BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES The Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY VOLUME XIX NUMBER 5 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 BARNESREVIEW.COM Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy 1933-1941 CLASSIC BY CHARLES CALLAN TANSILL NOW IN STOCK! his large volume masterpiece of 20th Century revisionist history is now at last back in print. Charles Callan Tansill, one of the foremost American diplomatic historians of the 20th century—quoted again and again by his peers and Tresearchers for decades—convincingly argues that Franklin Roosevelt wanted nothing more than to involve the United States in the European War that began in September 1939. When his efforts appeared to come to naught, Roosevelt determined to provoke Japan into an attack on American territory. Doing so would involve Japan’s Axis allies in war also, and so America would thus enter the war through the “back door.” The strategy succeeded, and Tansill maintains that Roosevelt therefore welcomed Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. Tansill demonstrates quite con- vincingly his central theme: that FDR sought to include the United States in the Second World War on the side of the Soviet Union from the very beginning, and duped the Japanese into firing the first shot. Tansill based his prem- ise on an examination of State Department confidential correspondence and the manuscript collections of the National Archives and Library of Congress as well as sound reasoning. Back Door to War (softcover, 712 pages, ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Lincoln’s 1862 address to freed blacks • Irish slaves in the New World 6” x 9”, #651, $33 minus 10% for TBR subscribers. Please add $5 S&H inside the United States. Outside the U.S. • Epic adventure of the Komet • The CIA betrayal of Tibet • The confounding case of postwar Austria please email [email protected]. Send payment using the form on page 64 inside, call 1-877-773-9077 toll free • Hungary’s cultural rebirth • Ancient America’s mystery miners • Crimes of Japan’s Unit 731 to charge or purchase online at www.barnesreview.com. • Julius Evola rediscovered • Post-WWII Czech & Polish death camps • White languages • More BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR.HARRY ELMER BARNES the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 O VOLUME XIX O NUMBER 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHO REALLY WROTE DON QUIXOTE? THE STRANGE CASE OF POSTWAR AUSTRIA BY JOHN TIFFANY BY JOAQUIN BOCHACA The celebrated novel, set in Spain, was not Austria was a special case. The Allies con- 4 written by a Spaniard at all. It was written by 33 sidered the nation a victim of German ag- Englishman Francis Bacon. The clues are every- gression when it suited them; the rest of the time where, if you know how to look, and there is no they treated her as an enemy—and therefore due need to rely on secret codes to crack the case. for serious punishment. Here is a short history. THE GREAT EMANCIPATOR? JULIUS EVOLA REDISCOVERED A SPEECH BY ABRAHAM LINCOLN BY WILLIAM WHITE Lincoln may have freed the slaves, although Italian/Sicilian philosopher, artist, poet and 8 even that is arguable. But how did he deal with 36soldier Julius Evola has been called Europe’s free blacks? Turns out he was anxious to send most right-wing thinker. He is known as a radical them to Africa or Central America or anywhere but traditionalist and stood up for European values. Au- here. Take a gander at this 1862 speech by Lincoln. thor William White tells why Evola is back in vogue. TO HELL OR BARBADOS ANCIENT AMERICA’S MYSTERY MINERS BY JENIFER DIXON BY MARC ROLAND You think blacks had it tough with slavery in Way back in the Bronze Age, persons un- 12 the Americas? Even tougher was the fate of 42known were active in upper Michigan. These Irish men, women and children forced across the mystery men were able to locate and mine the vast Atlantic Ocean and into bondage on these shores. copper deposits there. For over 1,000 years they re- moved the copper and, evidently, took it to Europe THE ADVENTURES OF THE KOMET to make bronze. But what became of them? BY DANIEL W. MICHAELS NSIDE APAN S NIT In the early days of World War II, Germany I J ’ U 731 18 had a secret weapon: merchant ships that BY PHILIP RIFE had been converted to auxiliary cruisers, with hid- While the spotlight has been focused on Ger- den armaments. Here is the story of one of those 47many, real war crimes were being committed vessels, the Komet, whose adventures, though little in World War II Japan, where thousands of POWs— known, should