The Voice The Nebraska State Education Association March 2014 MAY 2014 | THE VOICE | PAGE 1 Planning Period Upcoming Assignments Loan Forgiveness! Teacher Appreciation Day Legislature Adds Dollars to Loan Forgiveness; Tuesday, May 6 You Can Apply Now! n What: A day set aside to honor America’s educators. Spread the word – and don’t miss out: Applicants must be employed as a n Details: Thank your favor- the State of Nebraska’s loan forgiveness certificated teacher in an approved/ac- ite teacher or teaching colleague. plan for teachers is a good deal. credited school and be enrolled in an ap- NEA has the resources to help at: The Nebraska Legislature approved proved graduate program at an eligible LB967, which added $200,000 to the institution. Applicants must also com- state’s Enhancing Excellence in Teach- plete a degree in: a shortage area; cur- Election Day! ing Program – loan forgiveness – for riculum and instruction; a subject area Tuesday, May 13 the 2014-15 fiscal year. With the added in which a teaching endorsement is al- n What: Key cash, there is $1.2 million available. ready held; or obtain a graduate degree races in the NSEA pushed hard for the extra dol- that will result in an additional endorse- Legislature and for lars during the legislative session. ment which a school administrator be- governor could set edu- The program allows those teachers lieves will be beneficial to the students cation policy for many years. enrolled in a graduate program to apply of the school. n Details: Set an example on an annual basis for a loan of $175 per NSEA members are urged to apply for your students and vote. Learn credit hour, up to a maximum of $3,000. for the loan forgiveness program. For about candidates on Pages 20-24. Applicants can secure loans annually details, or to apply, go to this website: for up to five consecutive years. Leadership Institute June 16-19 Chadron Educators Receive $5,000 Grant n What: Train Chadron State College Professor Dr. and relevance. The finished modules will for three days to William Roweton and co-applicant, Dr. be hosted on the servers of the local Edu- prepare for a larger Linda Brown, have received a $5,000 cational Service Unit. role in your asso- Learning & Leadership Grant from the The grant was announced in April by ciation. NEA Foundation to produce six self- the NEA Foundation. n Details: Expenses paid for paced instructional modules that will The NEA Foundation awards grants members, this event should be on examine fundamental program assess- to educators three times a year. The next your bucket list. Call or e-mail Jan ment concepts to assist educators in ru- grant deadline is June 1. Application Anderson at 1-800-742-0047 or: ral schools. The web-based modules will forms and a video with step-by-step ap- [email protected] reinforce psychometric knowledge and plication instructions can be found at: skills and emphasize regional availability Millennials are the future of your Association, and many were present at NSEA’s Delegate Assembly in Kearney last month. Top row, from left, Devin Garcia, Lewiston; Amber Lewis, Kearney; Manny Andazola, Lexington; Jessica Hughes, Cover Lincoln. Second row, from left: Jill Kimbrough, Grand Island; Sean Carlson, Millard; Page Story: Dene Oglesby, Ralston; Jac Carlson, Omaha. Third row: Jose Hernandez, Norfolk; Jaime Jones, Omaha; Josh Hennagir, Millard; Diana Rodas, Lexington. Fourth row: 12 Brittany Firley, Newman Grove; Andy Isaacson, Papillion-LaVista; Rachel Howe, Omaha; Tommie Leaders, University of Nebraska-Omaha. For details, turn to Executive Director Craig R. Christiansen tober, November, February, April and August. Published Assoc. Executive Director Neal Clayburn online in December, January, March and May. Director of Public Affairs Karen Kilgarin Assistant Comm. Director Al Koontz Payment of annual NSEA dues entitles Nebraska educa- THE tors to receive The Voice. Cost of producing 10 issues of NSEA BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Voice each year is $3.41 per member. President Nancy Fulton, Wilber-Clatonia VOICE Vice President Leann Widhalm, Norfolk Nebraska State Education Association Advertising rates available on request. Appearance of an NEA Director John Heineman, Lincoln advertisement in The Voice does not imply NSEA endorse- 605 S. 14th Street NEA Director Jenni Absalon, Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68508-2742 · ment of the product advertised or views expressed. (402) 475-7611 · (800) 742-0047 Official publication of the Nebraska State Education As- Volume 67, No. 9 sociation, 605 South 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508-2742. Cited for excellence each year by ISSN Number: 1085-0783 Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE, and additional the State Education Editors, including USPS Number: 000-369 mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to The these 2013 awards: Best Magazine, Voice, NSEA, 605 S. 