WHAT’S ON Generously sponsored by Godfrey & Barr, Hampstead Garden Suburb’s leading estate agent ONGOING UNTIL MAy 2008 SUNDAy 9 MARcH THURSDAy 10 APRIL Daily (except Friday) The Moving Toyshop Exhibition of 20th Century 11am Junior Church Centenary Cradle Roll Reunion Service 7.30 for 8pm An Evening with Jacqueline du Pré Highgate Literary and toys and games. Church Farmhouse Museum, Greyhound Hill NW4. Free Church Hall, Northway Scientific Institution, 11 South Grove, Highgate N6. Highgate Film Admission free. Info 8359 3942 9.30-10.15am Registration for Annual Big Fun Walk starting from East Society presents a talk by a documentary film-maker, who will show Daily (except Friday) The Case of the Influential Illustrator Exhibition Finchley tube station. NW Support Group, in aid of the North London his films about the famous, tragic cellist. Refreshments. Tickets £12. To on Sidney Paget, illustrator of the Sherlock Holmes series. Church Farmhouse Hospice, coordinates a sponsored 7½-mile walk, through London’s parks, book 8340 3343 Museum, Greyhound Hill NW4. Admission free. Info 8359 3942 to Westminster. Refreshments. Forms and details 8702 5586 or www. 8pm Food and Drink and Almsgiving at the Court of Henry III Talk by bigfunwalk.co.uk Professor David Carpenter, of King’s College, London, leading authority SATURDAy 2 FEbRUARy on 13th century English history. Fellowship House, 136a Willifield Way. 10.30am Traidcraft Sale and Coffee Morning Free Church Hall, Northway TUESDAy 11 MARcH Admission £3 (Fellowship House members 50p). Info from The Historical 7-8pm HGS Horticultural Society Entry Night for the Spring Flower Association 8455 8318 TUESDAy 5 FEbRUARy Show on 15 March. Fellowship House, 136a Willifield Way. Info and 8pm Residents Association Council Hear Suburb issues debated and schedule 8455 8741. To join the society phone 8455 7334 THURSDAy 17 TO SUNDAy 20 APRIL raise your concerns at Question Time (8.30pm). Fellowship House, 7.30pm Idomeneo see above 136a Willifield Way THURSDAy 13 MARcH 8pm Robert Boyle and the Scientific Revolution Illustrated Talk by SATURDAy 12 APRIL THURSDAy 7 FEbRUARy Dr Charles Littleton, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of the 2-5pm Open Day and American Tomorrow Farm Walk LawnTennis Club. 7.30pm An Evening with Tracy Chevalier at The Henrietta Barnett History of Parliament. Fellowship House, 136a Willifield Way. Refreshments. To book 8209 1773 School. HB Literary Society presents the author of ‘Girl with a Pearl Admission £3 (Fellowship House members 50p). Info from The Historical Earring’. Refreshments. Admission £5. To book 8209 9730 Association 8455 8318 THURSDAy 17 APRIL 2.30pm Thursday Fellowship Social Afternoon Free Church Rooms TUESDAy 12 TO THURSDAy 14 FEbRUARy SATURDAy 15 MARcH 7pm Adventures of Alice The Henrietta Barnett School pupils present a 2-4pm HGS Horticultural Society Spring Flower Show Fellowship THURSDAy 24 TO SATURDAy 26 APRIL play with original script and music in The Hall, Central Square. House, 136a Willifield Way. Refreshments. Info 8455 8741 8pm What the Butler Saw by Joe Orton. The Garden Suburb Theatre Refreshments. Tickets £5 (conc £3). To book 8209 9730 presents Orton’s manically funny comedy, a recent West End hit. The SUNDAy 16 MARcH Henrietta Barnett School Theatre. Refreshments. Tickets £8.50 (conc £7). SATURDAy 16 FEbRUARy 11am Palm Sunday Family Service Free Church To book 7723 6609 7.30pm Choral Concert by the Finchley Chamber Choir and Ensemble, in Trinity Church, Nether Street N12. Bernstein Chichester Psalms; THURSDAy 20 MARcH THURSDAy 24 APRIL works by Bedford and Rutter. Refreshments. Tickets £10 (conc £8). 2.30pm Thursday Fellowship Social Afternoon Free Church Rooms. Last copy date for What’s On in June, July, August and September for To book 8440 1899 Alan Scrine presents a potpourri of holiday snaps insertion in the Summer Edition of Suburb News. Details can be sent to 7.30pm An evening with Sir Donald Sinden, the Garden Suburb Theatre’s David Littaur, 84 Wildwood Road NW11 6UJ. Tel/Fax 8731 6755 or email president. UCS Hall. Refreshments. Members and friends only. Tickets £5. FRIDAy 21 MARcH [email protected] Info 8888 1851 10.30am United Service for Good Friday Free Church and procession to St Jude’s FRIDAy 25 APRIL SUNDAy 17 FEbRUARy 1pm Music Recital Free Church. Lunch in support of Christian Aid served 11am 98th Anniversary Family Service in Free Church SUNDAy 23 MARcH from 12.15pm HGS Horticultural Society’s Hellebore Heaven and Wisley Walkabout 11am Easter Family Communion Service Free Church A coach trip to Wisley. Experience the fabulous new RHS glasshouse. WEDNESDAy 30 APRIL £13. Cafe and restaurant available. Booking and info 8455 0721 WEDNESDAy 26 MARcH 7.30-9.30pm Large and Infinite Extra Dimensions HGS Astronomical 7.30-9.30pm Using Satellites to Explore Planets HGS Astronomical Society presents a talk by Tony Padilla, of the University of Nottingham, THURSDAy 21 FEbRUARy Society presents a talk by Dr Helen Walker, of the Rutherford Appleton in the Oakwood Room, Free Church Hall, Northway. Admission