be legendary. many of them Americans—were used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. Here is the story. THE CIA BETRAYAL OF TIBET BY VICTOR THORN CZECH & POLISH CONCENTRATION CAMPS Starting in 1956 the CIA moved into the BY JOHN WEAR 26 “Roof of the World,” remote Tibet, occupied Forgotten by many are the 1 million or more by China. The CIA’s purpose was not really to lib- 52 Germans murdered by Eisenhower and his erate the Tibetan people, but to create a serious French cronies, in camps that were nothing more Featured in this issue: nuisance for Red China, using the much-touted than open-air latrines. But did you know about the dalai lama and others as its cat’s paws. Polish- and Czech-run camps? John Wear fills us in. Personal from the Editor—2 Editorial: Only in America—3 INTERVIEW WITH GERHARD ITTNER LANGUAGES OF NORTHERN EUROPE The Irish slave revolts—17 A high-seas Dutch war crime—24 BY HENRIK HOLAPPA BY HENRIK HOLAPPA Cultural resurgence in Hungary—35 Gerhard Ittner, a martyr for free speech, is Whites in northern Europe speak a number American GI guinea pigs—49 29now in prison for asking questions about the 61of languages, which fall into two unrelated History You May Have Missed—51 holocaust, but TBR was privileged to interview him families: Indo-European, which includes Swedish Monument to a murderer—58 before he was locked away. Here is that interview and Danish, and Uralic, which includes Finnish and Ike: History’s worst serial killer?—59 conducted by Henrik Holappa of Finland. the central European tongue of Hungarian. Letters to the Editor—63 PERSONAL FROM THE MANAGING EDITOR TBR Turns 20 Years Old . THE BARNES REVIEW e cannot tell you how pleased we all are to announce Publisher & Editor: WILLIS A. CARTO Assistant Editor: JOHN TIFFANY that TBR has made it through its 20th year of publish- Managing Editor/Art Director: PAUL ANGEL ing with year No. 21 right around the corner. What a Content Consultants: RALPH FORBES, PETE PAPAHERAKLES milestone. How many other independent history mag- Board of Contributing Editors: W azines that you know of can say that? We don’t know of any other, at JOAQUIN BOCHACA MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER Barcelona. Spain Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Washington, D.C. least ones that are not subsidized through the back door by CIA as- PROF. GEORGE W. BUCHANAN MARGARET HUFFSTICKLER LADY MICHELE RENOUF sets, advertisers or deep-pockets donors. No, quite the contrary, TBR Washington, D.C. Sofia, Bulgaria London, England has shunned advertisers over the years and survived one small do- MATTHIAS CHANG, J.D. M.R. JOHNSON, PH.D. HARRELL RHOME, PH.D. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Corpus Christi, Texas nation at a time, nearly 100% from our own subscribers. Truly, this is HARRY COOPER THOMAS KUES PHILIP RIFE your magazine and we are merely along for the ride, trying our very Hernando, Florida Stockholm, Sweden Port Angeles, Washington best to jam the pages with as much history as we can. SAM G. DICKSON, J.D. RICHARD LANDWEHR EDGAR J. STEELE Atlanta, Georgia Brookings, Oregon Sandy Point, Idaho For the last 20 years, I have been on a quest for the truth in his- PAUL FROMM DR. EDGAR LUCIDI VICTOR THORN tory and it has been my honor to have you all as my companions for Ontario, Canada Corona del Mar, California State College, Pennsylvania this amazing journey which, I am pleased to tell TBR’s detractors, STEPHEN GOODSON CARLO MATTOGNO FREDRICK TÖBEN, PH.D. Cape Town, South Africa Palestrina, Rome, Italy Adelaide, Australia is not over yet. The only thing right now that could give me a bet- PROF. RAY GOODWIN DANIEL W. MICHAELS UDO WALENDY ter feeling would be if all of you would take the time this very in- Victoria, Texas Washington, D.C. Vlotho, Germany stant to renew your subscriptions and help TBR celebrate its JUERGEN GRAF CHRISTOPHER PETHERICK JAMES K. WARNER Moscow, Russia Cheltenham, Maryland Chalmette, Louisiana amazing publishing milestone. To entice you even further, the publisher has authorized us to in- THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is published bimonthly by TBR Co., clude some grea t free bonus gifts for all who subscribe for one or 645 Penn sylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Peri od ical rate post age paid at Wash ington, D.C. For credit card orders including subscriptions, call toll free two years. One year of TBR (U.S.) is still just $46 (plus you get one 1-877-773-9077 to charge. Other inquiries cannot be handled through the toll-free num- ber. 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