q Technician North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 ,1 Volume LXIV_, Number 25 Wednesday, October 27, 192 Raleigh. North Carolina Phone 737-2411,-2412 Reagan’s whirlwind Reagan urges visit draws reaction voters to vote frOm local citizens by Willia- Terry Kelley “I came here to get more conser- Sports Editor vatives elected to Congress." Proc- hopes, not fears tor said. "to get government offour If you live in the Triangle area backs and to decrease regulation so by David Sneed American back on its feet?" he ask- and , you didn't know President the free enterprise system can News Editor ed the capscity crowd. Ronald Reagan made a whirlwind work. and a farmer can get a fair The president endorsed all 11 stop in Raleigh Tuesday afternoon. return on his labor. We have to Urging Americans to vote their GOP candidates in North Carolina. you've probably been dead the last balance the budget and get away ' hopes, and not their fears. Presi- singling out Jim McIntyre and Ed couple of days. But if you happened from deficit spending just as the dent Ronald Reagan Tuesday said Johnson as “dedicated. principled to be alive. it’s possible you were farmer does. “we are clearing away the conservatives." McIntyre is the part of the massive turnout that Another flue-cure as well as pork economic wreckage dumped in our challenger in the first district. saw President Reagan in his cam- farmer. Chris Brown. still believes laps" by Democrats. and he asked while Johnson is challenger in the paign trip to the Capital City. in the president's economic pro for more time to solve the problem seventh district. Masses of people lined the grams and thinks the unemploy- of unemployment. School prayer and abortion were streets across from the Raleigh. ment rate will cure itself. At a Republican rally in also mentioned by Reagan. Civic Center Tuesday afternoon in “The economy was flat on its Raleigh's Civic Center Reagan “Let me assure you." he said. anticipation of catching a glimpse back before he took office due to blasted Democrats. ”They “there are two other struggles we of Reagan. Those that could make the previous president." Brown (Democrats) say this economy is on will never give up on: protection of it. waited inside. Then with a said. “You don't have to worry its knees. Well. you know the innocent iuman life of an un- government helicopter flying about unemployment right now. If something. if the economy is on its born child and the right of your overhead. the president's motor- you take care of the rest of the knees. that’s quite an improvement children to begin their school days cade whipped up from the south economy. the unemployment rate because two years ago it was flat the same way members of the US. side of the arena and into the west will take care of itself." on its back." he said. Congress do —- with prayer." entrance to the building. Escorted Reagan told a capacity crowd his These remarks drew applause by a host of law enforcement State's college Republicans got program has pulled America back from Sen. Jesse Helms and the rest .hicles and Secret Servicemen the into the act also as they helped in from disaster. of the full house. presidential limousine drove by. preparing for Reagan's visit by He said his administration's The president. in the first of two and with a quick wave from inside. making most of the signs and policies have made significant pro- trips this week, urged voters to the nation‘s chief executive posters that hung around the gress in four out of five areas: support the Republican cause. "We satisfied the hopes of the waiting arena. runaway spending. runaway, tax- are changing the course of masses. “We only found out that we ing. double-digit inflation and America. We have begun to Staff photo by Clayton Brinkley "I just came down to see the would be involved last record interest rates. handcuff big spenders. get the President Ronald Reagan waves to the crowd as he leaves the Civic Center president." said observer Rick Kel- Wednesday." said Mike Davis. Reagan then addressed the fifth federal government off your backs. Monday after campaigning for North Carolina Republican candidates. ly. “I've never seen one before. and chairman of the State College problem - unemployment. “Do promote economic recovery and Reagan even quoted a passage presented the nations’s highest it might be the last chance to see a Republicans. “We‘ve been working you think the program all of us put you. the people. back in charge from the book of Psalms from the civilian award - the Presidential Republican president come here for like crazy since then. to publicize it worked so hard to pass. the pro of your country again," he said. Bible which says: “Weeping may Meda! of Freedom ~ to ailing awhile." and distribute tickets. It was a big gram that is still so young. but that “Critics are playing with people's endure for a night. but joy cometh singer Kate Smith for her rendition Although the crowd for the most thing for our club. It was fortunate has already brought down spending fears" in an attempt to better their in the morning." - of the Irving Berlin song “God part was kept across the street for us that we were the home col- growth. tax rates. inflation and in- political fortunes. the president He said “America has endured a Bless America." The song helped to from the civic center. some made it lege. I think what he said was ap- terest rates. do you think that pro said. long. terrible night of economic sell millions of dollars in war bonds to the other side. One of those next propriate. I think what he said was gram deserves a little more time to “But the picture of fear they hardships" and is currently “seeing in World War II. to the building was a Cary High the truth." fix the one remaining problem — paint on the evening blues is a pic- the first. welcome bursts of sun- At the end of the speech. the School student who was skipping Meanwhile. anytime there is a unemployment so we can put ture of where America was. not shine.'_‘ L . , president thanked the audience for class to see the president. crowd near the president there people back on the job and get After his speech. "the president i “ “I just thought I would come am also be lots of security. 0f- ‘- «where she's going." he said their “courage." down to see him," said Shane ficer W.W. Stewart of the Raleigh Walsh. “I thought that it would be Police Department estimated that pretty wild. There are a lot of between 40-60 Raleigh officers join- Demonstrators voice discontent with administration police here. It kind of makes you ed the Wake County Sheriff's paranoid." Department and the State Patrol in Inside was a different type of assisting the Secret Service in pro by Louis Manes Another spokeswoman put it more observer. Most of the crowd that tecting the president. Staff Writer bluntly. “Theonly way to change is made it inside the same four walls “We couldn't function without through (a violent) socialist revolution. that the president occupied were the local police." said one Secret Reagan supporters were not the on- We’ve given the Democrats and the there for a purpose — to hear him Service officer who asked not to be ly ones who showed up at Tuesday's Republicans long enough time to solve endorse the Republican candidates GOP rally at the Raleigh Civic Center. things; now. it is time when all the identified. His chief job was sear- Chanting “Ronald Reagan — he's no masses must unite." that they mostly already sup- ching for explosives. He had the aid good send him back to Hollywood" ported. of a canine friend to help him. “We and “the people — united we won't The spokeswoman was Ann Shep~ David Proctor. a 1957 graduate search the area before the pro be — defeated." 60 demonstrators pard. who identified herself as a of State and a flue-cure tobacco tectee arrives." he said. The officer voiced their discontent with the “former political prisoner." In fact. farmer. was there to hear Reagan said that the German Shepherd Reagan administration. Sheppard was one of the Wilmington endorse Red McDaniel. the third that he used was two years old and The crowd. composed of- repre- 10 defendants. She has been an ac district Republican congressional would be good for about nine sentatives from some 15 North Car- tivist for 30 years. and currently candidate. years." olina groups demonstrating across works with the Durham-based Com- from the east side of the civic center. mittee against Racist Violence. was organized and was led by the "I'm representing not only myself Federation for Progress. The counter- but my children and grandchildren rally featured a range of liberal and and all of the people. We’ve all been Sign draws Secret Service radical groups in the RaleighDurhsm- penalized because of Reagan and what Greensboro area. including the Com- he's doing." RALEIGH. N.C. (UPI) — Secret hours. but no charges were filed. munist Workers' Part . Black My political readings and ex- Service agents guarding President Next to the lettering on the sign Students‘ Alliance (Durham). PATCO periences have not only made me a Ronald Reagan Tuesday stopped a car were three faces labeled John Wilkes (air traffic controllers‘ union).
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