CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-6 UTTARANCHAL DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B UTTARKASHI V1LLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Directorate of Census Operations, UUaranchal I I ("') I '-. I @ :r:'" I rn \. i .. ·_· ... , I \,_." I I @ _,_ \ ' ~ ' " . - .", 0 Z > :r:"" '"en X"" ::;: '6 '"..... 2 t;;'" OJ ...J 0 U3 ,.,._._ ... .A._ ... ._ ~ ....l :r: Z ..... Z [/] !' '"0 '" '" ;:: :t:"" E- X Z u '" 02 Ul } ..... <: '"..... rn x "'z ::; '0 Ci "I ,,. I 0:: / _,­ b .... , ... a. « i I 0 _I \ z , II 0 r / ' , a r ___ ..r ,; Z \ >- '" \ i ", ~ f ,_; 4., i I i " i i.., ", -'~ I/ "' \ '-, , , , ') ,,- \ ! I !..j ,./ ,/ \ ..... ,t_J ..- ( i j I L" I "- '\..., I "i ~ ~ Ul 1- "''"..... ::E ""0 '" ...J X 1.) 0 '" MOTIF GANGOTRI TEMPLE he temple of Ganga i.e. Gangotri temple is situated on the right bank of the Bhagirathi, right in the middle of the tiny village Gangotri, 3,140 metres above sea level, where Tthe sun filters through the branches of giant deodars and conifers in a mesmeric display of light and shade. The source of the holy river Ganga is at Gomukh, about 18 krn. away from Gangotri. The holy shrine of Gangotri is situated at an elevation of 3,200 metres above sea level. Gangotri temple was built by the Gorkha General, Amar Singh Thapa during 18th Century. It is linked by a good motorable road. The distance is about 248 kilometres from Rishikesh. A number of Ashrams are located on the other side, some of them provide accommodation for visitors. Many Hindu pilgrims visits this place during the months of April-October since the place remains snow bound and inaccessible during the rest of the year and the door of the temple also remains close during this period. Gangotri has the civic status of Nagar Panchayat and also offers exciting trekking trail. ContentS Page Foreword xi Preface xiii Acknowledgement xv District Highlights - 2001 Census xix Important Statistics in the District xx Ranking of Tahsils in the District xxii Statement-] Name of the Headquarters of DistrictlTahsil, their Rural-Urban status xxiii and distance from District Headquarters, 2001 Statement-2 Name \of the Headquarters of DistrictiC D block their Rur:al-Urban xxiii status and distance from District 1 Headquarter-s,· 200 1 Statement-3 Populati4;m of the District at each census from 1,901 to 2001 xxiv Statement-4 Area, NUl"\lber ofVill~gesITowns and Populati6n in District and Tahsils, 2001 xxv Statement-5 C.D.Bloc~ise Number of Villages and Rural Population, 2001 XXVI Statement-6 Population 'of Urban Agglomerations/To~ns, 2001 xxvi Statement-7 Villages with Population of 5,000 and above at C. D. Block level as xxvi per 2001 census and amenities available Statement-8 Statutory Tdwns with Population less than 5000 as per 200] Census xxvii and ameniti~s av~i1able Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional Population of Tahsils, Rural and XXVII UrbaJl, 2001 Analytichl Note (i) History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 3. (ii) Brief History of the District 3 (iii) Administrative Set-up 4 (iv) Physical Features Location and size 5 Physiography 5 Drainage 7 Climate 8 Natural Economic Resources 8 (v) Census Concepts 10 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 15 (vii) 2001 Census findings - Population Distribution etc. 18 (viii) Brief Analysis of PCA Data 20 (ix) Brief Analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory Data 37 ex) Brief Analysis of the Data on Houses and Household Amenities, Houselisting 42 Operations, Census of India 2001 (xi) Major Social and Cultural Events, Natural and Administrative Developments 46 and Significant activities during the Decade (xii) Brief description of Places of Religious, Historical or Archaeological importance 47 in Villages and Places of Tourist Interest in the Towns of the District (xiii) Major Characteristics and Contribution, of the district 47 (xiv) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory 48 (vii) Part A - Village and Town Directory (Section I and II) Section I - Village Directory Note Explaining the Abbreviations used in the Village Directory 52 Statement-List of Villages merged in Towns and Outgrowths at 2001Census56 C.D. Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data 57 (i) Map of C.D. Block Mori (Facing Page) 59 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Mori 61 (ill) Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Mori 63 (i) Map of C.D. Block Puraula (Facing Page) 87 (iQ Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Puraula 89 (ill) Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Puraula 91 (i) Map C.D. Block Naugaon (Facing Page) 109 (iQ Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Naugaon 111. (iiI) Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Naugaon 115 (i) Map of C.D. Block Dunda (Facing Page) 159 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Dunda 161 (iiI) Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Dunda 165 (i) Map of C.D. Block Chinyalisaur (Facing Page) 195 (iQ Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Chinyalisaur 197 (iii) Village Directory Data of C.D. Block ChinyaJisaur 199 (i) Map of C.D. Block Bhatwari (Facing Page) 225 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Bhatwari 227 (iiQ Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Bhatwari 229 Forest Villages (i) Alphabetical list of forest villages 253 (ii) Village Directory Data of forest villages 255 Appendices to Village Directory 263 APPENDIX I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages 264 CD Block level APPENDIX I A Villages by number of Primary School 268 APPENDIX I B Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 268 APPENDIX I C Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 268 APPENDIX II Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one 269 or more amenities. APPENDIX II A Census towns which do not have one or more amenities. 269 APPENDIX III Land utilization data in respect of Census Towns/non-municipal towns 269 APPENDIX IV CD Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other 270 than drinking water facility is available APPENDIX V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled 271 Castes population APPENDIX VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled 271 Tribes population APPENDIX VII A List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 272 Castes to the total population by ranges APPENDIX VII B List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 279 Tribes to the total population by ranges (viii) APPENDIX VIII Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. block wise) 280 APPENDIX IX Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 280 Section n - Town Directory Note Explaining the Abbreviations used in the Town Directory 283 Town Directory Statements (I to VII) STATEMENT I Status and Growth History 288 STATEMENT II Physical Aspects and location of towns 289 STATEMENT III Municipal Finance 290 STATEMENT IV Civic and Other Amenities 291 STATEMEN(f V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 292 STATEMEN1;' VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 293 STATEMENT VII Civic and Other Amenities in Slums 293 Appendix to Town Directory 293 Part B - Primary Census Abstract \ Brief Note on Pdmary Census Abstract 297 District Primary C~nsus Abstract (General) 301 Appendix to ,Distrirt Primary Census Abstract i.e. Urban block wise figures of 309 Total, SC and ST Population I Primary Census Ab~tract for Scheduled Castes 311 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 319 CD Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract Mori C.D. Block 329 Puraula C.D. Block 343 Naugaon C.D. Block 357 Dunda C.D. Block 383 Chinyalisaur C.D. Block 403 Bhatwari C.D. Block 417 Forest Villages 431 Urban Primary Census Abstract 439 Annexures - I To VIII Annexure I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 448 Annexure II FertiJ ity and Mortality, 1991 Census 448 Annexure In Various Measures of Fertility and Mean Age at Marriage, 1991 Census 449 Annexure IV Percentage Distribution of Migrants by Place of Birth/Place of last 450 Residence, 1991 and 2001 Census Annexure V BriefAccount of Main Religions in the DistrictITahsil as per 1991 and 2001 Census 452 Annexure VI Marital Status of Different Age Groups of Population as per 1991 and 453 2001 Census Annexure VII Age, Sex and Education in the District, 1991 and 2001 Census 457 Annexure VIII Distribution of different Mother Tongues Returned in 1991 and 2001 Census 459 (ix) Foreword he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one Tof the important publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district alon~ith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. 2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confinyd to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each villag~ and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enl¥ged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrati~e statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census-DCHB series was, in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and 'Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, 'district census tables and certain analytical tables based on\PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCBH was in two parts: Part-A containe~ village and town directory ahd Part-B the PCA of village and town including th'e SCs and STs peA up t tahsilltown levels.
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