February 16,2012 Jeffs. Jordan Supervisory Attomey ro Complaints Examination & Legal Administration r5 om oro 2 Federal Election Conmiission o "f—T» I' • 999 EStreet, N.W. Cl o — ri Washington, D.C. 20463 f. '> o f..n RE: MUR 6511/Additional Information oo Dear Mr. Jordan: In accordance with your letter of December 6,2011, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics In Washington ("CREW**) would like to submit to the Federal Election Commission ("FEC" or **the Conmiission**) additional infonnation demonstrating that Rep. Robert E. Andrews 03-NJ), his authorized campaign conunittee, Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee, and Maureen Doherty, in her official capacity as treasurer, knowingly and willfully violated 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(2)(E) and 11 CF.R. § 113.1(g) by using campaign funds to subsidize the fledgling singing career of his daughter, Josie Andrews. In its November 30,2011 complaint, CREW alleged that Rep. Andrews repeatedly had used campaign funds tc pay for his daughter Josie to travel to Los Angeles to fiuther her career as an aspiring actress and singer, thereby violating 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(2) and 11 C.F.R. § 113.1(g). MUR 6S11 Complaint at Tf 13,18 & 19 and Exhibits B and D. On January 31,2012, the Rob Andrews U.S. House Committee filed its Year-End Report for 2011 (attached hereto as Exhibit A). The Report disclosed that the Rob Andrews U.S. House Conunittee spent over $11,000 for two trips to Los Angeles in November 2011, including more than $7,000 for air&re, more than $3,000 for hotel rooms at the Beverly Hills Plaza Hotel, more than $l,SOO for limousines and more than $200 for meals. See Exhibit A at 137-38, 145-47,149, 151 and 161-63. The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Cherry Hill Courier Post and the New Jersey Herald ali reported that Rep. Andrews' daughter participated in the trip, which coincided with a recording session she had with her Los Angeles production company. See Joelle Fanell, U.S. Reo. Andrews* Travels Under Scmtinv Again. The Philadelphia Inquirer (Feb. 11,2012); Jim Walsh, More Andrews Trips in Question. Cherry Hill Courier Post (Feb. 9,2012); Geoff Mulvihill, Watchdog Wants Spending bv US Ren. Andrews Audited. New Jersey Herald (Feb. 7, 2012) (attached hereto as Exhibit B). Accordingly, CREW requests that the Commission expand its investigation in MUR 6511 to include these latest violations of 2 U.S.C. § 439a(b)(2)(E) and 11 CF.R. § 113.1(g), impose appropriate, sanctions and take such further action as may be appropriate, including conducting JeffS. Jordan Febmary 16,2012 Page Two an audit ofthe Rob Andrews for U.S. House committee and/or referring this case to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution. Melanie Sloan Executive Director Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington 1400 Eye Street, N.W. Suite 450 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 408-5565 (phone) (202) 588-5020 (fex) Verification Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and Melanie Sloan hereby verify that ihe statements made in the attached supplement to the Complaint in MUR 6511 are, upon information and belief, true. Sworn pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1001. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of February, 2012. Dbtrlet of Columbia. Notary P^m MY Commission Expires (JO HI Ln o "ST EXHIBIT A 01/31001212:01 imagai 13e7l»2S4ae PAGE 1/196 r REPORT OF RECEIPTS FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORM 3 For An Authorized Committee OfBce U«e0(<y 1. NAME OF TVPE OR PRINT • Example: If typing, type ^ 12FE4M5 j COMMITTEE On fulO over the lines. !v.L-«;t.--»-.4i-/;vrv:.t.i.:n>»//.fii..Me , Andrews for Congress 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ililillli 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ililillli 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i215Fl9urlhAw. 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IJ Convention (12C) j Special (12S) j July 15 Quarterly Report (Q?) :t.-M«»«:s :v-n-ju,j-.in -.xtanifitf' ownuwRiT-j i inthe » f Election on i i ^ i * ^ State of L«vA«.-J October 15 Quarterly Report (Q3) {dl 30-Day POST-Bectlon Report for the: January 31 Year-End Raport (YQ IJ General (30G) Runoff (30R) 0 special (30S) wwih>a« wmrivrif/.: s.