226,68n229,69n234, 71n246, 95, 123cn26 72, 73, 76-8, 76n261, 83, 83n295, Apuleius 106 84,88n313,90,92,93, 114,115, Aratus 15n46, 38nl28 116, 118, 120n403, 129cn260 Arcadius 80 Athanasius 108, 108n366, 130cn319 INDEX RERUM ET NOMINUM ANTIQUORUM 169 Attalus of Pergamum 7, 36, 125~cn77, 126cn89, 127cn108 38n128,39n132,40 on Hippocrates 15-6, 128cn217 Attalus of Rhodes 38n128 onJohn 56 Atticus platonicus 101n340, 105, on Nicomachus 19, 87-9, 106 88n310 authenticity see isagogical questions on Ptolemy 3, 3n8, 8, 17, 18, Autolycus of Pitane 14, 15, 69n234 19, 25, 65n222, 76-81, 76n261, 76n263, 76n264, 78n267,93, ~acnA.tu~ 96, 128-9cn225 Apuleius (Demiurge) 106 on the Alcibiades maior 41n136 Atticus (Demiurge I on the Golden Verses 56 naiJ.~acnA.tu~) 106 on the Timaeus 47, 48, 103, 109, Numenius (First God) 107 109n368, 113, 114-5, 117, 120 Origen the Christian on Virgil 62 (Demiurge) 105, 107, commentary tradition 2, 6-20, 107n364 8n24, 13n39, 22-6, 43n142, Philoponus (Demiurge) 47n157, 61n200, 77, 80n278, 107n364 82n287, 87-9, 87-8n310, 89-91, ps.Plato 105, 106, 107n364 103, 128cn217, 12~9cn225 see also Demiurge comments in margine 10n27, biography see vita 13, 13n39, 25, 42, 43 Boethius 13n39, 82n287, 89 see also Quintilian's formula; ante opus Calcidius 99n337 conics calculation 6, 24n80, 69n234 Apollonius 36-40 canon (see also corpus) 5, 10n27, Archimedes 37n127, 41 56 Eutocius 40-3 of Analysis 12, 13, 16 Hypatia 43n142 of Astronomy 16 Serenus 3n8, 43n142 of Plato's works 5, 12, 13 Con on of Samos 40 of Plotinus' treatises 12n38, 30 contents see isagogical questions canonics 22n72, 24n80, 29, 62, 63, (theme) 73n255, 83,83n295,90, 120n403 corpus of writings 4, 5, 10n27, 12, Cassiodorus 17-8, 19 12n37, 13, 14, 15, 15n45, 16, catalogue see vita 16n47, 17, 18, 20, 26, 28,56,93 Charmadas 5 see also canon Chrysippus of Soloi 23n79, creative see interpretation 86n305, 128cn192 Cicero 7n21, 18, 109n368 Damascius 19, 61n196, 114n380, circle 46, 48, 64, 102, 102n343, 129cn260 102n345, 111, 112n375 dates 2-3, 12, 13 clarification, clarity see isagogical of analytical corpus 13 questions of Anon. in Nicom. 89n318 classification see isagogical of Anon. in Ptol. 17n48 questions (arrangement) of astronomical corpus 53-4 Cleomedes 23n79, 24n81 of Conica 36 Commentaries 1 of Aelius Theon 122cn5 on Apollonius 3, 3n8, 13, 36, of Apollonius 2, 36n122, 41, 48 40-3, 43n142 ofEutocius 3, 43n143 on Archimedes 3, 13, 40, 44-8, of Geminus 23n79 45n148 of Heron 2, 49, 50 on Aristotle 47, 48, 109, 111-2, of Pappus 3, 101 115, 116, 126cn89 ofPtolemy 2 on astronomical works 14-20, of Serenus 3n8 17n51 ofTheodosius 14n42 on Euclid 2n7, 3, 8, 11n33, 23- ofTheon 3 35, 23n78, 24-5n84, 25n85, datum see OEOOIJ.EYOY 27n98, 31-5, 32n114, 34n120, David the Invincible 68n229 36, 42, 50, 55, 61-5, 64n219, dedicatee(s) 8n21, 36, 37, 38n128, 72n250,77, 92, 93, 99, 99n336, 40,44n145,66, 71 .
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