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508-2742. Best News Story, Best Feature Story, Best Photograpy and Best Editorial Design. Great Public Schools For Every Child Published and mailed 6 times yearly in September, Oc- PAGE 2 | THE VOICE | MAY 2014 From the President The Vision to Aim High Sculptor, painter, architect and poet Michel- from parents, the public and elected officials angelo said “The greatest danger for most of us rise to the top? Are fewer test days and more is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, time to teach our top priorities? How about ac- but that it is too low and we reach it.” countability for appropriate state standards? Our Association’s aim is a great public ed- Do we deserve competitive salaries and more ucation for every student – a lofty goal to be support for new, as well as veteran, teachers? sure. It is a vision – clearly stated in our Mis- I am certain you have many other sugges- sion Statement – of which we should be proud. tions. While that vision is timeless, reaching that vision is a constant challenge. As we move Ill-Advised Directives deeper into the digital age, we must be open to Educators must be involved in creation of change in order to rise to those challenges. The this coming vision, and that is why I so appre- NSEA President very nature of our work demands that we be on ciate Sen. Sullivan’s invitation to participate. Nancy Fulton the cutting edge of progress, and progress, of Without the involvement of educators, we risk course, means constant change. a “vision” of ill-advised directives imposed upon us by those who do not teach. Thus, we Reshaping Education need your voice and the voice of all public “ In that regard, educators have a unique op- school educators. ...we can help portunity this year. The Legislature’s Educa- So now is the time for us to take our place policymakers tion Committee chair, Sen. Kate Sullivan, has at the table with issues like education reform, invited NSEA to work with the committee to not only testing and accountability. It is time to engage provide input on a visioning process for public members to send our ideas and messages to ‘aim high’ but education, pre-school through college, in Ne- legislators and policymakers, to let them know aim in the braska. This pivotal study, approved by state that we will lead our profession, that we know senators in April, will significantly influence what works best in the classroom. right direction public education, our students and our work As part of that process, we must reach out as they craft as educators well into the future. I am quite and listen to our Millennial Generation col- pleased that Sen. Sullivan has sought our par- leagues, as well as former members and those a new and ticipation. who have never been members. Together, we exciting vision As the visioning process begins to gain can teach them about the value of membership, steam, I will seek your thoughts and input. We we can build a stronger and more effective As- for education in at NSEA are already conducting focus groups sociation for all. Together, we can help policy- Nebraska. with members to discuss and discover the is- makers not only “aim high” but aim in the right sues and goals important to you. We don’t plan direction as they craft a new and exciting vi- to stop at that. Watch for surveys and other op- sion for education in Nebraska. ” portunities that will enable you to provide your When I began teaching, the torch handed to view of what public education should look like me burned strong and bright. I believe that by in the years ahead. Your input will also tell us standing together and building on our already how we can work toward that goal of reshaping formidable Association and our already effec- education. tive public school system here in Nebraska, Should our priorities focus on smaller class we will be able to pass a strong and brightly size? Is professional development and mentor- lit torch on to the next generation of educators. ing for new teachers important? Does support Thanks, colleagues, and aim high. Finding Nebraska’s Great Public Schools (GPS) NSEA members from around the state appear Gretna .......................................Page 12 Millard ...................................Page 1, 12 Papillion-LaVista ...............Page 1, 8, 12 or are mentioned in this issue. Look for: Hastings ..............................Page 12, 18 Newman Grove ............................Page 1 Ralston ..................................Page 1, 12 Brady ........................................Page 18 Kearney.......................................Page 1 Norfolk ....................................Page
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