-.s.r,i*»Vjfmr,:ni» n Termination Raport (TER) r Inthe Election on Slate of L^^-^ SM''M.i/ 7o'oj/5v r Y vf 5. Covering Period i f 0 J I 01 J ! 2011 I through '« 12 S IL 31 $ « 2011 1 / certf^y f/iaf / have sxam/nsd tfife Report and to the best of my knowledge end befef ft Is (rue, oomacf and completB. Type or Print Name of Treasurer llh. Maureen A. Doherty ^ ? 01 I i ?? S 1 2011 S Signature of Treasurer Aa-iimneiiAlMmr^ Date W-»*r:»«? T,.'.tfA-.^,T A.-r:.-/v>u.'' NOTE: SutMnission of false, enoneous. or Inoompleite Information may aul>ject the person signing this Report to tha penalUes of 2 U.S.O. §437g. Offlce Use FEC FORM 3 . L Only (Revised 02/2003) FESANOIS image* 12070223082 FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 13y OF 190 SCHEDULE B (FEC Form ^ Use separate sch8dUle(4 (check only one] ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detailed Sunwnary Page 17 piB niOa HlOb B20a llaDb r~|20c M21 Any irrformatlon copied from auch Reports and Statsments may not be sdd or used by any for the purpose of soliciting contributtons or fan eonsnardal purposes, other than uaing the name and address of any politicat eommittae sofidt oontdbutions fram such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE Qn FuQ Andrews for Congress > FUII Name (Last. Riift'. Middle iriKisO A. Apple Store Dste of Dbbursement Mailing Addrsss SQO Route738 CKy State ZIpCode Armunt of Esch Disburssment thb Psriod Mailtan NJ 000534004 Purpose of DIstwrsement CD Press-siAscripUon TrwisaeUon 10: D414BBB CandUate Name Category/ m Type PHEMOrfEIIQ Offlce Sought: Houae DIstwrsement Fon 2012 Senate 1^ Primsry []] General Other (BpecNV) Statec District: Full Name (Last, Rrst, Middle InittaQ AronraCafe Dste of DIsburssmsnt MslHng Addrsss TSTaWMSunselBMI. CHy stale Zip Code Amount of Each DiakNiraenient thb Period LseAngsiee CA 90046 Pwpose of DbtNirsement Ttanseellon 10:0414602 Candidate Name Category/ Type PNEMOmsaiQ Offloe Sought: Houee DisbursenMnt FOR 2012 Senate Primsry P] Gsnsral Praaidant Other (specNM District: FuR Name 0^. Hrst. Middie InKisQ c. asurion wireless Date of Dbbursement |MMi| / ID O3' J|V V > \ Mailing Addrsss eOOOVMudPiavy City Stete Zip Code Amount of Each Distiursement thb Pertod KsnsBsCHy MO 041144782 Purpose of Dbbursement ! t oni phone catpense Thui8aeflonlD:D4148B6 Candidate Name U-J Cstsgory/ Type IMEMornEiq Office Soughb House DIsburssmsnt For 2012 Senate Primary Q General President Other (specify) State: District: \ ' OM ^ SUBTOTAL of Disbursemsnte Thb Page (opOonsD. .^•VMirt?jiAjir-w^.tit*frjjv./»:f-«:>>-Sw<*A*<iwfw TOTAL This Period Oast page thb line number ortly). FESMNOia FEC eehedule B p^erm 8) (Rflvhed 08/2008) Image* 12B7022M0S FOR UNE NUMBER: RAGE 130 OF 190 SCHEDULES (FEC Form ^ Use separate scheduto(a) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detsilsd Summsry Psgs 017 pie piaa 1 1208 M20b M20e 1121 Any informstion oopied from such Rsporte and Statemsnta may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soUdting contributions or for commershl purposes, other thsn using the name and addrsss of any poWloai eommHtee to soiidt oontributions from such oomrdttee. NAME OF COMMITTEE On FulD Andrews for Congress Full Nsms 0-ast, Hrst, Middle InMsO A. Best Buy Date of DIsburssmsnt Mailing Address OepObid Center ROsd CHy State ZIpCode Amount of Each Dbbursement thb Period DspMbrd NJ 06096 Purpose of Dbbursement 500.16 11 olsGs-computer L TkvMBetlon ID: 0414600 Candidate Name Category/ Type IMEMOnBQ Office Sought: House iSisbursement For. 2012 Senate Primary Generd Prasident Other (specHV) Dbtrict: Fuii Name O-ast, First. Middle InltId) ^ Beveily Hills Plaza Hotel Date of Dbburssmsnt Mdnng Address losQovWdilre BM ZIpCode State Amount of Each Dbburssmsnt thb Psriod xm CA 000244710 PurpoaLas Angstae of sDisbursernen t 721i» I hotel iodoino TkHnBaBtbnlD:D41408r 1 Csndidate Name cm pnEMonEiiq Office Sought: House Disburssment Fon 2012 Category/ Type Senate I Primsry P] Gsnsrd President Other (specNVr State: Dbtrict: Futt Name 0^ First, Middle IntttaQ c. CalHbmia Pizza Kitchen Date of Disburssment Mdling Addrsss LAX Airport City Slate Zip Cods Amount of Esch Disburssment ttib Period LosAngsIss CA 00046 Purpose of DbtMirsemsnt r i TlranBaellonlD:D414653 Candidate Name Cdegory/ Type [MEMOITEMI Office Sought: House Senate Primary P] Generd President Ottier (specily) Dbtrict: j? • • OM I SUBTOTAL of Disbursemente This Page (optionaQ.
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