free to 2.30pm Thursday Fellowship Social Afternoon and Table Sale in Free Lab, in the Oakwood Room, Free Church Hall, Northway. Admission free members. New members welcome. Info 0775 130 5056 Church Rooms to members. New members welcome. Info 0775 130 5056 Spring at the Ashridge Estate Join the Hampstead Garden Suburb’s 8pm Nelson in his own words Talk by Dr Colin S White, FSA, FRHistS, MA, Horticultural Society for a coach outing to Buckinghamshire and a Director of The Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth, leading UK FRIDAy 28 MARcH guided walk through the bluebell woods of the Ashridge Estate. A pub authority on Nelson. Fellowship House, 136a Willifield Way. Admission 1pm Music Recital in the Free Church. Lunch in support of Christian Aid lunch will be available but is not included in the price. Price and further £3 (Fellowship House members 50p). Info from The Historical served from 12.15pm visit to be confirmed (see posters, Horticultural Society newsletter, etc). Association 8455 8318 Booking and info 8455 0721 SATURDAy 29 MARcH MONDAy 25 FEbRUARy TO SATURDAy 8 MARcH 7pm The Henrietta Barnett School Spring Concert The Hall, Central SATURDAy 3 MAy 7.30pm Around the World in 80 Days by Terry Rogers. Musical family Square. Refreshments. Tickets £5 (conc £3). To book 8209 9730 10.30am Traidcraft Sale and Coffee Morning Free Church Hall, Northway show, based on Jules Verne adventures about Phileas Fogg’s journey 7.30pm Gowns, Gossip and Glory by Valerie Goodwin. The Garden through Europe, India, China and the USA. A GST Centenary activity. The Suburb Theatre story to celebrate their costumes and archives. A GST TUESDAy 6 MAy Henrietta Barnet School Theatre. Refreshments. Tickets £8.50 (conc £7). Centenary activity. Venue to be confirmed. Info 8888 1851 8pm Residents Association Council Details as Tuesday 5 February To book 7723 6609 SUNDAy 30 MARcH SATURDAy 10 MAy WEDNESDAy 27 FEbRUARy 7.30pm Choral Collection Alyth Choral Society performs some favourites Garden Suburb Theatre Improvisation Workshop A GST Centenary 7.30-9.30pm Astro Photography in the 21st Century HGS Astronomical from its 25-year history and features choruses from the masterworks. activity. St Jude’s Rooms. Info 8888 1851 Society presents a talk by Ed Sanders in the Oakwood Room, Free Church North Western Reform Synagogue, Alyth Gardens. Refreshments. Tickets Hall, Northway. Admission free to members. New members welcome. £12, children under 10 free. To book 8958 7641 or 8457 8795 SUNDAy 11 MAy Info 0775 130 5056 11am Pentecost Family Service Free Church MONDAy 31 MARcH 2-5.30pm Two Open Gardens for National Garden Scheme, in aid of charity: THURSDAy 28 FEbRUARy 8pm Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents Association Annual 1) 94 Oakwood Road NW11. Delightful traditional Suburb garden; 7.45pm Dropping Hats in HGS NW Support Group, in aid of the North General Meeting The Henrietta Barnett School hall. All residents welcome. 2) 91 Willifield Way NW11. Award-winning recreation of an Elizabethan London Hospice presents a Special Interest Talk by Leon Berger, Archivist Refreshments knot garden. Refreshments available. Admission £2.50 per garden. to Flanders & Swann. References to Flanders’s residence in the Suburb; Info 8455 7618 rare footage of their performances. Fellowship House, Willifield Way. THURSDAy 10 TO SUNDAy 13 APRIL Refreshments. Tickets £6 (conc £5). To book 8455 8687 or 8458 3663 7.30pm Idomeneo by Mozart Upstairs at the Gatehouse, Highgate THURSDAy 15 MAy Village N6. Hampstead Garden Opera presents a 2-week run, double- 2.30pm Thursday Fellowship Social Afternoon and Summer Party The FRIDAy 29 FEbRUARy cast opera, fully staged, with orchestra. Refreshments. Tickets £18 (conc Manse Garden 1pm Music Recital by Ingrid Cusido in the Free Church. Lunch in support £15 or £16). To book 8340 3488 of Christian Aid served from 12.15pm SUNDAy 18 MAy 11am Junior Church Centenary Festival Service Free Church SATURDAy 1 MARcH 10.30am Traidcraft Sale and Coffee Morning Free Church Hall, Northway SATURDAy 24 MAy 7.30pm Orchestral Concert by the Finchley Chamber Orchestra, in 10.30-12noon Coffee Morning Abbeyfield House, Homesfield, Erskine Trinity Church, Nether Street N12. Bernstein Overture Candide; Hill. An opportunity to see the house, its residents and accommodation. Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto; Mahler Symphony No 4. Refreshments. Info 8458 1110 Tickets £10 (conc £8). To book 8440 1899 WEDNESDAy 28 MAy TO bE cONFIRMED TUESDAy 4 MARcH 7.30-9.30pm 3D Astronomy and Richard Branson HGS Astronomical 8pm Residents Association Council Details as Tuesday 5 February Society presents a talk by Simon Bennett, from the Widescreen Centre, in the Oakwood Room, Free Church Hall, Northway. Admission free to THURSDAy 6 MARcH members. New members welcome. Info 0775 130 5056 7.30pm HGS Horticultural Society Spring Lecture on Wild Flowers in the Garden, by ecological consultant David Bevan, previously Conservation FRIDAy 30 MAy Officer for Haringey.
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