- FORA BALANCED University of Edinburgh, Old Co_llege South Bridge, Edinburgh EHB 9YL VIEW Tel : 031-6671011 ext 4308 14 October-11 November GET LidyHowaer SCOTTISH HILLS Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm Admission Free Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council DAILY Glasgow Herald·Student.Newspaper of the Year ·thursday 12th october 1989- 25p BRAIN DISEASE IJ!NBOTHAM Cvwsandthe threat to man THEBEAR Cricket- winter The animal, the · without Botham ltunte0 the film uthrie treet and plans are being made for citywide appeal being organised by Mark Campanile and further fund-raising events. It is by the local council. I would like Sarah Quinn hoped that a benefit concert will to stress that it is not going to be held on Friday night in Cham­ ESCA or the University settle- A MAJOR fund-raising bers Street, if available, or the ment." · appeal has been launched by Student Refectory, with Goodbye Between fifty and one hundred EUSA (Edinburgh Univer­ Mr Mackenzie being pencilled in Edinburgh students were forced - sity Students' Association) in as the headline band.· · to move from the University flats Jimmy Quinn, EUSA presi­ in College Wynd which the wake of the Guthrie dent, told Student "The money is neighbours Guthrie Street. Street disaster. to go to those made homeless in Despite initial assurances that Already collections in the stu­ the explosion. All the money col­ the students would be able to dent unions have topped £1,000, lected will be handed over to the reoccupy their flats within a few days, all of those affected are still living in temporary accommoda­ tion. At present many have been told that there is no prospect of them returning until the begin­ ning of next week, nearly two weeks after the explosion took place. The delays have fuelled fears that the damage, which was thought to be largely superficial at firs..t, may be in fact more serious. However work is still being car­ ried out to gauge how· seriously the blast affected the structure and foundations of the flats. In the interim as many as fifty students have been housed in Common Rooms, as well as vac­ ant rooms in Pollock, and free meals have also been provided for the students affected. While many have opted to stay with friends, one student said she had been offered'temporary hotel accomm-. odation until the matter was resol- ved. · She went on to complain that the students in College Wynd Photo: Tiddy Maitland-Titterton were only allowed between five The scale of the destruction and ten minutes to carry what they could from their flats before the keep residents up to date with the­ hrie Street, has lost thousands of - area was sealed off. At present to latest developments. pounds worth of computer equip­ obtain access to their flats they The explosion, which occurred ment. have to be accompanied by a last Wednesday at 7.30 am, com­ Nick Flavin, director of EU Set­ police officer and ensure that any pletely destroyed 27 Guthrie tlement told Student, "We are not possessions they · ·remove are Street, and other buildings in the only going to have· our work cut recorded. street have since had to be pulled­ out finding replacement equip­ Beyond this there was a general down. jllent and suitable premises, but feeling that the SAS could keep Edinburgh University Settle­ the loss of records stored on the the students better informed as, ment, which runs sever,:tl cpm­ computers is irreplaceable." by way of contrast, the Guthrie munity-based projects, now faces Furthermore, the Settlement is long term difficulties. The Mic­ also in danger of having to hand The evacuation of College Wynd Photo: .Tiddy Maitland-Titterton Street Residents Association has produced a daily newsletter to robeacon Centre based at 25 Gut- Continued on page 3 · I . 2 thursday, october 12, 1989 news stµdent Porritt preaches Resignation forces 'Green' consciousness by-election . must address, to have any chance political, issues . by Susan Stephen of preventing the eventual destruction of our world. In inte'rnational circles, M; Por­ ritt expressed his concern that the "IF THERE is to be any hope Individuals, he said, were made real environmental problems exist for the survival of our envi­ more aware of the state of the in the developing world - where ronment in the 1990s and environment by green con­ the environment - has to be beyond, we must all become sumerism, although many Greens destroyed so that one can live - aware of our own responsibil­ ·privately disagreed whether and in the Eastern Block, where ' ·events such as Green shopping 40 years of communism has the ity to it and alter our lifestyles Day didn't merely encourage gre- accordingly." 1 created conditions for a "virtual ater ni"aterialism. - ecological apocalypse." This was the message cieiivereci Politically, Porritt wel- by Jonathan Porritt, director of comed the "greening" of the par­ Finishing his talk on an optimis­ Friends of the Earth, to a crowded liamentary system, even if it tic note, Mr Porritt pointed out _lunchtime audience in Teviot meant politicians of all persua­ that awareness had to be the first Union's Park Room last Friday. sions were incorporating green step towards change, and that the' In his speech., Mr Porritt discus­ ideology into their policies. He Greens were dependent as any­ sed the three different levels - said he would rather the parties one else on people realising their individual, governmental and · competed amongst themselves own interest in the condition of international -which the Greens over ecological, as opposed to the world we live in. Principal makes awards' the reputation of the Univer­ achieved s~ccess for the Univer­ by Hamish McKay sity." sity in both the sporting and \ LAST MONDAY after-: The prize, bequeathed by Wil­ academic fields; and James Hen- · liam Darling, a former Lord Pro­ derson, described by the Principal noori, Edinburgh University vost of Edinburgh, was given to as "the most outstanding athlete Principal, Sir David Smith, Miss Elizabeth Currie, a Divinity in the University" who has a presented the annual Darling ' graduate who has piooeered a "modest, unassuming nature' Awards to three students new phase of activity based on the which helps him to be "such an who "have done in any year Grassmarket nuss10n; Miss. excellent representative and most to advance or enhance Wendy Nicholson, who has ambassador of our University." students. With landlords ing Barry Island, a Butlin's catching on, rents for . hollday camp, into a home CAMPUS rooms have rocketed from for 400 students. Formerly by Steve Martin President." Whifsf desqibing the loss of Urquhart as "very disap­ £15 to £35 in the course of a resident on campus camp pointing," he expressed confi-. few months. · Apparently beds, the students are now TO THE EVSA Deputy Presi- dence in the existing structure of the university may have to in comfortable chalets a postpone its plans to con­ mere one and a half hours' dent, Ri.chard Urquhart, has union conveners to maintain the CAMPUS vert some of Hull's existing , bus ride away. · been disqualified from office, running of day to day student ser­ hall facilities into a luxury causing the first by-election vices, and pointed out that the crmpiled by f bb · 1 Deputy President's job was con- conference centre. t th cerned mainly with long- term ' Zoe Pagnamenta DUNDEE: Meanwhile, ali or a _sa. a,tic~ poS in e and LEEDS: Meanwhile, at is not doom and gloom at Associat_1on s ,?1s~ory. ,, planning and decision making. A_ccordmg to Laigh Y e~r ,;eg- · is hoped by all sides that the Craig Willh~ms Leeds the university has set Dundee. Their Freshers' It up 400 new students in Week was only nearly can­ ulations stud~nts mu~t b~ m · · · by-election will provoke more caravans until Christmas . celled by the last-minute ~ood academ1~ standmg. to qua!- interestthan the original ballot in e Many universities this . owing to one hall of resi­ withdrawal of its three big 1fy for sabbatical status. On Sep- May when Urquhart won a clear week have been having to dence's failure to make its acts: Gun, Ben Elton a:nd !ember . 30th Urquhar~ ~as majority, but on a turn out of jus1 deal with severe student renovation deadline. the Kevin McDermott mformed by Umvers1ty . 17%. accommodation problems Orchestra. authorities_ ~hat he did not meet During his short stay in office, at the beginning of a new STRATHCLYDE: The these conditwns. he achieved at least one of his academic year. In most catalogue of errors con­ Reasons given respec­ Su,bseq1;1ently the Deputy Presi- campaign pledges, namely the cases this seems to be due to tinues with Strathclyde tively were the desire not dents duties have been share? <;mt EUSA takeover of University run over-subscription and· bet­ using hotels and an old to play any student gigs(!), among_st the three re~ammg food outlets, such as the David ter A-levels than expected. building they no longer too many-Dundee Univer­ ~xecutive members creatmg an Hume Tower basement cafe. intended to use as a house sity gigs, and financial mcrea~ed workload, but . not, Polling . will take plac.e- on HULL: Hall life is proving . for students. problems. a~cordmg .to EUSA president Thursday 26th October, and with difficult at the moment _, So far all the medics Jimmy Qmnn, any maJor prob- only eight months of office Iefi to with jun'ior common rooms CARDIFF takes the prize have behaved themselves · !ems. run, the winner will not be functioning as temporary · for solving its student hous­ and student ~nthusiasm is "The world w?n't fall apart required to take a sa_laried break dormitories for homeless ing problem by transform- still high.
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